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Italian to English: Addio a Novembre guardando già al Natale Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Italian Rassegne, festival del cinema e manifestazioni dedicate ai viaggi e alle tradizioni. I mercatini natalizi aprono i battenti fra luci e profumi senza dimenticare la solidarietà. Sono vari gli eventi previsti, all'insegna di una situazione metereologica che prevede bel tempo e poche nuvole passeggere.
Il Mercatino equo solidale natalizio di Poggibonsi, inaugurato il 25 novembre, resterà aperto per tutto il periodo natalzio. Il ricavato di quest'anno andrà all'ospedale di Matany, in Uganda.
Translation - English Reviews, festival of the cinema and shows dedicated to the journeys and to the traditions. The Christmas mercatini open the wings between lights and perfumes without to forget the solidarity. I am varied the events expected, to the sign of a situation metereologica that expects fine time and little passenger clouds. The fair Market in agreement Christmas of Poggibonsi, inaugurated november 25, will stay open for all of the period natalzio. The proceeds of this year will go to the hospital of Matany, in Uganda.
Italian to English: Informatica Detailed field: Computers (general)
Source text - Italian L'etimologia italiana di informatica proviene dal francese dalla compressione di inform(ation electronique ou autom)atique, e sicuramente Philippe Dreyfus, che per primo utilizza nel 1962 il termine informatique (informatica) voleva significare la gestione automatica dell'informazione mediante calcolatore. Sebbene successivamente ne siano state date diverse definizioni, forse si avvicina di più alla realtà quella secondo cui l'informatica è la scienza che si occupa della conservazione, dell'elaborazione e della rappresentazione dell'informazione.
Da notare come tale definizione implichi un distacco tra il concetto di scienza e l'area di studio di tale disciplina quando in lingua inglese viene utilizzato il termine computer science che presuppone l'esistenza della figura dello scienziato e quindi dell'uomo, del ricercatore interessato all'approfondimento della conoscenza della tecnologia dell'elaborazione.
Translation - English The Italian etymology of information technology comes from the French one from the compression of inform (ation electronique ou autom) atique, and surely Philippe Dreyfus, that for first utilization in 1962 the limit informatique (information technology) wanted to mean the automatic management of the information by means of calculator. Even though subsequently different definitions they were given, perhaps it is approached of more to the that reality second that the information technology is the science that it is occupied some preservation, of the elaboration and of the representation of the information.
To note like such definition you involve a separation between the concept of science and the area of study of such discipline when in English tongue comes used the limit computer science that presupposes the existence of the figure of the scientist and therefore of the man, of the researcher interested to the deepening of the knowledge of the technology of the elaboration.
Italian to English: La Teoria dei Giochi Detailed field: Telecom(munications)
Source text - Italian La Teoria dei giochi è la scienza matematica che analizza situazioni di conflitto e ne ricerca soluzioni competitive e cooperative tramite modelli, ovvero uno studio delle decisioni individuali in situazioni in cui vi sono interazioni tra i diversi soggetti, tali per cui le decisioni di un soggetto possono influire sui risultati conseguibili da parte di un rivale, secondo un meccanismo di retroazione.
Le applicazioni e le interazioni della teoria sono molteplici: dal campo economico e finanziario a quello strategico-militare, dalla politica alla sociologia, dalla psicologia all'informatica, dalla biologia allo sport, introducendo l'azione del caso, connessa con le possibili scelte che gli individui hanno a disposizione per raggiungere determinati obiettivi, che possono essere:
comuni, ma non identici
individuali e comuni
Translation - English Game theory is a branch of applied mathematics and economics that studies situations where players choose different actions in an attempt to maximize their returns. First developed as a tool for understanding economic behavior and then by the RAND Corporation to define nuclear strategies, game theory is now used in many diverse academic fields, ranging from biology and psychology to sociology and philosophy. Beginning in the 1970s, game theory has been applied to animal behavior, including species' development by natural selection. Because of games like the prisoner's dilemma, in which rational self-interest hurts everyone, game theory has been used in political science, ethics and philosophy. Finally, game theory has recently drawn attention from computer scientists because of its use in artificial intelligence and cybernetics.
In addition to its academic interest, game theory has received attention in popular culture. A Nobel Prize-winning game theorist, John Nash, was the subject of the 1998 biography by Sylvia Nasar and the 2001 film A Beautiful Mind. Game theory was also a theme in the 1983 film WarGames. Several game shows have adopted game theoretic situations, including Friend or Foe? and to some extent Survivor. The character Jack Bristow on the television show Alias is one of the few fictional game theorists in popular culture.
English to Spanish: Computers Detailed field: Computers (general)
Source text - English The ability to store and execute stored programs—that is, programmability—makes computers extremely versatile and distinguishes them from calculators. The Church–Turing thesis is a mathematical statement of this versatility: Any computer with a certain minimum capability is, in principle, capable of performing the same tasks that any other computer can perform. Therefore, computers with capability and complexity ranging from that of a personal digital assistant to a supercomputer are all able to perform the same computational tasks so long as time and storage capacity are not considerations.
A computer in a wristwatch.Computers take numerous physical forms. Early electronic computers were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers. [1] Today, computers can be made small enough to fit into a wrist watch and powered from a watch battery. However, large-scale computing facilities still exist for specialized scientific computation and for the transaction processing requirements of large organizations. Society has come to recognize personal computers and their portable equivalent, the laptop computer, as icons of the information age; they are what most people think of as "a computer". However, the most common form of computer in use today is by far the embedded computer. Embedded computers are small, simple devices that are often used to control other devices—for example, they are used to control machines from fighter aircraft to industrial robots, digital cameras, and even children's toys.
Translation - Spanish Una computadora, conocida en algunos países como ordenador y en otros países como computador, es un sistema digital con tecnología microelectrónica capaz de procesar datos a partir de un grupo de instrucciones denominado programa. La estructura básica de una computadora incluye microprocesador (CPU), memoria y dispositivos de entrada/salida (E/S), junto a los buses que permiten la comunicación entre ellos. En resumen la computadora es una dualidad entre hardware (parte física) y software (parte lógica), que interactúan entre sí para una determinada función.
Una computadora en un reloj de pulsera. La computadora toma numerosas formas físicas. Las computadoras electrónicas tempranas fueron el tamaño de un espacio grande, consumiendo tanto poder como varias cien computadoras personales modernas. [1] Hoy, las computadoras pueden ser hechas suficiente pequeño para quedar en un reloj de muñeca y accionado de una batería del reloj. Sin embargo, computar a gran escala las facilidades existen todavía para el cómputo científico especializado y para la transacción que procesa los requisitos de organizaciones grandes. La sociedad ha venido a reconocer computadoras personales y su equivalente portátil, la computadora personal portátil laptop, como iconos de la edad de información; ellos son lo que más personas piensan en como "una computadora". Sin embargo, la forma más común de la computadora en el uso está hoy por lejos la computadora empotrada. Las computadoras empotradas son pequeñas y dispositivos sencillas que a menudo son utilizados para controlar otros dispositivos—por ejemplo, ellos son utilizados para controlar máquinas de la caza a robots industriales, cámaras digitales, e incluso juguetes de niños.
La característica principal que la distingue de otros dispositivos similares, como una calculadora no programable, es que puede realizar tareas muy diversas cargando distintos programas en la memoria para que los ejecute el procesador
Portuguese to English: Computer Hardware Detailed field: Computers: Hardware
Source text - Portuguese O Hardware, Material ou Ferramental é a parte física do computador, ou seja, é o conjunto de componentes eletrônicos, circuitos integrados e placas, que se comunicam através de barramentos. Em contraposição ao hardware, o software é a parte lógica, ou seja, o conjunto de instruções e dados que é processado pelos circuitos eletrônicos do hardware. Toda interação dos usuários de computadores modernos é realizada através do software, que é a camada, colocada sobre o hardware, que transforma o computador em algo útil para o ser humano.
O termo "hardware" não se refere apenas aos computadores pessoais, mas também aos equipamentos embarcados em produtos que necessitam de processamento computacional, como o dispositivos encontrados em equipamentos hospitalares, automóveis, aparelhos celulares, dentre outros.
Na ciência da computação a disciplina que trata das soluções de projeto de hardware é conhecida como arquitetura de computadores.
Translation - English Computer hardware is the physical part of a computer, including the digital circuitry, as distinguished from the computer software that executes within the hardware. The hardware of a computer is infrequently changed, in comparison with software and data, which are "soft" in the sense that they are readily created, modified or erased on the computer. Firmware is a special type of software that rarely, if ever, needs to be changed and so is stored on hardware devices such as read-only memory (ROM) where it is not readily changed (and is therefore "firm" rather than just "soft").
Most computer hardware is not seen by normal users. It is in embedded systems in automobiles, microwave ovens, electrocardiograph machines, compact disc players, and other devices. Personal computers, the computer hardware familiar to most people, form only a small minority of computers (about 0.2% of all new computers produced in 2003) Market statistics.
Directed by:
Languages Professor
English Version:
Instruction for Adults and children
Graduated of Cambridge University of Languages:
ENGLISH, AND PERUGIA in Italy as an Italian Language Teacher.
Catholica University in Lima Peru
Keywords: Lover of the culture, the arts and letters. Also singer since very small, and educated by parents and teachers in the music, the culture and the Languages. Studied Law and Political Science a believer in Justice and the Liberty of a better world and without so many barriers, political, of ideology and ideosincrasia. Always learning somewhat new . Active in it taking of decisions, addicted at work low pressure, didactic and efficient, Quality TO-1 in each projects that carries out. It assesses and you grasped Executives creating troops Learning Programs and in time record for greater development and opportunities of ascent in the work. It charms him to assume challenges!