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Translation Volume: 4 pages Completed: Sep 2017 Languages: Slovak to English
Four page translation of a Slovak legal document into English
Law (general)
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Slovak to English: Slovak to English legal translation, delivered on Sept 3rd 2017 General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Slovak ..... Rozhodl:
Vyzýva účastníkov konania aby sa vyjadrili v lehote 15 dní, či súhlasia s rozhodnutím o vecí bez nariadenia pojednávania podľa § 115a O.s.p.
Ukláda žalovanému aby sa v lehote 15 dní odo dňa doručenia tohto uznesenia písomne vyjadril k žalobe a oznámil, či nárok uznáva; pripojil k vyjadreniu listiny, na ktoré sa odvoláva, označil dôkazy na preukázanie svojich tvrdení a v prípade, ak nárok uplatnený v návrhu v celom rozsahu neuznáva, uviedol vo vyjadrení rozhudujúce skutočnosti na svoju obranu.
Poučuje žalovaného v zmysle §114 ods. 5 O.s.p., že v prípade, ak bez vážneho dôvodu nesplní povinnosť uloženú týmto uznesením, môže súd bez nariadenia pojednávania rozhodnút o návrhu rozsudkom pre zmeškanie podľa §153b. V tomto prípade sa ustanovenia §153b ods. 1 a ods. 2 písm. a) a c) nepoužijú
Translation - English ..... Ruled
That the court:
Calls the parties of the proceedings to declare within 15 days, whether they agree with the ruling on the matter without a hearing order, according to article 115a of the code of Civil Procedure [hereafter c.c.p.]
Orders the respondent to declare in writing within 15 days from the day of delivery of this resolution and notify, whether or not he acknowledges the claim; to attach into said declaration the documents to which it refers, submit evidence to prove his claims; and in case of absence of full recognition of the claim listed in the proposal, to include in his declaration decisive facts for his defense.
Instructs the respondent, as indicated in article 114 paragraph 5 of the c.c.p. in case of failure to fulfill the obligations imposed by this resolution without force majeure reasons, the court may, without a hearing, rule on the proposal a default veredict according to article 153b. In this case the provisions stated in article 153b paragraphs 1 and 2, subsections a) and c) do not apply.
Translation education
Other - Karlova Univerzita (Charles University at Prague)
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Jul 2015.
Czech to English (Univerzita Karlova) Czech to Spanish (Univerzita Karlova) Slovak to Spanish (Univerzita Karlova) Slovak to English (Univerzita Karlova) Portuguese to Spanish (UPorto)
Portuguese to English (UPorto) Spanish to English (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Instituto de Letras, Programa de Traducción) English to Spanish (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Instituto de Letras, Programa de Traducción) Spanish to Portuguese (UPorto) Indonesian to Spanish (UAJY) Indonesian to English (UAJY)
Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
Translator with studies of General Linguistics at Charles University at Prague, specialized in providing translation and language services in Slavic and Romance languages while also catering to clients in maritime Southeast Asia, using Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia.