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3 projects entered 3 positive feedback from outsourcers
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Project Summary
Editing/proofreading Volume: 10000 chars Completed: Mar 2006 Languages: English to Chinese
proofreading of medical manual
good work, we are glad to work with you
Medical (general), Medical: Instruments, Medical: Pharmaceuticals
positive Kitty Capdevielle: He is hardworking. His work is excellent!
Translation Volume: 20000 chars Completed: Mar 2006 Languages: Chinese to English
20000 words of Medical manual
We are very impressed with your work. Thumbs up for a job well done!
Medical: Instruments
positive Unlisted : Good work. Many Thanks!
Translation Volume: 5000 chars Completed: Nov 2005 Languages: Chinese to English
Treatment of Diabetic foot-TCM files
He did excellent work with quick turnround. Many thanks!
Medical (general)
positive Unlisted : He can understand the requirements precisely. My client is very satisfied.Thank you,Yang!
Sample translations submitted: 8
Chinese to English: General Medicine Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Chinese 灌注动脉及流出静脉的选择是CT灌注成像的关键。按照灌注分析原理和目的应选择首先对
病灶进行灌注的供血血管,当对比剂经上肢静脉注射时,从血液循环顺序上讲,如果肿瘤内部有肺动脉供血或有受累的肺动脉内对比剂通过,应是先于支气管动脉灌注肿瘤,而且良性病变血供与原肺组织相似,其内由肺动脉血流灌注。 虽然目前普遍认为肺癌是由支气管动脉供血为主,但在病变确诊之前,都应视为不定性处理,所以作为诊断前的一种检查、研究手段,本次研究把肺动脉干或右心室视为灌注动脉。至于流出静脉的选择,因为肺动脉和约有2/3 的支气管动脉血液最后经支气管静脉流入肺静脉,到左房;但是因为肺静脉寻找困难,左心房位置较为局限,当病变超出左心房以外时无法应用该软件;而降主动脉距左心房、左心室较近,血流到达该三者的时间差异不大,所以选择同层面均可找到距左心房较为接近的降主动脉代替。
Translation - English The selection of inflow arteries and outflow veins were a key point of perfusion imaging. According to the perfusion protocol and the purpose, the vessel that firstly flowed into the affected locus should be selected. When the contrast medium was injected through the veins of upper extremity, if the masses were supplied by pulmonary artery, or the contrast medium flowed through the affected pulmonary artery, the perfusion of the masses from pulmonary artery should be earlier than that from bronchial artery. Furthermore, similar to normal pulmonary tissues, the perfusion of benign masses is also from pulmonary artery. Nowadays, though it is widely accepted that pulmonary carcinoma is primarily supplied by bronchial artery, the disease should be treated carefully before a definite diagnosis is made. As a pre-diagnosis examination, pulmonary trunk or right ventricle was selected as inflow arterial in this study. When select the outflow vein, the following was taken into account: through bronchial veins, the blood of pulmonary artery as well as 2/3 blood of bronchial artery finally flows into pulmonary veins, then to left atrium; however, pulmonary veins are hard to be found; left atrium was also in poor exposure position, and the software could not work when the lesion was beyond left atrium area; while descending aorta was close to left atrium and left ventricle, blood could get these regions almost at the same time. Therefore, in any spot of the same slice, descending aorta was close to left atrium and could be easily found. Thus it was selected as the substitute of left atrium in our study.
Chinese to English: Medical Records Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Chinese 主诉:恶心、纳差6年,加重伴意识不清2小时。
现病史:患者6年前无诱因出现恶心、纳差、头晕、乏力,无胸闷憋气,无心前区疼痛、无腹痛、腹泻就诊本院,查血糖15 mmol/L,尿蛋白(++), 血肌酐300mmol/L。诊断为“慢性肾功能不全”、“糖尿病肾病”。给大黄苏打片,爱西精等药物。5年前,上述症状加重再次就诊本院,查肌酐7700umd/L,诊断为“慢性肾功能不全”、“尿毒症”。给予透析治疗,行肠腹膜透析CAPD,并辅以洛订新、释心通、钙尔奇D等药物治疗,病情稳定。1天前患者突然出现腹泻、呈水样便,至今大便次数40余次。于今晨出现腹痛。腹透液浑浊,病情进展较快,不能缓解。2小时前出现意识不清、烦燥不安,为进一步给予治疗,于2005.12.28号0点15分急诊入院,自本次发病以来一直未进食,无胸闷、憋气。
个人史:生于原籍,结婚,后随军在青岛定居。无烟酒嗜好,月经史17 4-5/27 47。 无痛经史。孕二产二。生育一子一女,身体健康,其老伴有糖尿病。
Translation - English Chief complaint: nausea and poor food intake for 6 years, aggravated and accompanied with unconsciousness for 2 hours.
History of present illness: 6 years ago, the patient visited the hosiptal because of nausea, poor food intake, dizziness and hypodynamia, without chest distress, breath holding, precordial pain, abdominal pain and diarrhea. The blood glucose was 15 mmol/L. The urine protein was ++ and the serum creatinine was 300 μmol/L. She was diagnosed with chronic renal insufficiency plus diabetic nephropathy, and administrated with Tabellae Rhei ET Natrii Bicarbonatis, Medicinal Charcoal, etc.. 5 years ago , the patient visited the hosiptal again, because the above-mentioned symptoms were getting worse. The serum creatinine was 7700 μmol/L. The patient was diagnosed with chronic renal insufficiency and uremia, and treated with peritoneal dialysis. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dailysis (CAPD) was applied, assisted with Lotensin, Nifedipine, Caltrate D, ect.. The disease status of the patient was stable. 1 day ago the patient had a sudden bout of diarrhea without any cause. It was a watery stool. Up to now, more than 40 stools were developed. Abdominal pain occurred in this morning. The peritoneal dialysate was turbid. The disease developed quickly and seemed un-relievable. Two hours ago unconsciousness and dysphoria occurred. For a further treatment, the patient was admited from emergency ward at 0:15 AM, 28-12-2005. Since the disease coming on , the patient has taken no food. No chest distress and breath holding were complained.
Past history: the patient has a diabetes history of twenty years, a hypertension and a coronary heart disease history of seven to eight years. No history of infective diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, typhoid, cameroon fever, etc.. The patient underwent an operation to indwell peritoneal dialysis catheter in October, 2006. No allergy history of food and drugs. Vaccinoprophylaxis history is same as the local residential area. The patient has a history of blood transfusion.
Personal history: the patient was born in his native place. Following the army, she settled down in Qingdao after she got married. She had no appetite for cigarette or alcohol. Her menstrual history was17 4-5/27 47. No menorrhalgia history. She had two gravidities and laboured twice, and gave the birth to a son and a daughter who were healthy. Her husband suffered from diabetes.
Family history: No similar history with her brothers and sisters. No heredofamilial history.(388 words)
English to Chinese: Disease Treatment Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English Prevention of recurrences and disability depends on patient education. Identifying the overuse pattern or cause of repeated trauma permits development of modifications to reduce such activities. In a deconditioned or debilitated individual, normal activities of daily living may iniure rotator cuff. Muscle strengthening and general conditioning exercises are key to preventing recurrences in these individuals. Traumatic tears are usually the result of a fall directly on shoulder or an outstretched arm or of 1ifting a heavy object. The patient often fleels a snap, followed by severe pain and inability to abduct the arm. If there is a history of direct trauma, x-rays should be obtained to rule out dislocation or fracture. Many patients do not recall a specific traumatic event, suggesting gradual progressive degeneration of the rotator cuff to a complete tear or cuff attrition such that a trivial stress on the rotator cuff extends a smaller, incomplete tear. Partial tears occur in overhead athletes due to repetitive tensile overload. Patients have pain and difficulty with upper extremity activities requiring abduction or internal and external rotation (dressing, combing hair, reaching into a back pocket). On exam the patient is unable to maintain the arm in abduction after it is passively raised (the drop arm test ). Weakness of external rotation with the arm near the side of the body suggests a full thickness tear. Symptoms of rotator cuff tear and tendonitis may be difierentiated by repeating the "drop arm test" after injecting a local anesthetic. With tendonitis, the patient is able to maintain abduction after the pain is eliminated; however, abduction cannot be maintained by those with a complete tear. (273 words )
Chinese to English: Medical Instrument Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - Chinese 肺内团块性病灶的良恶性鉴别一直是影像学检查的难点。螺旋CT和高分辨CT能够
Translation - English It is usually difficult to determine if a pulmonary mass is malignant or not by imaging examination. Some details of this kind of lesion could be displayed by spiral CT and high-resolution CT, both of which are the primary imaging diagnostic methods to differentiate the benign and malignant masses. However, even just before operation, there are still many masses which could not be qualitatively diagnosed. Numerous studies have confirmed that malignant tumor is an angiogenesis-dependent disease, and angiogenesis in malignant and benign masses is significantly different, thus it provides the theory basis for imaging discrimination of these two kind of pulmonary masses. With the rapid development of computer technology and technical revolution in CT, it is possible to perform a functional evaluation for tumor vessels with CT perfusion imaging (CTPI), and CTPI has been widely used to assess the hemodynamic disorders in liver, kidney and brain. This study was aimed to explore the hemodynamics characteristics in pulmonary masses assessed by the spiral-CT, and the value of spiral-CT in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis for malignant and benign masses.
English to Chinese: Spectrophotometric Reading System Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English Immunology calibration method
The ECLECTICATM calibration uses a master curve and two point verification procedure.
Master curve
The master curve is calculated from a number of calibration curves derived from different instruments.
The parameters for the curve are stored on the Smart Card supplied with each pack of Specific Reagents.
The number of master curve calibrators depends on the analyte in question (see the User Instructions of each single assay).
The calculation method used for processing the data includes the two previously described mathematical models:4- and 5-parameter
The design of the ECLECTICATM instrument and the stability of its reagents makes it unnecessary to run a daily curve. The characteristics of the instrument which make the creation of a daily curve unnecessary are the following:
repeatable dispensing;
precision timing;
accurate temperature control;
stability of reagents.
Instead of analyzing all the calibrators to register a curve (standard calibration), the user need only load the Smart Card, supplied with the package of Specific Reagents, into the system.
Two-point verification
Using the master curve enables the user to register a curve which, while specific to the assay in question, is not necessarily suited to the characteristics of the system. The user must therefore analyse the two Controls supplied with each pack of Specific Reagents: Control 1 (C1) and Control 2 (C2). The two Controls, once run, will yield absorbance for comparison with the reference values on the instrument.
Active curve
If the verification run with the two Controls conforms to all acceptability criteria, the calibration curve is classified as active for the current batch of Specific Reagent.
Invalid curve
If for any method the values of the Controls do not fall within the acceptability range, the calibration curve is classed as invalid. The system displays an error message. See Section 9 “Troubleshooting”.The instrument will not give any value for the samples currently being analysed. An invalid curve (for a given lot number) is kept in memory only until an active curve is registered.
Frequency of verification with the two Controls
The EclecticaTM system requires verification of the calibration for each assay whenever:
The calibration verification deadline expires (the period of validity of the calibration is analyte-dependent; refer to the assay User Instructions for further information).
The Specific Reagent lot number changes.
The Common Reagent lot number changes.
The Quality Control serum values are out of tolerance.
The instrument is serviced.
Translation - Chinese 免疫校准法
English to Chinese: Medical Law Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English Protective equipment, including personal protective equipment for eyes, face, head, and extremities, protective clothing, respiratory devices, and protective shields and barriers, shall be provided, used, and maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition, wherever it is necessary by reason of hazards of processes or environment, chemical hazards, radiological hazards, or mechanical irritants encountered in a manner capable of causing injury or impairment in the function of any part of the body through absorption, inhalation or physical contact. Where employees provide their own protective equipment, the employer shall be responsible to assure its adequacy, including proper maintenance, and sanitation of such equipment. The employer shall verify that the required workplace hazard assessment has been performed through a written certification that identifies the workplace evaluated; the person certifying that the evaluation has been performed; the date(s) of the hazard assessment. Employers shall select and require employees to use appropriate hand protection when employees' hands are exposed to hazards such as those from skin absorption of harmful substances; severe cuts or lacerations; severe abrasions; punctures; chemical burns; thermal burns; and harmful temperature extremes. (180 words)
Translation - Chinese 应在卫生和可靠的条件下,提供、使用和维护包括保护眼睛、面部、头部及四肢的个人用防护器材、防护衣、呼吸器、防护罩及防护栏在内的防护器具,以防备操作中的危害或环境危害、化学危害、放射性危害,或机械性刺激物通过吸收、呼吸或物理接触而对身体任何部位构成的伤害或功能损害。如果雇员自备防护器具,雇主应负责确保其使用的合理性,包括该器具的正确维护和卫生。雇主应证明已按要求对工作场所进行了危害评估,且已获书面评估认证;上面列有被评估场所、评估认证签署人、评估日期。当雇员手部易遭受诸如经皮肤吸收的有害物质、严重切割伤或撕裂伤、严重擦磨伤、穿刺伤、化学烧伤、热灼伤以及有害极限温度的危害时,雇主应合理选择手部防护器具,并要求雇员使用。(308字)
Chinese to English: Occupational Hazads Detailed field: Manufacturing
Source text - Chinese 各种焊件和焊条中均含有一定数量的锰,一般焊芯中的含锰量很低,只有0.3~0.6%左右。为了提高机械强度、耐磨、抗腐蚀等性能,使用含锰焊条时,含锰量可高达23%。在通风不良场所如船舱、锅炉或密闭容器内施焊,长期吸入含锰的烟尘可发生锰中毒,可检出血锰、尿锰升高,神经行为功能改变,发锰测定亦可作为锰中毒早期筛检指标。
大量研究表明,电焊作业存在与职业接触有关的神经系统损害,主要涉及记忆、分析、定位等信息加工处理的功能,表现为神经生理、神经心理、神经行为异常,与电焊烟尘中的锰、铝、铅等有密不可分的联系。采用WHO.NCTB测试,结果行为功能总分与尿锰存在负相关,提示神经行为功能的变化可作为预防锰中毒的早期指标之一。电焊作业工人行为功能总分反而较对照组升高的报告,作者分析可能是工人健康效应和工作相关技能训练效应所致。电焊作业对工人副交感神经调节功能的影响也有报道。 尚有报道帕金综合症在电焊工人群中的发病年龄明显提前,提示电焊作业是帕金氏综合症的危险因素之一。
Translation - English All kinds of weldments and electrodes contain a certain degree of manganese. Generally, the content of manganese in core wire is very low. It is only about 0.3~0.6%. When manganese electrode is used, in order to improve its mechanical strength, wear-resisting and corrosion-resisting, the content of manganese could be added high up to 23%. In poor-ventilation places, such as ship cabin, boiler or closed container, a long-term exposure to manganese fumes can result in manganism. Increased manganese in serum and urine can be detected. The patients with manganism present nervous-behavioral function disorders. Besides that, hair manganese concentrations also can be an early-diagnostic parameter of manganism.
Large amount of studies indicate that welding process is in relation to nervous system impairment due to vocational contact, mainly affecting remembrance, analysis, positioning and other information processing functions. The symptoms are neuro-physiological, neuro-psychological and neuro-ethological disorders. It closely correlates to manganese, aluminium, plumbum in welding fumes. WHO-NCTB test indicates that the total behaviour score is in negative correlation to manganese concentration in urine, which hints that changes of neuro-behavioral function can be one of the early-diagnostic parameters to prevent manganism. It is reported that the total behaviour score in welders is whereas higher than that in the control group. According to the author, it may be resulted from the health effect of welders and the training effect of work skills. The effect of welding process on regulating functions of parasympathetic nerve of welders is also reported. Further more, it is reported that the onset age of parkinson's syndrome in welder group is significantly earlier than that of control group, which indicates that welding process is one of the risks of parkinson's syndrome.
English to Chinese: Registration inform Detailed field: Other
/the translated document is a photocopy/
State Sanitary Inspection
Chief Sanitary Inspection
/street address/ ul. Dluga **/** 00-238 Warszawa
tel.: (022) 635-45-**; fax: (022) 635-61-**
Document reference no. GIS-HZ-4433-D-1205/MG/05
Warszawa, this 14th day of December 2005
/address/ AI. Witosa 31
00-710 Warszawa
With reference to Chief Sanitary Inspectior’s notification concerning the first ever launch on the matter of the Republic of Poland of diet supplements named
1. Koniki. Cukierki toffi zawierajace witamin C, cynk I wapn
2. Koniki. Cukierki toffi zawierajace witaminy
3. Koniki. Cukierki toffi zawierajce wap
msnufactured by ×× company,
according to Art.18, par.1, item 2 of Act dated 11th May 2001 on health conditions of food and catering ( Journal of Laws, 2005 no.31, item 265 )
×× relevant reply to the letter dated 30th Septenber 2005 with reference number of GIS-HZ-4433-D-917/MG/05,
the Chief Sanitary Inspector, Department of Food Hygiene, Catering and Utilitarian Articles hereby inform:
The basic condition of launching the above products on the polish market is the fact that they fullfil health quality requirements defined in Act dated in 11 th May 2001 on health conditions of food and catering (Journal of Laws from 2005 no. 31, item 265 ) as well as administrative acts issued on the basis of said act.
Key lab.of proteomics, Southern Medical University, China
Originally from Mainland China, I am a native Chinese freelance translator. I grew up in an English language-rich environment, because English was primarily designed and used as an almost-native language since my childhood. I am proficient and experienced in two-way translation between Chinese and English and capable of working with both simplified and traditional Chinese.
I was awarded bachelor's degree of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at Chengdu University of TCM; master's degree of rheumatology and doctor's degree of physiopathology at Southern Medical University. I have considerable background to deal with wide medical translation files. Beside medical science, I have done a large amount of translation concerning sports and online casino.
MY STRONG SUITS ☆ 17-year experience in EN-CH translation; ☆ Broad spectrum of knowledge plus an ability to problem-solve in an interdisciplinary context; ☆ Able to work under high pressure and time limitation; ☆ Excellent internet search skills; sensitive to catch the right meaning of terminologies; ☆ Proficient in using Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe Indesign CS, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop; ☆ Trados or MemoQ will be used to ensure the consistency of terminology and content management; ☆ Quick turnaround time and 100% quality satisfaction; ☆ Competitive rates and welcome all means of payment.
RECENT PROJECTS AND CLIENTS ☆Medical research report: The treatment of diabetic foot. It's a ITWM (Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine ) file from Beijing Diabetic Food and Relevant Diseases Forum. ☆Concerns about a child’s delevopment. It’s a translation project concerning the child’s health and delevopment from English to simplified Chinese. ☆Medical instrument handbook: Optical DVI Extender. It’s a translation project from stryker (English to chinese) . ☆ Proofreading projects (traditional Chinese to English) including Betaferon, Magnevist Contrast Agent for Injection, Mirena Intrauterine System, Fludara Lyophilized IV Injection, Fludara Oral, etc. from Bayer Taiwan Co. Ltd. ☆CAPILLARYS™ Protein 6: an instryction manual to be checked from English to simplified Chinese. It’s a project from Sebia. ☆Medical instrument: UHR-2000 High Intensity Focused Microwave Hyperthermia. It's a propaganda manual from a MEDICAL INSTRUMENT CO., LTD in Hunan province. ☆A medical research report from Shanghai Jiao Tong University Medical College. It’s a scientific paper concerning the Treatment of osteoarthritis. ☆Medical paper concerning the effect of rhubarb on renal tubular cell to be translated from simplified Chinese to English. It’s a project from Gen Hosp of PLA. ☆Grababin Medicinarum Particularum: Introduction of antibacterial material. It's a proof-reading work in powerpoint from Compal. ☆Recreating art: it’s a recreating work of roughly printed files from Institut Pasteur. ☆PHARMACOPOEIA OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. It’s a project from Chenical Industry press. I have done part of the Chinese Herbal section. ☆Technology of Oxytetracycline Hcl Injection. It's a standard pharmacal document from Hebei Yuanzheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ☆CAREOREGON member handbook (plus ): It’s a translation project from English to Chinese from Careoregon. ☆Hand book of spectrophotometric reading system: ECLECTICATM. It’s project from ADALTIS from English to simplified Chinese. ☆Grababin Medicinarum Particularum: Lo-kal gold. It’s a project from Cipla to be translated from Englih to Chinese. ☆It’s a project of health opinion concerning health foods such as Zizzz Disney preparation, etc.and handbook of food supplements including effervescent tablets with vitamins and calcium – raspberry taste, Orange Zizzz, Apricot Zizzz, Mango Zizzz,etc. ☆Medical research report: Diagnostic Values of CT Perfusion Imaging in Pulmonary Masses; Helical Double-phase CT Scan Imaging Features of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and pathology of False-positive Lesions; Radiation-induced Temporomandibular Joint Damage in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma patients after Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy; Expression and Clinical Significance of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C and D in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.They are scientific papers from Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. ☆WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants volume 3: Determination of schisandrin, deoxyschisandrin, schisandrin B in health food by high-performance liquid chromatography. ☆Personal protective equipment: (Mandatory) Information for Employees Using Respirators When not Required Under Standard (CFR Standards ). Language pair: English to simplified Chinese. From : U.S. Department of Labour. ☆Health Examination Record: It’s a translation project from Kangti Health Centre, China. ☆CE Technical Documentation for Class I Product and ClassⅡProduct including woven gauze swabs, X ray gauze swabs, nonwoven sponges, nonstick pads, fluffy sponges,etc.. It's a regulation file from Allmed Medical Products Co., Ltd. ☆Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China Announcements concerning hygiene of food additive s(No.7 , 2005), and standard requirements for health food labeling ( 16 September 2001). ☆Basic research report: Establishment of infected necrotizing pancreatitis model by injection of sodium taurocholate and E coli into pancreatic duct in rats.It’s a project from the first affiliated hospital of Wenzhou Medical Colleage. ☆Human resource office files of Johnson & Johnson concerning notification letters, service contracts, agreements, application forms, company rules and regulations, codes of Conduct, ect.. ☆Online entertainment business translation (gambling): a translation/proofreading project from 888 Casino.
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discharge, balance, barometer, bath, blast, otoscope, blower, bottle, airbrasive, bronchogram, bronchography, buffer, burner, chamber, cleaning, facility, collector, compressor, condenser, conditioner, conditioning, apparatus, conditioning, tube, cooler, cooling, cored, cushion, dent, dressing, arier, cell, ejector, entrainment, meter, exhauster, extractor, filter, float, system, flow, meter, detector, freight, gauge, head, heating, airing, injection, intake, installation, lift-type, compressor, pillow, airplane, splint, pocket, pump, regulator, relief, valve, scoop, dir, separator, spring, stove, stream, turbine, syringe, temperature, indicator, thermometer, throttle, tight, tourniquet, trapping, tube, akidogalvanocautery, bath, alcohol, blast, burner, blow, lamp, burner, dispenser, hydrometer, alcoholimeter, lamp, alcoholometer, sodium, sterilizer, antikathode, vent, catheter, endoradiography, entero, enterocleaner, enterocoelia, enterogram, enterograph, enterography, enterometer, excavator, excerpt, exchange, exchanger, syringe, transfusion, excipient, excising, forceps, excision, exciftability, exhibition, exometer, exophthalmometer, exosmometer, exosmose, exoteric, expander, probang, expansion, apparatus, expectation, experiment, experimental, station, notice, expired, gas, monitor, exsufflation, exsufflator, extender, extension, apparatus, feeding, tube, instrument, radiation, therapy, exteroreceptor, extinction, coefficient, extinguisher, immiscible, balance, extorsion, extra, extracardiac, extracaronal, retainer, extracorporeal, circulation, extracorporeal, circulation, set, tube, tubing, extract, extracting, forceps, extraction, apparatus, hook, thimble, extractor, incubation, canula, extractor, extractor, solvent, extraocular, photoreceptor, extraoculogram, extraoral, tracing, extravital, ultraviolet, extreme, ultraviolet, laser, extremity, ecg, extremum, extruding, machine, exudate, enucleation, scissors, indicator, bandage, eyebath, basin, brush, 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