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German to English: Anthropology translation General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Anthropology
Source text - German Ihrem inneren Grundaufbau nach sind neo-nationalistische Ideologien in dreiteiligen Hierarchien gegliedert. „Oben“ sind mächtige Feinde wie die Brüsseler Bürokratie und deren skrupellose kosmopolitische Freunde; „unten“ sind bedrohliche Gegner wie Minderheiten, Migranten und ärmere Länder. Von beiden Seiten her bedrängt und bedroht, kämpft in der „Mitte“ des neo-nationalistischen Weltbildes die eigene Nation ums Überleben. Dort, wo sich Neo-nationalisten des „frontier orientalism“ bedienen oder ihn neu erfinden, da verschärfen und vertiefen sie den unteren Teil dieses Weltbildes mithilfe der manifesten Waffe der emotionalisierten Inszenierung von „uns“ in unserer schicksalshaften Bedrohung durch die Orientalen.
Translation - English In their basic structure, neo-nationalist ideologies contain three hierarchies. At “the top” are powerful enemies like the Brussels bureaucracy and their unscrupulous cosmopolitan friends; “at the bottom” are threatening opponents such as minorities, migrants, and poorer countries. Pressed and threatened from both sides, “in the middle” of the neo-nationalists’ view their own nation fights for survival. It is there, where neo-nationalists make use of or reinvent “frontier orientalism,” that they intensify and accentuate the bottom part of this world view with the assistance of the manifest weapon of the emotionalized mise-en-scene of an “us” facing the existential threat from the Orientals.
Italian to English: Art exhibit General field: Marketing Detailed field: History
Source text - Italian La mostra di Andy Warhol a Milano
20 opere molto famose scelte fra le tante esposte in questi giorni – e fino al 9 marzo – a Palazzo Reale
Fino al 9 marzo resta aperta a Milano una mostra monografica dedicata a Andy Warhol, a Palazzo Reale. La mostra è aperta da ottobre ed espone 150 opere prodotte tra gli anni Cinquanta e gli anni Ottanta e provenienti dalla Brant Foundation, la collezione di Peter Brant, un ricco uomo d’affari molto amico di Warhol. Nel 1967, quando aveva vent’anni, Brant acquistò la sua prima opera di Warhol – un disegno della famosa Campbell’s Soup – iniziando quella che sarebbe diventata una delle più importanti collezioni di arte contemporanea al mondo.
La mostra raccoglie alcune delle opere più famose di Warhol e tutto il percorso ricostruisce la carriera e la vita di uno degli artisti più quotati del Novecento: il 13 febbraio scorso è stato battuto all’asta da Sotheby’s un ritratto di Mao Tse Tung del 1973 per circa 9 milioni di euro, per fare un esempio. Warhol è notoriamente considerato il fondatore della Pop art, un movimento nato in risposta all’Espressionismo astratto che ha come oggetto gli atteggiamenti della massa e la società dei consumi, e che per raccontarli utilizza il linguaggio della pubblicità, del mondo del cinema e dell’intrattenimento.
Translation - English An exhibit dedicated to Andy Warhol will remain open in Milan at the Palazzo Reale until 9 March. The exhibit has been open since October and displays 150 works created between the 1950s and 1980s on loan from the Brant Foundation, the collection of Peter Brant, a wealthy businessman and close friend of Warhol. In 1967, when he was twenty, Brant acquired his first Warhol – a sketch of the famous Campbell’s Soup can – beginning what would become one of the world’s most important collections of contemporary art.
The exhibit has assembled several of Warhol’s most famous works, and the layout of the works reconstructs the career and life of one of the 20th century’s most esteemed artists: just as one example, last 13 February a Warhol portrait of Mao Zedong from 1973 sold at auction for around €9 million. Warhol is generally considered as the founder of Pop Art, a movement conceived as a response to abstract expressionism seeking to portray the attitudes of the masses and consumer society using the language of advertising, cinema, and entertainment.
German to English: ProZ Translation Contest Entry (Excerpt) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - German Als das Hochzeitsmahl zu Ende war, wurde Engelhart mit den andern Kindern ins Freie geschickt. Es war ein lieblicher Garten hinter dem Haus, voll Apfel- und Kirschenbäumen. In dem dumpfen Trieb aufzufallen, sonderte sich Engelhart von der Gesellschaft ab und schritt in einer den Erwachsenen abgelauschten Gangart in der Tiefe des Gartens hin und her. Was ihm unbewußt dabei vorgeschwebt hatte, geschah; die jüngste Cousine folgte ihm, stellte sich ihm gegenüber und blitzte ihn mit dunkeln Augen schweigend an. Nach einer Weile fragte Engelhart um ihren Namen, den er wohl schon einige Male gehört, aber nicht eigentlich begriffen hatte. Sie hieß Esmeralda, nach der Frau des Onkels Michael in Wien, und man rief sie Esmee. Dieser Umstand erweckte von neuem Engelharts prickelnde Eifersucht, und er fing an, prahlerische Reden zu führen. Der Lügengeist kam über ihn, zum Schluß stand er seinem wahnvollen Gerede machtlos gegenüber, und Esmee, die ihn verwundert angestarrt hatte, lief spöttisch lachend davon.
Translation - English When the wedding dinner had concluded, Engelhart and the other children were sent outdoors. There was a lovely garden behind the house, full of apple and cherry trees. From a vague desire to stand out, Engelhart left the others and walked into the garden, stepping to and fro in a way he had picked up from adults. What he had in mind without realizing it now occurred: his youngest cousin followed him, confronted him, and glared at him silently with her dark eyes. After a while Engelhart asked her name, which he had certainly heard a few times, but had never really grasped. Her name was Esmeralda, after the wife of Uncle Michael from Vienna, and they called her Esmee. This circumstance awoke Engelhart’s prickly jealousy again, and he began to speak ostentatiously. His self-deception got the better of him. Finally he stood there helpless before his own delusional nonsense, and Emsee, who had stared at him astonished, ran away with a scoffing laugh.
German to English (Uni Bonn) German to English (University of North Carolina) German to English (University of Alabama) Italian to English (University of South Alabama)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, OmegaT
I'm a professor of European history, and author/editor of books and articles. I trained extensively in German as an undergraduate and graduate student. I lived in Germany for two years. Later, I took the equivalent of a university minor in Italian (18 hours) while working as a professor, and have made trips to Italy to further my language abilities. I have an equal ability to translate from German and Italian into English.
My translation experience for clients includes the following areas: history, journalism, government forms, forestry, decorative arts, court pleadings, and legal documents.
Keywords: German, Italian, history, social sciences, news, current events