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Spanish to English: Patent Sample General field: Science Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - Spanish Para la materia de la reivindicación 1:
El D03 describe:
Un sistema de energía (fig. 1) que comprende:
Un generador (112) para suministrar energía continua de largo plazo a una carga (102), dicho generador comprende un depósito de combustible y un motor (111) para accionar dicho generador (par. 0020);
Un volante de inercia basado en UPS, para suministrar energía de corto plazo a la carga (par. 0022, 0023), donde dicho volante de inercia (110) se encuentra en comunicación eléctrica con el generador para proveer energía de arranque del motor (107);
Un interruptor de transferencia automática (109) para seleccionar automáticamente entre dicho generador, dicho volante de inercia basado en UPS, una fuente de energía red pública, o combinaciones de los mismos (101; par. 0023);
Un contenedor que aloja dicho generador y dicho volante de inercia basado en UPS; y una interfaz computarizada capaz de comunicarse con dicho generador, dicho suministro de energía de corto plazo y dicho interruptor de transferencia automática, dicha interfaz computarizada además siendo capaz de presentar una interfaz unificada de control y monitoreo a un usuario (par.019), donde dicho contenedor es capaz de ser entregado a un sitio para su instalación en una disposición configurada e implementado de forma relativamente rápida,
Y en donde dicha pluralidad de fuentes de energía, dicho interruptor de transferencia automática y dicha interfaz computarizada son capaces de ser sometidas a pruebas preliminares en un lugar de fabricación antes de dicha entrega.
Translation - English For the matter of Claim 1:
D03 describes:
An energy system (Img. 1) including:
A generator (112) which provides long-term continuous energy to an output load (102), such generator contains a fuel tank and an engine (111) which power such engine (Par. 0020);
A flywheel of inertia based on UPS providing short-term energy to the output load (par.0022, 0023), where such flywheel of inertia (110) is plugged to the generator which provides energy to run the engine (107);
An Automatic Transferring Switch (ATS) that automatically chooses from such generator, such flywheel of inertia based on UPS, an energy source from the public network, or combinations thereof (101; par. 0023);
A container that accommodates such generator, such flywheel of inertia based on UPS; a computer interface, able to communicate with such generator, such short-term energy supply and such ATS, this interface can also be displayed in an unified interface for the control and monitoring of an user (par. 019), where such container can be easily configured and delivered elsewhere for a relatively quick installation and implementation.
And where such plurality of energy sources, such ATS, and such computer interface can be submitted to preliminary tests in the manufacturing site before being delivered.
French to English: Polygamie ici aussi General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - French Polygamie Polygamie ici aussi!
Les mariages multiples sont en hausse au Canada. Certaines féministes proposent de décriminaliser la polygamie pour protéger les femmes et leurs enfants. Débat houleux à l’horizon.
En 1999, Sanah Kamal divorce d’un mari violent et quitte son pays, le Qatar, afin de ne pas être montrée du doigt par la collectivité. Avec son fils de 5 ans, elle immigre à Mississauga, en Ontario. Elle y trouvera un mari. Il y a un hic toutefois : il a déjà une épouse.
La femme de 44 ans a rencontré son mari l’an dernier dans une compagnie où il s’occupait des comptes à recevoir. L’homme d’origine pakistanaise, de 11 ans son aîné, cherchait une épouse pour prendre soin de lui. Elle, sans emploi convenable depuis son arrivée au Canada, voulait s’appuyer sur un homme et donner un père à son fils. « En moins d’un mois, nous étions mariés », raconte Sanah.
Avant les noces, elle a imposé une condition : Hamid devrait éventuellement divorcer. En effet, il était marié depuis plus de 10 ans à une Pakistanaise et père de sept enfants. Cette situation n’a toutefois pas empêché un imam de Scarborough de célébrer leur union. Si Sanah raconte son histoire aujourd’hui, c’est parce qu’elle espère obtenir de l’aide. « Non seulement Hamid n’a jamais divorcé, mais j’ai été sa servante pendant des mois avant qu’il ne retourne vivre avec sa première femme. Il m’a laissée seule dans notre appartement avec tous les comptes à payer. Je suis flouée », confie-t-elle en ravalant un sanglot.
Translation - English POLYGAMY IN CANADA
Multiple marriages in Canada are on the rise. Some feminists demand the decriminalisation of polygamy to protect women and their children, rough debate ahead.
In 1999, Sanah Kana divorced a violent husband and left her country, Qatar, so the community would not point the finger at her. With her 5 year-old son, she immigrated to Mississauga, Ontario; where she found her husband. There is a twist, though: He already had a wife.
The 44 year-old woman found her husband last year in a company where he was in charge of accounts receivable. The man, Pakistani by birth, had a son of 11 years old and was looking for a wife who would look after his son. Sanah, who had not had a job since her arrival in Canada, wanted to be able to rely on a man and give a father to her son. “In less than a month, we were married”, she says.
Before the wedding, she imposed a condition; that they would get a divorce. In fact, he had been married for more than ten years to a Pakistani woman and had seven children. This situation, however, did not stop a Scarborough imam from celebrating their union. Sanah is telling her story today because she is looking for help: “Not only did Hamid never grant me a divorce, but I also was his servant for months before he returned to live with his first wife. He left me alone in our apartment with all the unpaid bills. I felt swindled,” she says supressing a sob.
Portuguese to English: Compósitos cimento-madeira General field: Science
Source text - Portuguese INTRODUÇÃO
A viabilidade da produção de compósitos produzidos com fibras e/ou partículas naturais vem sendo pesquisada há décadas, com longa história de aceitação e aplicação na construção civil, especialmente na Europa e Ásia.
De acordo com Semple e Evans (2004) e Moslemi (1989), os materiais produzidos com compósitos cimento-madeira apresentam uma série de vantagens, entre as quais pode ser citada a disponibilidade de matéria-prima em grandes quantidades e baixa massa específica, o que permite sua utilização na produção de painéis de fechamento, forros, telhas, elementos de vedação e de alvenaria.
Além desses atributos, os materiais podem ser serrados, furados e receber parafusos e pinturas. Somando-se a essas vantagens, os materiais à base de compósitos cimento-madeira não emitem resíduos tóxicos durante sua manufatura (VAN ELTEN, 2000 apud SEMPLE; EVANS, 2004), não necessitam de tratamentos preservativos (RAMIREZ-CORETTI et al., 1998) e apresentam menor dispêndio de energia no processo de produção (MOSLEMI, 1989), tornando-se uma alternativa viável aos fibrocimentos que utilizam asbesto (amianto), principalmente na Europa, Japão e América do Norte (MOSLEMI, 1989).
O gênero Pinus spp. da família das Pinaceae, é composto por plantas lenhosas, em geral arbóreas, de altura variável, sendo que algumas espécies de Pinus se incluem entre as árvores mais utilizadas no mundo (LIMA et al., 1988; MORAIS et al., 2005).
As madeiras pertencentes ao gênero Pinus spp. fornecem material de boa qualidade para a produção de celulose, além de apresentarem características tecnológicas adequadas para seu aproveitamento em serraria. Durante as etapas do processamento mecânico da madeira, produz-se grande quantidade de resíduos, que, de acordo com Nahuz (2004), até o momento não têm recebido a devida valorização.
O incremento na produção de madeira de Pinus spp. pode ser verificado com base na análise dos dados da Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Madeira Processada Mecanicamente (ABIMCI, 2009), pelos quais se verifica uma produção de toras de Pinus spp. em 2007 de 50,6 milhões de metros cúbicos, contra 42 milhões de metros cúbicos em 1997. Portanto, um acréscimo de produção de 20,48% no período de dez anos.
Sob essa ótica, a geração de resíduos florestais no Brasil também assume valores expressivos, pois, segundo a ABIMCI (2009), só a produção de madeira serrada em 2008 alcançou o montante de 22,886 milhões de metros cúbicos. Considerando o potencial de perdas, que, conforme Freitas (2000), pode atingir até 60%, deduz-se que um valor significativo de resíduos florestais foi produzido naquele ano.
Translation - English INTRODUCTION
The production viability of compounds produced by fibers or natural particles has been researched for the last few decades, having had a long history of acceptance and application in civil construction, especially in Europe and Asia.
According to Semple and Evans (2004), as well as Moslemi (1989) those materials produced with cement-wood compounds present a series of advantages, among which can be cited: large availability of stock, low specific weight, low permeability, their capability of being sawed, previous screw fastening, and outer finishings, such as paints and others, which enables their use in the production of closing panels, linings, fabrics, sealing and masonry units, among others.
In addition to these advantages, materials made from cement-wood compounds do not produce any toxic waste during its manufacture (Van Elten, 2000 apud SEMPLE and Evans, 2004), such materials do not require treatment with preservatives (Ramirez-Coretti et al., 1998), and they have a lower energy-output during the production process (Moslemi, 1989), to the extent of being a viable alternative to asbestos-cement, which is mainly used in Europe, Japan and North America (Moslemi, 1989).
The genus Pinus spp, which belongs to the Pinaceae family, is composed of woody plants, and generally trees of variable height, given that some Pinus species are among the most used trees in the world (Lima et al., 1988; Morais et al., 2005).
Woods that belong to the Pinus spp genus provide high quality material for cellulose production, in addition to having adequate technological characteristics for their use in sawmills. Throughout the stages of wood mechanical processing, large quantities of waste are produced, which, according to NAHUZ (2004), have not yet received the attention they require.
The Pinus spp wood production increase can be verified by analyzing ABIMCI’s data (Portuguese: Brazilian Association for Mechanically Processed Timber) (ABIMCI,2009), where it states that, in 2007, there was a production of 50.6 million cubic meters of Pinus Spp, compared to 42 million cubic meters in 1997, therefore, there was a 20.48% production increase in 10 years.
Under this scope, the production of forestry waste in Brazil is also represented by high numbers. According to ABIMCI (2009), the production of sawed wood alone in 2008 reached the amount of 24,987 million cubic meters. Inferring from this value the potential losses, which according to Freitas (2000) can account for up to 60%, it can be said that a significant amount of wood waste was produced that year.
Spanish to English: Domestic violence General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - Spanish Többen halnak meg családon belüli erőszakban, mint háborúkban
2014. szeptember 09., kedd, 18:36 Utolsó frissítés: 2014. szeptember 09., kedd, 18:35
Szerző: MTI
Címkék: családon belüli erőszak; UNICEF; nők jogai; gyermekek jogai;
Kinyomtatom Elküldöm
Az UNICEF adatai szerint 290 millió gyermek szenved erőszaktól otthon. Több ember veszíti életét a főként a nőket és a gyerekeket érő családi belüli erőszakban, mint háborúkban - közölte az Oxfordi és a Stanford Egyetem.
Több ember veszíti életét a főként a nőket és a gyerekeket érő családi belüli erőszakban, mint háborúkban - tárta fel az Oxfordi Egyetem és a Stanford Egyetem kutatóinak közös tanulmánya, amelynek készítői először számszerűsítették, mekkora kárt okoz a gazdaságnak ez a sanyargatás. A szakemberek évi 8 ezer milliárd dollárra becsülik az összeget.
"A háborúk minden egyes civil áldozatával szemben nagyjából kilenc embert ölnek meg személyek közötti vitákban" - írta tanulmányában Anke Hoeffler, az Oxfordi Egyetem és James Fearon, a Stanford Egyetem kutatója.
Becslésük szerint a családon belüli vitáktól a háborúkig terjedő erőszakcselekmények - főként a termeléskiesés miatt - évente 9,5 ezer milliárd dollár kárt okoznak a világgazdaságnak, ami a világ GDP-jének 11,2 százalékával egyenlő.
Az elmúlt években a világ mintegy 20-25 országában dúlt polgárháború, ami sok helyi gazdaságot tönkretett, és évi 170 milliárd dollár gazdasági kárt okozott. A családon belüli erőszaktól független emberölés 650 milliárd dollárral károsítja a világ GDP-jét. Ezek a számok eltörpülnek a családi erőszak okozta 8 ezer milliárd dollárnyi gazdasági kár mögött.
A tanulmány az ENSZ Gyermekalapja (UNICEF) adataira támaszkodva kimutatta, hogy 290 millió gyermek szenved erőszaktól otthon.
Translation - English More People Die from Domestic Violence than War
September 9, 2014. Tuesday, 6:36 p.m. Last updated: September 9, 2014. Tuesday, 6:35 p.m.
Author: MTI
Keywords: Domestic violence, UNICEF, women’s rights, children’s rights
Print. Send
According to UNICEF data, 290 million children suffer from violence at home. More people have lost their lives due to domestic violence than war, as informed by researchers at Oxford and Stanford Universities.
Most of the victims were women and children. A joint study by researchers at Oxford and Stanford Universities revealed that more people, mostly women and children, have lost their lives due to domestic violence than war. For the first time, research has quantified the impact of domestic violence on the economy, which was estimated at $8 trillion a year.
Researchers Anke Hoeffler, at Oxford University, and James Fearon, at Stanford University, pointed out: “For every victim of civil wars, roughly nine were killed as a result of inter-personal disputes.”
They estimated that the cost of all violent acts ranging from domestic violence to war amount to $9.5 trillion a year, mainly due to the loss of production, which is also equivalent to 11.2% of the global GDP.
In recent years, civil wars have ravaged some 20 to 25 countries, destroying much of their local economy and causing economic losses of $170 billion a year. Deaths from homicides unrelated to domestic violence represent a loss of $650 billion a year for the global GDP. These figures are nothing compared to the $8 trillion in losses caused by domestic violence.
The study conducted by the UN Children’s Fund also reports that 290 million children suffer from domestic violence.
Spanish to Russian: Medical Reports General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Spanish SOURCE TEXT
El Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos del Hospital Universitari i Politecnic La Fe está autorizado por el Decreto 108/2000, de 18 de julio del DOGV, por el que se regula la apertura y funcionamiento de los laboratorios clínicos de la Comunidad Valenciana.
Posee el Certificado de Inscripción en el Registro Oficial de Centros, Servicios y Establecimientos Sanitarios de la Comunidad Valenciana.
CERTIFICADO de CALIDAD NORMA ISO-14001:2004 y ISO 9001:2008 de la Sección de Bioquímica Automatizada del Servicio de Análisis Clínicos.
El Servicio de Análisis Clínicos del Hospital Universitario “LA FE”, está sometido a los habituales controles de calidad externos, entre ellos el de la Sociedad Española de Biopatología Clínica, Sociedad Española de Química Clínica, Asociación Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia, y el de la Generalitat Valenciana.
Asimismo, se participa en controles de calidad a nivel internacional. Los Valores de Referencia que se detallan a continuación corresponden a las analíticas solicitadas de Rutina y de Urgencias. Estos valores están en vigencia desde la fecha abajo señalada hasta nueva actualización
Certificado del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad. AENOR, Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación, certifica que la organización HOSPITAL DE SANT JOAN DE DÉU dispone de un sistema de gestión de la calidad conforme con la Norma UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 para las actividades: DETALLADAS EN EL ANEXO AL CERTIFICADO que se realizan en: HOSPITAL DE SANT JOAN DE DÉU: PASSEIG SANT JOAN DE DEU, 2.08950 - ESPLUGUES /BARCELONA] HOSPITAL GENERAL DEL PARC SANITARI SANT JOAN DE DÉU CAMÍ VELL DE LA COLONIA, 25.08830 - SANT BOI DE LLOBREGAT /BARCELONA]
Alcance: El diseño y desarrollo de técnicas analíticas. La realización de análisis clínicos en las unidades de: Bioquímica (alergia, esterilidad, fármacos y gastroenterología, hormonas, metabolopatías, proteínas. Citogenética. Genética molecular. Hematología (anemias, citología, citometría, coagulación.
Laboratorio de respuesta rápida (hematimetría, coagulación, bioquímica, fármacos. Microbiología.
Translation - Russian TARGET TEXT
Лаборатория Клинических Анализов больницы "LA FE" политехнического университета авторизована указом 108/2000 18 июля в официальной ведомости Валенсии, согласно которой регулируются открытие и деятельность клинических лабораторий автономного сообщества Валенсия.
Обладает регистрационным свидетельством в официальном реестре медицинских центров, служб и учреждений автономного сообщества Валенсия.
Стандарт качества сертификата ИСО-14001:2004 и ИСО 9001:2008 раздел автоматических анализов.
Служба клинических Анализов университетской больницы “LA FE” прошла стандартный внешний контроль качества, среди которых контроль качества испанского сообщества клинической биопаталогии, испанского сообщества клинической биохимии, контроль испанской ассоциации гематологии и гемотерапии и контроль Валенсийского сообщества.
А так же пройдены контроли качества на международном уровне. Справочные значения, указанные ниже, соответстуют запрошенным штатным и аварийным значениям.
Сертификат системы менеджмента качества. AENOR, испанская ассоциация стандартизации и сертификации, удостоверяет, что организация HOSPITAL DE SANT JOAN DE DÉU обладает системой менеджмента качества в соответствии с нормой UNE-EN ИСО 9001:2008 для выполнения следующих действий: УКАЗАНЫ В ПРИЛОЖЕНИИ К СЕРТИФИКАТУ, которые осуществляется в: Больница «Сан-Жоан де Деу» : Ал.SANT JOAN DE DEU, 2.08950 - ESPLUGUES /BARCELONA] больница PARC SANITARI SANT JOAN DE DÉU ул. VELL DE LA COLONIA, 25.08830 - SANT BOI DE LLOBREGAT /BARCELONA]
Область применения: Проектирование и разработка аналитических методов. Проведение клинических анализов: Биохимия (аллергия, бесплодие, медикаменты и гастроэнтерологические препараты, гормоны, метаболические расстройства, белки. Цитогенетика. Молекулярная генетика. Гематология (анемия, цитология, цитометрия, коагуляция).
Welcome to my profile! I am a hyperpolyglot interpreter and translator with 4 years of experience.
Right now I work as a freelancer at Deluxe Media Entertainment where I run QC checks on subtitles for digital cinema (Disney, Warner, Fox, Universal, Sony, Paramount).
My fields of expertise in translation and interpreting are: