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Over 10 years of experience in Localization & Post Editing
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation Volume: 220 words Completed: Dec 2010 Languages: Italian to Japanese
Web localization: Internal Software
Internal software, Quality Control
Internet, e-Commerce, Computers: Software
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1000 words Completed: Dec 2010 Languages: English to Japanese Italian to Japanese
Web localization: Car Accesories
Car accessories made exclusively for an Italian automotive company:<br><br>valve cap, bumper protection, A bar, bonnet line, car navigation, sheet cover, key cover.
Translation Volume: 1700 words Completed: Nov 2010 Languages: English to Japanese
Web localization: Internal Software
Internal software, CRM Tools
Internet, e-Commerce, Computers: Software
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 2400 words Duration: Nov 2010 to Dec 2010 Languages: English to Japanese
Proofreading of Airline Company Web localization
Localization of an Airline Web Page descriving:<br>
- On-board services (meals, on-demand program, special assistance for handicapped people)<br>
- First & Business class features (flat bed seat, lounge, driver)<br>
- Milage program
Tourism & Travel, Marketing
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1000 words Completed: Oct 2010 Languages: Italian to Japanese
Translation of Shoes Brochure
men's shoes catalog, brand history, manufacturing process (leather tanning), and products presentations.
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, Marketing
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 2 days Completed: Oct 2010 Languages: English to Japanese Italian to Japanese
Medical & Marketing Interpreting
<b>[1st day] </b>Consecutive interpretation for a <b>Marketing meeting in headquarters(1 Italian Marketing Manager, 2 Sales Managers from Japan) & official lunch/ dinner</b> at restaurants in Turin area<br><br><b>[2nd day]</b> Consecutive interpretation during <b>surgical operation(prosthesis demonstration by Italian doctor for a Japanese doctor and 2 Sales Managers) in an operating room of a Hospital in Milan area & official dinner</b> at a restaurant
Medical (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2500 words Completed: Oct 2010 Languages: Italian to Japanese
Subtitling Volume: 130 words Completed: Oct 2010 Languages: French to Japanese
Subtitling of Food Commercial Film
Subtitling of a commercial film introducing the history of a famous French cheese<br><br>
Marketing, Food & Drink
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2 pages Completed: Sep 2010 Languages: French to Japanese
Translation of Product Introduction
Product introductions of Portable Toilet and Water-proof bag for wine bottles
Advertising / Public Relations
No comment.
Translation Volume: 10 pages Completed: Jul 2010 Languages: Italian to Japanese
Translation of Driving Licenses and Attested Copies
5 Italian driving licenses
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 5 hours Completed: Jul 2010 Languages: English to Japanese
Proofreading of Cosmetic Brochure
Brochure of <b>organic cosmetics</b> explaining:<br>
- functions of organic herbs & flowers, royal jelly, propolis extract, etc.<br>
- how to use those products<br><br>
I also helped final lay-outing!
Cosmetics, Beauty
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 2100 chars Completed: Jul 2010 Languages: French to Japanese
Proof & Translation of Brochure & Map of a Deparment store
Leaflet of <b>a large French Department Store in Paris Opera district</b><br>
- floor guide<br>
- map<br>
- guide for duty free shopping<br><br>
I also helped a revision of lay-outing!
No comment.
Transcription Volume: 6700 words Completed: Jul 2010 Languages: French to Japanese
Transliteration of French conversational sentences
Transliteration of French conversational sentences, from roman alphabet to 'katakana'
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1200 words Completed: Jun 2010 Languages: French to Japanese
Marketing Web Page translation
domain: Risk management
No comment.
Sample translations submitted: 7
French to Japanese: Company web page (extract) General field: Marketing Detailed field: Management
Source text - French (extrait)
***** est une société spécialisée dans l***** et *****. Depuis sa création en ***** par *****, la vocation de notre équipe est de répondre aux demandes spécifiques chacun de nos clients pratiquement en temps réel. Notre principal secteur d'activité est *****.
Nous informons nos partenaires en tenant compte de la situation financière, juridique et administrative de leurs clients, prospects et partenaires, au moment de la demande.
Nous accompagnons nos clients dans la vie et l'évolution de leur entreprise, il s'agit d'une collaboration dans le temps et d'un rapport de grande confiance mutuelle.
La maîtrise du risque client est notre activité principale, accessible à des entreprises de toutes tailles. Dans cette situation complexe, ***** vous accompagne et vous oriente dans vos décisions.
Une relation basée sur la durée qui facilite votre traitement du risque.
Cette prévention passe par une bonne connaissance et évaluation de la solvabilité de vos clients, prospects et partenaires.
Le conseil ***** est aussi apprécié dans vos démarches stratégiques et de croissance (acquisition, partenariat, prise de participations,…)
Nous enquêtons rapidement et avec précision, loin des bases de données formatées et informatisées, du scoring et des cotations très générales qui,dans un tel contexte, ne peuvent selon nous, aider a une décision rationnelle et rapide.
De plus ***** reste persuade que la véritable intelligence économique doit être modeste.
Notre méthode est construite de telle sorte que les gestionnaires de comptes aient un outil efficace, simple et très rapidement exploitable.
Enfin ***** n'a pas l'ambition d'une croissance importante, ni celle de figurer parmi les " Grands de la profession ". Cela serait incompatible avec notre concept et avec une disponibilité a laquelle nous tenons plus que tout !
Le Risque Client: une question STRATEGIQUE
La gestion du risque client est une question de stratégie financière et commerciale dont l'enjeu est la pérennité de l'entreprise. De plus, une bonne maîtrise de ce risque rassure l'ensemble des parties prenantes de l'entreprise: fournisseurs, clients, banquiers, organismes financiers, assurances.
C'est un impératif majeur à prendre en compte dans la politique des entreprises. La manière dont les Dirigeants l'intègrent à leur management et l'importance qu'ils y attribuent est déterminante dans le niveau de prévision du risque.
Une bonne gestion du poste client est vitale pour les entreprises puisqu'il il représente souvent le poste le plus important à l'actif des entreprises, il constitue en moyenne 30% du total du bilan.
Les entreprises s'exposent quotidiennement à des risques de natures différentes (perte d'exploitation, perte d'un client, d'un fournisseur, risques technologiques, arnaques et fraudes, fusions/acquisitions/cessions). Celles qui les maîtrisent s'offrent un avantage compétitif certain sur leur marché et augmentent les possibilités d'atteindre leurs objectifs.
Cette maîtrise passe par une meilleure compréhension des menaces mais aussi des opportunités.
French to Japanese: Department Store's leaflet (extract) General field: Marketing Detailed field: Retail
Source text - French (extrait)
Une équipe d’hôtes(ses) vous accueille du lundi au samedi de 9h35 à 20h,
nocturne le jeudi jusqu’à 22h.
Lors de votre séjour à *****, ***** Concierge est à votre disposition
pour toute demande et concrétise vos envies de dernière minute.
Service gratuit sur présentation de votre passeport étranger.
***** Mode, Étage 0.
Une équipe de stylistes, professionnels de la Mode, de la Beauté et
parlant plusieurs langues, se tient à votre disposition sur rendez-vous
afin de vous conseiller au mieux dans vos achats. Un service sur mesure
gratuit au *****.
Renseignements et rendez-vous au: 33*****.
***** Mode, Étage **.
Profitez d’une vue unique et panoramique à 360° sur les plus beaux
monuments parisiens.
***** Beauté-Maison, Étage **.
La mode en mouvement : 6000 m² dédiés aux labels les plus référents
de la culture urbaine et du streetwear.
Italian to Japanese: Article from General field: Medical Detailed field: Nutrition
Source text - Italian TITOLO: Mangia ciò che ti piace
di Agnese Ferrara
Contare le calorie fa ingrassare. A tavola bisogna godere. Colloquio con Michelle May
Michelle May
Tutti coloro che hanno fatto la dieta sanno che, prima o poi, riprenderanno peso. E oggi una nutrita schiera di nutrizionisti suggerisce che è inutile e dannoso contare le calorie, pesare i cibi, eliminare i grassi o quanto altro. Capofila è Michelle May, psicologa e nutrizionista alla University of Arizona College of Medicine, già autrice del bestseller del 'New York Times' 'Am I hungry?', che alla contabilità di grassi e zuccheri preferisce capire come ci sente mangiando. E lo fa con un nuovo manuale 'Eat what you love, Love what you eat'. L'abbiamo intervistata.
Dottoressa May, cosa suggerisce?
"Per ritrovare il peso forma è necessario cominciare ad alimentarsi in modo cosciente imparando ad assaporare i gusti dei cibi, scegliere l'ambiente in cui si consuma il pasto e ascoltare gli avvisi del proprio corpo prima che lo stomaco sia troppo pieno. Il mio libro insegna ad ascoltare i segnali di fame e sazietà per imparare a riconoscere quando si sta mangiando per altre ragioni".
Può farci alcuni esempi?
"Molte persone mangiano oltremisura soprattutto in presenza di alcuni fattori ambientali, dall'orario in cui si consuma il pasto al luogo dove si mangia, come per esempio al ristorante o davanti allo schermo del computer. E ancora alcuni mangiano troppo nel weekend, in vacanza o in altre occasioni sociali; o esagerano a causa di altri stimoli dovuti allo stress, alla noia o alla solitudine. Le diete tendono a confondere perché puntano su 'che cosa' si mangia senza approfondire le relazioni che ognuno di noi ha con il cibo. Il segreto per dimagrire e non riprendere i chili persi è capire 'perché' si mangia e come ci si sente quando si mangia".
Translation - Japanese タイトル:好きなものを食べなさい
アニエーゼ フェラーラ
カロリー計算をすると太ります。食卓では楽しまなければいけません。ミッシェル メイとの対談。
ミッシェル メイ
ダイエットをしたことのある人は皆、遅かれ早かれリバウンド(*)がある事を知っています。今日、多くの栄養士がカロリー計算や、食品の重さを計ったり、脂肪を取り除いたりする事などは、無駄で有害であると提言しています。その先導者は、アリゾナ大学医学部の心理学者であり栄養士ミッシェル メイ氏で、すでに著書「ニューヨークタイムズ」のベストセラー「Am I hungry」の中で、脂肪や糖分の計算よりも、食べている時にどう感じるかという事の方が大事であると説いています。また、新たな手引書「Eat what you love, Love what you eat」を通して、それを実行しています。彼女へのインタビュー。
Translation - Italian TITOLO: L’affinità con i vini si applica anche ai rapporti personali
Continua a conservare la tecnica e la tradizione nella produzione dei vini
Oreste Brezza
Produttore di Barolo (75 anni)
“Le bevande industriali hanno sempre gli stessi gusti uniformi, mentre i gusti dei vini non lo sono. Non si può mai continuare a produrre lo “stesso gusto”. Pur utilizzando la stessa uva, secondo l’anno, vengono fuori diverse caratteristiche. In più, anche secondo i modi di invecchiamento, le caratteristiche cambiamo. I vini sono come i bambini. Se pensassi “mi piace questo bambino, quidi facciamolo uguale l’anno prossimo”, non potrei comunque farlo, vero? In questo senso, il vino non è una bevanda. E’ molto impegnativo produrre 10 mila “bambini” all’anno (risata), ma nello stesso tempo, e’ divertente occuparmene e vedere come crescono.
Ogni vino ha il suo carattere e le sue pretese, quindi alcuni possono essere buoni per te ma altri no. E’ come l’affinità personale. Se trovi l’allegria e la soddisfazione con un vino, l’affinità e’ positiva. Se l’affinità e’ negativa e ti sforzi di stare insieme, ti fara’ star male. Per la scelta dei vini e delle persone, la chiave e’ sempre la tua sensibilità. Sia sicuro il tuo modo di sentire. Amo il mio Barolo, ma provo vari vini per studiare. Si vive una volta sola, allora si dovrebbero provare diversi vini e persone.”
English to Japanese: Scientific event(JISCRISS) web page (extract) General field: Other Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - English (extract)
JISCRISS is organized as part of a collaboration between the Department of Physics of the Universities and INFN structures of Rome Tor Vergata and Torino and RIKEN (Wakoshi). The workshop is part of the "Italian Autumn in Japan 2009" activities and stems from the long collaboration between Italian and Japanese institutions in the fields of particle and space physics.
Cosmic rays are important in disciplines often very distant among them, ranging from the search for cosmological antimatter to particle astronomy, from the study of the fundamental laws of physics at energies unattainable on Earth, to the biological effects they have on astronauts in space. The International Space Station is an unique and ideal place to perform experiments addressing frontier research in these fields.
The purpose of this workshop is twofold:
* Get together scientists of different disciplines, such as astronomers, physicists, biologists, associated with the use of cosmic rays as a tool of scientific inquiry and the International Space Station (and other spacecraft) as a place of execution of the projects. Status of research in the various fields and possible interdisciplinary interactions will be addressed.
* Present - to the general public - the status of research in space, the importance of the International Space Station in the role of future exploration.
Scientists and non-specialists of all nationalities are encouraged to participate.
Supported by Italian Ministry of External Affairs (MAE), Italian Embassy in Tokyo, RIKEN, Italian Space Agency (ASI), INFN, University of Torino and Roma Tor Vergata, INAF.
English to Japanese: Letter for a scholarship candidate General field: Other Detailed field: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Source text - English ***** University’s reputation as a centre of academic excellence reaches well beyond Japanese boundaries; in fact, ***** University is widely recognized as one of the best education institutions around the world: as a young researcher in Social Anthropology (文化人類学) the prospect of joining a community of students enthusiast about learning and being taught by professors enthusiast about teaching makes ***** University the most attractive place to me where to broaden my knowledge of Japanese language and culture.
The Intensive Japanese Language Program (別科日本語専修課程) I am applying for at ***** University promises to best fulfil my ambition of acquiring a sound mastery in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills which I much need for my scholarly career pursuits. Language is a key for understanding society and culture and it always proves to be of dramatic importance for any serious anthropological inquiry, as I could experience during my previous stays in Tokyo since year 2002, when I gathered data for my Ph.D. research (published as a book in 2007).
After attending the Japanese-Language Program for Researchers and Postgraduate Students (研究者・大学院生日本語研修 - 8ヶ月コース) sponsored by the Japan Foundation at the Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai (国際交流基金 関西国際センター), I feel that I am far from being fully proficient, yet. Still, if anthropological inquiry aims to be a healthy antidote to thin, general, and incomplete accounts of the contemporary world, anthropologists do have to master the language of the people they carry out field-research with. I also would like to avoid the risk that a faulty language ability could hamper my whole career as a scholar. I do need a serious upgrading of my Japanese in order to carry out interviews, read lengthy texts, dig archives and fully understand Japanese mass-media.
***** University provides the ideal setting for a young social anthropologist like me to learn the Japanese language; the cosmopolitan atmosphere at the Center for Japanese Language (日本語教育研究センター) together with *****’s own outstanding record as Japan’s leading university in the field of social research and its traditional emphasis on excellence and personal ethics, strongly encourage me to apply.
I feel I am now in the position of taking up the I.J.L.P. (別科日本語専修課) at ***** University and devoting my best energies to it. I am confident that the I.J.L.P. (別科日本語専修課程) will prove essential for my understanding of Japanese language and society and for attaining the goals of international excellence I have set up for myself and my career as a scholar.
Torino, Italy, ***** April 2010
Translation - Japanese *****大学への高い評価は、日本だけのものではありません。*****大学は、世界トップレベルの教育機関として、広く知られています。文化人類学の若手研究者として、向学心に燃える仲間とともに、熱心な教授陣から学ぶことができる貴学は、日本語と日本文化に関する知見を広める場所として、相応しいと思います。
Italian to Japanese (C1, Università Estate, Torino, verified) French to Japanese (C2, mention bien, Université de Strasbourg) English to Japanese (TOEIC score 910, Tokyo, verified) Japanese (Japan Women's University, Tokyo, verified) French (Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, verified)
English (Test of English for International Communication - TOEIC, verified) Italian (Università degli Studi di Torino, verified)
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