Member since Dec '16

Working languages:
English to Bulgarian
Russian to Bulgarian
Bulgarian to English
Russian to English
Bulgarian to Russian

Boyko Marinov
Good translation is good translation.

Sofia, Sofiya-Grad, Bulgaria
Local time: 21:11 EET (GMT+2)

Native in: Bulgarian Native in Bulgarian
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25 positive reviews
(3 unidentified)

4 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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What Boyko Marinov is working on
Jan 9, 2020 (posted via  Medicine. Medium length. Not very exciting. ...more, + 6 other entries »
Total word count: 121000

Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Subtitling, Copywriting
Specializes in:
Finance (general)Human Resources
Law (general)Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Livestock / Animal HusbandryAgriculture
Construction / Civil EngineeringEconomics
Ships, Sailing, MaritimeAdvertising / Public Relations

English to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour
Russian to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour
Bulgarian to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour
Russian to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour
Bulgarian to Russian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 12, Questions answered: 18
Blue Board entries made by this user  3 entries

Payment methods accepted PayPal, MasterCard, Wire transfer, Western Union
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 2
Glossaries Boyko Marinov ENG>BG
Translation education Master's degree - SU Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria
Experience Years of experience: 42. Registered at Nov 2013. Became a member: Dec 2016.
Credentials Bulgarian to English (Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski))
English to Bulgarian (Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski))
Spanish to Bulgarian (Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski))
Spanish to Bulgarian (University of Havana)
Czech to Bulgarian (CUNI)
Memberships UBT, UBT
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Professional practices Boyko Marinov endorses's Professional Guidelines.
I have been a translator/interpreter for over 40 years now. I have a bulk of over 38,000 pages translated in the following pairs: EN>BG, BG>EN, ESP>BG>ESP, POR>BG, BG>POR, CZ>BG, EN>CZ, ESP>EN, BG>RU, RU>BG, CZ>RU, EN>RU, RU>EN, PL>BG. I have a Master's Degree in Spanish and Master's Degree in English (my English is better than my Spanish. Almost all of my career has been translating, interpreting and teaching (taught English, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian [not certified Russian teacher]). I am fully trilingual in Bulgarian, Russian (same as Bulgarian) and English. My Spanish, Czech and Portuguese are almost at the same level, worse than the first three, however good enough for very complicated stuff). I speak four more languages: French (B1), Polish (B2), Slovak (A2) and Italian (A2).

Work: I always aim at perfection and use a lot of dictionaries and consultants, no matter what the job area is. I never take a job if I do not feel confident in either quality of the final product or meeting the deadlines. I usually use Microsoft Office, mostly 2013, and SDL Trados 2021. If I have the time I try to read the text first and then translate it.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 12
(All PRO level)

Top languages (PRO)
Czech to Bulgarian8
English to Bulgarian4
Top general field (PRO)
Top specific field (PRO)
Automotive / Cars & Trucks12

See all points earned >
Keywords: Bulgarian translator, translation, Bulgarian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, English, translator, editor. See more.Bulgarian translator, translation, Bulgarian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, English, translator, editor, proofreader, finance, economics, business, translation, linguistics, maritime, ships, law, legalisation, British English, acquis communautaire, engineering, ferrous/non-ferrous metallurgy, Bulgarian native speaker, transcription, training, Internet, e-Commerce, Commercial, болгарский, переводчик, атомная энергетика, юридические тексты, аккуратность, дотошность, быстрое реагирование, экономика, правовая система Европейского союза, русский, Español, energética, ingeniería, coches, marcas, social, sicología, lingüística, traducción, tradiciones, España, agricultura, Unión Europea, comercio, contractos, negocios, Portugués, energética, engenheria, Automóveis, marcas, social, psicologia, lingüística, tradução, tradições, Portugal, Brasil, agricultura, União Europeia, comércio, contratos, negócios, lusófono, legal, legislativo, técnica, siderurgia, mecânica, turismo, hotéis, promoção, multilingue, multilinguismo, dinamismo, rapidez, Čestina, česky, ekonomika, hospodarství, móda, textil, automobil, rybaření, zemědělství, strojírenství, technika, jazykověda, překládání, překladatel, bulharština, překladatel do bulharštiny, CAT Tools, SDL TRADOS, TM tools, database, MS Word, Deja Vu X3 Workgroup, Excel, PowerPoint. See less.

Profile last updated
Jan 17