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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Law (general)
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Also works in:
Business/Commerce (general)
Education / Pedagogy
Human Resources
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
Tourism & Travel
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Law: Taxation & Customs
Law: Contract(s)
Names (personal, company)
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
English to Indonesian - Rates: 0.10 - 0.12 USD per word / 30 - 35 USD per hour French to Indonesian - Rates: 0.10 - 0.12 USD per word / 0 - 0 USD per hour
Sample translations submitted: 3
Indonesian to English: Industrial Relation Dispute General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Bekasi, 15 Mei 2009
No. : ----/2009
Hal : Permohonan Pencatatan Perselisihan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja
Lamp : 1 (satu) berkas
Kepada Yth.
Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kabupaten Bekasi
Komplek Perkantoran PEMDA Kabupaten Bekasi – Cikarang Pusat
Dengan hormat,
Bersama ini kami laporkan bahwa antara :
PT. ----, berkedudukan di ------, Cikarang, Bekasi yang dalam hal ini diwakili oleh Mr. XXX, Warga Negara Indonesia berdasarkan Surat Kuasa Khusus tanggal 15 Mei 2009 ,yang selanjutnya disebut Pengusaha.
Dengan :
Mr. ABC, Mrs. DEF, Mr. GHI, --------.
beralamat di (terlampir dalam lampiran) yang selanjutnya disebut Pekerja.
Telah gagal melakukan upaya penyelesaian / perundingan bipartit perselisihan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja sesuai bukti / Risalah Perundingan terlampir.
Berdasarkan Pasal 4 UU No. 2 Tahun 2004 tentang Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial bersama ini kami mencatatkan perselisihan tersebut untuk mohon diselesaikan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku.
Adapun uraian keterangan Pengusaha untuk perselisihan tersebut seperti terlampir.
Demikian atas penyelesaiannya kami mengucapkan terima kasih.
Hormat kami,
HR Manager
Bekasi, May 15th 2009
No. : -----/2009
Subject : Application to Register a Termination of Employment Dispute
Attch. : 1 (one) file
Department of Labor of Bekasi Regency
Komplek Perkantoran PEMDA Kabupaten Bekasi – Cikarang Pusat
Dear Sirs,
We hereby report that between:
PT. ----, located at ------, Cikarang, Bekasi; which in this case is being represented by Mr. XXX, Indonesian citizen, based on the Special Power of Attorney dated May 15th 2009, hereinafter is referred to as Employer.
Mr. ABC, Mrs. DEF, Mr. GHI, --------.
residing at (see attachment enclosed), hereinafter is referred to as Employees.
have failed to carry out a bipartite settlement/deliberation effort on the termination of employment dispute as written in the evidence/Deliberation Treatise attached.
Pursuant to Article 4 Law No. 2 Year 2004 on Industrial Relation Dispute Settlement, we hereby register the dispute mentioned herein to be resolved according to the applicable provisions.
The detail on Employer’s statements of this dispute is attached.
We highly appreciate your assistance on the settlement of such dispute.
Yours sincerely,
HR Manager
English to Indonesian: Leadership Training General field: Other Detailed field: Human Resources
Source text - English Summary of Learning from Unit 1 to 4
The first place to start as a Supervisor is to change the way you think. You must believe and accept that you are rightfully appointed and is now a part of the management team. You should continue to develop your effectiveness as a supervisor.
A supervisor should muster the four tasks to make the change from a skilled worker to a leader of a team by (1) learning what it means to be a supervisor; (2) learning how to exercise authority; (3) managing employees’ performance; and (4) growing in self-knowledge.
Your purpose is to achieve results by understanding the different eight (8) roles that a supervisor needs to play to bring about a balance of leadership style and developing the people.
Leadership is taking people where they need to be and this you can do by applying the XXX Seven Management Principles, among which the most powerful value is the one related to personal character: Leading people by setting personal examples.
Lastly, effective supervisors are those who communicate excellently. Learn to muster assertive communication that helps you build trust and confidence with people and always remember to keep your message short and simple.
Translation - Indonesian Kesimpulan Pembelajaran dari Unit 1 sampai 4
Hal pertama saat menjadi seorang supervisor adalah mengubah pola pikir Anda. Anda harus percaya dan yakin bahwa anda diangkat dengan tepat dan Anda sekarang bagian dari tim manajemen. Anda harus terus meningkatkan keefektifan sebagai seorang supervisor.
Seorang supervisor harus memahami 4 tugas dalam melakukan perubahan dari seorang pekerja trampil menjadi seorang pemimpin dari sebuah tim yaitu dengan (1) mempelajari makna menjadi seorang supervisor; (2) mempelajari bagaimana menjalankan wewenang; (3) mengelola kinerja karyawan; dan (4) mengembangkan pengetahuan diri sendiri.
Tujuan anda adalah untuk mencapai hasil dengan memahami perbedaan delapan (8) peran yang seorang supervisor harus lakukan dalam menciptakan keseimbangan dalam gaya memimpin dan mengembangkan bawahannya.
Kepemimpinan mengarahkan karyawan menuju posisi yang mereka inginkan dan hal ini dapat di lakukan dengan menerapkan Tujuh Prinsip Manajemen XXX, salah satu yang paling kuat adalah yang berhubungan dengan karakter pribadi: Memimpin karyawan dengan memberikan teladan yang baik.
Yang terakhir, supervisor yang efektif adalah mereka yang mampu berkomunikasi dengan sangat baik. Belajar untuk menguasai komunikasi secara asertif yang membantu Anda membangun kepercayaan dan percaya diri terhadap karyawan dan selalu ingat untuk tetap memyampaikan pesan Anda secara singkat dan sederhana.
English to French: Sale and Purchase Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
This Sale and Purchase Agreement (“Agreement”) is executed on this ____________________________, by and between:
Mr. XXX, holding passport No. ----, addressed at ---- Further referred to as the First Party.
Mr. YYY, holding passport No. __________ addressed at -----, Paris France
Further referred to as the Second Party.
The First and the Second Party are collectively referred to as the Parties.
The Parties hereby declare :
WHEREAS the First Party has an interest on the land as described under Sertipikat Hak Milik No. ---, measuring 355 M2 (three hundred and fifty five square meters), located at -----, registered under the name of Mrs. ZZZ also known as Villa ---- Lot No. ---. (the “Land”).
WHEREAS the Second Party desirous to purchase the Villa from the First Party.
Both parties have agreed to enter this Binding Agreement of Selling-Purchasing Land which has been affected and accepted on the following terms and conditions:
Article 1
In this binding agreement, it has been mutually agreed a selling-purchasing transaction of a parcel of land and villa described as follows:
A plot of land and villa known as villa --- Lot No. ---, in the area of 355 M2 (three hundred and fifty five square meters) currently under Owner’s Certificate (SHM) No. ----, in the name of ---- located at -----, including all the furniture.
Translation - French L’ACCORD DE VENTE ET D’ACHAT
Cet accord de vente et d'achat est exécuté ce jour ____________ par et entre:
Mr. XXX, tutilaire de passporte numéro ----, habité à -----
ci-après dénommé la Première Partie.
Mr. YYY, tutilaire de passporte numéro __________ habité à -----, Paris France
ci-après dénommé la Deuxième Partie.
La Première Partie et la Deuxième Partie collectivement dénommé Les Parties.
Les Parties déclarent par la présente:
Attendu que La Première Partie s’intéresse à la terre mesurant 355 m² (trois cents et cinquante cinq mètres carrés) decrit sous le Sertifikat Hak Milik (certificate de propriètaire) numéro ----, situé à -----, enregistré au nom de Mrs. ZZZ, aussi connue comme Villa --- Lot No. --- (“La Terre”).
Attendue que La Deuxième Partie est désireux d’acheter la Villa de la Première Partie.
Les deux Parties sont d’accord de faire cet accord contraignant de vente-achat de la terre qui a été affecté et accepté (prendre effet) aux termes et conditions suivantes:
Article 1
Dans cet accord contraignant de vente-achat, on l'a mutuellement convenu une transaction de vente-achat d’une parcelle de terre et une villa décrites suivantes:
Une parcelle de terre et une villa connue comme Villa --- Lot No. --- sur une superficié de 355 m² (trois cents et cinquante cinq mètres carrés) actuellement inscrit au SHM No. --- (certificat de propriètaire) enregistré au nom de Mrs. ZZZ, situé à -----, y compris les meubles.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of New South Wales
Years of experience: 27. Registered at Jul 2007.
Being a teacher was my childhood dream. I began my teaching career as a part-timer in 1994 at a small language institution in East Jakarta, where I taught English and French to elementary and high school students. That year, I was still studying at Teachers Training and Education Institute of Jakarta (IKIP Jakarta, now UNJ ( majoring French.
I acquired my translating and interpreting experiences throughout my teaching career.
From 1986-1988 I lived in Sydney where I completed my year 5-6 of elementary school at Summer Hill Public School. In 1996, I continued my study at University of New South Wales, Australia ( majoring French and Linguistics. I also learned some basic Mandarin, Japanese and Italian during my stay in Australia. I graduated from UNSW in 1999. I returned to Indonesia in 2001.
Having lived almost 9 years of my life in Sydney, I encountered many communication gaps in the multi-cultural interaction. Lots of migrants who came to Australia had no English skills. I thought: “How could I help to bridge the gap?” …and the answer was: by being a language teacher and a translator/interpreter.
I started translating in 1997 for my friends and extended family living in Sydney. No fixed rate. No reasonable offer was refused. Sometimes for free. Sometimes just in exchange of a lunch treat at the university cafeteria. I always thought, “the experience and their trust were priceless".
I am now a full-time freelance translator/interpreter. My fields of expertise in translation include legal docs (agreements, deeds, due diligence, company policies, etc.), HRD, training, education, general science and medical, religious, technical, history, etc.
For other work experiences, please see my CV.
Keywords: deeds, property agreements, sale & purchase, legal documents, immigration, visa, religious, Islamic laws, ethics, children stories. See more.deeds, property agreements, sale & purchase, legal documents, immigration, visa, religious, Islamic laws, ethics, children stories, education, human resources, tourism, management. See less.