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English to Romanian Romanian to English French to Romanian
16 years of experience, millions of words translated, big clients, various fields.
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter
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English to Romanian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour Romanian to English - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour French to Romanian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour Romanian to French - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour
Interpreting Volume: 60 hours Completed: Jan 2009 Languages: Romanian English to Romanian
Notarial interpreting for the signing of contract/legal documents
Interpreting assistance for various foreign companies or private entities in the signing, before notaries public, of sale contracts, assignment contracts, affidavits, memorandums of associations, articles of incorporation, financial or criminal statements, etc.
Real Estate, Law: Contract(s), Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
No comment.
Translation Volume: 279 pages Completed: Sep 2008 Languages: English to Romanian
Good taste - lifestyle book
The Romanian translation of Effie Balomenos and Peter Trifonas' book on lifestyle.
Media / Multimedia, Music, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 250 pages Completed: Aug 2007 Languages: English to Romanian
Shopping Center Management
Romanian translation of ICSC's book, for an individual client, shopping center manager, via CBRE.
Management, Real Estate, Retail
No comment.
Translation Volume: 150 pages Completed: Jun 2007 Languages: French to Romanian
Secrets de Famille (cook book)
Romanian translation of the famous culinary book.
Cooking / Culinary
No comment.
Translation Volume: 18000 words Completed: May 2007 Languages: Romanian to English
Real estate developer website
The English version of Impact Developer and Contractor's website.
Real Estate, Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 250 hours Completed: May 2005 Languages: English to Romanian English to French Romanian to French Romanian French to Romanian French to English
EN<>FR<>RO interpreter during a movie filming in Romania
Interpreter within the French-Romanian-British special effects team, for the filming of French movie "Jacquou Le Croquant".
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama, Engineering (general), Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6000 words Duration: May 2009 Languages: English to Romanian
Website translation
The English version of real estate company Benevo's "home store" website (real estate property and home appliances/furniture).
Real Estate, Furniture / Household Appliances, Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 14825 words Duration: May 2009 Languages: Romanian to English
Sewerage and water supply project
The translation of a public authority project for the acquiring of EU funding for the implementation/extension of water supply/sewerage/water treatment networks.
Translation Volume: 21000 words Duration: Apr 2009 Languages: French to English French to Romanian
Translation of financial, accounting and legal documents
Translation of a set of financial documents (statements, balance sheets, charts of accounts), legal documents (statements, registrations, memorandum of association) for a private company's participation in a tender organized by the Romanian Ministry of Tourism.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Wire transfer, Money order, PayPal, Bank transfer
Sample translations submitted: 5
Romanian to English: Memorandum of association General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Romanian S-a solicitat atestarea prezentului inscris:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, cetatean xxxxxxxx, nascut la xxxxxxxxxxx in Timisoara, Romania, domiciliat in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, identificat cu pasaport xxxxxxxxxxxxx eliberat de autoritatile de la xxxxxxxxxx la data de xxxxxxxxx valabil pana xxxxxxxxx, numar personal de identificare xxxxxxxxx si
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, fiul lui xxxxxxxxx si xxxxxxxxx, cetatean xxxxxxxxx, nascut la xxxxxxxxx in xxxxxxxxx, domiciliat in xxxxxxxxx, identificat cu pasaport nr. xxxxxxxxx eliberat de xxxxxxxxx la data de xxxxxxxxx valabil pana la data de xxxxxxxxx, numar personal de identificare xxxxxxxxx
am hotarat constituirea S.C. xxxxxxxxx S.R.L. dupa urmatorul act constitutiv:
Art. 1. Denumirea societatii comerciale va fi xxxxxxxxx S.R.L. conform Dovezii de disponibilitate a firmei nr. xxxxxxxxx, eliberata de Oficiul Registrului Comertului Bucuresti, ea fiind insotita de toate actele ce emana de la societate, de numarul de inmatriculare in Registrul Comertului si de capitalul social.
Art. 5. Domeniul principal de activitate al societatii: cod CAEN 351 Productia, transportul si distributia energiei electrice
Obiectul principal de activitate: cod CAEN 3511 Productia de energie electrica
Alte activitati:
3512 Transportul energiei electrice
3514 Comercializarea energiei electrice
6810 Cumpararea si vanzarea de bunuri imobiliare proprii
4110 Dezvoltare (promovare) imobiliara
4120 Lucrari de constructii a cladirilor rezidentiale si nerezidentiale
4312 Lucrari de pregatire a terenului
4313 Lucrari de foraj si sondaj pentru constructii
4329 Alte lucrari de instalatii pentru constructii
4399 Alte lucrari speciale de constructii n.c.a.
Translation - English The certification of this document was requested:
The underwriters:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx citizen, born on xxxxxxxxx in Timişoara, Romania, resident in xxxxxxxxx, identified with the passport xxxxxxxxx, issued by xxxxxxxxx, on the date of xxxxxxxxx, valid until xxxxxxxxx, personal identification number xxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, son of xxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx citizen, born on xxxxxxxxx in xxxxxxxxx, resident in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, identified with the passport no. xxxxxxxxx, issued by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, on the date of xxxxxxxxx, valid until xxxxxxxxx, personal identification number xxxxxxxxx
have decided on the establishment of S.C. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx S.R.L., according to the following articles of association:
Art 1. The name of the company will be xxxxxxxxx S.R.L.,, according to the Certificate of Availability of Name no. xxxxxxxxx, issued by the Office of Trade Register of Bucharest, accompanied by all the documents issued by the company, by the number of registration with the Trade Register and the registered capital.
Art. 5. The main field of activity of the company: code CAEN 351 – Production, transmission and distribution of electricity
The main scope of activity: code CAEN 3511 – Production of electricity
Other activities:
3512 Transmission of electricity
3514 Trade of electricity
4110 Development of building projects
4120 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
4312 Site preparation
4313 Test drilling and boring for construction
4329 Other construction installations
4399 Other specialized construction activities n.e.c.
English to Romanian: Excerpt from a legal memo pertaining to the reconstitution of ownership General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Real Estate
Source text - English In turn, this commission checked the Agricultural Register for the years 1950-1960 or any other ownership deed, drew up the corresponding documentation and submitted it to the County Commission for establishing private ownership of land, which examined the legality and the lawfulness of the request and issued a resolution. In the event of overruling, the dissatisfied could challenge the resolution in court, the latter having to decide whether the petitioner was entitled to obtain land in the respective locality. It must be noted that these resolutions, either the commission’s or the court’s, did not rule on the actual location of the plot, but only on whether the petitioner was or not entitled to have ownership reconstituted in the respective township.
Translation - Romanian La rândul său, această comisie verifica Registrul Agricol din anii 1950-1960 sau orice alt act de proprietate, întocmea o documentație și o înainta Comisiei Județene pentru stabilirea dreptului de proprietate privată a terenurilor, care analiza legalitatea și temeinicia cererii și emitea o hotărâre. În cazul unei decizii de respingere, persoana nemulțumită putea ataca soluția în instanța de judecată, urmând ca aceasta să decidă dacă persoana solicitantă avea drept de a obține teren în localitatea respectivă. Trebuie precizat că aceste hotărâri, fie ale comisiei, fie ale instanței de judecată nu decideau amplasamentul efectiv al terenului, ci doar dacă persoana petentă era îndreptățită sau nu la a i se reconstitui dreptul de proprietate în localitatea respectivă.
English to Romanian: Fragment from an Outlet Center Opportunity Study General field: Marketing Detailed field: Retail
Source text - English INTRODUCTION
Brief history
Location and Accessibility
Age profile
Employment by occupation and unemployment
Car ownership
Main commercial arteries
Shopping centres
Existing modern schemes
Proposed schemes
Freestanding developments
Rental level in Ploiesti
The outlet centre market in Romania
Proposed locations
Proposed merchandise and tenant mix
Construction costs
Translation - Romanian INTRODUCERE
Scurta istorie
Amplasare şi accesibilitate
Profil de vârsta
Ocupare, după profesie, şi şomaj
Penetrare auto
Privire generala
Principalele artere comerciale
Centre comerciale
Amenajări moderne existente
Amenajări propuse
Dezvoltări de sine stătătoare
Nivelurile chiriilor în Ploieşti
Piaţa centrelor de desfacere din România
Amplasamente propuse
Mix de chiriaşi şi de produs propus
Costuri de construcţie
Romanian to English: Excerpt from a ISPA wastewater-sewerage project General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - Romanian Programul are doua componente de lucrari: C1/C3 şi C2 şi este prevazut a se finaliza pâna cel târziu în 2010.
Contractul C1/C3 :
• Extinderea retelei de distributie a apei în ................, 42,9 km
• Extinderea retelelor de canalizare în municipiul ................, 50,3 km
• Înlocuirea retelelor de apa potabilă în ................, 35,3 km
• Reabilitarea retelelor de canalizare din cartierul ................, 27 km
• Reabilitarea statiilor de hidrofoare în municipiul ................, 272 statii
• Construirea de retele de canalizare din cinci localitati rurale din amonte de ................: ................, 41,4 km
Circa 200 km de retele de apa-canal vor fi înfiintate şi modernizate prin acest program, alături de alte obiective importante.
Contractul C2 :
• Contractul a demarat oficial in data de 7 Martie 2007 şi prevede:
• Realizarea unei prize de prelevare a apei brute din lacul ................, şi a unei conducte de aductiune de 5 km pâna în aval de Barajul Lacului de Acumulare ................;
• Modernizarea proceselor tehnologice la Statia de tratare a apei .................
Translation - English The program has two working components: C1/C3 and C2, and is projected to be completed, at the latest, until 2010.
Contract C1/C3:
• The extension of the water distribution system in ................, 42.9 km
• The extension of the sewerage systems in the municipality of ................, 50.3 km
• The replacement of water supply systems in ................, 35.3 km
• The rehabilitation of the sewerage systems in the ................ district, 27 km
• The rehabilitation of the hydrophor plant in the municipality of ................, 272 plants
• The construction of sewerage systems in five rural localities, upstream of ................: ................, 41,4 km
Approx. 200 km of water-sewerage systems will be established and upgraded by this program, along with other important objectives.
Contract C2:
• The contract officially began on the date of March 7, 2007, and stipulates:
• The accomplishment of a raw water intake, from lake .............., and of a 5 km water supply main, up to a point downstream of the .................. Reservoir dam;
• The upgrading of the technological processes at the water treatment plant in ....................
English to Romanian: Taming of the Shrew General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English {126862}{126924}Master! Master!
{126926}{126999}Oh, Master, I have watch'd so long|that I am dog-weary.
{127001}{127104}But at last I spied a man|most suitable to play your father.
{127106}{127176}An ancient angel|coming down the hill...
{127212}{127263}whom Tranio doth follow|and approach.
{127380}{127445}- God save you, sir.|- And you, sir. You are welcome.
{127447}{127536}- What countryman, I pray?|- Of Mantua, sir.
{127600}{127667}From Mantua?|Marry, God forbid.
{127668}{127729}And come to Padua,|careless of your life?
{127731}{127808}My life? How, I pray?|For that goes hard.
{127810}{127892}'Tis death for anyone in Mantua|to come to Padua.
{127929}{128027}- Nay, know you not the cause?|- No, sir.
{128028}{128084}Your ships are stay'd at Venice,|and the duke...
{128086}{128152}for private quarrel|'twixt your duke and him...
{128154}{128208}hath publish'd|and proclaim'd it openly.
{128210}{128295}Alas, sir,|what would you advise me do?
{128297}{128369}This will I do,|and this I will advise you do.
{128371}{128508}To save your life in this extremity,|this favor will I do you for your sake.
{128510}{128599}And think it not the worst|of all your fortunes...
{128600}{128662}that you are like|to Lord Vincentio.
{128712}{128768}Your plainness and|your shortness please me well.
{128769}{128838}Right true it is,|your son Lucentio here...
{128840}{128912}doth love my daughter|and she loveth him.
{128914}{129001}Now, therefore,|if you give me this assurance...
{129003}{129067}that like a father|you will deal with him...
{129068}{129146}and pass my daughter|a sufficient dowry...
{129148}{129207}and covenants be signed...
{129276}{129334}at thy son's lodging...
{129364}{129432}for walls have ears|and I have many servants...
{129434}{129509}why, then, he has consent|to wed Bianca.
{129511}{129582}- Signor Baptista.|- The match is made.
{129584}{129679}The ceremony appointed for Sunday next|and I will give a feast...
{129681}{129728}which with the citizens|of Padua here...
{129730}{129797}Petruchio and Katharine|shall attend.
{131496}{131579}Mistress, what cheer?
{131580}{131657}Faith, as cold as can be.
{132029}{132108}Pluck up your spirits.|Look cheerfully upon me.
{132109}{132168}Your father bids us|to Bianca's wedding.
{132169}{132243}And thither must we journey...
{132245}{132303}bravely clad.
{132428}{132478}Tailor and haberdasher|wait thy leisure...
{132480}{132575}to deck thy body with|their ruffling treasure.
{132908}{132967}Come, tailor.|Let us see these ornaments.
{133022}{133115}What's the news with you, sir?
{133116}{133179}- Here is...|- Here is the cap your worship did speak.
{133199}{133248}Why, this was molded|on a porringer.
{133250}{133301}Oh, I like the cap.
{133303}{133364}A velvet dish.|Fie, fie. 'Tis lewd.
{133366}{133412}- Lewd?|- Lewd?
{133413}{133465}And filthy.
{133467}{133571}Why, 'tis a cockle or a walnut shell,|a knack, a toy, a trick, a baby's cap.
{133572}{133640}Away with it.|Come. Let me see a bigger.
{133641}{133744}I'll have no bigger!|This doth fit the time.
{133746}{133840}And gentlewomen|wear such caps as these.
{133922}{134043}When you are gentler, you shall|have one, too, and not before.
{134044}{134095}Why, sir...
{134097}{134200}I trust I may have leave to speak,|and speak I will!
{134201}{134268}I am no child, no babe.
{134270}{134352}Your betters have endur'd me|speak my mind.
{134354}{134450}And if you cannot,|best you stop your ears.
{134452}{134520}My tongue will tell|the anger of my heatt...
{134521}{134568}or else my heart,|concealing it, will break.
{134570}{134620}I love thee well|in that thou lik'st it not.
{134622}{134764}Love me or love me not, I like the cap,|and it I will have or I will have none!
Translation - Romanian {126860}{126905}- Stapane!|Stapane!
{126935}{127000}- Oh, stapane, atata am vegheat,|ca-s ostenit ca un ogar.
{127005}{127085}Dar, in cele din urma, am iscodit un om|ca nimeni altul potrivit sa-ti fie tata.
{127105}{127160}Un ghiuj ca un ingeras,|ce se lasa-n jos pe deal...
{127210}{127263}caruia Tranio ii ia uram|si il si-ajunge.
{127380}{127440}- Dumnezeu sa te tina, domnule!|- Si pe dumneata, domnule. Bun sa-ti fie venitul!
{127445}{127520}Ma rog dumitale, de unde esti, de loc?|- Din Mantova, seniore.
{127530}{127560}- Mantova?
{127600}{127660}Din Mantova?!|Pe legea mea, Doamne fereste!
{127665}{127720}Si ai venit in Padova,|nepasator de viata?
{127735}{127805}- De viata? Dar cum, ma rog?|Ca nu-mi vine la socoteala.
{127820}{127885}- Inseamna moarte, pentru orice om din Mantova,|sa vina-n Padova.
{127930}{128005}Ba, chiar nu cunosti pricina?|- Nu, seniore.
{128030}{128075}Corabiile va sunt poprite in Venezia,|iar ducele,
{128080}{128140}din vrajba personala, ce-i intre|el si-al vostru duce,
{128145}{128205}a izvodit si a vestit-o-n piata!
{128210}{128270}- Vai, mie, domnule! Ce m-ai sfatui sa fac?
{128300}{128365}- Aceasta am s-o fac si|astfel te voi sfatui pe dumneata sa faci.
{128375}{128490}Ca viata sa ti-o mantui, in aste vremuri crunte,|ti-oi face un hatar, de dragul barbii-ti carunte.
{128510}{128585}Si sa nu crezi ca-i cel mai rau noroc|ce-l ai in asta lume mare
{128590}{128645}ca langa nobilul Vincentio-ti gasesti asemanare.
{128710}{128760}- Vorba voastra, scurta si pe sleau,|mult imi e pe plac.
{128765}{128835}E drept, dara, ca fiul vostru,|Lucentio, aici de fata,
{128830}{128860}pe fata mi-o indrageste.
{128890}{128920}Iar ea pe el, la fel.
{128925}{129000}Deci, iata, prin urmare,|de-mi dati incredintare
{129005}{129060}ca, astfel, ca un parinte|la fiu veti lua aminte,
{129065}{129140}si fiicei ii veti trece|suficienta zestre...
{129145}{129185} legamant semnat,
{129285}{129335}la locuinta fiului vostru,
{129360}{129425}caci zidurile au urechi,|iar eu am multe slugi...
{129430}{129500}ce mai, pai atunci, ii dau incuviintare|sa se insoteasca cu Bianca.
{129510}{129575}- Jupane Baptista.|- Perechea e-intocmita.
{129580}{129640}Ceremonia-i stabilita|pentru duminica ce vine,
{129645}{129677}iar eu voi da ospat,
{129680}{129720}la care, alaturi de cetatenii de aici, din Padova,
{129725}{129775}Petruchio si Catarina ne-or tine tovarasie.
{131495}{131540}- Stapana!
{131545}{131575}Cum ti-e inima?
{131580}{131650}- Pe cuvant, pe cat de rece poate.
{132030}{132100}- Imbuneaza-te!|Priveste-ma cu voie buna!
{132105}{132165}Tatane-tau ne pofteste la nunta Biancai.
{132180}{132235}Si-ncolo drumul trebuie sa-l urmam...
{132245}{132290}investmantati cum se cuvine.
{132430}{132470}Croitorul si merceristul te-asteapta,|dupa ale tale toane,
{132475}{132545}sa iti impodobeasca trupul cu odoare si volane.
{132905}{132965}Ia, croitorule!|Sa iti vedem podoabele!
{133025}{133065}Ce ai sa ne arati...
{133120}{133175}- Iata...|- Iata aici tichia de care vorbea maria-ta!
{133200}{133245}- Zau, parc-a fost cusuta pe o strachina!
{133250}{133280}- O, ce-mi place tichia!
{133315}{133360}- As, o farfurie e, de catifea!|Rusine, vai, e desucheata rau!
{133385}{133410}- Desucheata?|- Desucheata?!
{133415}{133440}- Si scarboasa!
{133465}{133565}Ce mai, e ca o barca ori o coaja de nuca,|un fleac, o jucarie, o pacaleala, e o scufie de tanc!
{133570}{133625}Sa n-o mai vad!|Hai, sa vedem una mai mare!
{133635}{133735}- Nu vreau una mai mare!|Asa se poarta acum!
{133745}{133800}Si femeile de vita aleasa poarta tichii ca asta!
{133922}{134043}- Atunci, cand te-oi purta si tu ales, vei capata-o,|nu inainte!
{134045}{134090}- Ei, asta-i buna, domnule...
{134095}{134200}Incredintata sunt ca pot vorbi si eu|si, de vorbit, am sa vorbesc!
{134205}{134270}Nu sunt copil, nici prunc in fasa!
{134275}{134350}Altii, mai de soi ca tine, au rabdat|s-asculte ce-am de spus!
{134355}{134440}Si, de nu ti-e cu putinta,|mai bine urechilor le-ai pune cep!
{134445}{134510}Si limba mea ti-o spune|mania inimii,
{134515}{134570}caci, altfel, inima-mi s-ar frange, tainuind-o!
{134575}{134620}- Eu tare te indragesc, stiind ca nu iti place!
{134625}{134760}- De ma indragesti au ba, imi place acea scufie|si pe aia am s-o am sau pe niciuna!
English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates) Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates) English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice) Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice) English to Romanian (Sworn Translator - The Tribunal of Bucharest)
Romanian to English (Sworn Translator - The Tribunal of Bucharest)
Google Translator Toolkit, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Libre Office (full office suite), PDF X-Change Editor, SDL Multiterm, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Sworn English-Romanian (and the reverse pair) translator/interpreter (certified by the Romanian Ministry of Justice).
Certified translator, for the same language pair, by the Romanian Ministry of Culture.
Licentiate of the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest (4 years degree) - major in International Business, including intensive courses in business English and French.
English <> Romanian translator since 2003.
French <> Romanian translator since 2003.
I have an experience of more than 3,500,000 words translated (more than 12,000 pages).
My main areas of expertise are: Legal, Real Estate and Construction, Marketing, Medical & Pharmacy, Technical, and Literature.
CB Richard Ellis Romania (real estate consultants)
Benevo (turnkey house developers)
Coldwell Banker Affiliates of Romania (real estate consultants)
Can Serv – Primavara (real estate developers)
Impact Developer and Contractor (real estate developers)
House Of Guides (publishing house)
Ipsos Interactive Services (market researchers)
Terra Romania One (green energy developer); (online gaming operator);
Editura Niculescu – publishing house;
four local law offices;
various international linguistic service providers;
various individual clients.
As manager of my own small translating company, I have accumulated significant experience in project management and quality assurance.
Studied English for 12 years, of which four in intensive English classes, and French for 11 years.
Projects (exemplification)>
- More than 500 legal contracts (sale, service, leasing, management, agency, financing, credit, joint venture, lease, etc.) (EN, FR <> RO, EN <> FR);
- Powers of attorney, court resolutions and injunctions, arbitral procedures, certificates, criminal and fiscal records, memoranda of association, articles of incorporation, GMS resolutions (thousands of pages) (EN, FR <> RO);
- Real estate company webpages (Benevo and Impact Developer and Contractor) (RO > EN);
- More than 30 real estate valuation reports (EN <> RO);
- More than 30 Real estate market surveys and studies - Romanian Market Overview (CB Richard Ellis Eurisko's annual real estate report) (EN, FR <> RO);
- Land book excerpts, urbanism projects (EN, FR <> RO);
- Renewable energy equipment and assembly related materials (EN <> RO);
- Connection permit applications and other energy generation related permits (EN <> RO);
- Wind and avi-faunistic studies for wind parks (EN <> RO);
- Dozens of specifications of contract, building projects, fitting projects, technical projects (electric, heating, waste water, etc) (EN, FR <> RO);
- Over 10 user manuals (electronic and home appliances) (EN <> RO);
- Mazda Motors Service manual (EN > RO);
- Study diplomas and degrees, certificate and record sheets (EN <> RO);
- Account charts, financial and fiscal statements, balance sheets, performance bonds (EN, FR <> RO);
- Internal Regulations of CB Richard Ellis Eurisko and several mall developments (EN <> RO);
- Conditions of contract and building specifications for mall cinema halls (EN, FR <> RO);
- ICSC – Shopping Center Management (book - management/real estate – retail; English into Romanian) (EN <> RO);
- Effie Balomenos, Peter Trifonas – Good Taste (book - lifestyle) (EN <> RO);
- Cuisine et Vins de France – Secrets De Famille (60 Grands Classiques Revisités) (book - culinary) (FR <> RO);
Slash & Anthony Bozza – Slash (music & lifestyle);
- John Moddy – A Century of Railroad Building (history, technology);
- Five full length motion pictures + subtitling(The Lion In Winter, The Taming of The Shrew, Pirates of the Caribbean – The Curse of the Black Pearl, Gangs of New York, Underworld) (EN <> RO);
- Interpreter and translator (EN, FR <> RO) (over 250 hours) for the French special effects team filming a motion picture near Bucarest (Jacquou Le Croquant);
- More than 50 hours of notarial interpretation (EN <> RO);
- More than 15,000 words of's Romanian platform (poker, electronic games) (EN > RO).
I have created specific glossaries for my specialty fields, based on compared orginal documents, cross references and professional input.
I have good knowledge of musical/sound processing and photography terminology; I also have good knowledge of Italian (however, translations in Italian are handled by a different, specialized translator within the company).
I am available for a test translation.
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