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Italian to English: Macroeconomic trends General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Italian Tendenze macroeconomiche
Nel 2014, il Pil mondiale si è attestato al 3,4 per cento, in linea con l’anno precedente; il dato complessivo riflette la moderata accelerazione della crescita nelle economie avanzate (1,8 per cento dall’1,4 nel 2013) e il lieve rallentamento nei paesi emergenti (4,6 per cento dal 5,0 nel 2013). Nell’Uem si è avuto un modesto recupero di attività (+0,9 per cento) dopo un biennio di contrazione (-0,8 e -0,4 rispettivamente nel 2012 e 2013). La ripresa nell’orizzonte temporale del 2014 non si è estesa all’Italia, dove l’attività economica ha continuato a contrarsi (-0,4 per cento) seppure in misura decisamente più contenuta rispetto ai due anni precedenti (-2,8 per cento nel 2012 e -1,7 nel 2013) e con un profilo in progressivo miglioramento: secondo la stima preliminare diffusa il 13 maggio, nel primo trimestre 2015 il Pil ha finalmente segnato una variazione congiunturale positiva, pari allo 0,3 per cento. Per effetto della prolungata recessione, nel 2014 il livello del Pil è sceso al di sotto di quello registrato nel 2000 e il valore pro capite al di sotto del livello del 1997.
Translation - English Macroeconomic trends
In 2014, the world’s GDP was around 3,4 percent, in line with the prior year; the overall figure reflects the moderate rise in the development of the advanced economies (4,6 percent in comparison with 5,0 in 2013). The Economics and Monetary Union experienced a modest business recovery (+0,9 percent) following a two-year period of decline (-0,8 and -0,4 respectively in 2012 and 2013). The recovery within the 2014 time frame did not extend to Italy, where the economic activity continued its decline (-0,4 percent) even if undoubtedly to a lesser extent in comparison with the prior two years (-2,8 percent in 2012 and -1,7 in 2013) and with a gradually improving profile: according to the preliminary estimate published on May 13, in the first trimester of 2015 the GDP finally marked a positive economic variation, equal to 0,3 percent. As a result of the prolonged recession, in 2014 the GDP level fell below the one registered in 2000 and the pro capita value fell below the 1997 level.
Italian to English: The Sunset's room General field: Other Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Italian La stanza del tramonto
Appunti sulla vita ordinaria di un mammifero
Un Fratello e una Sorella si ritrovano, dopo anni di separazione, dietro la porta chiusa della stanza di un ospedale; dalla penombra arrivano il respiro e il canto della madre morente. Siamo in un luogo di frontiera, ognuno lo può riconoscere. Scompare il corpo che ti ha generato: la fine è un atto mitico, eppure è anche così quotidiano, un momento come tanti altri, che accade in un dato giorno, ad una certa ora.
La scena dell’inizio ha i caratteri dell’iperrealismo: una parete grigia simula un corridoio d’ospedale, che schiaccia i due attori verso il pubblico, sotto la luce di lampade al neon. Eppure c’è una simbiosi metafisica con quello che accade di là: l’intermittenza della coscienza e della percezione, i vaneggiamenti, vedere voci, parlare con i fantasmi dell’infanzia. In un gioco di dialoghi e conflitti, ricordi e visioni, i due fratelli si rincorrono, si osservano, si contendono il corpo della madre, per portarla ognuno a casa propria. Con un linguaggio surreale, a tratti divertito, che restituisce la verità di questa situazione così comune e paradossale.
Translation - English The sunset’s room
Notes on a mammal’s ordinary life
A Brother and a Sister meet, after years of separation, behind the closed door of a hospital room; from the semidarkness the breathing and chant of their dying mother reaches them. We are on a boundary line, everyone can recognize that. The body that created you disappears: the end is a mythical act, nevertheless it is also so ordinary, a moment like any other, which occurs on a given day, at a certain hour.
The scene of the beginning has hyper-realistic characteristics: a grey wall simulates a hospital hallway, which pushes the two actors toward the public, under the light of neon lights. Still, there is a metaphysical symbiosis with what is happening on the other side: the intermittency of conscience and perception, the babbling, seeing voices, talking with the ghosts from one’s childhood. In a game of dialogues and conflicts, memories and visions, the two siblings chase each other, look at one another, compete for their mother’s body, so that each may take her home with them. With a surreal language, at times humorous which renders the truth of this situation that is so common and paradoxical.
French to English: French Legal Contract Test General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - French Chapitre VII: Divers
Article 53 : Actes de disposition
Chaque propriétaire d'étages qui peut en tout temps et librement aliéner son lot ou le grever d'un droit réel limité (gage, servitude).
Le propriétaire d'étages qui aliène son lot, le grève d'un usufruit ou d'un droit d'habitation doit en aviser l'administrateur par lettre recommandée dans les dix jours dès la conclusion du contrat.
Le cessionnaire est tenu solidairement avec le cédant au paiement des contributions aux frais et charges communs des trois dernières années et de l'année en cours. Le cédant s'oblige à insérer cette clause de solidarité dans le contrat de vente.
Le propriétaire d'étages qui grève son lot d'un usufruit ou d'un droit d'habitation est débiteur de la contribution aux frais et charges communs, comme s'il occupait ses locaux.
Article 54 : Exclusion
L'exclusion d'un propriétaire d'étages peut être prononcée par le juge aux conditions de l'art. 649b CC. Aux mêmes conditions, l’usufruitier, le titulaire d'un droit d'habitation ou le bénéficiaire d'un droit de jouissance personnel annoté au registre foncier peuvent être exclus.
La demande judiciaire d'exclusion doit être formulée par un propriétaire d'étages, suite à la décision prise par l'assemblée des propriétaires d'étages (art. 46).
Article 55 : Sanctions
En cas de violation de la loi ou du présent règlement d'administration et d'utilisation, l'administrateur est autorisé à prendre les sanctions suivantes:
a) appel à l'ordre oral;
b) avertissement écrit;
c) interdiction de l'utilisation de certaines parties communes durant une période déterminée (notamment l'utilisation du local de loisir; voir art. 24 litt. h);
L'interdiction de l'utilisation de certaines parties communes ne peut être prononcée que par écrit, dans des cas graves, et après avertissement écrit. Le propriétaire d'étages sanctionné par une telle mesure peut faire appel à l'assemblée des propriétaires d'étages, qui décide de la sanction à infliger (art. 45 al. 2 litt. k).
Translation - English Section VII: Other
Article 53 : Disposal acts
Every condominium owner who, at all times and without hindrance, can dispose of his lot or burden it with a limited real property right (lien, easement).
The condominium owner who disposes of his lot, burdens it with an usufruct or a right of residence shall notify the administrator by registered letter within ten days from the conclusion of the contract.
The transferee is required jointly with the transferor to pay the contributions to the common fees and charges from the last three years and the present year. The transferor is required to include this solidarity clause in the sales contract.
The condominium owner who burdens his lot with an usufruct or a right of residence is responsible for the contributions to the common fees and charges, as if he occupied his premises.
Article 54 : Removal
The removal of a condominium owner can be ordered by the judge pursuant to the conditions of art. 649b of the CC. Under the same conditions, the usufructuary, the holder of a right of residence or the beneficiary of a personal right of use annotated in the land register can be removed.
The judicial request for a removal shall be drawn up by a condominium owner, following the decision made by the assembly of condominium owners (art. 46).
Article 55 : Sanctions
In case of violation of the law or of the present administration and use regulations, the administrator is authorized to take the below measures:
a) appeal to the verbal order;
b) written notice;
c) ban on the use of certain communal areas for a specified period (in particular the use of the recreational premises; refer to art. 24 subparagraph h);
The ban on the use of certain communal areas can only be issued in writing, in serious cases, and after written notification. The condominium owner who is sanctioned by such a measure can appeal the assembly of condominium owners, who decides on the sanction to be imposed (art. 45 paragraph 2 subparagraph k).
Italian to English: Questionnaire instructions General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - Italian Istruzioni per la compilazione del questionario
Al primo accesso, le sarà richiesto di inserire il suo codice utente e il sistema genererà automaticamente un PIN di 4 cifre, che le preghiamo di annotare perché le sarà necessario digitarlo, unitamente al codice utente, per accedere alla compilazione del questionario.
Il suo codice utente per l’accesso al suo questionario è il seguente: XXXXXXXXXXXX
In caso di smarrimento del PIN il sistema consente la generazione di un nuovo Pin previo inserimento codice utente e del codice fiscale dell’intestatario della lettera (ovvero l’intestatario del Foglio di famiglia in anagrafe).
In caso di smarrimento del codice utente le chiediamo di contattare il Numero verde.
Per i quesiti più complessi è possibile consultare la Guida alla compilazione on-line cliccando sul simbolo.
Translation - English Instructions for the compilation of the questionnaire
Upon your first access, you will be asked to enter your user code and the system will automatically generate a 4-digit PIN, which we kindly ask you to write down since you will have to enter it, together with the user code, in order to access the compilation of the questionnaire.
Your user code to access the questionnaire is the following: XXXXXXXXXXXX
If you lose your PIN the system allows generating a new Pin upon entering the user code and tax code of the letter sender (namely the holder of the Vital statistics family certificate).
If you lose your user code, please call the Toll-free number.
For more complex issues, you can refer to the online compilation Guide by clicking on the symbol.
Italian to English: Contract General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Italian Premesso che
- XXX è il costruttore e il fornitore delle unità (in seguito, le Unità XXX) installate presso i siti specificati nell’Allegato n. 1 (in seguito, le Unità Installate – al singolare o plurale, indifferentemente);
- Il CLIENTE intende individuare e affidare a un unico Centro Assistenza Tecnica di fiducia la Manutenzione Ordinaria e Straordinaria di dette Unità per ciascun sito di installazione;
- XXX ha organizzato una rete di imprese installatrici e manutentrici, capillarmente distribuita sul territorio nazionale, in grado di provvedere alla miglior manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria delle Unità installate nel territorio nazionale. In particolare, XXX fornisce costantemente ai propri Centri Assistenza Tecnica Autorizzati una puntuale formazione e un aggiornamento sul funzionamento e la manutenzione delle Unità XXX;
- Su questa base, con il presente contratto, le Parti intendono disciplinare, ai termini e alle condizioni di cui oltre, la vendita dei servizi di manutenzione Ordinaria e Straordinaria (in seguito, il Contratto), che sarà svolta sulle Unità Installate da XXX, in proprio o attraverso propri Centri Assistenza Tecnica Autorizzati, (in seguito, C.A.A.) cui XXX si riserva di subappaltare parte dei servizi di cui al Contratto, nel rispetto dei dettami e degli standard qualitativi prefissati.
Tanto premesso, a costituire parte integrante e sostanziale del presente Contratto, tra le Parti, come sopra indicate, si conviene e stipula quanto segue.
Le premesse che precedono e tutti gli Allegati formano parte integrante e sostanziale del Contratto, che annulla e sostituisce ogni qualsiasi e precedente intesa, verbale o scritta, esistente tra le Parti.
2.1 Oggetto del presente Contratto è la fornitura al CLIENTE, da parte di XXX, in proprio o per il tramite di propri subappaltatori, di servizi di assistenza e manutenzione, ordinaria e straordinaria, sulle Unità Installate.
2.2 A fronte dei corrispettivi di cui all’art. 7, XXX garantisce, per sé e per i propri subappaltatori, ovvero i Centri Assistenza Tecnica Autorizzati indicati nell’Allegato 1, che la prestazione verrà eseguita nel pieno rispetto degli standard tecnico-qualitativi individuati e predisposti da XXX per tutta la sua rete di assistenza tecnica nel territorio Italiano.
Translation - English Given that
- XXX is the manufacturer and supplier of the units (hereinafter, the XXX Units) installed at the sites indicated in Attachment no. 1 (hereinafter, the Installed Units – in the singular or plural, alike);
- The CLIENT intends to identify and entrust to a sole trusted Technical Support Center the Ordinary and Extraordinary Maintenance of said Units for each installation site;
- XXX has organized a network of installer and maintenance companies, distributed extensively throughout the national territory, capable of providing the best ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the Installed Units throughout the national territory. Specifically, XXX continuously supplies to its Authorized Technical Support Centers timely training and updates on the operation and maintenance of the XXX Units;
- On this basis, with the present contract, the Parties intend to control, under the terms and conditions indicated below, the sale of the Ordinary and Extraordinary maintenance services (hereinafter, the Contract), which shall be performed on the Units Installed by XXX, on its own or through its own Authorized Technical Support Centers, (hereinafter, A.S.C.s) to which XXX reserves the right to subcontract a part of the services mentioned in the Contract, with due regard for the predefined qualitative dictates and standards.
Having considered the above, as an integral and substantial part of the present Contract, between the Parties, as indicated above, the below is agreed to and concluded.
The preceding premises and all of the Attachments form an integral and substantial part of the Contract, which cancels and replaces any prior agreement, oral or in writing, between the Parties.
2.1 The subject matter of the present Contract is the provision to the CLIENT, by XXX, on its own or through its own subcontractors, of support and maintenance services, ordinary and extraordinary, on the Installed Units.
2.2 In response to the amounts referenced under art. 7, XXX guarantees, for itself and its own subcontractors, namely the Authorized Technical Support Centers indicated in Attachment 1, that the service shall be performed in full compliance with the technical-qualitative standards which were identified and drawn up by XXX for its entire technical support network throughout the Italian territory.
Italian to English: Balance sheet General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Italian L’andamento economico della Strategic Business Unit Servizi Assicurativi evidenzia nel primo semestre 2020 un risultato della gestione operativa (EBIT) che si attesta a 435 milioni di euro, in diminuzione del 4,3% rispetto all’analogo periodo dell’esercizio precedente (454 milioni di euro).
I ricavi da mercato i passano da 795 milioni di euro del primo semestre 2019 a 739 milioni di euro del 2020 (-7,2%) e sono essenzialmente riconducibili al business Vita che ha contribuito con 664 milioni di euro, mentre la contribuzione del ramo Danni ammonta a 70 milioni di euro, al netto dei ricavi di Poste Welfare Servizi e degli altri ricavi.
In particolare, nel semestre, i ricavi netti Vita diminuiscono rispetto al primo semestre 2019 del 7,5% (-54 milioni di euro), principalmente per effetto dei minori caricamenti (-59 milioni di euro) e del minore margine protezione Vita (-7 milioni di euro) a seguito della flessione della raccolta lorda avuta nel semestre (-2,4 miliardi di euro rispetto al primo semestre 2019), nonché dell’evoluzione delle altre riserve tecniche (-10 milioni di euro), il cui andamento risente principalmente della variazione della riserva spese, per il one-off positivo registrato a giugno 2019, correlato all’aggiornamento del tasso di attualizzazione IVASS. Tali variazioni negative sono state parzialmente compensate dal maggiore margine finanziario (+22 milioni rispetto al primo semestre 2019), che beneficia dell’incremento delle masse medie gestite.
Translation - English The economic trend of the Insurance Services Strategic Business Unit shows in the first six-month period of 2020 an operational management (EBIT) result of 435 million Euros, decreasing by 4.3% compared to the same period of the prior financial year (454 million Euros).
Market revenues went from 795 million Euros in the first six-month period of 2019 to 739 million Euros in 2020 (-7,2%) and are primarily ascribable to the Life insurance business that contributed 664 million Euros, whereas the contribution of the Indemnity line amounted to 70 million Euros, net of the Poste Welfare Servizi revenue and the other revenue.
Specifically, during the six-month period, the net Life revenues decreased compared to the first six-month period of 2019 by 7,5% (-54 million Euros), mainly as a result of the reduced commissions (-59 million Euros) and of the reduced Life protection margin (-7 million Euros) following the decrease in the gross subscription experienced in the six-month period (-2,4 billion Euros compared to the first six-month period of 2019), and also the development of the other technical reserves (-10 million Euros), whose performance is mainly affected by the variation of the expenditures reserve, for the positive one-off recorded in June 2019, in relation to the update of the IVASS discount rate. These negative variations were partially offset by the higher financial margin (+22 million compared to the first six-month period of 2019), which benefited from the increase of the median managed assets.
German to English: Executive Board - shareholders General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - German § 6 Geschäftsführung
(1) Die Geschäftsführer sind verpflichtet, die Weisungen der Gesellschafter zu befolgen, insbesondere eine von den Gesellschaftern aufgestellte Geschäftsordnung zu beachten und von den Gesellschaftern als zustimmungspflichtig bezeichnete Geschäfte nur mit deren Zustimmung vorzunehmen.
(2) Die Geschäftsführer bedürfen zu folgenden Rechtsgeschäften und Maßnahmen der vorherigen Zustimmung der Gesellschafter:
a) Gründung, Erwerb, Veräußerung und Auflösung von Beteiligungsgesellschaften, unabhängig von der Beteiligungsquote;
b) Aufnahme eines stillen Gesellschafters;
c) Erwerb, Veräußerung und Belastung von Grundstücken;
d) Veräußerung und Belastung von beweglichen Gütern des Anlagevermögens mit einem Wert über 400.000 EUR,
e) Die Rechtsgeschäfte und Maßnahmen, die die Gesellschafterversammlung als zustimmungspflichtig erklärt.
(3) Der Beschluss zur Zustimmung der vorgenannten Maßnahmen ist mit 70 % der Stimmen aller Gesellschafter zu fassen.
§ 7 Vertretung
(1) Die Gesellschaft hat einen oder mehrere Geschäftsführer. Ist nur ein Geschäftsführer bestellt, so vertritt er die Gesellschaft allein. Sind mehrere Geschäftsführer bestellt, so wird die Gesellschaft von zwei Geschäftsführern gemeinschaftlich oder von einem Geschäftsführer in Gemeinschaft mit einem Prokuristen vertreten.
(2) Durch Gesellschafterbeschluss kann einzelnen Geschäftsführern die Befugnis zur Alleinvertretung und die Befreiung von den Beschränkungen des § 181 BGB erteilt werden.
§ 8 Gesellschafterbeschlüsse
(1) Soweit nicht das Gesetz zwingend oder dieser Gesellschaftsvertrag etwas anderes vorsehen, entscheiden die Gesellschafter in allen Angelegenheiten der Gesellschaft durch Beschlussfassung mit der Mehrheit der Stimmen aller Gesellschafter.
(2) Nur mit mindestens 70 % der Stimmen aller Gesellschafter können beschlossen werden:
a) Eine Änderung des Gesellschaftsvertrages
b) die Auflösung der Gesellschaft.
c) Die in § 6 Abs. 2 genannten Rechtsgeschäften und Maßnahmen
(3) Bei einer Kapitalerhöhung durch Ausgabe neuer Anteile hat jeder Gesellschafter das Recht, einen neuen Geschäftsanteil zu den im Kapitalerhöhungsbeschluss genannten Bedingungen zu zeichnen, der seinem bestehenden Anteil am Stammkapital entspricht (Verwässerungsschutz).
(4) Jeder Euro eines Geschäftsanteils gewährt eine Stimme.
Translation - English Section 6 Executive Board
(1) The Managing Directors are obligated to comply with the shareholders’ directives, specifically to observe the bylaws drawn up by the shareholders and to carry out indicated transactions subject to and only with the approval of the shareholders.
(2) The Managing Directors require the preceding shareholder’s approval of the following legal transactions and measures:
a) Incorporation, acquisition, divestiture and dissolution of the associated companies, independent of the ownership stake;
b) Inclusion of a silent partner;
c) Acquisition, divestiture and encumbrance of real properties;
d) Divestiture and encumbrances from moveable property of the fixed assets at the value of over 400.000 EUROS,
e) The legal transactions and measures that the meeting of shareholders declares as subject to approval.
(3) The resolution for the approval of the abovementioned measures is determined with 70 % of the votes of all shareholders.
Section 7 Representation
(1) The corporation has one or more Managing Directors. Only one Managing Director is appointed, so he/she alone represents the corporation. If multiple Managing Directors are appointed, then the Corporation is represented jointly by two Managing Directors or by one Managing Director together with an authorized signatory.
(2) By resolution of the shareholders, individual managing directors can be granted the authorization to exclusive representation and release of the limitation of Section 181 of the German civil code.
Section 8 Shareholder resolutions
(1) Unless required by statutory law or otherwise provided for by these articles of association, the shareholders decide on all corporate matters by passing a resolution with the majority of the votes of all shareholders.
(2) The following can be decided on only with at least 70 % of the votes of all shareholders:
a) A modification of the articles of association
b) the dissolution of the corporation.
c) The legal transactions and measures mentioned in Section 6 Par. 2
(3) In the event of a capital increase through the issuance of new shares each shareholder has the right to subscribe for a new share at the conditions mentioned in the capital increase resolution, which corresponds to its current share at the share capital (dilution protection).
(4) The holder is entitled to one vote for each Euro of a company share.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Drew University, cum laude, Thesis on Translation
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Apr 2008.
French (Drew University, verified) German (Drew University, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Wordfast
As of January 28, 2019:
My name is Tabitha Bartolini. I am a professional freelance translator operating in the industry since 2006. I possess a double-major B.A. cum laude in both French and German with Thesis on Translation from Drew Univesity, Madison, NJ, USA, Class of 2001. I also possess an International Marketing Certificate from C.L.I.D.A. (Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri) in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce of Florence and Region of Tuscany, in Florence, Italy, awarded in August 2006, and have spent my formative years in Italy, up to my Senior year in High School, receiving a Diploma in the study of Foreign Languages, namely French, German and English from a Liceo Linguistico. I studied Latin in Italy in Middle School. I lived and studied French in Paris, France for a study-abroad.
I have been translating for the past 12 years a multitude of texts in the general business area, all kinds of legal documents including for corporate law or litigation, legal-financial texts, general medical texts, and literary translations (short stories, synopses for films, textbooks). I have translated thousands of documents in these areas, and for multiple industries and clients, both locally, across the U.S. and abroad.
My translation clients have included major law firms/lawyers and their clients in the New York City area, local, national and international companies/organizations, including non-profits, individuals. For legal translations, I can provide high-quality, accurate certification and notarization of documents.
I also possess experience as a legal assistant/secretary, paralegal, and in document review, both on a full-time and part-time or contractual basis, and editorial experiences in copy-editing and proofreading of educational materials full-time and for agency clients, general editing of content and some content writing for private clients (blogs, Websites). My literary translations as well as business-related translations are accurate and professional but also sound natural, and provide an easy and "fluid" read, and pleasant experience for the end-reader.
I am a Notary Public in the State of NJ, and my commission expires in October of 2019.
I occasionally accept interpreting assignments when possible in Italian and English, and possess legal interpreting experience for depositions and arbitration for accident or personal injury cases and more, business negotiations and transactions and possess past medical interpreting experience in major hospitals throughout New York City in all five boroughs; I passed written and oral interpreting tests in order to do so, and received training; I have interpreted in law firms/professional law offices, in New York and in the State of New Jersey, where I currently reside; I can provide telephone interpretation.
I am also a Voice-over artist and have worked with voice-over studios in Manhattan on audio-books, and advertisements/commercials for their high-profile clients, and was in some cases trained directly by the studio's owner. I can record and provide high quality samples of my work in multiple formats upon request.
Regarding my multiple translation skills: If you are wondering why or how I can possibly translate from more than one source language and into more than one target language, the explanation is fairly simple or obvious. I grew up bilingual in Italian and English and lived, studied and worked in the US and EU over a period of at least 11 years, alternating my residence over a span of several years. I spent at least 10 consecutive years in Italy/Europe, studying and living there (and returned there in 2006 to live and work there for an internship). In 1997, I completed my studies and was issued a High School diploma from a Modern Language School in Pistoia, Italy where I studied English, French and German; I had previously attended a Business School for two years where I studied French and English. I then attended and was issued a University diploma in French and German (double-major) from an accredited US university where I graduated from with honors and received a 3.9 GPA in both majors in 2001. I completed a translation thesis, and studied intensely during those four years. I then applied my language knowledge to language teaching (Italian, French and English) for a brief time with a recognized language school (4 months), and other important office positions requiring language skills (French, Italian, English). Afterwards, I started freelancing in translation and interpreting for the first time in February of 2006. I consider this to be the start of my freelancing business and career in translation and interpreting although I had previously already translated some documents for the German department at Drew University (independent of my thesis). Additionally, I already possess experience translating French and German documents into English, English into French and French into Italian documents; I have also once again recently passed tests to be able to work in French into English legal and medical translation from top international agencies.
August 23, 2019:
I plan on adding a profile video soon and keeping this profile up-to-date. I will be speaking in Italian and English so that providers can judge my language skills. Of course, that is not all that is needed to succeed in translation. To be a translator, one really needs to master the skill and art of conveying the correct message, and essentially re-writing the text in a readable format while also respecting the original author's intent. Since translation and languages constitute a real interest of mine which I have been diligently cultivating over the years, it will be my pleasure to keep posting updates, or improving my profile.
Stay tuned for more information and updates; as of 2020, I apologize, I have not yet been able to upload a video. I still plan on doing so.
mi chiamo Tabitha Bartolini e sono una traduttrice professionista freelance dal 2006, mentre da molti anni se non da sempre continuo a sviluppare e perfezionare non solo le mie conoscenze linguistiche, ma anche le mie capacita' di espressione. Per me l'utilizzo di altre lingue e' una vera e propria passione che ho continuato a praticare anche sin dalla nascita. Tuttavia, ci tengo a precisare che ho impiegato anni di tempo per poter sviluppare le mie capacita' traduttive e anche saltuariamente di interpretariato, nonche' di scrittura. Difatti, come ho spiegato sopra in lingua inglese, la traduzione vuole dire anche sapersi esprimere fluidamente nel parlare ma anche nello scrivere, allo stesso tempo attenendosi all'intento originale dell'autore.
E' per questo motivo che sono orgogliosa dei risultati raggiunti finora e di essere riuscita a perseguire e persistere in questo settore. La mia abilita' di applicare le mie conoscenze linguistiche con successo e' comprovata dal vasto numero di clienti diretti e non che ho avuto il piacere di assistere e da cui sono stata ripagata non solo monetariamente ma per l'apprezzamento dimostratomi in forma vocale e scritta per i servizi resi.