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Jun 14 (posted I just finished translating 9,000+ words editorial writings for a solo exhibition of an artist based in the Netherlands and Yogyakarta, Indonesia....more »
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English to Indonesian: Releasing the Ghosts of our Shared Past: Wounds and Venom, Colonial Aphasia and Decolonisation in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - English ‘In a sugar factory in East Java, the Dutch hid the portrait paintings of their Governor-Generals in the hope for placing them back to display after the war ends. The ghosts haunting the steel wheels of the abandoned sugar factories were the silent witnesses of dreams and tragedies on the promised land.’ In Tunggang Langgang (Kusno, 2024), the camera wanders through the deserted infrastructure of a colonial sugar refinery in East Java. Accompanied by an eerie soundscape of echoing, moaning sounds reminiscent of croaking steel or perhaps a wounded being, we see a dilapidated building, rusty corrugated sheets, a stranded and overgrown locomotive. They are the remains of a once lucrative enterprise for the Dutch, which relied on exploitation of both the ecosystem and Indonesian labour. ‘Almost eight decades later,’ the narrator continues, ‘the portrait paintings of the number one leaders of the Dutch East Indies are now stored in Amsterdam, removed from their frames; meanwhile their ghosts wander at speed across oceans and continents.’
The portraits were taken headlong to the Netherlands after the recognition of Indonesian independence, where they were tucked away in the depot of the Rijksmuseum. Tunggang Langgang follows their resurfacing for Kusno’s contribution to the exhibition Revolusi! (2022), in which the museum looked back on the Indonesian decolonisation war. Revolusi! took its starting point from Sukarno's declaration of independence on August 17, 1945, and was guided by personal stories from both sides of the war. It was only in 1949 that the Netherlands recognised Indonesia as a sovereign state, after years of extreme military violence in an effort to bring the country back under colonial rule.
Translation - Indonesian "Di sebuah pabrik gula di Jawa Timur, Belanda menyembunyikan lukisan-lukisan potret para Gubernur Jenderal dengan harapan untuk memajangnya kembali kelak selepas perang usai. Hantu-hantu yang bersemayam dalam gerigi besi dari pabrik-pabrik gula yang terbengkalai itu telah menjadi saksi bisu dari mimpi-mimpi dan tragedi di tanah impian." Dalam Tunggang Langgang (Kusno, 2024), kamera menelusuri infrastruktur zaman kolonial berupa bekas pabrik gula yang telah kosong, di daerah Jawa Timur. Dengan iringan suara latar seram dari bunyi gema dan rintihan serupa suara derit besi tua atau mungkin makhluk yang tengah sekarat, kita menyaksikan bangunan nyaris ambruk, seng-seng berkarat, serta lokomotif usang yang telantar. Inilah sisa-sisa bisnis penghasil uang bagi Belanda, yang menggantungkan ekonominya pada eksploitasi ekosistem sekaligus tenaga kerja Indonesia. "Nyaris delapan dekade berselang," lanjut sang narator, "lukisan-lukisan potret orang-orang nomor satu di Hindia Belanda kini disemayamkan di Amsterdam, dilucuti dari bingkainya; sebagaimana hantu-hantunya melesat melintasi penjuru samudera dan benua."
Lukisan-lukisan potret itu langsung diboyong ke Belanda setelah pengakuan atas kemerdekaan Indonesia, dan kini disimpan di gudang koleksi Rijksmuseum. Tunggang Langgang menemani kemunculan kembali potret-potret ini dalam karya Timoteus untuk pameran Revolusi! (2022), gelaran Rijksmuseum dalam rangka menilik kembali peristiwa perang dekolonisasi Indonesia. Revolusi! diawali dengan peristiwa deklarasi kemerdekaan oleh Presiden Sukarno pada 17 Agustus 1945, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan kisah-kisah personal dari masing-masing kubu yang berperang. Barulah pada tahun 1949 Belanda mengakui Indonesia sebagai negara berdaulat, setelah bertahun-tahun sebelumnya membombardir Indonesia dengan kekerasan militer yang kejam demi mengembalikannya jadi wilayah jajahan.
Translation education
Master's degree - Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta
Years of experience: 10. Registered at Apr 2016.