Member since Dec '11

Working languages:
German to French
English to French
Polish to French

Isabelle Cluzel
Excellent writing skills

Local time: 18:01 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: French Native in French
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5 positive reviews
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified member
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Subtitling, Transcription
Specializes in:
Poetry & LiteratureInternational Org/Dev/Coop
Government / PoliticsTourism & Travel
Environment & Ecology

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 766, Questions answered: 447, Questions asked: 106
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 1
Translation education Master's degree - ISTI Bruxelles
Experience Years of experience: 17. Registered at Oct 2010. Became a member: Dec 2011. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials German to French (Institut Supérieur de Traducteurs et Interprètes)
English to French (Institut Supérieur de Traducteurs et Interprètes)
Memberships N/A
Software Across, Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume French (PDF), English (PDF)
Je possède ma propre licence MemoQ/MemoQ License Owner --- SDLXLIFF compatible.

Je suis spécialisée dans le domaine rédactionnel (littérature, sciences humaines, culture, tourisme, journalisme...) et les organisations internationales et européennes (aide au développement, coopération, enjeux environnementaux/développement durable, enjeux sanitaires/paludisme, etc...).
Je ne traduis ni textes techniques, ni documents administratifs (CV, diplômes...).
Interprète de formation, j'accompagne également des groupes ou des particuliers dans le cadre de déplacements, réunions, formations, etc. (consécutive, liaison).

Pour plus de précisions sur mes disponibilités ou mes domaines de compétence, n'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail ou par téléphone.


My main fields of expertise are Humanities (literature, arts, history, social sciences, journalism...) and Development Aid/International Organisations.
No technical/administrative translations.
I also work as an escorting interpreter (consecutive/liaison).

For a detailed quote, feel free to send me a mail or give me a call.


Specjalizuję się:
- w tekstach literackich (literatura, dziennikarstwo, historia, polityka, kultura, pracy akademickie, turystyka...)
- w dziedzinie "współpraca rozwojowa" (m. in. w Afryce) i organizacje międzyrzadowe/pozarzadowe, UE itd.
Nie tlumaczę technicznych ani administracyjnych tekstów.
Pracuję równiez jako tłumacz ustny (tłum. konsekutywne, towarzyszace).

W razie pytań lub wyceny, proszę o kontakt mailem lub telefonem.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 893
PRO-level pts: 766

Top languages (PRO)
English to French385
German to French347
Polish to French34
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters134
Medical (general)56
Tourism & Travel38
Poetry & Literature32
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings32
Education / Pedagogy28
Pts in 45 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: German, allemand, Deutsch, niemiecki, anglais, Englisch, English, angielski, Polish, polski. See more.German, allemand, Deutsch, niemiecki, anglais, Englisch, English, angielski, Polish, polski, French native, literature, Literatur, littérature, literatura, Belletristik, Kochen, Kochrezepte, cooking, recipes, gastronomie, gastronomy, tourism, tourisme, Tourismus, turystyka, museum, musée, muzeum, arts, Kunst, sztuka, exhibition, exposition, wystawa, Ausstellung, humanities, translation, traduction, Übersetzung, tlumaczenie, design, transcription, development aid, Entwicklungshilfe, aide au développement, coopération internationale, NGO, ONG, environment, environnement, Umwelt, renewable energies, erneubare energien, énergie verte, protection de l'environnement, biosphere, biosphère, green energy, Mitarbeiterzeitschrift, employee magazine, BIM, architecture, Architektur, impression 3D, protection de l'environnement, CITES, Unesco, Umweltschutz, politics, politique, Politik, polityka, social sciences, sciences humaines, sciences sociales, journalism, journalisme, dziennikarstwo, psychology, psychologia, psychologie, article, Presseartikel, interpreting, interpreter, interprétariat, tlumacz ustny, tlumaczenie ustne, tlumacz, liaison, consécutive, Konsekutiv, escorting, towarzyszace, français langue maternelle, traduction littéraire, literarische Übersetzung, literary translation, literackie tlumaczenie, Französisch als Muttersprache, EU, UE, United Nations, Nations Unies, ONU, ONZ, Commission européenne, European Commission, Europäische Kommission, Conseil de l'Europe, Europarat, Council of Europe, book, Buch, Bücher, livre, ksiazka, poetry, poésie, poems, wiersze, danse, dance, ballet, balet, guide, Reiseführer, przewodnik, guide interpète. See less.

Profile last updated
Dec 17

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