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English to Catalan: Excerpt from The Arts of Falconrie and Hawking By David Hodges
Source text - English Terry Pratchett on David Hodges (extract from The Arts of Falconrie and Hawking):
'Some years ago he came to see me with Lady Jane, a magnificent bird who instantly and viciously attacked him. (She actually attacked Terry)
From that moment on his fate was sealed. He became the model for Hodgesaargh...
Translation - Catalan ¿Què es pot dir sobre David Hodges – home de moltes paraules, antic conductor d’un dels pocs hivernacles mòbils del país i falconer? Tinc entés que es guanya el sou evitant que els ocells es fiquin dins els motors a propulsió d’alta velocitat, i això es mereix un aplaudiment, perquè aquests fets sempre provoquen comentaris.
Fa alguns anys va venir a veure’m amb la Lady Jane, una magnífica au que a l’instant el va atacar ferotgement (en realitat va atacar en Terry).
Des d’aquell moment, el seu destí fou segellat. Es va convertir en el model per a en Hodgesaarg, el darrer de la línia de Falconers Reals de Lancre, un càrrec que ha ocupat amb típic bon humor, i n’és l’home a qui s’ha de preguntar si us cal saber coses tals com ara: “Es pot fer criar falcons a una gallina lloca?”, i d’altres preguntes diverses que se’m van acudir quan feia recerca per a Carpe Jugulum. Estic encantat de que hagi desenterrat aquest saber de les antigues falconeres. Deu ésser antic, perquè avui dia ningún no deletreja tan malament com això.
Catalan to English: Two Worlds (novel, fragment)
Source text - Catalan Va dormir poc i malament. Cap a tres quarts de quatre, cansada de donar voltes al llit, va anar a preparar-se un got de llet calenta que l'ajudés a conciliar el son. Potser un raig de conyac li ajudaria. Almenys en seria un valor afegit.
No se sentia cap soroll darrera la porta de l'habitació petita. Bon senyal. El conyac s'havia acabat, així que la Vera es va haver de conformar amb una culleradeta de mel. Es duia el got al dormitori quan es fixà en la porta de la terrassa, que estava un xic oberta. Se'n devia haver oblidat. Encara feia una mica de fresca a les nits i la Vera, deixant el got sobre una lleixa, anava a tancar quan veié una ombra a la gandula de fora; en Gàdriel s'hi havia estirat. A la Vera se li acudí que l'elf podria no trobar-se gaire bé en aquell medi i sortí a assegurar-se'n. L'instant que va creuar el llindar la pell se li va posar de gallina; en canvi, en Gàdriel semblava estar de fàbula, a la terrassa. Tenia el cos totalment relaxat i mirava el cel fixament, sense moure un múscul, sense parpellejar, sense respirar...
Amb el cor a la boca i la mà també per tal d'evitar que en sortís un crit esgarrifós, es llençà sobre el cos inerme intentant sentir-li la respiració.
Translation - English She slept little, and badly. Around a quarter to four, tired of tossing and turning in bed, she got up and went to the kitchen to prepare a glass of hot milk to help her sleep better. Perhaps a little brandy in it would help. At least it would add some value to it.
No sound could be heard behind the door of the small room. That was a good sign. Vera had run out of brandy, so she had to content herself with a spoonful of honey. She was taking the glass to her bedroom when she noticed the door to the balcony was ajar. She must have forgotten to shut it. It was still a little chilly at night and Vera, leaving the glass on a shelf, was about to close the door when she saw a shadow on the lazy chair. Gàdriel was lying on it. It occurred to Vera that the elf might not feel very well in that environment, and went to make sure he was all right. The very instant she crossed the threshold, she got goosepimples. However, Gàdriel seemed to be having a great time on the balcony. His body was completely relaxed and he was staring at the sky with fixed eyes, without moving a muscle. Unblinking. Not even breathing...
Terrified and biting her fist in order to prevent a scream from leaving her mouth, she threw herself over the motionless body trying to hear his breath.
Translation education
Master's degree - Universitat de Barcelona
Years of experience: 36. Registered at May 2007.
I have been combining translation work with my other occupations ever since I entered university, where I got my MA in English Language and Literature. During my professional life I have taught business English as a foreign language and also offered tuition on “Comentario Lingüístico” for advanced students of English as a foreign language.
I have translated pieces for lawyers, make-up laboratories and textile manufactures, among others. My love for learning means I am prepared to translate any specialised text dealing with my favourite interests, which include dressmaking, crafts in general, alternative medicine, cooking, and of course literature.
My passion for dressmaking led me to design and float my own website devoted to this subject, idea that I conceived when I realised, a few years ago, that in spite of the vast amount of material existing in English about dressmaking and sewing, the void in the Internet over this subject in Spanish was nearly absolute. The panorama is now changing, and I can proudly say I am contributing with my website (Cosercantar).
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