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Slovenian to English: Dissertation summary General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Slovenian Razvoj domačih finančnih posrednikov z liberalizacijo trga, ter vzpodbujena ponudba iz tujine so prispevali k krepitvi raznovrstnih finančnih storitev, ki so na voljo slovenskim fizičnim in pravnim osebam. Učinkovito upravljanje s poslovnimi in osebnimi financami zahteva dobro poznavanje značilnosti finančnih produktov, ki so na voljo na trgu, to pa zahteva specifična finančna znanja in čas za njihovo spremljanje. Če imajo v velikih podjetjih zaposlen ustrezno usposobljen kader, ki je prisoten za učinkovito upravljanje s poslovnimi financami, tega zagotovo ne moremo trditi za malo gospodarstvo. Še bolj pa je učinkovitost upravljanja vprašljiva pri posameznikih, ki poskušajo po svojih najboljših močeh upravljati z osebnimi financami. Poleg tega, obstajajo na trgu tudi potrebe po nišnih finančnih in svetovalnih storitvah, kot so kmetijsko svetovanje in financiranje, za kar pa so potrebna specifična znanja.
V sklopu diplomske naloge bom opravil dve anketi, kjer bom v prvi anketi ugotavljal, koliko ljudi pozna poklic mobilnega finančnega svetovalca in na kakšen način pridobivajo informacije o finančnih produktih. Druga anketa bo numeričnega tipa. V njej se bodo anketirani odločali o pomembnosti posameznega vprašanja, dotikala pa se bo tudi zdaj aktualne teme; recesija in priprava na njo.
Translation - English The development of domestic financial intermediaries with the liberalization of the market as well as the increased foreign demand, have contributed to a strengthening of various financial services, which are available to Slovenian citizens and companies. Effective management of corporate and personal finances demands a good knowledge of the specifics of financial products available in the market, which demands specific financial knowledge for and the time to track them. While large enterprises employ appropriately trained personnel, who are present for effective management of corporate finances, this certainly cannot be said for smaller companies. The effectiveness of management is even more disputable when we look at individuals, who try their best to manage their personal finances. In addition to this, the market shows a need for niche financial and consultative services, such as agricultural consultation and financing, which in turn demand special skills.
This dissertation includes two polls, where the first poll explores how many people are familiar with the profession of the mobile financial advisor, and which methods they employ to receive information about financial products. The second poll is numerical, and it explores the importance of individual questions, touching upon the currently present topic of the recession and the preparations for it.
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Sep 2006.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, DejaVu, IBM CAT tool, LocStudio, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MS Localization Studio, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace
CV available upon request
No content specified
Keywords: computers, technology, hardware, software, marketing, localization, translation, Slovenian