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Indonesian to English - Rates: 0.07 - 0.09 USD per word / 20 - 30 USD per hour English to Indonesian - Rates: 0.07 - 0.09 USD per word / 20 - 30 USD per hour
Indonesian to English: duniaku -my world (2009) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Indonesian DUNIAKU
alam dan irama kehidupan adalah telingaku
pelangi warna dan keindahan rupa adalah mataku
jalan kehidupan dan sejarah yang terukir adalah pikiranku
kalimat bijak dan kebenaran adalah bibirku
dengan raga aku berekspresi, dengan jiwa aku mencipta
Selamat datang diduniaku.....
@copyright maa
Translation - English MY WORLD
the sound of nature and the melody in life are my ears
the rainbow of colors and the beauty in shapes are my eyes
the path of life and the history it carved are my thoughts
the words of truth and wisdom are my lips
with my body I express, with my soul I create
welcome to my world.............
@copyright maa
Indonesian to English: Hajj Pilgrimage (2005) General field: Other Detailed field: Religion
Source text - Indonesian Perjalanan Haji
Perjalanan pertamaku ke tanah suci Islam adalah pada tanggal 10 Januari sampai dengan 18 Februari 2005.
Aku merasa gelisah dengan perjalanan ini, sangat ingin lebih dekat dengan yang Maha Kuasa, pencipta alam semesta. Dan aku sedikit takut juga, takut mengenal dan mengetahui kenyataan tentang diriku sendiri yang mana kupikir aku jauh dari baik.
Diceritakan oleh orang-orang yang telah menjalankan ibadah haji kepadaku, bahwa seseotang akan mengalami peringatan khusus - kalau bukan hukuman - atau pahala atas tindakannya. Semua kebaikan dan keburukan masa lalu yang telah kita kerjakan akan diperlihatkan. Seperti bercermin semua yang telah kita lakukan di masa lalu.
Mengetahui banyaknya kesalahaln masa laluku, dosa yang pernah kuperbuat, aku jadi lebih takut lagi. Dengan perasaan galau, berpikiran terbuka, dan pasrah serta iman kepada Allah SWT, aku memulai perjalananku.
Membiasakan diri dengan lingkungan adalah langkah pertama yang kulakukan. Tiga hari kulalui dengan mengamati dan mendengarkan, sehingga aku tahu kemana, bagaimana, apa dan bagaimana beraksi atau bereaksi. Temanku bertambah dan sebaliknya. Itulah warna kehidupan..........
(bagian dari cerita)
Translation - English Hajj Pilgrimage
January 10th to February 18th 2005 was my first pilgrimage to the sacred land of Islam. I was very anxious about this spiritual journey, desperately in need to be closer to the Almighty, the creator of the universe. Yet I felt a little scared too, afraid of finding out my true self and real being of which I judged myself as far from good.
I was told by people who had done their pilgrimage that during the journey one will experience instant warnings - if not punishments - or rewards upon their actions. All good and bad things we've done in the past will be shown. It is like mirroring everything you have done. Knowing of many wrong doings I've done in the past and sins I've committed, scares me more. With this mixture of emotions, an open mind attitude and a total acceptance and faith in Allah SWT, I started my pilgrimage.
Adjusting to the environment was the first action taken. I spent three days for just observing and listening, so I know where, when, what and how to act or react. I get more friends as well as the opposites. That's the color of life. .......
(part of the story)
Indonesian to English: PT Daya Sakti Unggul Corporation (1996) General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Forestry / Wood / Timber
Source text - Indonesian Bagian kecil dari Laporan Tahunan 1996 - 72 halaman
Hak Pengusahaan hutan
Pemberian HPH oleh pemerintah kepada Perseroan dan anak perusahaan/afiliasi dengan tujuan dapat mengelola hutan secara lestari dan memperhatikan keberadaan hutan serta keseimbangan alam sekitarnya. Oleh karena itu pemerintah telah menetapkan ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai pengolahan hutan.
Untuk menunjang usaha ini, maka Perseroan melakukan kegiatannya sesuai dengan peraturan yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah.
Translation - English Small part of the Annual Report 1996 - 72 pages
Concession Right
Concession Rights given by the governments to the Company and subsidiary/affiliated companies are managed with the purposes of concerning the preservation of forestry and environmental impact. Therefore, the government has set the rules concerning forestry management. To support this effort, the Company has executed its forestry activities according to the rules laid down by t he government.
Translation education
Other - other
Years of experience: 36. Registered at Dec 2012.
Ever since a little girl, languages are my favorite subject. I have to and need to learn it, since my parents always change places to live and work due to their duty.
My strength is in Indonesian/Malay and English languages. Though I can speak and understand Russian and Dutch as well.
I started doing translation, interpreting and writing speeches since high school, and at that time there was no media like this.
I have worked for twenty three years in advertising/public relations, in which creativity and ability to express in written or oral language are a must.
So, here I am in this media, hoping that I can help you with translating, editing, proof reading and interpreting and others in line with communication to enable people to understand.
Yet I do not have any credentials nor as a sworn translator, but all sworn translators and with credentials, gave the job to me in the past. And since this is not my main job at that time, I didn't keep all the files for this moment.
I know I will have to start from scratch and get everything I need to qualify and among other is that I am given a chance to proof my ability.
Mostly I do Advertising/PR Communication, Marketing, Art and Literature, Law, Business, Sport, Education and many others in general. I did speeches and translation for directors of companies, communities, even the governor of DKI Jakarta.
I do hope that my qualification meets the client's needs and demands.
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