Working languages:
German to Danish
Danish to German

Gert Josef Fode
Right word, right time.

Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Local time: 20:34 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Danish (Variant: Standard (rigsdansk)) Native in Danish, German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
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LOCATION: Danish/German border-town

CREDENTIALS: Sworn translator (DA,GER,ENG), by authority of the Higher Regional Court of Schleswig-Holstein (Germany).
EDUCATION: MA & BA, Aarhus University, Denmark. I have attended primary and secondary school in Germany and GB.
BILINGUAL: I am an genuinely bilingual speaker of Danish and German. I edit and ghostwrite in these languages and in English as well.

SPECIALITIES: I am a versatile translator, my aim is to supply you with accurate and transparent translations. Some of my favorites are: tourism/travel, homepages, advertising, marketing, press releases, art/culture, literature, science, and of course, music.

MY HOMEPAGE: Please do visit my homepages and for more information.

Referenzliste: u.a. Büros des Oberbürgermeister, des Ersten Bürgermeisters und des Stadtpräsidenten von Flensburg, Übersetzungen für das Tourismusbüro Flensburgs, sowie für die Universitäten von Aarhus (DK), TU Delft (NL), Erfurt (DE). Siehe auch meine Referenzliste unter "". Gutes Preis/Leistungsverhältnis.

Ægte tosproget (dansk & tysk). Oversættelse af alle slags dokumenter, turisme, marketing, alm. kommunikation, reklametekster, faglitteratur og skønlitteratur. Motto: Stilsikkerhed, pålidelighed, rimelig pris. Tosproget oversætter med 20 års erfaring, autoriseret af Øverste Landsret i Slesvig-Holsten (dansk, engelsk og tysk). Uddannelse: MA & BA (Århus Universitet).
Keywords: tourism and travel, website, web site, homepage, tourist, touristic, sworn, vereidigt, autoriseret, marketing. See more.tourism and travel, website, web site, homepage, tourist, touristic, sworn, vereidigt, autoriseret, marketing, IT, OLG, fiction, non-fiction, ghostwriter, ghostwriting, hjemmeside, business, PR, advertising, tourismus, journalist, PR, newsletter, reklame, press release, pressemeddelelser, pressemitteilungen, zeitung, avis, newspaper, brochure, . See less.

Profile last updated
Nov 3, 2021

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