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English to Chinese - Rates: 0.08 - 0.12 USD per word / 40 - 50 USD per hour Chinese to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.12 USD per character / 40 - 50 USD per hour
Source text - English Ball valves have a 3-piece, threaded or socket-weld body design. A range of construction materials provides years of continuous, reliable service in a wide variety of applications. Seat material options handle the vast majority of commonly encountered fluids up to full body rating, including saturated steam up to 250 psi (17 bar). The large port size provides high flow, while minimizing pressure drop. The standard body caps of the Series 3C socket-weld valves are 316 (CF3M) stainless steel when a 316SS valve is specified.
Translation - Chinese 系列球閥有三件閥體、螺紋閥體或承插焊接閥體三種設計。 各種結構材料可以使閥門在多種應用場合連續可靠使用多年。閥座材料能適應最高達到額定整個閥體的大多數通用流體,包括最高壓力達250磅/平方英寸(17巴)的飽和蒸汽。大流道在使壓降達到最低的同時,能達到最大的流體流量。當指定用316不鏽鋼閥時,3C系列承插焊接閥的標准閥體蓋也是316(CF 3M)不鏽鋼。
Aug, 2007
Chinese to English: Clinical device
Source text - Chinese CAR™ 27 是一种设计用于从乙状结肠下端实施经肛门插入的吻合器。本器械可通过肠切开插入方式用于结肠的其它部分。 本器械可辅助距离器械主体较远的组织附着,从而使吻合口更易接近。使用本器械可放置其核心器件,一个环状复合体(CAR™)。一旦组织强度足以维持吻合时,CAR™ 吻合环即从体内排出。
Translation - English CAR™ 27 is a colorectal anastomotic device engineered for inserting from the anus through the distal part of sigmoid colon, which can be used in other parts of the colon by cutting and inserting. The device assists tissue attachment that is comparatively distant from the device, bringing an easier anastomosis approach. A Compression Anastomosis Ring (CAR™) can be placed using this device. Once the tissue is strong enough to maintain the anastomosis, it is followed by natural expulsion of the CAR™ from the body.
Translation - English Ask: Thanks for coming. To repeat, I am going to ask you about your mood the past week. Can you tell me what your mood has been like the past week?
Reply: Gloomy…uh…depressed
A: Mm. Have you felt like crying during the past week?
R: Yeah…yes.
A: Has it been some of the time, this gloomy or depressed feeling? Or most of the time? Or once in a while or very often? Can you tell me?
R: Most of the time it’s like this.
A: Ok. And do you feel it’s becoming worse? Or better?
R: Not better.
A: No? Ok. This feeling was always there during the past week or did it come and go?
R: Almost all of the time.
A: Ok. I would like to ask about your feelings of self-reproach or guilt. Do you think you disappoint yourself or others?
R: Yeah.
A: Ok. Can you describe these feelings that you have?
R: Mmm…
A: Do…do you worry about these problems at all?
R: Yeah, worry. I…mmm...I’m always worried how others might see me.
A: Do you worry about disappointing others?
R: Yes.
A: Do you feel your worry is unnecessary? Over and over again?
R: Yeah.
A: Please describe this to me.
R: Uh…I just feel like others think I’m not doing well enough.
A: Ok. Have you ever had any thoughts of hurting yourself?
R: No.
A: Do you feel, for instance, that life is meaningless?
R: Yeah.
... ...
April, 2007
English to Chinese: Dental care website Detailed field: Medical: Dentistry
Source text - English When a tooth is fractured, has a large old filling, or is severely damaged by decay, your dentist may recommend the placement of a crown or cap. Crowns strengthen and protect the remaining tooth structure and can improve the appearance of your smile. Types of crowns include the full porcelain crown, the porcelain-fused-to-metal crown, and the all-metal crown.
Translation - Chinese 如果您的牙齒裂開、有一個很大的填充體或者因齲齒而嚴重受損,您的牙醫可能建議您安裝牙冠或牙套。牙冠可以加強和保護剩餘的牙齒結構,並改善外觀。牙冠類型包括全瓷牙冠、陶瓷金屬結合牙冠和全金屬牙冠。
March, 2007
English to Chinese: Garden Tour Detailed field: Botany
Source text - English Continue along the path and through the gate on your right to the Alice Recknagel Ireys Fragrance Garden, offering easy access to plants chosen for their fragrance and texture; feel free to touch and smell the foliage and flowers here. Follow the brick path to the cottage-style Shakespeare Garden. featuring plants mentioned in the Bard’s works.
Translation - Chinese 繼續沿著小道前行,穿過您右邊的柵門,便是愛麗絲芬芳園(Alice Recknagel Ireys Fragrance Garden)。這裡的植物因其芬芳和結構而被選種在一起; 在這裡可以自由觸摸和嗅聞葉子和鮮花。磚塊小徑會把你帶到村莊樣式的莎士比亞園(Shakespeare Garden)。園區內的植物都是莎氏在其作品中提到的。
Jan, 2007
Chinese to English: Effects of HBx on the onset of hepatocellular carcinoma and the therapeutic strategies with HBx Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Chinese HBx在原发性肝癌发病中的作用及其生物治疗策略
1 HBx在HCC发病中的作用
研究表明,HBx不仅出现于细胞质,也见于细胞核内. 其作用方式并不是直接与DNA结合,而是通过蛋白质-蛋白质作用,反式激活(transactivate)宿主细胞和病毒基因的启动子,对病毒基因启动子的激活有助于感染的持续和播散. 而HBx对宿主细胞基因的影响则要广泛而深刻得多.
1.1 激活细胞癌基因
HBx可激活众多的细胞癌基因,如c-myc[9]、Src[10]、Ras[11]和Rb[12]等.HBx对这些癌基因的激活必将对肝细胞的生长、转化产生重要影响. 同时,个别癌基因被激活后,也将对其下游与细胞生长有密切关系的靶基因产生激活作用,从而使其生物效应放大. 例如,Src酪氨酸激酶被HBx激活后,可进一步影响下列信号和效应分子:(1)激活PI-3K[13];(2)激活STATs[14];(3)激活b-catenin[15];(4)抑制cadherin的表达和功能[16].
Translation - English Effects of HBx on the onset of hepatocellular carcinoma and the therapeutic strategies with HBx
1 The effects of hepatitis B virus X protein (HBx) on hepatocelllular carcinoma (HCC) onset
Studies have shown that HBx exists both in cellular cytoplasm and nuclei and transactivates the gene promoters of host cells and viruses, not through direct binding with DNA, but rather through protein-protein interactions. Though the activation of viral gene promoters facilitates the prolongation and spread of infection, the influence of HBx on host-cell genes is more profound.
1.1 Activation of oncogenes
HBx can induce the expression of numerous oncogenes, such as c-myc [9], Src [10], Ras [11], and Rb [12], which, in turn, influence hepatocyte growth and differentiation. Activation of certain oncogenes also induces the expression of downstream target genes that play key roles in cell growth, thereby amplifying these oncogenes' biological effects. For example, HBx-induced Src tyrosine kinase gene expression results in: (1) activation of PI-3K [13], (2) activation of STATs [14], (3) activation of beta-catenin [15], and (4) inhibition of cadherin expression and function [16].
April, 2007
Chinese to English: Ultrasound Report
Source text - Chinese 肝脏切面形态正常, 实质光点分布不均匀, 前区回声增强, 后区回声减弱, 出肝光带显示尚清, 肝内未见周围性异常回声, 肝静脉主干内径不宽。
胆囊切面内径6.4×2.0 cm, 内未见异常回声, 肝内外胆管不扩张。
脾厚2.8 cm, 内未见异常回声。
Translation - English The morphous of the liver cross-section was normal. Light spots in the parenchyma of the liver were distributed inhomogeneously. The echoes of the prozone were enhanced, while the postzone echoes were weak. The ex-liver echogenic band can be clearly visualized. Limited abnormal echoes in the liver were not visualized. The inside diameter of the vena portae hepatis trunk was not dilated.
The internal diameter of the gallbladder cross section was 6.4 × 2.0 cm, where abnormal echoes were not found. No ectasis was found in the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts.
The thickness of the spleen was 2.8 cm, where abnormal echoes were not visualized.
October, 2007
English to Chinese: Screening Visit for Clinical Trial
Source text - English Screening Visit
Before starting the study, the study doctor will ask you about your health and your medical history, including your psychiatric history. The study doctor will examine you and measure your height, weight, blood pressure and heart rate. You will be asked about medications you have been taking. You will have an ECG (heart tracing test). You will have a blood sample taken (8tsp or 40mL) and a urine sample taken for laboratory testing. You will be tested to see if you have hepatitis C virus, hepatitis D virus, and HIV. If your tests show that you have any of these conditions you will not be allowed to take part in this study; however, your doctor will talk to you about living with these conditions.
Translation - Chinese 篩查患者
在研究開始之前,臨床試驗醫生(study doctor)會詢問您的健康狀况以及您的病史,包括您的精神病史。臨床試驗醫生會對您進行體格檢查并測量您的身高、體重、血壓和心率。您將會被問及用藥情况等。您需要做ECG(心電圖)檢查。您將需要抽取血樣(8茶匙或者40毫升)以及留取尿液標本以供實驗室檢查。您也會被檢測是否有丙肝病毒、丁肝病毒以及愛滋病病毒(HIV)感染。如果檢測結果顯示您有以上任何一種异常,您將不能參加本次研究,不過,您的醫生會針對這些情况對您進行相關指導。
April, 2007
English to Chinese: Service Contract
Source text - English Breach. If either party materially breaches this Agreement, the other party may terminate this Agreement, without waiving any remedies or rights available to such party at law or in equity, by giving the breaching party at least 10 business days written notice. The breaching party shall have the opportunity to cure the breach of which it has been notified during this 30 day notice period. If the breaching party has cured such breach by the end of the 30th day or commenced such cure if a cure cannot be completed within such 30 day period, this Agreement will not terminate and will remain in full force so long as the breaching party diligently pursues the cure of the breach. If such breach is not cured during the 30 day period, this Agreement, and all Statements of Work in progress, shall automatically terminate on the 31st business day after the notice. If one party breaches the same obligation more than once, upon the occurrence of the third breach, the non-breaching party, at its option, may terminate the agreement, without providing the breaching party an opportunity to cure such breach.
Translation - Chinese 違約。如果一方實質上違反了本協議,另一方可向違約方提前至少10個工作日發出書面通知,根據普通法或衡平法,在不放棄任何補救措施或權利的前提下要求終止本協議。在此30日通知期限內,違約方有機會糾正被通知的違約情況。若違約方在此30日內完成糾正,或如果此糾正無法在這30日內完成,但其已開始進行糾正,只要違約方積極致力於糾正此違約情況,本協定將不會終止,並繼續完全有效。若此違約情況在此30日期限內沒有得到糾正,本協議和所有進行中的工作陳述,應在通知日後第31個工作日起自動終止。如果一方不止一次違反相同的責任,一旦出現第三次違約,非違約方可以選擇不向違約方提供糾正違約情況的機會而終止該協議。
English to Chinese: Motto
Source text - English Hotels the way you like them
Translation - Chinese 宜必思, 君之梦
September, 2007
English to Chinese: Informed Consent Form
Source text - English If you enroll in this registry, your doctor will provide information to the Registry about your physical and clinical traits, any past and current medical care you have received to treat MDS or iron overload, and certain laboratory values. Your name will not appear on any of the forms used to collect information and your name will not be entered into the Registry database. Only your doctor and people who will help your doctor collect the information for the Registry will know which information submitted to the Registry belongs to you.
Translation - Chinese 如果你参加了该项目,你的医生将会向登记处提供有关你治疗MDS或者铁超负荷的身体和临床特征的,以及任何过去的和现有的医疗护理资料。你的名字将不会出现在任何收集信息的表格中,同时你的姓名也不会出现在登记处的数据库中。只有你的医生和登记处帮助你的医生收集你的信息的人才会知道有关你向登记处提交的信息。
May, 2008
English to Chinese: Medical implant
Source text - English General Conditions of Use
■ Implants must be implanted by practitioners having received the required training in spinal surgery. Their implantation should only be decided after having taken into account the medical and surgical indications as well as the potential risks and the limits of this type of surgery, the contraindications and side effects contained in this notice, the types of materials and the mechanical characteristics of implants used given the technique of placing them recommended by Abbott Spine.
■ UNIVERSAL CLAMP implants must be implanted by posterior approach using the advised Surgical Technique and with the instruments supplied.
■ UNIVERSAL CLAMP implant and rod must have the same size diameter.
■ Mixing metals, such as titanium and stainless steel can cause corrosion.
Source text - English Welcome to Argentina… If you’ve ever had the chance to visit Argentina, you must have been overwhelmed by some things: A Buenos Aires reminiscent of the European Style, the extension and richness of the Pampas, the extraordinary landscapes of Patagonia, the majesty of the Andes, the invaluable historical and cultural patrimony of the North West, and the exuberant littoral region with its Iguazú Falls. The kindness of the people, their traditional festivities, and many other attractions which invite more and more visitors every year.
Among all those attractions, and deserving a special mention, we find WINE. To the great surprise of many, Argentina cherishes a long tradition producing top quality wines.
No one can deny that after a few years of strong foreign investments, the offer of top quality Argentinean wines has outstandingly increased. However, the local wine consumption has grown as well.
Younger Argentinean generations, educated immersed in the wine culture, have aroused considerable enthusiasm around the wine industry. On top of this, if we consider the growing interest of world renowned wine experts in Argentina as wine producing country, a great and sustained development can be glimpsed.
Translation - Chinese 欢迎来到阿根廷…如果您曾经有机会来过阿根廷,那么您一定会为这里的一些往事所留连。例如:欧洲式的布宜诺斯艾利斯往事、彭巴斯草原的广阔与富饶、巴塔哥尼亚的非凡景色、安第斯山的雄伟壮阔、西北部无价的历史文化遗产以及景致非凡的海滨地带和伊瓜苏大瀑布。人们的亲切友善、传统的喜庆佳节以及其它众多诱人的景点,每年都会吸引越来越多的旅客到此观光游览。
Source text - English Do employees grip an unsupported object weighing 10 pounds (5kg) or more per hand, or use an equivalent grip force (e.g. crushing the sides of an aluminum soda can with one hand) for more than 2 hours total per day?
Do employees use vibrating tools or equipment with high vibration levels for more than 30 minutes per day (such as riveting, chipping, jack hammers)?
Do employees use tools with moderate vibration for 2 hours total per day (such as portable grinders, drills, screwdrivers, sanders, jig saw)?
Translation - Chinese 员工必须用一只手抓住没有任何支撑并且重量超过10磅(5公斤)的物体,或者在一天内使用同等抓力(例如,用一只手挤压铝制苏打罐的侧面)的总时间会超过2小时?
Grew up and was educated in China with Mandarin as mother tongue;
MD degree in 1986 and MS degree in 1991 in China;
Medical school teacher/researcher/forensic examiner for nine years in China; biomedical researcher for more than 26 years in the United States;
English to/from Chinese translator, proofreader and copyeditor.
I have translated many documents in the past 26 years, including not only biomedical manuscripts, brochures of medical equipment, patient clinical records, clinical trial documents, chemistry patents, but also company contracts, legal documents, parents handbook for school, Chinese education materials, various certificates/transcripts/diplomas, websites (, and, and other topics. I have close and constant contact with the people in China (academic colleagues, translation partners, families and relatives) via email, WeChat (copyeditor), telephone, social midia and physical visits, and I review the scientific literature, reviews and news in Chinese on daily basis. I consider myself to be an extremely meticulous, honest and reliable person, doing my best to maintain the accuracy of the original message! My clients’ satisfaction is my top goal. During the past years, I have provided services for translation companies/end-users throughout the world, and I am proud to have earned a stellar reputation.
Some of my clients' comments:
Chunbia is a great translator, easy to work with. - Sergio Ruffoli, USA
Urgent project was handled quickly, precise and with close attention to detail. Exellent service provider. - Andrea Di Marco, Canada
Excellent. Very professional and close attention to detail. - Martin Cross, USA
Excellent work. Reliable and efficient. - Einman, USA
Prompt professional service. - Kornel Barna, USA
Very professional work. - Fabian Luttman, Canada
Fast and professional from beginning to end. - inputmydata, USA
Easy to work with. Good translation. - RIC, USA
Excellent serviceand communication, easily within deadlines, a pleasure to work with and the translation was terrific. The document read and looked like it had been written in English originally. I would have no hesitation in recommending the thoroughly professional service provided by Chunbiao! - Mark Booth, France
Some of my publications:
James Swain, Chunbiao Li, and Patrick Leahy. Intestinal tumors adapt to excess dietary iron by altering expression of lipocalin-2 and divalent metal ion transporter. FASEB J, Mar 2008; 22: 694.3. (
James Swain, Chunbiao Li, and Patrick Leahy. Iron supplementation modulates genes involved in oxidoreductase activity, including prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 in intestinal tumors. FASEB J, Mar 2008; 22: 692.4. (
Yulong Han, Tao Lu, Jennifer Nelms, Chunbiao Li and Michael A. Vogelbaum. Constitutive activation of NF-kB is present in malignant gliomas and may serve as a therapeutic target. Proc Amer Assoc Cancer Res, Volume 45, 2004. ( )
Chunbiao. LI, R. ANSARI, Z. YU AND D. SHAH. Definitive molecular evidence of renin-angiotensin system in human uterine decidual cells. Hypertension 2000; 36: 159-164. (in English)
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
90% positive (10 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Chinese
Chinese to English
Specialty fields
Medical: Health Care
Advertising / Public Relations
Medical (general)
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Education / Pedagogy
Cosmetics, Beauty
Science (general)
Law: Contract(s)
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Medical: Dentistry
Other fields
Real Estate
Engineering (general)
Medical: Instruments
Keywords: English Chinese translation, Chinese translator, Chinese proofreader, Chinese copyeditor, chinese writer, medical translation, biological translation, molecular biology, pharmaceutical translation, cell biology. See more.English Chinese translation, Chinese translator, Chinese proofreader, Chinese copyeditor, chinese writer, medical translation, biological translation, molecular biology, pharmaceutical translation, cell biology, forensic medicine, forensic dentistry, forensic anthropology, forensic pathology, forensic identification, biochemistry, biology, medicine, dentistry, dental, english into chinese translation, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, . See less.