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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Translation Volume: 5 days Languages: Vietnamese to English
Installation and supplying of equipment systems for project Saigon Beer–Lam Rive
Electronics / Elect Eng, Construction / Civil Engineering, Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 19335 words Duration: Nov 2009 to Apr 2010 Languages: Vietnamese to English
Factors Affecting The Quality Of The Third Year Pedagogical Practice Of Internsh
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 15079 words Duration: Aug 2009 to Mar 2010 Languages: Vietnamese to English
Renovating The English Curriculum At The Ha Noi University Of Agriculture
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 20820 days Duration: Jul 2013 to Dec 2013 Languages: Vietnamese to English
Customer Relationship Management at Ho Chi Minh City Development Bank (HDBank)
Finance (general), Finance (general), Management
No comment.
Translation Volume: 45000 words Duration: Sep 2014 to Dec 2014 Languages: English to Vietnamese
AirAsia Big: Terms and Conditions, details of BIG program
Advertising / Public Relations, Insurance, Marketing
No comment.
Blue Board entries made by this user
9 entries
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English to Vietnamese: Financial Statements General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors
As explained more fully in the Statement of directors' responsibilities set out on page 5, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board's Ethical Standards for Auditors.
Scope of the audit of the financial statements
An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error This includes an assessment of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the company's circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed, the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the directors, and the overall presentation of the financial statements. In addition, we read all the financial and non-financial information in the Director's Report to identify material inconsistencies with the audited financial statements. If we become aware of any apparent material mis-statements or inconsistencies we consider the implications for our report.
Opinion on financial statements
In our opinion the financial statements
• give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs as at 31 December 2010 and of its loss for the period then ended,
• have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, and
• have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.
Translation - Vietnamese Trách nhiệm của ban giám đốc và các kiểm toán viên
Như đã nêu đầy đủ trong báo cáo trách nhiệm của ban giám đốc ở trang 5, ban giám đốc chịu trách nhiệm lập các báo cáo tài chính và đảm bảo phản ánh một cách trung thực và đúng đắn. Trách nhiệm của chúng tôi là kiểm toán và đưa ra ý kiến về báo cáo tài chính tuân thủ theo pháp luật và Tiêu Chuẩn Quốc Tế về Kiểm Toán (Vương Quốc Anh và Ai-len) (International Standards on Auditing). Các tiêu chuẩn đó yêu cầu chúng tôi tuân thủ theo Các Tiêu Chuẩn Đạo Đức của Hội Đồng Kiểm Toán Thực Tiễn cho Các Kiểm Toán Viên (Auditing Practices Board’s Ethical Standards for Auditors).
Phạm vi kiểm toán của các báo cáo tài chính
Công việc kiểm toán bao hàm việc thực hiện các thủ tục kiểm toán nhằm thu được các bằng chứng về các số liệu và nội dung thuyết minh trong các báo cáo tài chính để đạt được sự đảm bảo hợp lý rằng các báo cáo tài chính không có các sai sót trọng yếu, hay bất cứ hành vi gian lận hay sai phạm nào. Công việc kiểm toán bao gồm sự đánh giá các chính sách kế toán được áp dụng vào tình hình công ty về tính nhất quán và đầy đủ, tính hợp lý của các ước tính kế toán quan trọng được lập bởi ban giám đốc, và sự trình bày tổng thể trên các báo cáo tài chính. Thêm vào đó, chúng tôi đã đọc tất cả các thông tin tài chính và phi tài chính trong Báo Cáo của Giám Đốc để xác định sự không nhất quán với các báo cáo tài chính đã được kiểm toán. Nếu chúng tôi phát hiện ra bất kỳ sự sai lệch hoặc không nhất quán nào, chúng tôi sẽ đưa ra các vấn đề trong báo cáo của mình.
Quan điểm trên các báo cáo tài chính
Theo quan điểm của chúng tôi, các báo cáo tài chính
• phản ánh trung thực và hợp lý về tình hình các hoạt động của công ty đến ngày 31 tháng 12 năm 2010 và các khoản lỗ tại thời điểm kỳ tài chính kết thúc.
• được lập phù hợp với Chế độ Kế Toán Vương Quốc Anh Hiện Hành, và
• được lập phù hợp với các yêu cầu của Luật Doanh Nghiệp 2006.
English to Vietnamese: Lighting Equipment General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng
Source text - English Materials:
- Bodies: sturdy and robust housing constructed from electrostatic power coated steel sheet (thick: 0.5mm).
- Louvres: specular high reflective aluminium imported from Europe (pre-anodize aluminium, thick: 0.4mm).
- Alloy: 99.85%.
- Total reflection: 86%.
- High quality poly carbonate lamp holder and start holder (brand: BJB Germany).
- High temperature rated cable (Φ=0.5mm).
- All accessories and reflector are easily attached and removed for easy maintenance.
- Warranty: 5 years.
Translation - Vietnamese Vật liệu làm máng:
- Thân máng: làm bằng thép phủ sơn tĩnh điện (độ dày: 0.5mm).
- Chóa tán quang: làm bằng nhôm chất lượng cao nhập khẩu từ Châu Âu (nhôm pre-anodize, độ dày: 0.4mm).
- Hàm lượng nhôm nguyên chất: 99.85%.
- Hiệu suất phản quang: 86%.
- Chân đèn và tắc te được làm bằng nhựa polycarbonate chất lượng cao (nhãn hiệu: BJB Đức).
- Dây dẫn chịu nhiệt cao (Φ=0.5mm).
- Tất cả các linh kiện và chóa tán quang đều dễ dàng tháo lắp và bảo trì.
- Bảo hành: 5 năm.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - National Economics University
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Mar 2011. Became a member: Sep 2013.
English to Vietnamese (National Economics University) Vietnamese to English (National Economics University)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Corel, AutoCad 2007, Aegisub 3.2, NotePad , Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio
I am Hai Anh, a full time qualified freelance translator in English and Vietnamese. I have a degree in Banking and Finance from National Economics University (one of the best university in Vietnam) as well as 3 years working in the construction field.
During my 5 years being a freelance translator, I have translated English <> Vietnamese documents in many fields: construction, marketing, banking and finance, telecoms etc.
My CAT tool is SDL Trados Studio 2011.
Other sofwares: Microsoft Office, AutoCad 2012, Corel, Photoshop, Aegisub, Audacity, Notepad++
Hai Anh Teixeira (Mrs)
Hp: +84 934508002
II - ServicesTranslation, proofreading, subtitling, transcreation, website localization.
• Specialty fields: beauty, banking and finance, cinema/ film, education, construction, electricity, electronic, furniture, legal document, law (general), marketing, music, media, tourism and travel. III - My Clients
I have the privilege of working with some of the most well known companies in the worlds, who are listed as below:
and many other individual customers in the world. IV - Website/Application Localization - Online References:
6. Christian Dior App for iPad
*Due to the progress of Panasonic products, not 100% of the translation available on the website are mine.
V - Translation Projects
• Translator (EN>VI, MBK Brand Study, Thailand - Questionnaires). Volume: 14k words. 2014.
• Translator (EN>VI, Conditional fee agreement, After the Event (“ATE”) Insurance Services). Volume: 16.554 words. 2014.
• Translator (EN>VI, Particulars of claim, Schedule Of Loss Of The Claimants, The High Court Of Justice, Queen's Bench Division, England - Legal). 2014.
• Translator (EN>VI, Questionnaires/ Survey translation for DHL - ICCC, Global Tracker, hosted by Impetus Research). 2014.
• Translator (VI>EN and EN>VI, Patient Informed Consent, Medical Reports, Data Extraction, Prescription, Medication, Invoices/Receipts, Ultrasonic testing, Pre-clinical Testing and Diagnostic Imaging, etc. - Medicine). Around 30k words. 2014. Ongoing project
• Translator (EN>VI, Family Service Plan, Children Protective Services CPE), USA. Around 11k words. 2014.
• Transcriber (VI>VI, Breast Feeding Project, Vietnamese women living in Australia). 2014.
• Translator/Reviewer (VI>EN, User Manual of Mitsubishi Electric Refrigerator). 2014
• Translator (EN>VI, Translate specifications, applications PID Controllers, Supply Monitoring Devices, Timers, Interface Converters, Time Switches, Protocol Converters and Counters for General Industrial Controls Private Limited). 2014.
• Reviewer/Proofreader (EN>VI, Ballots, Candidate statements, Petitions, Ordinance, Proposition 1 for the US Election dated November 5th, 2014). 2014. Ongoing project.
• Reviewer/Proofreader (EN>VI, Proposed Legislation about Century Transportation Monorail Plan, The City of Seattle, Washington). 2014.
• Translator (EN>VI, Translate the website into Vietnamese - SKALI CLOUD). 2014.
• Translator (EN>VI, Translate the website into Vietnamese - BENTLEY). 2014. - Ongoing project
• Translator (EN>VI, Banner, Terms and Conditions Translation - AirAsia). 2014
• Translator (VI>EN, Medical Record, Prescription, Inpatient Medical Examination Expenses Statement). 2014. Ongoing projects.
• Translator (VI>EN, Clostridium difficile Colitis after Topical Ophthalmic Use of Levofloxacin, Health treatment). 2014
• Translator (EN>VI, Content Map For Ford Ecosport Elearning Course Vietnam, technical document). 2014
• Translator (EN>VI, Joint Notice of Privacy Practices - Healthcare). 2014.
• Reviewer (EN>VI, Mastering sales essentials - CrossKnowledge). 2014
• Translator/ Website localizer (EN>VI, financial portal). More than 35.000 words, 2014
• Translator (EN>VI, Information & Preparation instructions for your colonoscopy - Medical). 2014.
• Subtitling - Movies (Getaway, Gravity 2013, The Hobbit-The Desolation of Smaug, Grudge Match, STRANGERS AND BROTHERS); Documentary (Silence in The House of God); TV Show (The Mistress - 10 Episodes; Dr. Finlays - 7 Episodes). 2013 - 2014. Ongoing project.
• Translator/ Localizer (EN>VI, Lancôme Brochure). 2014
• Translator/ Localizer (EN>VI, Dior App for Ipad, 14.000 words). 2014
• Translator/ Audio recordist (EN>VI, VATI Survey). 2013
• Translator/ Website localizer (EN>VI, Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam). More than 37.000 words, 2013
• Translator – Manday_SME Transformation (Bidding tender). Around 60.000 words, 2013
• Proofreading – Financial Statement (VI>EN, Banking and Finance). More than 57.000 words, 2013
• Reviewer - UI template labels localization (EN>VI, telecoms). Around 15.000 words, 2013
• Translator – Decillion & GlobalReach (EN>VI, IT). Around 18.000 words, 2013
• Translator - Manulife Asset Management (EN>VI, Insurance). Around 32.000 words, 2013
• Translator - Company Charter - Song Da 5 (VI>EN, Legal/Contracts). Around 22.000 words, 2013
• Translator - Panasonic home appliances: washing machine, air-conditioner, blender, juice maker, etc. (EN>VI, Telecoms). Around 35.000 words, 2013 - 2014. Ongoing Project
(References available at:
• Translator - National Technical Regulations on DVB-T2 Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (VI>EN, IT). Around 30.000 words, 2013
• Translator/ Website localizer - Features and Specification of VIERA TV series, camera and phone – PANASONIC (EN>VI, Telecoms). Around 100.000 words. Ongoing Project
(References available at:
• Translator/ Interpreter - Supply and Installation of Sunwood Furniture Contracts, Bidding Tenders (VI>EN, Furniture). Around 50.000 words, 2012-2013
• Translator/ Interpreter - Contracts and Bidding Tenders of “Supply and Installation of Electricity System” (VI<>EN, Engineering). Around 200.000 words, 2010-2012
• Writer - Business Environment and Strategic management – Strategic Analysis of RIM (Northumbria University - UK) (English, Banking and Finance). 4.583 words, 2012
• Writer - The volatility of the stock market and detection of volatility regime effect on Vietnam’s Stock Market in the period of 2006-2010 – Dissertation - Northumbria University (UK). (English, Banking and Finance) 32.110 words, 2012
• Translator - The necessity of a customer relationship management (CRM) to retain loyal customers at the Asia Commercial Bank– Dissertation - University of Bolton (UK). (English, Banking and Finance) 22.114 words, 2012
• Translator - Strategic Human Resource Management – Assignment - University of Bolton (UK). (VI>EN, Banking and Finance) 8.028 words, 2012
• Translator - Safety and precautionary measures for the handling of Polyurethane systems. (EN>VI, Technical), 6.524 words. 2012
• Translator - Building an E-marketing plan for the Commercial Bank to maintain existing customers and develop new customers – Assignment - University of Bolton (UK).(VI>EN, Banking and Finance) 5.646 words, 2011-2012
• Translator - Managerial Challenges of Change – Assignment - University of Bolton (UK).(VI>EN, Banking and Finance) 6.748 words, 2011
• Translator - Solutions to Develop Bank Card Business Activities of Vietinbank Hoan Kiem - California Mirama University (USA) and Hanoi University (Vietnam). (VI>EN, Banking and Finance), 10.559 words, 2011
• Translator - Research on Improving Pedagogical Internship In Bac Ninh Teacher College - Dalarna University (Sweden). (VI>EN, Education), Around 14.000 words. 2010-2011
• Translator - Renovating the English Curriculum at Hanoi University of Agriculture - Dalarna University (Sweden).(VI>EN, Education), 15.079 words. 2011
• Subtitler - Subtitling and transcreation for Olympic 2012 events (for Media Movers), 2012
• Translator and reviewer - Translating and proofreading: Data survey, Cosmetic magazine, Brand Health questionnaire (for PTSGI translation agency). (EN>VI, Marketing), Around 18.000 words, 2012-2013
• Translator - Bidding tender for pest control services (for PTO Vietnam). (VI>EN, livestock management), Around 6.000 words. 2011
• Translator - Bidding tender of Beer factories in Nghe An and Vung Tau provinces (Vietnam) (for Polyco Company). (VI>EN, Engineering), Around 23.000 words. 2010
• Translator - Anti termite for the buildings (for Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs). (VI>EN, Chemical), Around 12.000 words. 2010
• Translator - Tender document in constructing highway from Noi Bai Airport to Lao Cai (for Getinsa Consultant). (VI>EN, Engineering), Around 18.000 words. 2009-2010
• Translator - Bioenergy Investment Project (for Green Environment JSC). (VI>EN, Engineering), Around 9.000 words, 2009-2010
• Translator - Technical manual about soil, sand, metal, L&W Micrometer, Theta Lab (for Duc Linh JSC).(VI>EN, Manual and Guide), Around 30.000 words. 2010
• Translator - On government centralization and fiscal referendums. (EN>VI, Finance) Around 10.500 words. 2010
• Translator - Statement of accounts and balance sheet (for Liberty IBT UK) (EN>VI, Finance). 2012
And many other smaller projects coming daily with less than 4.500 words each
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Vietnamese
Vietnamese to English
Specialty fields
Finance (general)
Electronics / Elect Eng
Law: Contract(s)
Construction / Civil Engineering
Education / Pedagogy
IT (Information Technology)
Medical: Health Care
Medical (general)
Cosmetics, Beauty
Government / Politics
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Advertising / Public Relations
Law: Taxation & Customs
Computers: Systems, Networks
Computers (general)
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Engineering (general)
Tourism & Travel
Energy / Power Generation
Other fields
Law (general)
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Environment & Ecology
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Paper / Paper Manufacturing
Petroleum Eng/Sci
Computers: Hardware
Keywords: Vietnamese, banking and finance, construction, marketing, education, game, electricity, beautytranslation, Vietnamese Translator, English to Vietnamese Translator. See more.Vietnamese, banking and finance, construction, marketing, education, game, electricity, beautytranslation, Vietnamese Translator, English to Vietnamese Translator, Engineering, Technical, contracts, bidding documents, environment, safety, medical, laws, Vietnamese translation services, vietnamese localization, english vietnamese translator, English to Vietnamese translation, securities, charter, corporate, investment, divestment, marketing, business, audit, accounting, freelancer, p education, training, agreement, memorandum of association, Law on Enterprises, minutes of meeting, certified translation, Agreement, report, human resources, project management, proofreading, certificate of business registration, certificate of investment, regulations, certificate of birth, certificates, brochure, profile, power of attorney, purchase agreement, shareholders’ agreement, business day, Books, Patents, HR Policy documents, echnical Specifications, Engineering Drawings, Certificates, Visa documents, General Correspondence. See less.