Working languages:
English to Dutch
Dutch to English
Flemish to English

Erik Brinkhof - SEA Translations
Language without boundaries

Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Local time: 19:18 +07 (GMT+7)

Native in: Dutch Native in Dutch
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on Willingness to Work Again info
9 positive reviews
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of working again (LWA)

Past 5 years
(20 entries)
Last 12 months
(1 entries)
Total: 48 entries
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I am, in all modesty, a flexible, quality-oriented, full-time, hard-working, professional translator.

Translation only. 


Dutch (The Netherlands) is my mother tongue. I pretend to be fluent in English, proficient in German and French, and I have developed reading skills in most Western European languages. I have profound knowledge of the specific vocabulary and syntax used in Flemish (Dutch Belgium / Belgian Dutch).

My flair for languages is rooted in my family, with four other (semi-)professional translators and two literary writers.

Pairs (language combinations)

I work on an almost daily basis for regular clients in the following pairs:

English > Dutch

Dutch > English

Flemish > English

Although I am not a sworn/certified translator, ISO certified agencies I work for appreciate and certify - and embassies legalise - my translations

Generally USD 0.07 - 0.10 per source word, depending on a number of factors, such as subject, source format, quality and level of difficulty of the text, layout, repetitions, etc. 

In 2008, I started a new career as a professional, full-time, freelance translator.
I have worked on more than 10,000 projects in a wide variety of fields for companies across the globe.
Sample Translations
Examples of my personal translations are available upon request. 

I work for all major translation offices in Thailand, where I lived before, as well as for some twenty elsewhere in Asia, Europe and North-America.

References are available upon request. Alternatively, click here: ProZ Willingness to Work Again or here: Translatorscafe Feedback
Prior work experience
I have held positions in The Netherlands, UK and Spain, in sales, finance, retail, administration and management at SME’s in hospitality. 

Secondary Vocational Education for 18+

ROC Aventus, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands

International Tourism & Leisure Management (Fully English curriculum)
Additional courses:
Certificate Advanced English, University of Cambridge, UK


Windows 10, Office 2016, Firefox / Opera, ABBYY Finereader, etc.
UPS, scanner, laser printer, etc.
I am a proficient user of Trados 2017, MemoQ 8.4 and Catalyst 11.0.

Additional Information
I am a highly skilled and experienced internet researcher.

Working hours: I work at home, an office that never closes.
Estimated average response time to an email: during working hours less than 10 minutes.
Daily output: ± 2,500 words (depending on pair, subject, source format, etc.)
NO Surcharge for urgent jobs! After all, all translation projects are urgent, aren't they! 

Tel.: +84 76 452 1286 (24/7 if urgent)

Skype: erikbrinkhof

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 403
PRO-level pts: 360

Top languages (PRO)
Dutch to English89
English to Dutch75
German to English70
German to Dutch47
Danish to English35
Pts in 3 more pairs >
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 3 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Law (general)54
Finance (general)31
Construction / Civil Engineering28
Medical (general)20
Law: Contract(s)19
Education / Pedagogy17
Pts in 29 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: thai, dutch, english, nederlands, vlaams, flemish, duits, german, deutsch, afrikaans. See more.thai, dutch, english, nederlands, vlaams, flemish, duits, german, deutsch, afrikaans, noors, noorse, thais, norsk, norwegian, norvégienne, Norwegisch, bokmål, nynorsk, thaise, thailand, nederlandse, vlaamse, marriage certificate, huwelijksakte, geboorteakte birth certificate, certificate of marriage, title deed, marriage registration, certificate of divorce, divorce certificate, marriage articles, marriage contract, antenuptial agreement, prenuptial agreement, marriage certificate, huwelijksvoorwaarden, huwelijkse voorwaarden, echtscheidingsvonnis, rechtbank, rechterlijk, gerechtelijk, contract, general conditions, terms and conditions, user manual, algemene voorwaarden, leveringsvoorwaarden, statuten, by-laws, articles of association, articles of incorporation, driving licence, license, rijbewijs, company, register, hypotheekate, akte van geldlening, testament, nalatenschap, erfenis, estate, akte, deed, kadaster, bevolkingsregister, death, death certificate, insurance, verzekering, lease, lease agreement, rental agreement, purchase agreement, koopovereenkomst, pachtovereenkomst, huurovereenkomst, leasecontract, akte van statutenwijziging, last will and testament, law, legal, jaarrekening, balance sheet, annual accounts, annual statement, huwelijkscontract, prenuptial agreement, by-laws, outsourcing, outsource, deens, dansk, danish, deens, zweeds, swedish, svensk, fødselsattest, dåbsattest, navneattest, skilsmissebevilling, separationsbevilling, vielseattest, vigselattest, dødsboet, dødsbuet, dødsattest, personbevis, äktenskapsförord, vigselbevis, äktenskapsskillnad, domslut, geburtsurkunde, skatteverket, polisanmälan, rikspolisstyrelsen, polismyndigheten, skatteförvaltningen, Tingsrätt, forsakringskassan, Bolagsverket, registreruppgift, registreringsbevis, e- registreringsbevis, utbildningsbevis, anställningsbevis, bevis, NAV, Norske Arbeids- og Velferdsforvaltningen, trygdekontor, avtale, Folketrygden, aetat, Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet, Kirke-, utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet, Kunnskapsdepartmentet, Kirke, Undervisnings og Forskningsdepartementet, adoptivforældrenes, oversettelse, vertaling, vertaler, translation, translator, übersetzer, utlendingsdirektoratet, UDI, Statens utlendingskontor, Migrationsverket, avgångsbetyg, Utlendingsnemnda, UNE, bekreftelse, vitnemål, karakterutskrift, kompetansbevis, havo, mavo, vwo, vmbo, lbo, mbo, mts, hts, heao, Brønnøysundregistrene, firmaattest, tjenesteattest, skatteetaten, selvangivelse, Legeerklæring ved arbeidsuførhet, Thailand, Noorwegen, Nederland, Norge, The Netherlands, Norway, Danmark, Zweden, Denmark, Sweden, Denemarken, Sverige, Norsk, Dansk, Svensk, ไทย, ภาษาไทย, ประเทศไทย, เดนมาร์ก, นอร์เวย์, สวีเดน, เยอรมัน, ฝรั่งเศส, ดัตช์, อังกฤษ, อิตาลี, รัสเซีย, สเปน, โปรตุเกส, สัญญา, เกิด, แต่งงาน, หย่า, สัญญาแปล, แปล, นักแปล, livret de famille, trouwboekje, strafblad, acte de naissance, familieboekje, getuigschrift van woonst, kamer van koophandel, kvk, extrait de l'acte de mariage, urkunde, diplomurkunde, zeugnis, arbeitszeugnis, bac, école supérieure des sciences économiques et commerciales, essec, consulat, consulate, ambassade, embassy, france, français, french, deutschland, schweiz, austria, diplôme national du brevet, diplôme d'études universitaires générales, deug, diplôme universitaire de technologie, diplôme d'études universitaires scientifiques et techniques, deust, maîtrise de sciences de gestion, maitrise de sciences et techniques, diplôme d'études supérieures spécialisées, dess, diplôme d’études supérieures commerciales, administratives et financières descaf, diplôme d'études approfondies, dea, mastère spécialisé, sirene, siret, siren, rcs, nic, journal officiel de la république française, baccalaureat general, attestation de diplôme, certificat de maturité, uittreksel, ccs, liccs, attestation d'occupation, onss, apl, onssapl, asbl, certificat de diplôme, ecole superieure de commerce, esce, ecole supérieure de commerce de paris, escp, conditions generales de vente, cgv, minefi, cng, dfjp, spop, direction du service national, dsn, belgique, école nationale des sciences de l'informatique, ensi, écoles nationales supérieures d'ingénieur, hes-so haute, école spécialisée de suisse occidentale, sprl, certificat d'aptitude professionnelle, cap, diplome d'aptitude professionnelle, dap, dsden, brevet de technicien supérieur, bts, école supérieure de gestion et de commerce international, esgci, diplôme d'ingenieur, insee, diplôme d'université, l’espace européen de l'enseignement supérieur, eees, Heiratsurkunde, Abstammungsurkunde, Vertragsurkunde, Vertretungsurkunde, Ernennungsurkunde, Geburtsurkunde, Grundbesitzurkunde, Landbesitzurkunde, sterbeurkunde, ehrenurkunde, Entlassungsurkunde, Einbürgerungsurkunde, Kaufvertragsurkunde, Grundschuldbestellungsurkunde, APPROBATIONSURKUNDE, Abschlusszeugnis, Prüfungszeugnis, Lehrzeugnis, Diplomprüfungszeugnis, Führungszeugnis, Zwischenzeugnis, fähigkeitszeugnis, Maturitätszeugnis, Maturazeugnis, Hochschulreife, arztzeugnis, Fachhochschulreife, Ausbildung-Zeugnis, Ausbildungszeugnis, Diplomzeugnis, praktikumszeugnis, DIPLOM-VORPRÜFUNG, Diplom-Vorprüfungszeugnis, Diplomvorprüfungszeugnis, Jahreszeugnis, Semesterzeugnis, Reife- und Diplomprüfungszeugnis, Rechtskraftzeugnis, Notfristzeugnis, gmbh, bvba, Insolvenzverfahren, Insolvenzordnung, insolvency, surseance, faillissement, Konkurs, Wirtschaftsschulen, Abschlußprüfung, Berufsfachschul, OIKEUSREKISTERIKESKUS, RIKOSREKISTERIOTE, UTDRAG UR STRAFFEREGISTRET, RATTSREGISTFRCENTRALEN, criminal records, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Burma, Belgium, België, Belgique, France, Deutschland. See less.

Profile last updated
Oct 3

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