您好 ! 我是來自香港的, 曾經在日本的大阪留學4年並有15年以上在香港及日系企業從事與日語相關的全職工作, 擁有日本語能力試1級及JETRO商業日本語能力1級資格, 從2015年開始活躍在兼職及自由翻譯/傳譯界中, 現承接各類日中. 中日及一般英中翻譯, 歡迎隨時與我聯絡.
I worked as freelance and part-time translator/ interpreter for over 4
years. Before, I worked as full time staff related to translation and
interpretation for over 15 years.
My native language is Traditional Chinese (Cantonese) and fluency in
Japanese & also Mandarin (Simplified Chinese) .
I usually work for a big company in Hong Kong (with chain Japanese
restaurants) as their part time regular translator/ interpreter. Also, I
handled several translation projects in casino, gaming, game apps, news
press, pet products field from Chinese to Japanese, Japanese to Chinese
and sometimes English to Chinese (HKG Traditional Chinese). |