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English to Arabic - Rates: 0.06 - 0.12 USD per word / 27 - 30 USD per hour / 5.00 - 10.00 USD per audio/video minute Arabic to English - Rates: 0.07 - 0.12 USD per word / 5 - 11 USD per hour / 1.00 - 4.00 USD per audio/video minute English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.14 USD per word / 27 - 30 USD per hour / 4.00 - 10.00 USD per audio/video minute Arabic - Rates: 0.05 - 0.09 USD per word / 5 - 11 USD per hour / 3.00 - 8.00 USD per audio/video minute
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English to Arabic: Spike Arm Swing Techniques of Olympics Male and Female Elite Volleyball Players (1984-2021) General field: Other Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Source text - English In the last decades, indoor volleyball has experienced significant
rule changes and a high player specialization in both sexes. Different
spike attack arm swing techniques have developed which
might affect performance and risk of injury. While a variety of
arm swing techniques was already shown in world class beach
volleyball players, it is unclear if this is also true for world class
indoor volleyball. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess
the spike attack arm swing techniques of Olympic volleyball
winners and finalists (1984-2021) and to investigate possible differences
between sex, playing position, scoring system, and compared
to beach volleyball. Eighty-two male (M) and 85 female (F)
players were assessed from video recordings from ten competitions.
Five different arm swing techniques in the cocking phase
(Straight, Bow-and-arrow high, Bow-and-arrow low, Snap, Circular)
were classified by two experts. The most frequent technique
for both sexes was the Circular (M = 40.2%; F = 38.8%),
followed by Snap (M = 28.0%; F = 23.5%), Bow-and-arrow low
(M = 20.7%; F = 21.2%), Bow-and-arrow high (M = 7.3% F =
11.8%), and Straight (M = 3.7%; F = 4.7%). Bow-and-arrow high
and Straight techniques were significantly less used than other
techniques in both sexes. There were no significant differences (p
> 0.05) in arm swing techniques between sexes, playing positions,
and scoring system but significant differences (p < 0.001) to
beach volleyball. Although most volleyball textbooks only describe
the Bow-and-arrow techniques, most of the world class indoor
volleyball players used Circular and Snap arm swing techniques.
Reasons for that could be the implicit knowledge of players
(and coaches) regarding increased performance (ball speed)
and injury prevention. Based on these results we suggest to critically
revise arm swing technique training especially for young
players and players with shoulder problems.
Translation - Arabic في العقود الأخیرة تعرضت الكرة الطائرة الداخلیة لتغیرات ملاحظة في
الجنسین. تطورت عدة أسالیب في أرجحھ الذراع في ضرب الكرة والتي
قد تؤثر على الأداء واحتمالیة الإصابة. و في نفس الوقت ظھر تنوع كبیر
في أسالیب أرجحة الذراع في لاعبي كرة الطائرة الشاطئیة في المستوى
العالمي، ھو غیر مُؤكد إذا كان الوضع ذاتھ في كرة الطائرة الداخلیة على
المستوي العالمي. لذلك فإن الھدف من ھذه الدراسة كان تقییم أسالیب
أرجحة الذراع لنھائیین وفائزین الأولمبیات ( 1984 - 2021 ) والتحقیق في
الاختلافات المحتملة بین الجنسین، ومركز اللعب ونظام جمع النقاط
مقارنة بكرة الطائرة الشاطئیة. اثنان وثمانون لاعب (ذ) و 85 لاعبة(إ) تم
تقییمھم من خلال تسجیلات فیدیو من عشر مسابقات. خمس أسالیب
مختلفة لأرجحة الذراع في مرحلة التصویب (المستقیم، والقوس والسھم
المرتفع، والقوس والسھم المنخفض ، والنھشة، و الدائري). قد صٌنفوا من
خبیرین.، الأسلوب الأكثر شیوعا في الجنسین كان الدائري (ذكور =
%40.2 ، إناث = 38.8 %). یلیھا النھشة (ذ = 28.0 %، ا = 23.5 %)
القوس والسھم منخفض (ذ= 20.7 %،ا = 21.2 %) القوس والسھم مرتفع
(ذ= 7.3 %، ا = 11.8 %) والمستقیم (ذ = 3.7 %، ا = 4.7 %). أسالیب
القوس والسھم المرتفع ، والمستقیم كانوا الأقل استخداما بشكل ملاحظ عن
باقي الأسالیب في كلا الجنسین. لم یكن ھناك فروق ملاحظة ( 0.05< p )
في أسالیب الأرجحة بین الجنسین ومراكز اللعب ونظام جمع النقاط، ولكن
فروق كبیرة ( 0.001>p ) بالنسبة لكرة الطائرة الشاطئیة. على الرغم من
أن معظم كتب الكرة الطائرة تشرح فقط أسالیب القوس والسھم، ومعظم
لاعبین الكرة الطائرة الداخلیة العالمیین استخدموا الأسلوب الدائري
والنھشة. وھذا قد یكون نتیجة المعلومة الفطریة لدي اللاعبین
(والمدربین) بخصوص الزیادة في الأداء (سرعة الكرة) والوقایة من
الإصابة. على أساس ھذه النتائج نرشح مراجعة تدریب أسلوب الأرجحة
بشكل نقدي خصوصا للاعبین الیافعین واللاعبین بمشاكل في الكتف.
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Apr 2021. Became a member: Dec 2022.
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Professional translator with almost 4 years of experience in EN <-> AR translation. My areas of specialization include Engineering, Medical, Social, Religion and fitness, and I have worked on a variety of projects, including brochures for major medical companies, a full study for an international volleyball player, and philosophical Islamic lectures.
I am committed to delivering high-quality translations that accurately convey the meaning of the source text in a way that is natural and easily understandable for the target audience. I am fluent in both Arabic and English and have a deep understanding of the cultural nuances and context of both languages.
I am also experienced in using CAT tools like Trados, XTM and more,and I'm always looking for ways to improve my skills and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices.
In addition to translation, I also offer editing and proofreading services to help ensure that your documents are error-free and polished.
If you're looking for a reliable and skilled translator who can deliver high-quality work on time, please don't hesitate to get in touch, and I look forward to working with you!
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