Languages: Italian – English – Spanish – Japanese.
Computer skills: Windows – Word – Excel – Internet.
March 2006 Degree in Foreign Languages at the University of Torino, Italy.
2003 University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, Co, USA.
From 2003 Free-lance translator.
From 2007 English and Italian teacher for British Institutes School of Languages.
2001-2004 English private teacher.
2003 Italian teacher assistant at the University of Southern Colorado.
2005 Italian teacher for the private school “Ciao Italia” of Chihuahua, Mexico.
2006 International call center for an insurance company.
2006Commercial employee for the flying company “Eurofly Service”.
2007English and Italian teacher for foreigners in “Q. Sella” High School.
Inter-cultural assistant for Spanish mother-tongues.
English and Italian teacher for the Training Management Services.
English and Italian teacher for British Institutes.
English and Italian teacher for Big Ben School of Languages.
English and Italian teacher for Oversea School of Languages.
2004 – 2006 Period living and working in USA and Mexico. |