Technical translator since 2003
Extensive experience in technical texts on construction,
architecture, engineering, transport, automotive, legal, information
technology, corporate, telecommunications, energy, mining, industry (food,
animal, pharmaceutical, cosmetics), equipment (heavy machinery, security,
medical, veterinary, aesthetics), among others.
08/17/2023 - RadiologyPLAY
- Workshop Tomosynthesis revolution in
breast diagnosis
08/17/2023 – AgroForum BTG
energy: investing in Biomethane and Biogas
Biofuel Solutions
paths to energy transition – Minister of Mines and Energy Alexandre Silveira de
strength of industry in the field
momentum of the protein sector
power of Agribusiness
: sustainability and innovation
08/16 and 17/2023 - SCAR -
Cardiointensive Symposium
08/15/2023 - ANVISA
- ICH Good Clinical Practice Guide
Workshop E6 ( R3 )
08/14/2023 - JETBOV
Webinar - The importance of indicators
in livestock production
08/14 to 08/17/2023 - XVIII
Academic Pharmacy Week - SAF UNICAMP
Protagonism of the Pharmacist in the Unified Health System - SUS
Trends in the Medicine Area
Pharmacist in the Government Regulatory Environment and Commercial Interface
Role of the Pharmacist in Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy
Toxicology and its Applications
of the Pharmacist Professional in the Veterinary Market
quality assurance
Oncogeriatrics Symposium LACOG
- Functional assessment of the elderly
- Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (
- Optimizing resources: geriatric
screening tools
- Assessment of comorbidities and
calculation of life expectancy
07, 08 and 09/08/2023 - III Week
of Hematology
NHCL - Center for Clinical and
Laboratory Hematology
- Interpretation of the blood count
- Parameters of the red series
- Flow cytometry
- Concept of hematology
06/30, 01 and 02/07/2023 – 12th
ABRATES Congress
- Automatic translation in environments
and translation memory: a comparative study of two working methods (Jorge
- Presenting presentations (Luiz Alves)
- Legislation on data protection (Gustavo
- Translation: solitary craft or collaborative
work? (Samantha Santos and Davi Bonancio pauka )
- Mentoring: the future of translation
teaching (Ana Saldanha)
- Wheel of deconversation: what is the
most difficult translation?
- What is AI and how will it affect the
future of translations (Ligia Sobral Fragano and Ivan Martucci Franco)
- Client prospecting , networking and
personal marketing for introverted translators (Ivar Panazzolo Junior)
- Soft Power: how a dominant language
permeates and modifies a dominated culture (Ricardo Silveira)
- Table: Ethics: it's not (only) with
you, it's with me (too) – William Cassemiro, Ana Saldanha, Melissa Harkin,
Paulo Guimarães, Denise Araújo
- Expand your area of expertise: work
with accessibility and inclusion resources (Ana Julia Perrotti )
- Translation ES<>PT – Translation
and technology, to what extent do they go hand in hand? (Simone Brito)
04/24/2023 – Articulating in a
contrastive key: presence and absence of articles defined in Spanish (Martín Papia , María Laura
Galliano) Juan Macarlupu
04/17 to 04/20/2023 – II Jatrad
– Academic Conference on Translation and Interpreting
UFU – Federal University of Uberlândia
- Conference - Literary education in the
training of translators
- Round table 2 - Machine translation
and post editing: social perceptions - Lucas Nunes Vieira
03/25/2023 – Professional
Intelligence Day
PUCRS (Daniel Goleman, Nath Finance,
Ronaldo Lemos)
03/18/2023 – The importance of
networking for the translator (Felipe
Tomasi - TAG Tradutores Aggregados)
01/23/2023 – Work in
translation, how it works and how to avoid it (Juan Macarlupu)
11/28/2022 – Medical language (Luciana Ramos) – Juan Marcalupu
11/04 to 25/2022 – Winegrowing
Caroline and Marcianita
QuijoTe Courses
11/05/2022 – Estácio's
Translation and Teaching Fair
10/26/2022 – 1st Unesp Assis
Translation Meeting
17 to 21/10/2022 – VII Meeting
“And speaking of translation”
USP – Unicapm
- The naturalness that you (don't)
permeate. (Regiane Winarski )
- Translation for dubbing. (Carol Bruni)
10/08/2022 – International fees
and payments for translators
Jorge Rodrigues
TAG Aggregated Translators
09/26 to 09/30/2022 – 41st Unesp
Translator's Week
- Translation for dubbing (Dilma
09/14/2022 – Luxury (Juan Macarlupu)
08/09/2022 – Numbers (Juan Macarlupu)
07/28/2022 – Health Translation – Centro Universitário São
07/25/2022 – What to review
before submitting a translation.
Julieta Soledad Olivero
Juan Macarlupu
06/24/2022 – Conversation
Circle: human and automatic translation
Jorge Davidson
QuijoTe Courses
06/08/2022 – Pounds Practice
Federal Institute of Education, Science
and Technology of São Paulo
05/17/2022 – Automatic
translation is not for agencies only.
Antonella Sofia
Juan Macarlupu
03/11/2022 – How to recognize a
translation problem. The hidden enemy .
Guillermo Badenes .
Juan Macarlupu
02/18/2022 - What are we talking
about when do we speak queer translation?
Juan Macarlupu
07.08 and 02/09/2022 -
Reflections on Forensic Interpretation
TRF3 – EMAG – Federal Justice
Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region
02/04/2022 – False friends
Juan Macarlupu
11/04 to 25/2021 – Legal
Prof. Gustavo Spandau
QuijoTe Courses
11/03, 08, 17, 22, 29/2021 and
12/06, 13, 17/12/2021 – Community Translator-Interpreter Training
Memorial of Latin America
08/31/2021 – Open class
Audiovisual FMU
07/30/2021 – Inaugural class
QuijoTe Courses
07/16/2021 – XXIX Barcamp SP
06/15/2021 – International
Seminar Motivation: evidence to promote learning
Ayrton Senna Institute
06/12/2021 – Your friend, the
automatic translation
Prof. Silvio Picinini
Translators 101
06/12/2021 – Practical Workshop:
literacy and storytelling
rhema group
06/11/2021 – How to join a new
area of the translation segment.
Prof. Ligia Ribeiro
Autonoma Academy – Portugal
06/09/2021 – Technical
translation – resources and challenges
Prof. Sonia Tavares
Translators 101
23/04/2021 - Made exceptions
little known linguistic standards very known
Juan Macarlupu
02/11/2021 – Terminological
choices in the medical field
Prof. Monica Carneiro
02/11/2021 - CPD and Networking
Prof. Katia Santana
Autónoma Academy and Tradusa
08 to 12/02/2021 – Subtitling
01/11/ to 02/10/2021 –
Voice-over in the audio description.
Prof. Charleston Palm
01/20/2021 – Humanitarian
translation: challenges, approaches and solutions for accessing rights.
Dr. André de Carvalho Ramos and Prof. Dr
Antonio Rodrigues de Freitas
01/18/2021 – Humanitarian
translation: inclusive communication practices for migrants and refugees.
Prof. Aryadne Bittencourt and Thaisy
01/13/2021 – Translating for
refugees and migrants in institutional contexts.
Prof. Aryadne Bittencourt and Jacqueline
01/11/2021 – Humanitarian
translation and guarantee of rights.
Prof. Luciana Latarini Ginezi , Aryadne
Bittencourt, Sabine Gorovit and Maria Beatriz Nogueira
11 to 27/01/2021 – Humanitarian
translation and cultural mediation for migrants and refugees
Prof. Jacqueline Nordin
12/17/2020 – Galicianity in
Latin America
UERJ – State University of Rio de
12/7 to 9/2020 – VI Meets USP
- Translation: comic book adaptation
(Prof. Audrei Gesser )
- Psychoanalysis and Translation (Prof.
Marie-Lou Lery Lacheume )
- Audiodescription (Prof. Ana Julia
Perrotti )
- Translate nearby languages (Prof.
Bruna Macedo)
12 to 19/12/2020 – Audio
description for networks
SESC Campinas
26/11 to 03/12/2020 – The
linguistic reality in the Iberian Peninsula
UFBA – Federal University of Bahia
11/23 to 12/7/2020 – Audio
description workshop
Ipiranga museum
Accessible Museums - Wikibooks
Audio description of works from Museu do
Ipiranga/ Q52303152 - Wikibooks (
Audio description of works from Museu do
Ipiranga/ Q42713920 - Wikibooks (
Audio description of works from Museu do
Ipiranga/ Q65033034 - Wikibooks (
11/20/2020 – Congreso
Hispanoamericano de Traducción Audiovisual
HispaTV at home
Pompeu Fabra University
11/17/2020 – Racism in Galicia
UFRJ – Federal University of Rio de
11/11/2020 – Shall we talk about
audio description?
Prof. Ivan M. Franco and Ednilson
little brown mouse
Interuniversity Conference on
Translation and Interpretation “Defeating myths and building the future”
Online convert
10/31/2020 – Empreende Letras
- What next? (Carol Machado)
- What does it take to be a literary
translator? (Amanda Moore)
- Unraveling the edition (Iuri Pavan)
- Reviewer also creates (Carol Motzko )
- Reviewer's checklist ( Hariele Quara)
- Customer prospecting (Wendel
- Finance (Silvia Souza)
- Mentorship (Amanda Moura)
- Living on writing (Maria Vitoria)
- Perfect writing (Dalva Correa)
- Marketing Strategies (Larissa)
- MEI and contracts (Simone Leme)
- Peculiarities review of literary texts
(Ronaldo Monteiro)
10/30/2020 – The principles of
audio description and communicative accessibility
Prof. Ligia Ribeiro and Luciane Molina
UFRJ – Federal University of Rio de
10/30/2020 – The CPD –
Continuous Professional Development of Translators
Prof. Ana Saldanha
Autonomous Academy (Portugal)
10/30/2020 – The 20 most common
errors to correct translations into spanish
Juan Macarlupu
10/29/2020 – I Virtual Journey
of Language and Translation courses
- Translation and localization
technologies: from translation memory systems to game localization technologies
10/27/2020 – III Seditrad –
Investigation into Translation Didactics
10/26/2020 – SEDI Trad –
Overview of translation courses curricula
10/24/2020 – II Study Day in
10/23/2020 – SEPEX at home –
Translation of advertisements: representations of the female universe
Tracef UFSC
10/23/2020 – Marketing for
Prof. Caroline Alberoni
Autonomous Academy (Portugal)
10/22/2020 – TraCEF – SEPEX at
home - The challenges of translation
- Short course: translation and
subtitling: theoretical and practical aspects.
Prof. Carlos Rodrigues, Juan Peres,
Victoria Tassara, Wharlley Martins
UFSM – Federal University of Santa Maria
10/21/2020 – III SEDI Trad –
Challenges in teaching LIBRAS translation and interpretation
10/21/2020 – Semiotics in Brazil
and Latin America
10/21/2020 – Translate Online
2020 – 2nd edition
“ Backtranslation : from history to
10/20/2020 – Portuguese class :
review and ABNT
Prof. Harielle Quara
Revision Master
10/19/2020 – III SEDI Trad –
Literature and translation in the classroom
10/19/2020 – Galician literature
in Brazil, meeting with the Galician writers Francisco Castro and Francisco
UERJ – State University of Rio de
10/15/2020 – TRACEF – Translations
and cultural elements
UFSC – Federal University of Santa
10/14/2020 – From preparing to
executing the localization of websites and software
Prof. Lorena Borges
Autonomous Academy (Portugal)
10/13 to 15/2020 – Use-centered
functional linguistics: theoretical, methodological and analytical principles
UFJF – Federal University of Juiz de
10/08/2020 – TraCEF – The
translation of culturally marked words
UFSC – Federal University of Santa
10/05/2020 – Languages and
The political dispute as a semantic
dispute: frames and metaphors in battle
Dr. Maria Salomão
Dr Tiago Torrent
UFF – Fluminense Federal University
10/01/2020 – TraCEF –
Translation and idiomatic expressions
UFSC – Federal University of Santa
10/01/2020 –
Internationalization of the professional translator’s career
Jorge Rodriguez
Autonomous Academy (Portugal)
09/30/2020 - PUC-RIO Panels
- Interpretation for the Oscar's live
transmission fow to prepare (Anna Viana)
- It all started (literally) at PUC-RIO
(Debora Fleck)
- Audiodescription (Larissa Costa)
09/30/2020 – Translation and
Interpreting: training and practice in the job market and its perspectives
09/30/2020 - X- Bench
Translators 101
09/30/2020 – SDL Studio
Translators 101
09/29/2020 – Barcamp SP