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English to Spanish: Copper mining in south-west Ireland (W.F. O'Brien) General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Archaeology
Source text - English The discovery of numerous copper and bronze objects from the Cork-Kerry region, dating to all periods of the Bronze Age, indicates its importance in the period. These south Munster metal industries reflect significant settlement expansion between 2500 and 500 BC, indicated by the construction of numerous megalithic tombs, stone circles and associated monuments. One factor which contributed to this intensified settlement was the availability of readily exploitable copper ore sources in the south-western peninsulas.
Translation - Spanish La minería del cobre en el suroeste de Irlanda (W.F. O'Brien)
Su importancia queda reflejada por el descubrimiento de numerosos objetos de cobre y bronce procedentes de la zona de Cork-Kerry, datables en todos los períodos de la Edad de Bronce. Estas industrias metalíferas del sur de Munster reflejan una expansión significativa de los asentamientos entre el 2500 y el 500 AC, indicada por la construcción de numerosas tumbas megalíticas, círculos de piedra y otros monumentos asociados. Uno de los factores que contribuyó a esta intensificación de los asentamientos fue la disponibilidad de menas de cobre fácilmente explotables en las penínsulas suroccidentales.
Spanish to English: Elefantes y subsistencia durante el Paleolítico medio General field: Science Detailed field: Archaeology
Source text - Spanish Uno de los primeros yacimientos en los que planteó el aprovechamiento humano de elefantes durante el Pleistoceno fue Torralba (Soria, España). Desde principios del siglo XX no sólo se asumió que fueron consumidos por el hombre, sino que además fueron cazados. A partir de los datos publicados, Binford llegó a la conclusión de que fueron carroñeados, constituyendo uno de los yacimientos paradigmáticos en los que se basó el debate caza versus carroñeo. En los últimos análisis tafonómicos del yacimiento, que se han integrado con los estudios estratigráficos y sedimentarios, no se han hallado marcas de corte en los huesos de elefante, pero al menos dos fragmentos de huesos largos pueden constituir utensilios, hipótesis que no obstante rechaza Domínguez-Rodrigo. A unos 2,5 km al norte, se sitúa el yacimiento de Ambrona, también con abundantes huesos de Elephas (Palaeoloxodon) antiquus, pero la mala conservación de las superficies corticales, en combinación con procesos postdeposicionales limitan la interpretación del yacimiento, a pesar de ello, se han identificado algunas marcas de corte y dos epífisis de fémur presentan fracturas que podrían ser antrópicas, en cuyo caso podrían estar relacionadas con la obtención del tuétano.
Translation - English Torralba (Soria, Spain) was one of the first sites in which human exploitation of elephants during the Pleistocene was outlined. Since the beginning of the 20th Century it has been assumed that elephants were not just consumed by man, but that they were also hunted. Binford concluded from the previously published data that elephants in Torralba were scavenged. The site then became one of the paradigms on which the hunting-scavenging debate was based. The most recent taphonomical studies carried out on this site also included comparison with sedimentary and stratigraphic research. Cut marks were not found on the elephant bones, although at least two fragments of long bones can be considered as tools. This hypothesis, however, has been rejected by Domínguez-Rodrigo. The site of Ambrona is located some 2.5 km north of Torralba, where a large amount of Elephas (Palaeoloxodon) antiquus bones were also found. Unfortunately, the interpretation of this site is limited by the poor preservation of the cortical surface of the bone, as well as by post-depositional processes. None the less, a number of cut marks have been identified. Additionally, two femur epiphyses show fractures that may be associated with the extraction of bone marrow by humans.
Translation education
Master's degree - IULMyT. UCM.
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Jul 2010.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio
I am a native Spanish speaker. I have a BA in Geography and History and a MA in Translation. My professional career has developed mainly in the field of rescue and development-led Archaeology, linked to Civil Engineering. For seven years I have lived and worked in English-speaking countries.
I also work as a freelancer English-Spanish translator. Although my main field of expertise is Archaeology, I also have formation on technical, legal, IT and economic fields.
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