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Translation Volume: 2.5 hours Completed: May 2006 Languages: English to Spanish
English>Spanish Translation of subtitles
positive Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Vey Relaible, accuarate and timely.
Translation Volume: 7500 words Completed: Dec 2005 Languages: Spanish
Freelance subtitlers needed
Transcription of some episodes of "Proyecto 48" (Mexican version), a reality series on moviemaking.
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
positive : No comment.
Translation Volume: 17220 words Completed: Dec 2005 Languages: English to Spanish
Urgent! Translation of video script
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 50000 words Completed: Nov 2005 Languages: English to Spanish
Fast turnaround for TV shows
Subtitling of prime-time TV shows (ongoing projects).
Media / Multimedia, Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
positive : No comment.
Translation Volume: 12674 words Completed: Oct 2005 Languages: English to Spanish
website translation
Translation of Company's website
Business/Commerce (general)
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Translation Volume: 2750 words Completed: Aug 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Power of Attorney
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1850 words Completed: Aug 2005 Languages: English to Spanish
Car Brand survey
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2662 words Completed: Mar 2005 Languages: English to Spanish
Tourism brochures
Tourism & Travel
No comment.
Translation Volume: 12868 words Completed: Mar 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Company profile, contracts
Law: Contract(s)
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Translation Volume: 1573 words Completed: Dec 2004 Languages: English to Spanish
Rush Engl to Span - 5 pages - legal
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2612 words Completed: Dec 2004 Languages: English to Spanish
Legal Text from English into Spanish
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2680 words Completed: Oct 2002 Languages: English to Spanish
URGENT Agreement
Law: Contract(s)
positive member : Very Professional
Payment methods accepted
PayPal, Western Union,
Sample translations submitted: 6
English to Spanish: Medical
Source text - English We know that exercise can protect us against heart disease. Can it do the same against cancer, the leading killer of women in the US after cardiovascular disease? While there is some evidence pointing in that direction, the jury is still out on the connection between physical activity and most forms of cancer. Some large studies have shown that, in general, cancer rates go down as the amount of physical activity goes up. Others show no clear association between exercise and cancer.
A critical missing link is how physical activity might suppress cancer. One possibility is that by boosting the immune system, exercise might improve the body's ability to detect and kill off cancer cells before they can begin multiplying. In the case of colon cancer, regular physical activity may help move waste products through the digestive tract more quickly, limiting the time the cancer-causing substances are in contact with the lining of the colon.
Translation - Spanish Sabemos que el ejercicio físico puede protegernos de las enfermedades cardíacas. ¿Puede hacer lo mismo con el cáncer, la principal causa de muerte entre las mujeres en los Estados Unidos después de las enfermedades cardiovasculares? Si bien existe alguna evidencia en tal sentido, todavía no hay un juicio definitivo respecto de la relación entre la actividad física y la mayoría de los tipos de cáncer. Algunos estudios importantes señalan que, en general, la tasa de cáncer es menor entre la gente que tiene mayor actividad física. Hay otros, en cambio, que no arrojan como resultado una asociación clara entre el ejercicio físico y el cáncer.
El "eslabón perdido" de vital importancia es cómo podría eliminar el cáncer la actividad física. Una posibilidad es que, al mejorar el sistema inmunitario, el ejercicio puede aumentar la capacidad del organismo para detectar y destruir las células cancerígenas antes de que comiencen a multiplicarse. En el caso del cáncer de colon, la actividad física practicada en forma habitual puede ayudar a que los desechos atraviesen el tracto digestivo más rápidamente, disminuyendo el lapso en que las sustancias que provocan el cáncer están en contacto con las paredes del colon.
English to Spanish: Translation Agency's website
Source text - English Learn about X’s best of breed ISO certified translation services. Managing all types of multilingual projects from translation, to layout to publication, in one location with one point of contact.
Click on the links to download and view the movies about X and our services. If you are having trouble viewing or cannot view the movie you may not have the ability to view the movie format (.mpg). You can download one of these free players.
Increase the value and impact of managing your global communication. Integrated solutions mean more than business process integration; this also requires technical system integration. Imagine the value of using a technology that is integrated from source content creation to publication.
Translation - Spanish Conozca los inigualables servicios de traducción con certificación ISO que brinda X. Se realiza todo tipo de proyectos multilingües desde la traducción hasta el diseño y la publicación. Todo en un solo lugar, con un punto único de contacto.
Haciendo clic en los enlaces podrá ver los videos sobre X y sus servicios. Si tiene dificultad o no logra ver el video, puede que no tenga el programa compatible con el formato (.mpg). Puede descargar uno de estos programas gratuitos.
Logre que su comunicación global tenga mayor valor e impacto. Las soluciones integradas representan mucho más que la integración de los procesos comerciales; también hace falta la integración de los sistemas técnicos. Piense el valor que tiene utilizar una tecnología totalmente integrada: desde la creación del contenido original hasta su publicación.
English to Spanish: Family and parenting
Source text - English The joys and challenges of raising a teenager are often magnified during the holidays, as they have more free time and less structured schedules than during the school year. The holidays can be a time of great opportunity for learning and enjoyment, but too much free time can also create an environment of boredom and conflict.
Your teenager will most likely want to spend time with their friends during the holiday period. It may help to put in place a number of strategies and ground rules to ensure that the time spent with friends runs smoothly and with minimal conflict:
-Make sure there is adult supervision when teenagers are together. This is critical. Judgment and responsible decision-making are still developing in teenagers. It is important for an adult to be at home during the holidays when teenagers are together socializing – at your home or at someone else’s home.
-Get to know your teenager’s friends. Learn about their interests and activities to understand more about your own teenager.
Translation - Spanish Las alegrías y desafíos que se viven cuando se está educando a un adolescente a menudo se potencian durante las vacaciones, ya que tiene más tiempo libre y horarios menos estructurados que durante el período escolar. Las vacaciones pueden representar una gran oportunidad para aprender y disfrutar; pero un exceso de tiempo libre puede -por otra parte- crear un ambiente aburrido y conflictivo.
Muy probablemente tu hijo adolescente querrá pasar algún tiempo con los amigos durante las vacaciones. Puede resultar útil implementar ciertas estrategias y reglas básicas para asegurar de que el tiempo que pasa con los amigos transcurra en forma tranquila y sin inconvenientes.
·En toda reunión de adolescentes siempre debe haber un adulto que los supervise. Esto es indispensable. La capacidad de discernir y la toma responsable de decisiones todavía están en proceso de desarrollo en un adolescente. Es importante que haya un adulto en casa durante las vacaciones en cualquier reunión de adolescentes, ya sea en la tuya o en la de otra persona.
·Debes llegar a conocer a los amigos de tu hijo adolescente. Si sabes cuáles son sus intereses y actividades, comprenderás mejor a tu propio hijo.
Spanish to English: Newspaper article Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Spanish La pesquisa demuestra que las pruebas se hicieron, al menos, con nueve pacientes. Se elaboraron historias clínicas paralelas que se remitieron al laboratorio por fax, directamente desde el hospital.
En la Argentina no hay una ley que regule las investigaciones clínicas, un vacío que muchos especialistas consideran riesgoso. Administrativamente las gestiona la Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT). Los permisos deben determinar taxativamente en qué establecimientos se realizarán los experimentos, tener la aprobación de estos y están además supeditados al consentimiento escrito de los pacientes.
Tras corroborar los hechos principales, la UFI radicó una denuncia penal, que tramita en el Tribunal Federal Nº 3 de Rosario. El sumario está agregado a ese expediente, que tramita su etapa probatoria.
Cuando se realizaron medidas cautelares en el marco de esa causa, apareció una autorización de la ANMAT.
Translation - English The investigation shows at least nine patients were tested. Parallel medical records were compiled and faxed to the laboratory from the hospital.
In Argentina there is no law regulating clinical research, a void that is considered risky by many experts. They are administratively managed by the Food, Drug and Medical Technology National Administration (Anmat). Authorizations must include the name of the Health Care units where research studies will be conducted, their express consent and also the patients’ consent in writing.
After checking the relevant facts, the UFI filed a criminal complaint with Federal Court No. 3 of Rosario. The administrative investigation papers were annexed to the file, the case being currently in its evidentiary stage. When injunctive relief was granted an authorization paper from Anmat came out of the blue.
English to Spanish: Informed Consent Form Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English A Six Month, Open-Label, Randomized Parallel Group Trial Assessing the Impact of Dry Powder Inhaled Insulin (Exubera®) on Glycemic Control Compared to Insulin Glargine (Lantus®) in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Who are Poorly Controlled on a Combination of Two or More Oral Agents.
Before agreeing to participate in this research study, it is important that you read and understand the following explanation of the proposed procedures. This statement describes the purpose, procedures, benefits, risks, discomforts and precautions of the study. It also describes the alternative procedures that are available to you and your right to withdraw from the study at any time. No guarantees or assurances can be made as to the results of the study.
Translation - Spanish Estudio abierto, aleatorizado, con grupo de control paralelo de seis meses de duración, para evaluar el efecto de la Insulina en polvo seco con administración por vía inhalatoria (Exubera®) en el Control de la Glucemia, en comparación con la Insulina glargina (Lantus®) en pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo II con bajo nivel de control mediante la utilización de dos o más agentes orales combinados.
Es importante que antes de otorgar su consentimiento para participar en este estudio de investigación usted lea y comprenda lo que a continuación se detalla sobre todos los procedimientos a realizar. En el presente documento se describen el objeto, los pasos a seguir, los beneficios, riesgos, molestias y precauciones a tomar en relación con el estudio. También se informa sobre las alternativas a su disposición y el derecho que usted tiene a retirarse del estudio en cualquier momento. No se puede brindar ningún tipo de garantía ni seguridad respecto de los resultados del estudio.
Spanish to English: Medical record Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Spanish NAMC. Prótesis metálica aórtica por estenosis aórtica severa. Coronarias normales. Ergometría 7/06. Negativa casi máxima (96% FTCM). Trabajo 5,2 Mets en 3.31 mts. En seguimiento por Cardiología.
DM insulinodependiente. Dislipemia. EPOC. Hace tto con sintrom 1 mg, adalt oros, diovan, sutril, ado. (sic). Esta en estudio iluminante (sic) (tto con 2 hipolieimantes) (sic). Pauta de sintron 1 mg: martes y viernes 1 pastilla, el resto 1 y 1/2. MC: esta mañana de forma brusca presenta torpeza en MMII, de predominio braquial, con debilidad en hemicara izq y habla estropajosa. Desde entonces se encuentra igual. Vida activa habitual.
Sobre las 11:45 en la piscina nota pérdida de fuerza (no completa) en
MSI, desviación comisura bucal y dificultad para hablar. Avisan a DCCU donde tras valoración inicial trasladan a este centro. Refiere ahora hablar inteligible y más fuerza en zona afecta. No dolor torácico. No alteración visual ni dificultad para hablar importante.
CyO. BPH. Eupneico. Cianosis (-). Desviación comisura bucal dcha. Rigidez nucal (-). Pulso carotídeo simétrico (no soplos). ACR tonos puros rítmicos. Soplo sistólico aórtico con click PEI. MV (+). Fuerza proximal y distal 5/5 en MMSS y MMII. Hemiparesia izq MSI 4/5. RCP flexor bilateral.
Translation - English Contrast-induced Nephropathy. Prosthetic aortic valve for Severe Aortic Stenosis. Normal Coronary Arteries. Ergometry 7/06 Negative, almost max. (96% Theoretical Maximum Heart rate). Load: 5.2 METs in 3.31min. Being followed up by Cardiology Department.
Insulin-dependent DM. Dyslipemia. COPD. Patient being treated with Sintrom 1mg, Adalat Oros, Diovan, Sutril, ADO.
Patient in Illuminate Study with two cholesterol-reducing drugs. Sintrom 1mg dosage: 1 tablet on Tuesdays and Fridays, other days: one and a half tablets. Reason for visit: patient reports this morning he suddenly felt numbness in the lower limbs, mainly brachial, with weakness in the left hemiface and slurring speech. No changes since then. Normal daily life.
He reports at about 11:45am while in the swimming pool he noticed some loss of strength in the left upper limb, twitching of the corner of the mouth and difficulty speaking. DCCU (Intensive Care and Emergency Units) was called and after initial check-up he was referred to this hospital. He reports speaking intelligibly now and feeling more strength in the previously affected areas. No chest pain. Sight unaffected; no noticeable difficulty speaking.
Conscious and Oriented. BPH. No breathing problems. No cyanosis. Twitching of right corner of the mouth. Supple neck. Normal carotid pulse (no murmur). CV system: rhythmic beating. Click-murmur syndrome in left parasternal region. Vesicular murmur. Proximal and distal limb strengths 5/5 in upper and lower limbs. Left hemiparesis: left upper limb 4/5. Bilateral Babinski sign.
I graduated from Universidad Católica Argentina (Argentine Catholic University) with a Master's degree in Legal and Literary Translation on March 23rd, 1976. The following week I was visiting every publishing house in Buenos Aires to offer my services as a literary translator. I was turned down each and every time because I had no experience. A few months later I saw an ad in a paper (a jobs agency seeking a translator for a large multinational corporation), applied for the job without much conviction (no experience, no CV!) but got instantly hired to work with General Electric. I kept switching jobs for 11 years, mostly because many of them were high-paying, temporary jobs offered by agencies. I "retired" two weeks before my eldest daughter was born, although I had been appointed export manager for a laboratory I had been working with for almost two years.
As an in-house translator I spent all those years learning while working with a large number of businesses, including
Centro Gráfico Internacional (importers of equipment for the graphic arts)
Bank of America
Celulosa Argentina
Abbott Laboratories
Timken Argentina
Syntex Argentina
The Exxon Co.
Laboratorios Vanten
Laboratorios Glaubach
been working on a freelance basis since early 2002, shortly after
joining It has been a good ride -with its ups and downs- but
it has never ceased to amaze me how I could keep learning new stuff with
each project, no matter how small or large it was. My fields of
expertise have grown exponentially over the past forty-four years to now
Law, Medicine, Health and Fitness, Psychiatry, Pharmaceuticals, Organotherapy Products, Cosmetics,
Veterinary Products, Literature, Religion, Marketing, Surveys, Travel and Tourism, Family and Parenting,
International Development and Cooperation, Health Safety and Evironment, Industrial Hygiene, OSHA Standards,
video games, Spanish transcription and translation into English of interviews, police arrests, videos, jail calls
(material used in legal proceedings).
If you are looking for a professional English>Spanish Translator, there
are a few things you should know about me:
I am obsessive about my work. "Detail-oriented" does not even
begin to define me.
I do not accept to have my work proofread by anyone but my daughter. The reason is very simple: I share many
projects with her and we proofread each other's work. We literally "talk things out" and decide what sounds best.
I do literary translation, whatever the field. Therefore, I refuse to use
any type of CAT tool. Likewise, I do not do machine translation post-editing.
If you are looking for a cheap provider, I am not your target. You get what
you pay for. I respect myself and the quality of work I deliver.
Last, but not least, I have my own terms and
conditions. Just as I cannot expect my doctor, or a lawyer or the supermarket
to accept the kind of money I am ready to pay them or the way I want to pay
them, nobody can expect me to accept absurd rates or payment terms and modes.
At present, I can only accept payments via Western Union. If you're good with
all of the above, please write to me and I will promptly send you my CV.
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