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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Transcription
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Medical: Health Care
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Environment & Ecology
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
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Indonesian to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 USD per word / 30 - 45 USD per hour
Indonesian to English: Electronic social media and the public General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Media / Multimedia
Source text - Indonesian Ketimbang membicarakan suatu masalah secara langsung dengan orang yang dianggap menimbulkan masalah, atau setidaknya melalui surat elektronik, kini orang cenderung curhat mengenai masalah pribadi melalui media sosial. Dengan cara ini, sebenarnya kita hanya berbicara satu arah. Belum tentu orang yang membuat kita kesal itu membaca curhatan kita, bukan?
Menurut Dr Ida Ruwaida, sosiolog dari Universitas Indonesia, ruang sosial yang makin terbatas dan ikatan emosional yang rendah terutama di kota-kota besar menimbulkan perubahan dalam pola interaksi masyarakat. Akhirnya, teknologi digital menjadi alat untuk menyalurkan emosi alias katarsis lewat media sosial.
Sementara, menurut Irwan Hidayana, antropolog dari Universitas Indonesia, ekspresi generasi muda lewat media sosial tidak terlepas dari faktor eksternal yang dialaminya. Misalnya, mereka tidak bisa mengekspresikan perasaannya pada lingkungan terdekatnya, termasuk orangtua. Orang yang tinggal di kos juga tidak bisa curhat pada keluarganya seleluasa orang yang tinggal bersama keluarga.
“Seringkali kita menghadapi masalah yang memengaruhi suasana hati, misalnya macet, hujan, dan banjir. Padahal, kita tetap butuh ruang ekspresi. Karena keterbatasan ruang sosial, akhirnya media sosial jadi sarana curhat,” ujar Irwan. Namun, perlu diingat bahwa dunia maya pun punya kultur sendiri, yang terkadang justru membuat kita terjebak dalam masalah baru.
Itu sebabnya, menurut DR Rose Mini AP, M.Psi, psikolog dari Universitas Indonesia, “Selagi masih punya teman bicara, bicaralah pada (orang) yang nyata. Jangan di dunia maya. Bisa dibilang, orang yang curhat di dunia maya mengenai masalahnya 'butuh pertolongan'. Akan jadi berbahaya kalau ada yang mengomentari curhatnya secara negatif. Kita tahu, tidak sedikit orang yang bertengkar di dunia maya karena memberikan respon buruk,” lanjut psikolog yang akrab disapa Romy ini.
Menghindari teknologi informasi tentu tidak bisa dilakukan. Sebaliknya, saran Irwan, ambillah sisi positifnya. “Misalnya, media sosial membuat kita bisa bertemu kembali dengan teman lama,” ujar Irwan sambil menambahkan, pertemanan di media sosial yang marak tak lepas dari berkurangnya ruang publik saat ini. “Tak heran, itu sebabnya banyak anak muda yang sekarang memanfaatkan fly over sebagai tempat pacaran.”
Translation - English Rather than talk about one problem directly with people who are perceived as causing problems, or at least thru electronic media, now people are inclined to vent about personal problems using social media. In that way, we in fact only express one perspective. It is not certain that those who annoy us even read that venting, right?
According to Dr. Ida Ruwaida, sociologist from the University of Indonesia, the social realm which has growing limits, and loose emotional ties especially in big cities, create changes in public interaction. Finally, digital technology is becoming a tool to express emotion, also known as catharsis through social media.
At the same time, according to Irwan Hidayana, anthropologist from the University of Indonesia, expression by the younger generation through social media is not free from external factors which they experience. For example, they cannot express their feelings about their immediate surroundings, including parents. People who live in a dorm room also cannot be annoyed by the freedom of someone who lives with their family.
“Often we face problems which influence our attitude, like being bogged down, rain, or flood. What’s more, we are still need a place to express themselves. Since the social realm is limited, finally social media becomes a means to vent,” says Irwan. Still, we must remember that even the cyber world has a culture of its own, which sometimes actually causes us to have a new problem.
That is the reason, according to Dr. Rose Mini, AP, M.Psi, psychologist from the University of Indonesia, “While we still have friends to speak to, we speak to those who are real. Don’t stay in the cyber world. Arguably, those who are annoyed in cyberspace about problems ‘need help’. It will be dangerous if some comment and vent in a negative way. We know, not a few people who quarrel in cyberspace because they are given an inappropriate response,” continued the psychologist who is commonly called Romy ini.
Avoiding technological information certainly cannot be done. On the contrary, suggested Irwan, take a positive position, “For example, social media causes us to get reacquainted with old friends.” Irwan said while adding, a vivid friendship with social media is not free from the lacks of public expression at this time.” No wonder, that is the reason many young people now make use of fly over as a dating place.”
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Texas, Arlington
Years of experience: 12. Registered at Jan 2012.
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I am a native English speaker, who spent an extended time in Indonesia, primarily in a remote, tribal setting. I am trained as a linguist and language analyst, goals being literacy, adult education, and translation where necessary.
I studied Indonesian during 6 months immersed in a Sundanese community in Jawa Barat. I then used Indonesian as a platform and foundation for translation into a tribal language, after analyzing the tribal language, developing an alphabet, and developing literacy materials.
I utilized Indonesian most extensively while serving as ex-patriate representative of a national church organization liaison on legislative matters.
I returned to the United States in 1993, and have maintained Indonesian language proficiency through interaction with college students from Indonesia and through former Indonesian colleagues when they come to the United States.
My translation training and experience has been in "idiomatic translation" -- focused on meaning vs. word-for-word or literal.
Keywords: social media, cultural diversity, religion, church, idiomatic translation, environmental science, editing, proofreading, anthropology, tribal interaction