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Sample translations submitted: 1
Croatian to English: Pravilnik o diplomskem delu General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Croatian V primeru, da gre za interdisciplinarno temo, se lahko imenuje študentu somentorja. Somentor pri izdelavi diplomskega dela je lahko oseba, ki ima naziv visokošolskega učitelja, visokošolskega sodelavca ali znanstvenega delavca in izvaja izobraževalni proces ali raziskuje na predmetnem oziroma strokovnem področju, ki ga obdeluje študent v okviru izbranega področja dispozicije diplomskega dela.
Študent, ki prijavlja dispozicijo, vezano na izbrano posebno področje ali določeno organizacijo, lahko ima strokovnjaka oz. strokovnega sodelavca – somentorja tudi iz tega posebnega področja ali organizacije. Odgovornost za sodelovanje s strokovnim sodelavcem iz organizacije prevzame študent.
Translation - English In the event of an interdisciplinary topic, a co-mentor may be assigned to the student. A co-mentor in the preparation of graduation work can be a person who has the appropriate title of a higher education teacher, associate or a scientific worker and conducts the educational process or research in the subject area or professional field considered by the student within the selected area of the disposition of graduation work.
A student who submits a disposition related to the selected field or particular organisation may also have a professional associate – co-mentor from this particular field or organisation. The student takes over the responsibility for working with a professional of the organisation in question.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Zagreb
Years of experience: 32. Registered at May 2022.
I am a highly professional translator with long-term experience in proofreading, editing, translating, etc. from Croatian to English and vice-versa and from Slovenian to English. I have two BA degree from the University of Zagreb (English language - Faculty of Philosophy and Music - Music Academy in Zagreb) and a Master of International Management degree from the University of Phoenix, USA.