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Feb 12 (posted 1045-word translation across 10 pdfs, Spanish to German, medical training certificates/job reference, including electronic Certificate of Accuracy...more, + 16 other entries »
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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27 projects entered 2 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 1045 words Completed: Feb 2025 Languages: Spanish to German
1045-word translation across 10 pdfs, Spanish to German, medical training certificates/job reference, including electronic Certificate of Accuracy
Medical (general), Human Resources
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3140 words Completed: Jan 2025 Languages: German to English
Edited my wife's translation of a food law directive, German to English, 3140 words
Cooking / Culinary, Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 885 words Completed: Jan 2025 Languages: Portuguese to German
Medical translation from Portuguese/Portugal into German, doctor's report, 885 words, *.pdf
Medical (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2175 words Completed: Jan 2025 Languages: English to German
2175-word translation from English into German, university transcript and diploma supplement from Eastern Europe, field of study: Pedagogy, *.pdf
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3100 words Completed: Nov 2024 Languages: Spanish to German
Human Resources/Higher Education/Health Care, certificates, 3100-word translation, *.pdf
Human Resources, Education / Pedagogy, Medical: Health Care
No comment.
Translation Volume: 23550 words Completed: Nov 2024 Languages: German to English
Edited my wife's 23550-word translation from German into English, expert opinion in the field of construction, *.pdfs
Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 11250 words Completed: Nov 2024 Languages: English to German
11,250-word patent translation from English into German
Patents, Transport / Transportation / Shipping
No comment.
Translation Volume: 860 words Completed: Oct 2024 Languages: Spanish to German
860-word project, Spanish/Spain to German translation including electronic Certification of Accuracy, vocational training certificates from various educational institutions: nursing care, pdfs/jpg
Human Resources, Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1000 words Completed: Oct 2024 Languages: Spanish to German
1,000-word translation from Spanish into German, educational certificates
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 13075 words Completed: Oct 2024 Languages: German to English
Edited my wife's 13,000-word translation from German into English of an expert opinion (*.pdf)
Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 13800 words Completed: Sep 2024 Languages: German to English
Just finished editing my wife's German to English translations in the fields of cardiology and psychiatry, 13,800 words
Medical (general), Medical: Cardiology
No comment.
Translation Volume: 10500 words Completed: Sep 2024 Languages: English to German
10,500-word translation from English into German of annual financial statements
No comment.
Translation Volume: 21560 words Completed: Aug 2024 Languages: English to German
21,560-word patent translation from English into German in the field of medical devices
Patents, Medical: Instruments, Physics
No comment.
Translation Volume: 850 words Completed: Aug 2024 Languages: Spanish to German
Venezuelan death certificate, 850-word translation, Spanish to German
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4930 words Completed: Aug 2024 Languages: Portuguese to German
Health Care, Education, Human Resources, 4,930-word translation, Brazilian Portuguese to German
No comment.
Translation Volume: 38000 words Completed: Jan 2024 Languages: German to English
38,000-word translation from German into English in the field of property law
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3500 words Completed: Nov 2022 Languages: English to German
Translating a 3,500-word sustainability report from English into German.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3900 words Completed: Jul 2010 Languages: German to English
English to German: Terms and Conditions of Registered Covered Bond - Bedingungen für Namenspfandbrief General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English INTEREST
a. The Bond shall bear interest from 07 April 2008 (the "Interest Commencement Date")
(inclusive) at a fixed rate per annum equal to 5.14 per cent, of the Nominal Amount. Interest Shall be payable on 07 April of each year (each an Interest Payment Date" and together the "Interest Payment Dates"), commencing on 07 April 2009, with the last payment due on the Maturity Date (as defined in Condition 5(a)). The period commencing on and including the Interest Commencement Date to but excluding the first Interest Payment Date and thereafter from and including each Interest Payment Date to but excluding the next following interest Payment Date shall each be referred to as an "Interest Period". If any Interest Payment Date falls on a day which is not a Business Day, the Interest Payment Date shall be the immediately succeeding Business Day, provided however that the calculations referred to the last Interest Period will not be adjusted according to any applicable Business Day Convention.
Interest shall be calculated on an actual/actual basis (according to ICMA Rule 251). "Business Day" shall mean a day (Other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which all relevant parts of the Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross-Settlement Express Transfer System (TARGET) are operational to effect the relevant payment.
b. Interest on the Bond shall be calculated by the Calculation Agent by applying the rate of
interest applicable for the respective Interest Period to the Nominal Amount Of the Bond,
multiplying the resulting amount by the actual number of days in the respective Interest
Period divided by 365 or 366 days.
c. The Bond shall cease to bear interest from the end of the day preceding the due date for redemption. If the Issuer fails to redeem the Bond when due, interest shall continue to accrue on the outstanding principal amount of the Bond beyond the due date until actual
redemption of the Bond. The applicable rate of interest shall be determined in
accordance with this Condition.
d. The Issuer shall procure that there shall at all time be one Calculation Agent for so long as the Bond is outstanding.
Translation - German VERZINSUNG
a. Die Schuldverschreibung wird vom 07.04.2008 (im Folgenden “Verzinsungsbeginn“, diesen Tag eingeschlossen) an zu einem Festzinssatz von 5,14 % p.a. des Nennbetrags verzinst.
Die Zinsen sind am 07.04. eines jeden Jahres fällig (je ein „Zinsfälligkeitsdatum“ und zusammen „Zinsfälligkeitstermine“), beginnend am 07.04.2009, wobei die letzte Zahlung am (End-) Fälligkeitstermin fällig ist (wie definiert in Bedingung 5(a)). Der Zeitraum ab dem Verzinsungsbeginn (diesen Tag eingeschlossen) bis zum ersten Zinsfälligkeitsdatum (diesen Tag nicht eingeschlossen) und danach ab jedem Zinsfälligkeitsdatum (diesen Tag eingeschlossen) bis zum nächstfolgenden Zinsfälligkeitsdatum (diesen Tag nicht eingeschlossen) wird jeweils als „Zinsperiode“ bezeichnet. Fällt ein Zinsfälligkeitsdatum auf einen Tag, der kein Geschäftstag ist, so ist Zinsfälligkeitsdatum der unmittelbar folgende Geschäftstag, jedoch vorausgesetzt, dass die auf die letzte Zinsperiode bezogenen Berechnungen nicht gemäß einer maßgeblichen Geschäftstagkonvention angepasst werden.
Die Zinsen sind anhand der Actual/Actual-Zinsberechnungsmethode zu berechnen (gemäß ICMA-Rule 251). „Geschäftstag“ bezeichnet einen Tag (weder Samstag noch Sonntag), an dem sämtliche relevanten Komponenten des TARGET-Systems (Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System, europaweites Echtzeit-Bruttozahlungsverkehrssystem) in Betrieb sind, um die betreffende Zahlung abzuwickeln.
b. Die Schuldverschreibungszinsen werden von der Berechnungsstelle ermittelt, indem der für die jeweilige Zinsperiode maßgebliche Zinssatz auf den Nennbetrag der Schuldverschreibung angewendet wird, und das Ergebnis mit der tatsächlichen Anzahl der Tage in der jeweiligen Zinsperiode geteilt durch 365 oder 366 Tage multipliziert wird.
c. Auf die Schuldverschreibung fallen keine Zinsen mehr an ab dem Ende des Tages, der dem Fälligkeitsdatum zur Rückzahlung vorausgeht. Zahlt der Emittent die Schuldverschreibung bei Fälligkeit nicht zurück, fallen auf den ausstehenden Kapitalbetrag der Schuldverschreibung über den Fälligkeitstermin hinaus weiterhin Zinsen bis zum Tag der tatsächlichen Rückzahlung der Schuldverschreibung an. Der maßgebliche Zinssatz ist gemäß dieser Bestimmung zu ermitteln.
d. Der Emittent hat dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass es zu jeder Zeit eine Berechnungsstelle gibt, solange wie sich die Schuldverschreibung in Umlauf befindet.
Spanish to German: Estatutos de Sociedad Limitada - Satzung einer spanischen SRL (~GmbH)/(Memorandum and Articles of Association of a Spanish SRL (~Private Company Limited by Shares)) General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Artículo 1.- La sociedad se denomina XXX SL y se regirá por la Ley de Sociedades de Responsabilidad Limitada 2/1995 de 23 de marzo, disposiciones complementarias y por sus estatutos sociales.
Artículo 2.- Constituirá su objeto: La compraventa de toda clase de bienes inmuebles, su construcción y edificación, así como su arrendamiento y explotación; y en general, toda clase de operaciones, actos y contratos relacionados con la actividad inmobiliaria. La consultoría, promoción, organización, gestión y administración de cualquier negocio o actividad, por cuenta de terceros, así como la realización de toda clase de trabajos de asesoramiento, contabilidad, administración, gestión y control, de cualquier clase, de empresas. Quedan excluidas todas aquellas actividades para cuyo ejercicio la Ley exija requisitos especiales que no queden cumplidos por esa sociedad. Sí las disposiciones Ilegales exigiesen para el ejercicio de algunas de las actividades comprendidas en el objeto social, algún título profesional o autorización administrativa, o inscripción en Registros Públicos, dichas actividades deberán realizarse por medio de persona que ostente dicha titularidad profesional y, em su caso, no podrán realizarse antes de que se hayan cumplido los requisitos administrativos exigidos. Tales actividades podrán ser desarrolladas, total o parcialmente, de modo indirecto, mediante la titularidad de acciones o participaciones en sociedades de objeto idéntico o análogo.
Artículo 3. La duración de la sociedad es indefinida. El Ejercicio social comprende desde el primero de Enero al treinta y uno de diciembre de cada año. Salvo el actual ejercicio que comprenderá, excepcionalmente, desde el día de la firma de la escritura fundacional hasta el 31 de diciembre.
Artículo 4.- El domicilio de la sociedad se establece en YYY. Será competencia del órgano de administración el decidir el traslado de domicilio dentro del mismo término municipal, y el establecimiento de oficinas, sucursales, despachos y agencias en territorio nacional o extranjero.
Translation - German Titel I. Firma, Gegenstand, Dauer und Sitz der Gesellschaft
Art. 1. Die Firma der Gesellschaft lautet XXX SL und für sie gelten das SRL/GmbH-Gesetz 2/1995 vom 23. März, ergänzende Bestimmungen und ihre Satzung.
Art. 2. Ihren Gegenstand bildet: Der Kauf von Immobilien aller Art, deren Bau und Errichtung, sowie deren Vermietung/Verpachtung und Bewirtschaftung; und im Allgemeinen, jede Art von Transaktionen, Rechtsgeschäften und Verträgen, die mit der immobilienwirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit in Zusammenhang stehen. Die Beratung bei, Förderung, Organisation, Leitung und Verwaltung jeglicher/jeglichen Geschäfte/n oder Aktivitäten, für Rechnung Dritter, sowie die Umsetzung von Beratungs-, Buchhaltungs-, Verwaltungs-, Leitungs- und Prüfungstätigkeiten jeglicher Art gegenüber Unternehmen jeglicher Art. Ausgeschlossen sind all jene Geschäftstätigkeiten, für deren Ausübung das Gesetz besondere Anforderungen vorsieht, die von dieser Gesellschaft nicht erfüllt werden. Falls die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen für die Ausübung bestimmter vom Gesellschaftsgegenstand erfasster Geschäftstätigkeiten einen Berufstitel oder eine verwaltungsseitige Genehmigung oder eine Eintragung in öffentliche Register fordern, so sind die vorgenannten Geschäftstätigkeiten durch Personen, die diesen Berufstitel innehaben, auszuüben und dürfen ggf. nicht ausgeübt werden, bevor die geforderten administrativen Voraussetzungen erfüllt worden sind. Solche Geschäftstätigkeiten können teilweise oder vollständig auf indirekte Weise mittels Aktienbesitz oder Beteiligung an Gesellschaften mit identischem oder vergleichbarem Gegenstand betrieben werden.
Art. 3. Die Gesellschaft wird auf unbestimmte Zeit errichtet. Das Geschäftsjahr der Gesellschaft dauert vom 1. Januar bis zum 31. Dezember eines jeden Jahres. Ausgenommen ist das laufende Geschäftsjahr, das von der Unterzeichnung der Gründungsurkunde bis zum 31. Dezember dauert.
Art. 4. Der Gesellschaftssitz ist YYY. Dem Verwaltungsrat obliegt die Entscheidung über die Verlegung des Sitzes innerhalb des Stadtgebietes und die Gründung von Geschäftsstellen, Filialen, Verkaufsstellen und Agenturen im In- oder Ausland.
Translation education
Other - Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Sep 2003. Became a member: Apr 2004.
English to German (German Courts, verified) German to English (German Courts, verified) Spanish to German (German Courts, verified) German to Spanish (German Courts, verified) English to German (Cologne University of Applied Sciences, verified)
German to English (Cologne University of Applied Sciences, verified) Spanish to German (Cologne University of Applied Sciences, verified) German to Spanish (Cologne University of Applied Sciences, verified) Spanish to English (German Courts)
ABBYY FineReader OCR, Adobe Acrobat, Frontpage, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Abbyy FineReader 14, MS Office 2016, OpenOffice 3.1, RWS MultiTerm 2022, RWS Trados Studio 2022 SR2, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
42 new sizeable RWS MultiTerm termbases created in March 2019. Some 2,000 entries added across 16 termbases in November 2019. Some 4,350 termbase entries added in April 2020. New taxation and customs duties termbase created in October 2020, 2750 entries. About 2,800 termbase entries added across various termbases - May 2021. Major multilingual termbase update in September 2021, among other subjects in the field of logistics. My CV contains a watermark. Paying by PayPal is available upon request. Informationen in Deutsch über uns finden Sie hier
-> Gain from our optimized, internal processes while still enjoying the ease of communicating directly with the actual service provider.
-> Focused on finding feasible solutions
-> Well-versed in all the main translation techniques that they teach and share, both face-to-face and online.
-> An efficient communicator: The technical facilities for this exist, both when in the office, where I can be found most of the time, such as running Outlook 2016, and when out of the office. There is also an office phone number, etc.
-> Proper time management skills
-> A well-traveled individual (Britain, United States, Canada, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Portugal, Brazil, France, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria) with knowledge of various spheres of life, appropriate research skills and an ability to access new subject matter, as long as it falls within our working fields
-> Confidential treatment of data and documents handed over to us is guaranteed
-> Proper editing and proofreading ethics, i.e. neither putting myself forward unnecessarily and thus changing too much nor doing the work too superficially, i.e. editing the translation too lightly
-> Goal is to combine an eye for detail and formal aspects on the one hand with achieving clarity, coherence and a number of other criteria of good text quality in the target language plus accuracy of content on the other hand
-> Familiar with the concept of linguistic register and able to preserve it
-> Able to translate and edit consistently where it is advisable or if we have been instructed to do so
-> Generally able to follow job instructions (if any)
-> Resourceful and imaginative
-> My wife, Astrid, is capable of formatting most non-editable or editable file formats we can handle (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF and, subject to restrictions, possibly some of the main image formats like JPEG - if you can make a PDF file instead, however, this would always be preferable-, or by prior arrangement also posted documents) so that they look neat and very or, as the case may be, even most similar to the source document.
-> Other file formats we can handle through Trados Studio, mostly on a 'formatting-in/formatting-out' sort of basis, for lack of owning the respective software, include Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe InDesign, Adobe InCopy and QuarkXpress files - in addition, we can process XHTML 1.1, HTML 4 and HTML 5 files
-> Able to process RWS Trados Studio 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2022 packages, SDLXLIFFs, XLFs (by arrangement), MQXLIFFs (by arrangement)
-> Tax-compliant invoicing in German or English. We accept credit notes from our customers on request.
-> Customer base includes many translation agencies, law and IP law firms, companies from various industries, public authorities and institutions, a small number of banks, savings banks and insurance companies, private customers and to a lesser extent also colleagues
-> Able to translate into British English (native speaker version) or otherwise, American English <-
-> Able to translate into German/Germany or otherwise, upon request, able to arrange for a translation into Austrian High German (native speaker version) or Swiss High German (native speaker version) that meets our quality assurance requirements by means of a network of tried and tested colleagues
Graduate Translator with 4 years of studies Main languages: English and Spanish Focus of studies: business, legal, engineering transl. Third language: Portuguese
Court-certified translator for English and Spanish (Hamm Higher Regional Court/OLG Hamm), i.e. in a position to certify the accuracy and completeness of transl. and editing jobs (text comparison) from these languages into German and vice versa as well as between Spanish and English.
On-site job in 2003 (not a permanent position) with a medium-sized company branching out into the UK market. Successfully translated Memoranda and Articles of Association from English into German.
Able to respond to your messages by way of precise communication, and, if need be, also at reasonably short notice. If availability calendar is on orange or red, this might indicate we are either out of office/traveling or are working at capacity. For contact details, see our website and our resumes above.
We will make it sound natural, using appropriate style.
In-depth knowledge in a limited number of related specialist fields acquired through reading technical literature, quality newspapers' business and financial sections as well as attending professional training.
Ample experience in handling intellectual property (IP), legal and financial sector documents.
Some experience in accounting translation (some 235,000 words translated and another 150,000 edited), made up for by a strong focus on training and reading up on the field. The above studies included a year-long introduction to financial accounting in British English.
95% of GER to ENG jobs handled involve mutual quality assurance practices together with my wife Astrid Elke, holder of a DipTrans CIoL (equivalent to a Master's as per said Chartered Institute of Linguists) in German to English, an English speaker originally from the UK with long-standing residence in Germany and a former legal secretary/translator at a major German law and IP law firm (second pair of eyes, with me editing her translations and her finally monolingually proofreading the result). 14 years of collaboration to provide you with the best possible result. Attention to detail. All translations are thoroughly edited.
On-time completion.
Experienced user of RWS Trados Studio 2022 and MultiTerm 2022. Our own, extensive, subject matter-specific MultiTerm termbases help us ensure precision in translation and, where advisable or if we have been instructed accordingly, terminological consistency.
Attendee of the 7th Conference - Prague 2010.
Recent projects:
A wide range of intellectual property documentation including patent applications and specifications
Bank guarantee (Bankbürgschaft)
Statement of claim (Klageschrift)
Mortgage (Hypothek)
Real property sales contract (Grundstückskaufvertrag)
Terms and Conditions regarding Registered Covered Bond (Bedingungen für Namenspfandbrief)
Audit firm's report on the auditing of the Financial Statements and the Management Report (Bericht einer WP-Gesellschaft über die Prüfung des Jahresabschlusses und des Lageberichts) and other financial reporting documents
Shareholders’ agreement (Gesellschaftsvertrag)
Investment outlook (Investmentausblick)
Extract from the commercial register (HR-Auszug) and so forth
Earlier jobs:
Technical text on the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Fachtext zur Finanzmarktrichtlinie)
Numerous loans against borrower’s note (Schuldscheindarlehen)
Financial translation on electronic trading (Vereinbarung zum elektronischen Wertpapierhandel)
Securities selling restrictions (Wertpapierverkaufsbeschränkungen)
Certified translations of notarized powers of attorney (notarielle Vollmachten)
Abstract of title/extract from the land register (Grundbuchauszug)
Agreement on transfer by way of security (Sicherungsübereignung)
Agreement on electronic trading of financial futures (Vereinbarung zum elektronischen Handel von Terminkontrakten auf Finanzinstrumente)
Notarized Deed of Sale including transfer of a mortgage (Notarieller Kaufvertrag einschließlich Übertragung einer Hypothek)
Memorandum and Articles of Association (Satzung betreffend das Außenverhältnis sowie Innenverhältnis einer brit. Kapitalgesellschaft)
Notarized declaration of new development (i.e. Deed for registration of a new building in the land register/declaración de obra nueva/notarielle Neubauerklärung)
Articles of Association of a fund management company (sog. "Satzung betreffend das Innenverhältnis" (s.o.) einer Fondsgesellschaft)
The résumé accessible on this profile has been thoroughly revised for a better overview of the experience gathered (including interpreting jobs), classifying the latter by fields and in the case of law, also the individual legal fields covered. An English one is available upon request.
We look forward to being of service to you.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, English to German, Spanish to German, German to English, German to Spanish, Portuguese to German, French to German. See more.English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, English to German, Spanish to German, German to English, German to Spanish, Portuguese to German, French to German, Intellectual Property, trademark law, copyright law, patent litigation, law on design models, law on utility models, competition law, business, commerce, finance, banking, investment, securities, accounting, financial reporting, German GAAP, GASs, Swiss GAAP FER, Austrian GAAP, UK GAAP, auditing, law, legal, private law, civil law, company law, corporate law, contract, contract law, General Terms and Conditions of Business, data privacy, GDPR, Federal Data Protection Act - new version, insolvency law, inheritance law, probate, last will and testament, certificate of inheritance, taxation, M & A, Education, educational certificates, quality management, deed, notarized deed, land register, sworn translator, court-certified translator, sworn translator for English, sworn translator for Spanish, certified translation, inglés, español, castellano, portugués, alemán, inglés al alemán, español al alemán, castellano al alemán, portugués al alemán, alemán al inglés, alemán al español, alemán al castellano, economía, comercio, financiación, bancos, inversión, valores, títulos-valores, efectos, contabilidad, derecho, derecho privado, derecho civil, derecho empresarial, derecho de sociedades, contrato, derecho contractual, escritura, registro de la propiedad, derecho sucesorio, testamento, certificado de herencia, traductor jurado, traducción jurada, Englisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Deutsch, Englisch-Deutsch, Spanisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Englisch, Deutsch-Spanisch, Portugiesisch-Deutsch, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, Markenrecht, Nizza-Klassifikation, Urheberrecht, Patentstreitsachen, Geschmacksmusterrecht, Gebrauchsmusterrecht, Wettbewerbsrecht, Wirtschaft, Handel, Finanzwesen, Bankwesen, Investment, Wertpapiere, Rechnungslegung, Finanzberichterstattung, IFRS, DRS, HGB, Schweizer Rechnungslegungsstandards, Rechnungslegung nach UGB, US GAAP, britische Rechnungslegungsstandards, Wirtschaftsprüfung, Recht, Privatrecht, Zivilrecht, Unternehmensrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht, Vertrag, Vertragsrecht, AGB, Datenschutz, DSGVO, BDSG neu, Insolvenzrecht, Erbrecht, Testament, Erbschein, Steuerrecht, Bildungswesen, Zeugnisse, Fusionen und Übernahmen, Qualitätsmanagement, Urkunde, Notarielle Urkunde, Grundbuch, Ermächtigter Übersetzer, ermächtigt für Englisch, ermächtigt für Spanisch, beglaubigte Übersetzung, Português para Alemão, SDL Trados Studio, SDL Trados Studio 2022, SDL MultiTerm, SDL MultiTerm 2022, RWS Trados Studio, RWS Trados Studio 2022, RWS MultiTerm, RWS MultiTerm 2022. See less.