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Spanish to Romanian: Financial article about Cemex General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Spanish En Cemex el problema no fueron los derivados, sino la caída en la demanda de sus productos en mercados estratégicos, factor que se sumó a un alto endeudamiento generado por la compra de Rinker, por lo que renegoció el pago 15 mil millones de dólares.
Para los analistas financieros, las empresas que recurrieron a una reestructuración tras la crisis de 2008 hoy están “menos mal”, aunque deben tener cuidado en sus operaciones para poder enfrentar un nuevo periodo de recesión, crisis que para casas de bolsa y calificadoras tiene altas probabilidades de ocurrir.
José Calvillo, director de Finanzas de Comerci, y quien estuvo al frente de su reestructuración, afirmó que en 2009 se enfrentaron a dos conflictos: “no solamente vivimos el problema de la crisis nacional en 2009 con el factor económico internacional, adicionalmente teníamos un problema interno que era la reestructuración que estábamos llevando a cabo”. Actualmente la incertidumbre sobre el desempeño económico de México y el mundo es una constante. Fuente: Excelsior
Translation - Romanian La compania Cemex, problema nu au fost instrumentele financiare derivate, ci scăderea cererii produselor sale pe pieţe strategice, factor care s-a adăugat unui grad mare de îndatorare generat de achiziţia companiei Rinker, pentru care s-a renegociat plata unor 15 miliarde de dolari.
După părerea analiştilor financiari, companiile care au recurs la restructurare după criza financiară din 2008 se află acum într-o situaţie “mai puţin rea”, deşi trebuie să fie atente cu operaţiunile lor pentru a putea face faţă unei noi perioade de recesiune, o criză a cărei apariţii este foarte probabilă, potrivit firmelor de brokeraj şi agenţiilor de rating de credit.
José Calvillo, Director de Finanţe şi Comerţ, cel care a fost responsabil de restructurare, a declarat că în 2009 s-a confruntat cu două conflicte: “Nu treceam doar prin problema crizei naţionale din 2009 şi cea a factorului economic internaţional, ci aveam pe lângă acestea şi o problemă internă, procesul de restructurare pe care îl realizam”. Actualmente, incertitudinea cu privire la performanța economică din Mexic şi din lume este o constantă.
Sursa: Excelsior
English to Romanian: Google Announcement General field: Marketing Detailed field: Computers (general)
Source text - English Google Inc released a tool that translates Internet blogs, news articles and text messages from English to Persian, and vice-versa, in a move the firm said will "improve access to information" amid the turmoil and media restrictions following Iran's disputed election.
The move is the latest example of the growing role that consumer Internet technology is playing in the wake of Iran's most serious political unrest since the Islamic revolution 30 years ago. Google announced in a blog post on Friday that Persian, or Farsi, as Iran's most commonly-spoken language is sometimes called, is now the 42nd language available in its online translation service.
Translation - Romanian Google Inc a lansat un instrument care traduce blog-uri de Internet, articole de știri și mesaje text din engleză în persană și invers, într-un demers despre care firma afirmă că "va îmbunătăți accesul la informație" având în vedere situaţia tumultouasă şi restricţiile mass-media ce au urmat alegerilor contestate din Iran.
Acestă acţiune este cel mai recent exemplu care relevă rolul în creştere pe care tehnologia Internet de consum îl are, în urma tulburărilor politice celor mai grave petrecute în Iran de la revoluția islamică de acum 30 de ani încoace. Google a anunțat vineri într-un post pe blog, că limba persană, sau farsi, cum este uneori denumită limba vorbită cel mai frecvent în Iran, este în prezent limba numărul 42 disponibilă în serviciul său de traducere online.
English to Spanish: Bhutan Tourist Brochure General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English On the roof of the world, shoe horned into the grand Himalaya, Bhutan, the thunder Dragon, is a fiercely independent kingdom. With an area slightly larger than Switzerland, there are only about 600,000 people. The name Bhutan appears to derive from the ancient Indian term "Bhotanta" which means the end of land of the Bhots, it could also extend from the Sanskrit word Bhu'uttan or highland. The Kingdom lies east of Nepal and west of the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. Located in the heart of the high Himalayan mountain range, Bhutan is a land-locked country surrounded by mountains in north and west. The rugged east, visited by few Western travellers, the high Himalaya in the northern steppes separates the kingdom from Tibet.
Isolated from the outside world till the 1960s, Bhutan manages to retain all the charm of the old world. Like timeless images from the past,the traveller encounters the full glory of this ancient land through its strategic monastic fortresses known as Dzongs, numerous ancient temples, monastries and stupas which dot the countryside, prayer flags which flutter along the high ridges, wild animals which abundant in the dense forest, foamy white water falls which are like the real showers, and warm smiles of its friendly people. Each moment is special as one discovers a country which the people have chosen to preserve in its magical purity.
Translation - Spanish En la cima del mundo, encajado por la gran cordillera del Himalaya, Bután, conocido como la tierra del dragón del trueno, es un reino totalmente independiente. Con un área un poco mayor que la de Suiza, hay apenas alrededor de 600.000 habitantes en el país. El nombre de Bután parece proceder de la antigua palabra india "Bhotanta", que se refiere al límite de la tierra de los Bhots o también puede originar de la palabra sanscrita Bhu'uttan, que significa tierras altas. El reino queda al este de Nepal y al oeste del estado Arunachal Pradesh, India. Situado en el corazón de la cordillera del Himalaya, Bután es un país sin salida al mar rodeado de montañas en el norte y el oeste. El oeste, de geografía accidentada, visitado por apenas algunos pocos turistas occidentales, el alto Himalaya en las estepas del norte separa el reino de Bután del Tíbet.
Aislado del resto del mundo hasta los años 60, Bután consigue mantener todo el encanto del viejo mundo. Como imágenes atemporales del pasado, el viajante encuentra la plena gloria de esta tierra antigua a través de sus fortalezas monásticas estratégicas, conocidas como Dzongs, numerosos templos antiguos, monasterios y stupas que salpican la campiña, banderas de oración que revolotean en las altas cumbres, animales salvajes en abundancia en el denso bosque, cataratas con agua blanca y espumosa que son como una ducha de verdad y las cálidas sonrisas de su gente amable. Cada momento es especial mientras uno descubre un país al que la gente ha optado mantenerlo en su mágica pureza.
English to Spanish: Apple Announcement General field: Marketing Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English Apple said it was working to patch a vulnerability that hackers could use to break into the company's popular iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch gadgets. Engineers at the California firm are fixing a weakness pointed out by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). "Apple takes security very seriously," Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller said. "We are aware of this reported issue and developing a fix that will be available in an upcoming software update," she said. BSI warned this week of a flaw that would let hackers infiltrate Apple mobile devices by duping users into opening PDF document files booby-trapped with malicious computer code. Although no attacks have been observed, hackers are likely to try to exploit the weakness, according to a posting on the agency's website. Possible "attack scenarios for cyber-criminals" include accessing passwords, email messages, contact lists, or built-in cameras and eavesdropping on phone conversations or getting location information, according to BSI.
Translation - Spanish Apple comunicó estar trabajando en corregir una vulnerabilidad que los hackers podrían utilizar para invadir los populares aparatos iPad, iPhone e iPod Touch de la compañía. Ingenieros de la empresa de California están corrigiendo una brecha de seguridad señalada por la Oficina Federal Alemana para la Seguridad de la Información (BSI). “Apple toma la seguridad muy en serio”, dijo la portavoz de Apple, Trudy Muller. “Estamos conscientes de este problema que ha sido reportado y estamos desarrollando una solución que estará disponible en una próxima actualización del software”, completó. BSI alertó esta semana sobre una vulnerabilidad que permitiría que los hackers se infiltren en los dispositivos móviles de Apple a través de inducir a los usuarios a abrir documentos en formato PDF conteniendo código informático maligno. Aunque no se han observado ataques, es muy probable que los hackers intenten aprovechar la brecha de seguridad, según cuenta una publicación en el sitio web de la agencia. Posibles "escenarios de ataque para los ciberdelincuentes" incluyen acceso a contraseñas, mensajes de correo electrónico, listas de contactos o cámaras incorporadas y interceptar las conversaciones telefónicas o consiguiendo información sobre la localización de los usuarios, según relata BSI.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Stockholm
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Aug 2012.
I am an up and coming, highly motivated freelance translator that has a passion for writing and foreign languages.
I provide high quality, accurate translations that are always on time and meet your standards.
Work experienceDates: June 2009 – Present Occupation or position held: Freelance writer Channel manager Main activities and responsibilities:
- Writing articles on a wide range of topics
- Reviewing and grading articles published by writers
- Suggesting and researching new content titles Name of employer: Helium Inc. (RR Donnelley) Article Portfolio:
Education and trainingDates: September 2012 – Present Title of qualification awarded: Master’s Degree in Language Sciences with a Specialisation in English Linguistics Principal subjects/occupational skills covered:
- Scientific Method and Research Ethics
- World Englishes
- Language for Specific Purposes
- Language in Use Name and type of organisation providing education and training: University of Stockholm, Sweden
Dates: September 2009 – June 2010 Title of qualification awarded: Certificate of Attendance (Erasmus/Socrates Programme) Principal subjects/occupational skills covered:
- German for business
- Business information systems
- Business finance
- Financial accounting, Cost accounting
- Marketing Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Ireland
Dates: October 2008 – July 2011 Title of qualification awarded: Philology Licentiate (English and German) Principal subjects/occupational skills covered:
- English and German linguistics
- Culture and civilization courses
- Translation seminars Name and type of organisation providing education and training: “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, Romania
Dates: October 2008 – July 2011 Title of qualification awarded: Philology Licentiate (Romanian and Spanish) Principal subjects/occupational skills covered:
- Romanian and Spanish linguistics
- Culture and civilization courses
- Translation seminars Name and type of organisation providing education and training: “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, Romania
Dates: October 2008 – July 2011 Title of qualification awarded: Philology Licentiate (Romanian and French) Principal subjects/occupational skills covered:
- Romanian and French linguistics
- Culture and civilization courses
- Translation seminars Name and type of organisation providing education and training: “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, Romania
Internationally recognized language certificates
- Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (Grade A)
- Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera (Nivel Superior)
- Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française C1
Personal skills and competences
Deadline-conscious, attentive to detail, professional
Goal-oriented, driven, ambitious, with a strong desire to learn and further develop my abilities
Computer skills and competences
Good command of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
Advanced user of Adobe software (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver)
Basic knowledge of HTML, C++
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