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English to Malay: GERI Modified General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English Part A : Entrepreneurial Opportunities
No. Entrepreneurial Opportunities
1. I am aware of technological changes
2. I am aware of political changes
3. I am aware of regulatory changes
4. I am aware of social changes
5. I am aware of demographic changes
Part B : The discovery of entrepreneurial opportunities
No. No.
6. DO1 2. I always keep an eye out for new business ideas when looking for information.
7. DO7 118. I have identified the barriers to entry in market
8. DO10 122. I have identified existing and potential competitors
9. DO11 126. I will enter any competition eventhough I will not win.
10. DO12 127. I always think of ways to exploit unused material.
11. DO13 128. Saya suka meneroka bermacam idea dalam apa jua situasi. (I like to explore ideas in any situation.)
Part C : The decision to exploit opportunity
No. No.
12. ExO2 16. I know how to serve markets
13. ExO3 17. I am familiar with customer problems
14. ExO4 18. I have rich knowledge about markets such as supplier relationships, sales techniques, and capital equipment retirement.
15. ExO5 21. I have gone through several learning steps overtime to identify business opportunities
16. ExO7 38. I have the firm intention to start a firm some day
17. ExO8 57. I challenge myself to achieve goals that are a stretch of my skills and capabilities
18. ExO9 32. If I tried to start a firm, I would have a high probability of succeeding
19. ExO10 67. I have the ability to devote full time effort to my entrepreneurial opportunity.
20. ExO11 69. I am motivated to make money.
21. ExO17 168. I like setting my own goals and working hard to achieve them
Part D : Resources acquisition
No. No.
22. R4 48. I have the physical and emotional endurance to manage extremely high levels of stress.
23. R5 54. I am willing to risk financial failure in exchange for owning and managing my own company.
24. R6 68. I am confident in securing all the resources required to make my venture a success.
25. R7 98. I have calculated the cost in time and resources to make a sale to a typical customer
26. R8 73. I have no debts or financial obligations motivating my decision to pursue a business.
27. R9 74. I have no legal, business, or family complications affecting my entrepreneurial objectives.
28. R10 77. I have access to capital to start to be an entrepreneur.
29. R12 91. I am willing to negotiate on what my initial idea is worth to investors
30. R13 92. I am willing and able to contribute my own funds
31. R14 94. I know how much money need to raise to develop the product and penetrate the market
32. R15 96. I know the desired investment amount appropriate for the investor
33. R16 1. I have frequent interactions with others to acquire new information.
34. R30 124. I know of investors who have experience in the industry
Part E : Organization Design
No. No.
35. OD6 29. I can control the creation process of a new firm
36. OD7 30. I know the necessary practical details to start a firm
37. OD12 49. I have the ability to fire employees who do not meet my expectations.
38. OD13 59. I usually plan and prioritize my daily activities.
39. OD14 99. The management team have members with relevant technical experience
40. OD15 100. The management team have members with relevant business development experience
41. OD16 101. The management team have members with relevant marketing experience
42. OD17 102. The management team have members with relevant start-up experience
43. OD19 108. I know the scope of the license in terms of exclusivity, field of use, etc. or any royalty obligations arising under the license, if the technology will be licensed
44. OD20 110. I am aware of the relevant business and tax issues relating to formation and initial capitalization of the new company
45. OD24 131. Saya percaya boleh berjaya jika bijaksana mengaturkan langkah. (I believe that I can succeed if I know the necessary step.)
Part F : Entrepreneurial Strategy
No. No.
46. ES1 31. I know how to develop an entrepreneurial project
47. ES5 50. I am comfortable researching target markets, distribution channels, and pricing strategies.
48. ES6 51. I am comfortable planning and implementing the product/service development process.
49. ES10 58. I am willing to relinquish the CEO job to another individual if circumstances require it.
50. ES19 117. I have identified and/or engaged a law firm with patent, trademark, and other relevant intellectual property expertise
51. ES21 107. I know the most appropriate way of protecting the new company's technology going forward (patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, etc.)
Translation - Malay Bahagian A : Peluang Keusahawanan
Bil. Peluang Keusahawanan
1. Saya menyedari tentang perubahan teknologi
2. Saya menyedari tentang perubahan politik
3. Saya menyedari tentang perubahan kawal selia
4. Saya menyedari tentang perubahan sosial
5. Saya menyedari tentang perubahan demografi
Bahagian B : Penemuan peluang keusahawanan
Bil. Kod
6. DO1 2. Saya selalu peka dengan idea perniagaan baharu semasa mencari maklumat.
7. DO7 118. Saya telah mengenal pasti halangan kemasukan dalam pasaran
8. DO10 122. Saya telah mengenal pasti pesaing yang sedia ada dan berpotensi
9. DO11 126. Saya akan menyertai pertandingan meskipun tidak pasti akan menang
10. DO12 127. Saya selalu mencari jalan mengeksploitasi bahan yang tidak digunakan.
11. DO13 128. Saya suka meneroka pelbagai idea dalam apa jua keadaan.
Bahagian C : Keputusan mengeksploitasi peluang
Bil. Kod
12. ExO2 16. Saya mengetahui cara memenuhi keperluan pasaran
13. ExO3 17. Saya memahami masalah pelanggan
14. ExO4 18. Saya berpengetahuan luas berkenaan pasaran seperti hubungan pembekal, teknik jualan, dan pelupusan kelengkapan modal.
15. ExO5 21. Saya telah melalui beberapa langkah pembelajaran dari masa ke semasa untuk mengenal pasti peluang keusahawanan.
16. ExO7 38. Saya mempunyai niat yang kuat untuk membuka perniagaan suatu hari nanti.
17. ExO8 57. Saya mencabar diri sendiri untuk mencapai matlamat yang menjangkaui tahap kemahiran dan keupayaan saya.
18. ExO9 32. Jika saya memulakan perniagaan, saya mempunyai kebarangkalian yang tinggi untuk berjaya
19. ExO10 67. Saya berupaya untuk menumpukan usaha sepenuh masa kepada peluang keusahawanan.
20. ExO11 69. Saya terdorong untuk membuat duit.
21. ExO17 168. Saya suka menetapkan matlamat sendiri dan bekerja keras untuk mencapainya.
Bahagian D : Pemerolehan sumber
No. Kod
22. R4 48. Saya mempunyai daya ketahanan fizikal dan emosi untuk menangani tahap tekanan yang sangat tinggi.
23. R5 54. Saya bersedia mengambil risiko kegagalan kewangan sebagai tukaran untuk memiliki dan mengurus syarikat sendiri.
24. R6 68. Saya yakin dapat memperolehi semua sumber yang diperlukan untuk membuat usaha saya berjaya.
25. R7 98. Saya telah mengira kos dari segi masa dan sumber untuk menghasilkan jualan kepada pelanggan yang tipikal
26. R8 73. Saya tidak ada hutang atau kewajipan kewangan, yang mendorong keputusan saya untuk menjalankan perniagaan.
27. R9 74. Saya tidak ada komplikasi undang-undang, perniagaan, atau keluarga yang menjejaskan objektif keusahawanan saya.
28. R10 77. Saya mempunyai modal mencukupi untuk menjadi usahawan.
29. R12 91. Saya bersedia untuk berunding berkenaan nilai idea asal saya kepada pelabur.
30. R13 92. Saya bersedia dan mampu menyumbangkan dana sendiri.
31. R14 94. Saya mengetahui jumlah keperluan kewangan untuk menghasilkan produk dan menembusi pasaran.
32. R15 96. Saya mengetahui jumlah pelaburan diingini yang bersesuaian untuk pelabur.
33. R16 1. Saya kerap berinteraksi dengan orang lain untuk mendapat maklumat baharu.
34. R30 124. Saya mengenali pelabur berpengalaman dalam industri.
Bahagian E : Reka Bentuk Organisasi
Bil. Kod
35. OD6 29. Saya mampu mengawal proses penubuhan perniagaan yang baharu.
36. OD7 30. Saya mengetahui butiran praktikal yang diperlukan untuk memulakan perniagaan.
37. OD12 49. Saya mempunyai keupayaan memberhentikan pekerja yang tidak memenuhi jangkaan saya.
38. OD13 59. Saya selalu merancang dan menyusun mengikut keutamaan aktiviti harian saya.
39. OD14 99. Pasukan pengurusan terdiri daripada ahli dengan pengalaman teknikal yang berkaitan.
40. OD15 100. Pasukan pengurusan terdiri daripada ahli dengan pengalaman pembangunan perniagaan yang berkaitan.
41. OD16 101. Pasukan pengurusan terdiri daripada ahli dengan pengalaman pemasaran yang berkaitan.
42. OD17 102. Pasukan pengurusan terdiri daripada ahli dengan pengalaman dalam memulakan perniagaan baharu yang berkaitan.
43. OD19 108. Saya mengetahui skop lesen dari segi keekslusifan, bidang pengunaan, dan lain-lain atau tanggungan royalti yang timbul di bawah lesen itu, jika teknologi dilesenkan.
44. OD20 110. Saya menyedari isu berkaitan perniagaan dan cukai yang berhubung kait dengan pembentukan dan permodalan awal syarikat baharu.
45. OD24 131. Saya percaya boleh berjaya jika mengetahui langkah yang diperlukan.
Bahagian F : Strategi Keusahawanan
Bil. Kod
46. ES1 31. Saya mengetahui cara untuk membangunkan projek keusahawanan.
47. ES5 50. Saya selesa menyelidik sasaran pasaran, saluran pengagihan, dan strategi penentuan harga.
48. ES6 51. Saya selesa merancang dan melaksanakan proses pembangunan produk/servis.
49. ES10 58. Saya bersedia menyerahkan jawatan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) kepada individu lain jika keadaan memerlukan.
50. ES19 117. Saya telah mengenal pasti dan/atau mengambil firma guaman yang mempunyai kepakaran dalam paten, tanda dagangan, dan hak milik intelektual yang lain.
51. ES21 107. Saya mengetahui cara yang paling wajar untuk melindungi teknologi syarikat baharu pada masa hadapan (paten, hak cipta, tanda dagangan, rahsia perniagaan, dan lain-lain.)
English to Malay: External Bracing General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English External Bracing
CAUTION: Federal Law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
Halo Fixation Systems consist of a skull fixation device such as a halo crown, ring, or tong and associated skull pins, a Halo vest and a superstructure connecting the halo fixation device to the vest, and other ancillary and associated items.
The use of cervical traction devices provides the surgeon a means of stabilization of the cervical spine in stationary and/or mobile traction. These traction devices are intended to stabilize the cervical spine under physiological loads to prevent neurological damage, intractable pain or deformity.
• Cases where there is an active infection of the pin location.
• Cases with ongoing infection of the skin in areas contacting the vest liner.
• Tongs should not be used on a patient under 16 years of age.
• Cases where there is a pre-existing condition that precludes adequate bony support for the skull pins.
• Conditions that restrict the patient's ability or willingness to follow post operative instructions during the healing process.
• Foreign body sensitivity – where material sensitivity is suspected, appropriate tests should be made and sensitivity ruled out prior to implantations.
• Patients with severe cachexia, severe deformity (ankylosing spondylitis or scoliosis), morbid obesity, or the use of external bracing in the elderly or in non-compliant patients is relatively contraindicated.
Translation - Malay Rungkup Luaran
AMARAN: Undang-undang Persekutuan (AS) mengehadkan penjualan peranti ini oleh atau atas arahan pakar perubatan.
Sistem Penetapan Halo terdiri daripada peranti penetapan tengkorak seperti korona halo, gelang, atau penyepit dan pin tengkorak yang berkaitan, ves Halo dan superstruktur yang menghubungkan peranti penetapan halo kepadanya, dan ansilari lain dan benda yang berkaitan.
Penggunaan peranti tarikan servikal memberikan pakar bedah satu cara penstabilan spina servikal dalam pegun dan/atau tarikan bergerak. Peranti tarikan ini bertujuan untuk menstabilkan spina servikal di bawah beban fisiologi untuk mencegah kerosakan saraf, sakit yang tidak tertahan atau kecacatan.
• Kes di mana terdapat infeksi yang aktif pada lokasi pin.
• Kes dengan infeksi berterusan pada kulit di bahagian yang bersentuhan dengan pelapik ves.
• Penyepit tidak sepatutnya digunakan ke atas pesakit di bawah umur 16 tahun.
• Kes di mana terdapat kewujudan keadaan sedia ada terlebih dahulu yang menghalang sokongan bertulang yang memadai bagi pin tengkorak.
• Keadaan yang mengehadkan keupayaan atau kesediaan pesakit mengikuti arahan semasa proses penyembuhan selepas pembedahan.
• Kepekaan pada jasad asing – Jika kepekaan disyaki, ujian yang sesuai patut dilakukan dan kepekaan diketepikan sebelum implantasi.
• Pesakit dengan kakesia dan kecacatan (spondilitis mengankilos atau skoliosis) yang teruk, keobesan morbid, atau penggunaan rungkup luaran pada warga tua atau pesakit yang tidak mengikut arahan secara relatifnya mengalami kontraindikasi.
English to Malay: AVR General field: Other Detailed field: Media / Multimedia
Source text - English 1. First material
Advanced Functions
Much of the adjusting and configuration your AVR requires is handled automatically, with little intervention required on your part. You can also customize your AVR to suit your system and your tastes. In this section, we will describe some of the more advanced adjustments available to you.
Audio Processing and Surround Sound
Audio signals can be encoded in a variety of formats that can affect not only the quality of the sound but also the number of speaker channels and the surround mode. You may also manually select a different surround mode, when available.
Analog Audio Signals
Analog audio signals usually consist of two channels – left and right. Your AVR offers several options for analog playback:
Stereo: When you want conventional 2-channel playback, select “2-CH STEREO” as the surround mode. Sound will be output from the front left and right speakers (and subwoofer, if your system has one).
5-Ch Stereo: When you want to hear stereo sound through all of the system’s speakers (such as during a party), select “5CH STEREO” as the surround mode. This plays the left-channel signal through the front left and surround left speakers, the right-channel signal through the front right and surround right speakers, and a summed mono signal through the center speaker (in addition to the subwoofer, if your system has one).
Multi-Channel Surround Modes: Your AVR is able to process 2-channel audio signals to produce multichannel surround sound, even when no surround sound has been encoded in the recording. Among the available modes are the Dolby Pro Logic II, Virtual Surround, DTS NEO:6, and Logic 7 modes. To select one of these modes, see Selecting
a Surround Mode, on page 22.
Translation - Malay 1. Bahan pertama
Fungsi Lanjutan
Kebanyakan keperluan pelarasan dan konfigurasi AVR (Penerima Audio/Video) anda dikendalikan secara automatik, dengan sedikit campur tangan daripada anda. Anda juga boleh mengubah AVR itu bersesuaian dengan sistem dan citarasa anda. Dalam bahagian ini, kami akan menerangkan beberapa pelarasan yang lebih maju disediakan kepada anda.
Pemprosesan Audio dan Bunyi Keliling
Isyarat audio boleh dikodkan dalam pelbagai format yang boleh menjejaskan bukan hanya kualiti bunyi tetapi juga beberapa saluran pembesar suara dan mod keliling. Anda boleh memilih secara manual mod keliling yang berbeza, jika disediakan.
Isyarat Audio Analog
Isyarat audio analog kebiasaannya terdiri daripada dua saluran – kiri dan kanan. AVR anda menawarkan pilihan untuk rakaman analog:
Stereo: Apabila anda hendak rakaman 2 saluran konvensional, pilih “2-CH STEREO” sebagai mod keliling. Bunyi akan dikeluarkan dari bahagian hadapan kiri dan kanan pembesar suara (dan subwufer, jika ada)
Stereo 5-Ch: Apabila anda hendak mendengar bunyi stereo melalui semua system pembesar suara (seperti semasa berparti), pilih “5CH STEREO” sebagai mod keliling. Ini akan memainkan isyarat saluran-kiri melalui bahagian hadapan pembesar suara kiri dan pembesar suara keliling kiri, saluran-kanan melalui bahagian hadapan pembesar suara kanan dan pembesar suara keliling kanan, dan sejumlah isyarat mono melalui pembesar suara tengah (di samping subwufer, jika ada)
Mod Keliling Pelbagai-Saluran: AVR anda boleh memproses 2 saluran isyarat audio untuk mengeluarkan bunyi mod keliling pelbagai saluran, walaupun tiada bunyi keliling dikodkan dalam rakaman. Antara mod yang disediakan adalah Dolby Pro Logic II, Keliling Maya, DTS (Keliling Digital) NEO:6, dan Logic 7. Untuk memilih salah satu mod ini, lihat Memilih Mod Keliling, pada halaman 22.
English to Malay: Program Educational Outcome General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English The objectives of this program are to produce:
PEO 1: Competent entrepreneurial foodservice professionals who synthesize and apply the knowledge, understanding and laboratory experiences to provide quality products and services to the government agencies and hospitality industries.
PEO 2: Professionals in entrepreneurial foodservice who lead and engage in teams in problem solving tasks across disciplines through effective communicative abilities.
PEO 3: Professionals in entrepreneurial foodservice who continue to advance their knowledge and abilities by utilizing ICT to explore business opportunities in the hospitality related industry.
PEO 4: Professionals in entrepreneurial foodservice who practice ethical and professional values in providing services to the recipients and provider of the hospitality industry.
Translation - Malay Objektif program ini adalah untuk melahirkan:
PEO 1: Profesional keusahawanan perkhidmatan makanan berdaya saing yang mensintesis dan mengaplikasikan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan pengalaman makmal untuk menyediakan produk dan perkhidmatan berkualiti kepada agensi kerajaan dan industri hospitaliti.
PEO 2: Profesional dalam keusahawanan perkhidmatan makanan yang memimpin dan melibatkan diri dalam pasukan bagi tugasan menyelesaikan masalah merentasi berbagai disiplin melalui kebolehan berkomunikasi dengan berkesan.
PEO 3: Profesional dalam keusahawanan perkhidmatan makanan yang memajukan pengetahuan dan kebolehan mereka secara berterusan dengan menggunakan ICT (Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi) untuk menerokai peluang perniagaan dalam industri berkaitan hospitaliti.
PEO 4: Profesional dalam keusahawanan perkhidmatan makanan yang mengamalkan nilai etika dan profesional dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan kepada penerima dan pembekal industri hospitaliti.
English to Malay: Program Learning Outcome General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Upon completing this Bachelor of Science (Hons) Foodservice Entrepreneurship Management programme, students will be able to:
PO1: Able to identify principles and apply entrepreneurship knowledge in foodservice operation.
PO2: Able to apply technical skills necessary for operational efficiency and productivity.
PO3: Able to make decisions based on the entrepreneurship knowledge of managing foodservice organizations.
PO4: Able to apply professional written and oral communication skills in management of foodservice.
PO5: Able to demonstrate ability to relate social responsibility through safety, hygiene, nutrition and related issues in foodservice.
PO6: Able to display ethical values and positive attitude in achieving organizational goals.
PO7: Able to utilize all resources to enhance entrepreneurship knowledge and managerial skill for continual professional growth and life-long learning.
PO8: Able to demonstrate innovative managerial and entrepreneurial characteristics and professional behaviors.
Setelah menamatkan program Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Pengurusan Keusahawanan Perkhidmatan Makanan, pelajar akan mampu untuk:
PO1: Mengenal pasti prinsip dan mengaplikasikan pengetahuan keusahawanan dalam operasi perkhidmatan makanan.
PO2: Mengaplikasikan kemahiran teknikal yang diperlukan untuk kecekapan dan daya pengeluaran operasi.
PO3: Membuat keputusan berdasarkan pengetahuan keusahawanan menguruskan organisasi perkhidmatan makanan.
PO4: Mengaplikasikan kemahiran komunikasi bertulis dan lisan secara profesional dalam pengurusan perkhidmatan makanan.
PO5: Menunjukkan kebolehan untuk mengaitkan tanggungjawab sosial melalui keselamatan, kebersihan, pemakanan dan isu berkaitan dalam perkhidmatan makanan.
PO6: Memaparkan nilai etika dan sikap positif dalam mencapai matlamat organisasi.
PO7: Menggunakan semua sumber untuk mempertingkatkan pengetahuan keusahawanan dan kemahiran pengurusan pertumbuhan profesional dan pembelajaran seumur hidup secara berterusan.
PO8: Menunjukkan pengurusan dan ciri-ciri keusahawanan inovatif, dan tingkah laku profesional.
English to Malay: Programme Justification General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English Programme Justification
i. To fulfill the rising demand of human resources in the field of hospitality, specifically in foodservice management and entrepreneurship.
ii. Hovering needs to offer new programmes that are more competitive, updated, challenging, as well as in demand from the local and global industry.
iii. The need to systematically plan and execute continuous improvement of existing curriculum structure in effort to enhance the faculty’s and university’s competency in the long run.
iv. To fulfill the university’s, faculty’s, and department’s needs, mission, vision, objectives and philosophy.
v. To ensure the marketability of graduates within the hospitality sector in general, and specifically in the foodservice sector.
Translation - Malay Justifikasi Program
i. Memenuhi peningkatan permintaan sumber manusia dalam bidang hospitaliti, khususnya dalam pengurusan perkhidmatan makanan dan keusahawanan.
ii. Keperluan sedia ada bagi menawarkan program baharu yang lebih berdaya saing, terkini, mencabar, dan juga selaras dengan permintaan industri tempatan dan global.
iii. Keperluan merancang dan melaksanakan penambahbaikan berterusan struktur kurikulum sedia ada secara sistematik dalam usaha mempertingkatkan kecekapan jangka panjang fakulti dan universiti.
iv. Memenuhi keperluan, misi, visi, objektif dan falsafah universiti, fakulti, dan jabatan.
v. Memastikan kebolehpasaran siswazah dalam sektor hospitaliti umumnya, dan khususnya dalam sektor perkhidmatan makanan.
Translation education
Other - Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books
Years of experience: 10. Registered at Apr 2014. Became a member: Jun 2014.
English to Malay (Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books, verified) Malay to English (Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books, verified)
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I am a Malay native speaker and very proficient in English as my working language. I had my Translation, Proofreading and Editing certification from our very own, Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books in 2014. I had also attended the proofreading and editing workshop in the same year at the same institution. I was graduated from the Manchester Metropolitan University and was awarded with BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance in 1997. I had vast experience in Human Resources in various industries and had accomplished some major roles in policy and other important technical and legal writings in English and local language. In 2011, I had my MBA majoring in Strategic Management and in Jan 2014 I was awarded with Associate Membership in HR from the Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD) in the UK.
I have significant experience translating all types of documents, you can refer to my profile for further details. I had also recently led a group of translators/proofreaders/editors completing an autobiography project for a well-known person in Malaysia.
Some of the projects completed;
English > Malay
• IBM Cognos Sales Performance Management on Cloud (298 words) completed on 28-May-14
• External Bracing (235 words) completed on 28-May-14
• Mazda Genuine Trunk Tray: Installation and User's Instructions (331 words) completed on 28-May-14
• AVR-Advanced Functions (283 words) completed on 28-May-14
• The Mapping of POs and PEOs According to Vision and Mission of HEP UiTM (138 words) completed on 31-May-14
• MQF Learning Outcomes and the BSc. (Hons.) Foodservice Entrepreneurship Management Learning Outcomes (77 words) completed on 31-May-14
• Program Educational Outcome (110 words) completed on 31-May-14
• Program Learning Outcome (135 words) completed on 31-May-14
• Programme Justification (110 words) completed on 31-May-14
• Questionnaires on Entrepreneurship (816 words)completed on 10-Jun-14
• Error handling and miscellaneous contents for UNICEF (150 words) completed on 15 Jul 2014
• Short Translation on Games – (77 words) completed on 20 Oct 2014
• Short Translation on Games – (116 words) completed on 29 Oct 2014
• Canon Project (2,007 words) completed on 20 Nov 2014
• Canon Project (1,000 words) completed on 17 Nov 2014
• Canon Project (1,032 words) completed on 26 Nov 2014
• Canon Project (510 words) completed on 03 Dec 2014
• Canon Project (957 words) completed on 04 Dec 2014
• Canon Project (2,629 words) completed on 11 Dec 2014
• Translation on Computer Games (4,637 words) completed on 14 Dec 2014
• Major Questionnaire Project (42,266 words) completed on 16 Dec 2014
• Soal Selidik – Questionnaires – Psychology (772 words) completed on 03 Jan 2015
• Abstract on Algorithm – completed on 08 Jan 2015
• Interview with informants on Malaysian Heritage Food – (17,228 words) completed on 02 Jan 2015
• Discussion paper on Coaching (2022 words) completed on 20 Jan 2015
• Canon Project (10,272 words) completed on 31 Jan 2015
• Canon Project (2,230 words) completed on 05 Feb 2015
• Abstract – Statistics (359 words) completed on 06 Feb 2015
• Questionnaire - SPIRITUALITY AND SPIRITUAL CARE RATING SCALE (523 words) completed on 06 Feb 2015
• Abstract – Environment (Statistics- 304 words) completed on 07 Feb 2015
• Abstract - Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) – 351 words- completed on 08 Feb 2015
• Questionnaire – Service in the Restaurant – 1511 words – completed on 10 Feb 2015
• Abstract – Education (Spiritual Intelligence) – 775 words – completed on 12 Feb 2015
• Introduction to Cooperation in Mobile Ad hoc Network (2845 words) – completed on 15 Feb 2015
• Abstract – Health Sciences (509 words) – completed on 16 Feb 2015
• Abstract – Gene Chromosome (551 words) – completed on 14 Feb 2015
• Questionnaire Management – Industrial Relation Batch 1 (7068 words)– completed on 26 Feb 2015
• Questionnaire Management – Industrial Relation Batch 2 (7752 words)– completed on 03 Mar 2015
• MPWS - TL Hawa (manuscript) - Eng > Malay - Completed on 07 Mar 2015 (1882 words)
• MPWS - TL Anna ENG>BM - 2300 words – Completed on 24 Mar 2015
• Creating a Dynamic & Sustainable Talent Ecosystem – 4671 words submitted on 7 Apr 2015
• MPWS - TL Nagib (Manuscript) - Submitted 7 Apr 2015
• Abstract – HCWM by Talaat– Submitted on 8 Apr 2015
• Abstract – Theme Park by Mega – Submitted on 16 Apr 2015
• Abstract – Antibody by Sharifah – Submitted on 16 Apr 2015
• Abstract - Sexual Behaviour and the Reproductive Health of Adolescents by Mazlina – Submitted on 19 Apr 2015
• Abstract – Administration of Quarry by Izzati – Submitted on 19 Apr 2015
• Abstract – Environmental by Ameen – Submitted on 24 Apr 2015
• SEBU 9213 – 3685 words submitted on 22 Apr 2015
• BOSCH – 13754 words submitted on 27 Apr 2015
• Kenchill International – Website Instruction of 4000 words submitted on 05 May 2015
Malay > English
• UNICEF: Birth Certificate completed on 15 Jul 2014
• Report of MCMC (12,144 words) completed on 30 Oct 2014
• Report of MCMC (6,100 words) completed on 05 Nov 2014
• Journal – History (2,386 words) Arabic Language and Literature completed on 11 Nov 2014
• Proposal – History (1,923 words) Religious Paper completed on 18 Nov 2014
• Questionnaires – Management (919 words) completed on 14 Jan 2014
• Discussion paper on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (4605 words) completed on 15 Jan 2015
• Review on Malaysian Modern Art (1600) completed on 17 Jan 2015
• Paper on Malaysian Modern Art (6,090) completed on 19 Jan 2015
• FINAS – Special Report (3,833 words) completed on 23 Jan 2015
• Clothing Fashion Design Competency Instrument (Statistics – 2300 words) completed on 06 Feb 2015
• Abstract – Improvement on Clavey Soil by using Bio Enzymes completed on 24 Feb 2015
• MPWS - TL Mahazi (HR) - Malay > Eng - Completed on 04 Mar 2015 ( 2866words)
• MPWS -Translation Ruhaida BM>ENG - 4864 words – Submission 18 Mar 2015
• MPWS - Translation Sumayyah BM>ENG - 2800 words – Completed on 23 Mar 2015
• MPWS - TL Ramnan (Edu) - Malay > Eng - Completed on 29 Mar 2015 ( 3681 words)
• MPWS - TL FINAS - Malay > Eng - 2917 words - Submission 30 Mar 2015
• MPWS - TL Rahimah (Edu) - Malay > Eng - 5719 words - 7 Apr 2015
• MPWS – Abstract – Linguistic from Malay>English: TELEVISION FORUM FROM THE ANGLE OF COMMUNICATION ETHNOGRAPHY – 379 words – 07 May 2015
Proof reading and Editing the translated documents
English > Malay
• Questionnaires on Ecosystem Recluster (949 words) completed on 10-Jun-14
• UNICEF Translation on Global donations, contacts and price points (1570 words) completed on 15 Jul 2014
Malay > English
• SCB FATCA Translation Review – 40 pages 05 Nov 2014
• MPWS - Proofreading Dr Lai (Edu) - Malay > Eng (7169 words)- Submission 08 Apr 2015
Special Project
1. Autobiography of Tan Sri Dr. Salleh Mohd Nor – English to Malay
Total No. of words of 120,000; Completed on the 17th of March 2015 (combined with the other 2 translators)
2. Special Project – Translation of VM Lab Submission for 240 pages – Eng > Malay – Completed on 03 Apr 2015
3. Special Project – Immigration Papers - 46 pages
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Keywords: English, Malay, accounting, finance, economics, social and political sciences, human resources, education, general, translation. See more.English, Malay, accounting, finance, economics, social and political sciences, human resources, education, general, translation, proofread, editing. See less.
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