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В исковом заявлении Истцом сделана ссылка на присяжные заявления X и Y, в которых, в свою очередь, сделана ссылка на Закон о борьбе с коррумпированными и находящимися под рэкетирским влиянием организациями (Закон РИКО – Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act), в частности, на §§1961-1964. Расчет размера ущерба приводится в присяжном заявлении X о размере ущерба и заключении Z о размере ущерба. В обоих случаях, размер ущерба рассчитан со ссылкой на следующие нормы законодательства США: §1956 (b) и §1964 (c) Свода законов США.
При ответе на вопрос об отраслевой природе §§1956, 1960-1964, 5318 и 5322 Свода законов США можно однозначно указать, что они имеют уголовно-правовой характер. При этом, §§1961-1964 являются Законом РИКО.
Закон РИКО включен в раздел 18 Свода законов США (18 U.S.C.). В этой связи необходимо отметить, что раздел 18 Свода законов США по своей юридической природе представляет собой консолидированный законодательный акт, объединяющий в себе уголовно-правовые нормы, действующие на всей территории США. Можно однозначно утверждать, что раздел 18 является, выражаясь российской юридической терминологией, федеральным уголовным кодексом США.
Translation - English In his Statement of Claim, the Claimant relies the following provisions of the United States legislation: 31 U.S.C. §§5318 (g)(1), 5322; 12 C.F.R. §§208.60-64; 31 C.F.R. §103.11, 103.18; 18 U.S.C. §1960, 12 U.S.C. § 3105 (d); 31 U.S.C. §§5318 (h), 12 C.F.R. §21.21 ; 18 U.S.C. §1956.
In the Statement of Claim, the Claimant makes reference to the Statements under Oath of X and Y, which in turn refer to the Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (the RICO Act), in particular to §§1961-1964. The calculation of the quantum of damages is provided in the Statement under Oath of X on the quantum of damages and the Statement under Oath of Z on the quantum of damages. In both cases, the quantum of damages is assessed by reference to §1956 (b) and §1964 (c) US Code.
The unequivocal answer to the question of classification of §§1956, 1960-1964, 5318 and 5322 US Code is that those provisions fall in the area of criminal law. At the same time, §§1961-1964 constitute the RICO Act.
The RICO Act is part of Title 18 US Code (18 U.S.C.). It must be noted in this regard that Title 18 US Code is a consolidated legislative act that incorporates the rules of penal law applicable on the entire territory of the United States. To use the Russian legal terminology, Title 18 US Code can unequivocally be described as the federal criminal code of the United States.
Dutch to English: Extract from a judgment of Belgian Court
Source text - Dutch Zoals hoger gesteld, vordert verzoekster de terugkeer van de kinderen van partijen naar de VSA, stellende dat een Amerikaans vonnis bepaalt dat de kinderen in de VSA moeten blijven zolang de procedure hangende is. Tevens beroept zij zich op het Verdrag van Den Haag betreffende de burgerlijke aspecten van internationale ontvoering van kinderen van 25 oktober 1980.
Wat de toepassingsvoorwaarden van het Verdrag van Den Haag betreft, bestaat er geen betwisting over dat de bepalingen van het Verdrag van Den Haag van toepassing zijn zowel in België als in de VSA.
Er bestaat evenmin betwisting over dat de doelstelling van het Verdrag van Den Haag er in bestaat de onmiddellijke terugkeer te verzekeren van kinderen die ongeoorloofd zijn overgebracht of worden vastgehouden in een verdragsluitende staat en het in een verdragsluitende staat bestaande recht betreffende het gezag en het omgangsrecht in de andere verdragsluitende staat daadwerkelijk te doen eerbiedigen.
Vermits het Verdrag van toepassing is wanneer er sprake is van een "ongeoorloofd overbrengen of het niet doen terugkeren", zal er dus dienen te worden nagegaan wat onder ongeoorloofde overbrenging of niet-terugkering wordt verstaan.
Translation - English As stated above, the petitioner demands the return of the parties’ children to the US, arguing that an American judicial decision provides that the children must stay in the United States as long as the proceedings are pending. At the same time, she relies on the Hague Convention the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction of 25 October 1980.
As far as the Hague Convention’s sphere of application is concerned, it is not in dispute that its provisions apply both in Belgium and the United States.
It is also not disputed that the objective of the Hague Convention is to secure the prompt return of children wrongfully removed to or retained in any Contracting State and to ensure that rights of custody and of access under the law of one Contracting State are effectively respected in the other Contracting States.
Since the Convention applies where there is “wrongful removal or retention”, it must be established what constitutes wrongful removal or retention for the purposes of the Convention.
English to Russian: Extract from a lease contract
Source text - English 4. The Tenant hereby agrees with the Landlord as follows:
(a) To pay the Deposit in accordance with clause 2 above.
(b) To pay the Rent in accordance with clause 3 above.
(c) To pay promptly all Federal, Government and Municipal taxes payable in respect of the Property during the Term.
(d) To pay promptly to the relevant authorities charges for the water, electricity, air-conditioning, chilled water, telephone and any other utility charges relating to the Property during the Term. In the event that the Landlord is charged for such outgoings, the Landlord shall notify the Tenant of the amount payable by the Tenant, and the Tenant shall pay such amount within 7 (seven) days of receipt of such notice.
(e) Not to permit any utility or other service to be cut off either during or at the end of the Term without the express written consent of the Landlord and where the Tenant allows either by default of payment or by specific instruction, the utility services to be cut off or terminated either during or at the end of the Term, to pay or be liable to pay, the costs associated with reconnecting or resuming those services.
(f) To keep and ensure that any occupier keeps the Property and any fixtures and fittings in good clean condition and in complete repair and not to damage or injure the Property or any fixtures and fittings or make any alteration or addition to any fixtures and fittings or the Property (including the decoration) without prior written consent of the Landlord (which consent shall not to be unreasonably withheld). The Tenant shall be held liable for the fair net costs involved in carrying out repair and maintenance of the Property or its fixtures and fittings where such action is required as a result of negligence or breach of this agreement, or misuse by the Tenant or his invited guests or visitors.
(g) To use the Property as a private single dwelling and not to use it or any part of it for any other purpose nor allow anyone else to do so.
(h) Not to carry on or permit to be carried on any trade, profession or business of any nature on or from the Property.
(i) Not to assign, sublet or part with the possession of the Property or any part thereof without the previous consent in writing of the Landlord.
(j) Not to do or permit or suffer to be done on the Property any act or thing which is or may be an annoyance or a nuisance to the Landlord, or the occupiers of any adjoining properties or which is an infringement of any of the restrictive covenants contained in any deeds which are binding on the Landlord in respect of the Property.
Translation - Russian 4. Настоящим Арендатор и Арендодатель договариваются о нижеследующем:
(a) Арендатор обязуется уплатить залоговую сумму в соответствии с пунктом 2, приведенным выше.
(b) Арендатор обязуется вносить арендную плату в соответствии с пунктом 3, приведенным выше.
(c) На протяжении Срока аренды Арендатор обязуется вовремя оплачивать все федеральные, правительственные и муниципальные налоги, относящиеся к Недвижимому имуществу.
(d) На протяжении Срока аренды Арендатор обязуется вовремя оплачивать соответствующим организациям счета за воду, электричество, кондиционирование воздуха, охлаждение воды, пользование телефоном и любые другие услуги, имеющие отношение к Имуществу. В случае, если Арендодателю будет предоставлен к оплате счет за такие услуги, Арендодатель оповещает о подлежащей оплате сумме Арендатора, который оплачивает ее до истечения 7 (семи) дней с момента получения такого оповещения.
(e) Арендатор обязуется обеспечивать, что ни на протяжении Срока аренды, ни ко дню Истечения срока аренды, снабжение Имущества коммунальными и другими услугами не будет прервано без прямого письменного разрешения Арендодателя. В случае, если вследствие неплатежа или особого указания Арендатора обеспечение Имущества коммунальными услугами будет прервано или прекращено на протяжении Срока аренды, либо ко дню Истечения срока аренды, Арендатор обязуется оплатить издержки связанные с возобновлением снабжения или повторным подключением к этим услугам.
(f) Арендатор обязуется постоянно поддерживать Имущество и принадлежащий к нему недвижимый инвентарь и оснащение в надлежащем и чистом виде и полной исправности, не повреждать Имущество и принадлежащий к нему недвижимый инвентарь и оборудование, не производить каких-либо изменений или дополнений (включая декорацию) к недвижимому инвентарю, оснащению или Имуществу без предварительного письменного разрешения Арендодателя, в котором Арендодатель не имеет права отказывать без разумных оснований; Арендатор также обязуется обеспечивать, что вышеозначенные обязательства будут выполняться любыми лицами, занимающими Имущество. Арендатор обязуется оплатить за справедливые нетто-издержки, связанные с выполнением ремонта и текущего обслуживания Имущества или принадлежащего к нему недвижимого инвентаря и оснащения в случае, если такие действия необходимы вследствие небрежности, нарушения настоящего договора или неправильного использования Имущества, недвижимого инвентаря или оснащения Арендатором или приглашенными им гостями и посетителями.
(g) Арендатор обязуется использовать Имущество исключительно как самостоятельное частное жилое помещение и не имеет право использовать, или позволять третьим лицам использовать, Имущество или какую-либо его его часть его в каких-либо иных целях.
(h) Арендатор не имеет права осуществлять какую-либо коммерческую или деловую деятельность или ремесло на территории или с территории Имущества, и обязуется не допускать осуществление такой деятельности третьими лицами.
(i) Арендатор не имеет права переуступать право аренды, сдавать в субаренду или отчуждать право владения Имуществом или любой его частью без предварительного письменного разрешения Арендодателя.
(j) Арендатор обязуется не разрешать и не допускать в отношении Имущества действий или фактов, которые причиняют или могут причинить беспокойство или неудобство Арендодателю, а также лицам, занимающим соседние помещения, либо нарушают ограничительные условия, содержащиеся в актах, обязывающих Арендодателя или Имущество.
Bosnian to English: Extract from Articles of Association
Član 4.
Firma Društva
Društvo posluje pod firmom:
XYZ d.o.o. za poslovne usluge Sarajevo - XYZ Ltd. for business services Sarajevo
Skraćeni naziv firme je:
XYZ d.o.o. Sarajevo - XYZ Ltd. Sarajevo
Firma se obavezno ističe na poslovnoj prostoriji Društva.
Firma može sadržavati riječi "Bosna i Hercegovina" i "Federacija" i njihove izvedenice i kratice samo na osnovu odobrenja federalnog ministarstva nadležnog za poslove uprave i pravosuđa, a naziv kantona, grada i općine i njegove izvedenice i skraćenice samo na osnovu odobrenja kantonalnog ministarstva nadležnog za poslove uprave i pravosuđa, gradonačelnika ili općinskog načelnika na području na kojem Društvo ima sjedište.
Član 5.
Sjedište Društva
Sjedište Društva je:
Sarajevo, Xyz 7.
Društvo može promjeniti firmu i sjedište Društva u skladu sa Zakonom i Statutom Društva.
Član 6.
Poslovna korespodencija Društva
Sva poslovna pisma i narudžbe moraju sadržavati:
1. punu firmu i adresu sjedišta Društva;
2. punu firmu i adresu sjedišta podružnice Društva;
3. naziv i sjedište registracionog suda i broj pod kojim je Društvo upisano u registar;
4. broj računa sa nazivom i sjedištem banke kod koje Društvo ima račun; ukoliko Društvo ima
više računa, za svaki od njih;
5. porezni broj Društva.
Član 7.
Pečat Društva
Društvo ima svoj pečat sa utisnutom firmom i sjedištem Društva.
Ukoliko Društvi ima više pečata, svaki od njih mora da nosi određeni broj, a Uprava Društva je obavezna da donose pravilnik o svrsi korištenja svakog pojedinog pečata.
Društvo može da ima svoj znak, te da firma sadrži grafičke ili stilizirane oznake, a što će se utvrditi posebnom odlukom članova Društva donesenom u skladu sa Statutom.
Član 8.
Djelatnost Društva
Djelatnosti Društva su:
22.24 22.240 Pripremne djelatnosti u vezi sa štampanjem
50.103 Posredovanje u trgovini motornim vozilima
50.303 Posredovanje u trgovini dijelovima i priborom za motorna vozila
50.403 Posredovanje u trgovini motociklima, njihovim dijelovima i priborom
64.12 64.120 Kurirske djelatnosti, osim djelatnosti pošta
64.20 64.200 Telekomunikacije
65.21 65.210 Finansijski zakup (lizing)
65.23 65.230 Ostalo finansijsko posredovanje, na drugom mestu nepomenuto
70.11 70.110 Stvaranje novih nekretnina za prodaju
70.12 70.120 Kupovina i prodaja nekretnina za vlastiti račun
70.20 70.200 Iznajmljivanje nekretnina za vlastiti račun
70.31 70.310 Agencija za nekretnine
70.32 70.320 Upravljanje nekretninama preko posrednika
71.10 71.100 Iznajmljivanje automobila
71.21 71.210 Iznajmljivanje ostalih kopnenih saobraćajnih sredstava
71.22 71.220 Iznajmljivanje sredstava za prijevoz vodenim putem
71.23 71.230 Iznajmljivanje zračnih saobraćajnih sredstava
71.31 71.310 Iznajmljivanje poljoprivrednih mašina i opreme
71.32 71.320 Iznajmljivanje mašina i opreme za građevinarstvo
71.33 71.330 Iznajmljivanje uredskih mašina i opreme, uključujući i računare
71.34 71.340 Iznajmljivanje ostalih mašina i opreme, na drugom mjestu nepomenutih
72.10 72.100 Pružanje konsultantskih usluga u vezi s računarskom opremom (hardwer)
72.21 72.210 Izrada softwarea
72.22 72.220 Ostale konsultantske usluge i izrada softwarea
72.30 72.300 Obrada podataka
72.40 72.400 Izrada i upravljanje bazama podataka
72.60 72.600 Ostale srodne računarske djelatnosti
74.12 74.120 Računovodstveni, knjigovodstveni i revizioni poslovi; savjetodavni poslovi u
vezi s porezom
74.13 74.130 Istraživanje tržišta i ispitivanje javnog mnijenja
74.14 74.140 Poslovni i menadžment konsalting
74.401 Priređivanje sajmova
74.402 Ostale usluge reklame i propagande
74.85 74.850 Sekretarske i prevodilačke djelatnosti
74.86 74.860 Djelatnost pozivnih centara
74.87 74.870 Ostale poslovne djelatnosti, na drugom mjestu nepomenuto
80.42 80.420 Obrazovanje odraslih i ostalo obrazovanje, na drugom mjestu nepomenuto
92.32 92.320 Djelatnost objekata za kulturne priredbe
93.05 93.050 Ostale uslužne djelatnosti, na drugom mjestu nepomenuto
Posredovanje i zastupanje u prometu roba i usluga.
Zastupanje inostranih lica u okviru registrovane djelatnosti.
Vanjskotrgovinski poslovi iz okvira registrovane djelatnosti.
Usluge u okviru registrovanih poslovnih aktivnosti.
Spoljna trgovina neprehrambenim proizvodima u okviru registrovanih aktivnosti.
Usluge međunarodnog putničkog transporta trgovačke robe i ostalih usluga u vezi sa međunarodnim transportom (međunarodna špedicija, skladištenje, agencijske usluge u transportu, itd.).
Društvo može obavljati i druge poslove koji se uobičajno obavljaju uz djelatnosti upisane u sudski registar, u obimu i na način koji su potrebni za poslovanje, a ne predstavljaju obavljanje tih poslova kao redovne djelatnosti.
Član 9.
Osnivanje podružnica
Društvo će poslovati kao jedna cjelina, a može osnivati svoje podružnice van sjedišta, o čemu odlučuju osnivači Društva.
Podružnice su poslovne jedinice koje nemaju svojstvo pravnog lica, ali mogu obavljati sve poslove u okviru djelatnosti Društva upisane u sudski registar i pri tome sticati prava i preuzimati obaveze u ime i za račun Društva. Podružnice se upisuju u sudski registar u registarskom sudu kod kojeg je upisano Društvo.
Firma podružnice mora sadržavati punu firmu Društva, oznaku da je podružnica i sjedište podružnice.
Za obaveze koje stvori podružnica u prometu sa trećim licima, odgovara Društvo cjelokupnom svojom imovinom.
Član 10.
Rukovodilac podružnice
Direktor Društva ili rukovodioci podružnica, ako direktor Društva nije imenovan za rukovodioca podružnica, organizuju proces rada i rukovode radom podružnice, a na osnovu odluka koje donosi direktor Društva.
Odluka o imenovanju rukovodioca podružnica sadrži i obim ovlaštenja rukovodioca.
Rukovodilac podružnice odgovoran je za zakonitost rada i poslovanja tog organizacionog dijela.
Radnici zaposleni u podružnici imaju prava i obaveze utvrđene ugovorom o zapošljavanju zaključenim između radnika i direktora Društva, u skladu sa zakonom.
Član 11.
Osnovni kapital Društva
Osnovni kapital Društva iznosi 10.000,00 KM u novcu.
Article 4
The Company's Firm Name
The Company shall trade under the firm name:
XYZ d.o.o. za poslovne usluge Sarajevo - XYZ Ltd. for business services Sarajevo
The short form of the firm name shall be:
XYZ d.o.o. Sarajevo - XYZ Ltd. Sarajevo
The firm name shall be displayed on the Company’s premises.
The firm name may contain the words "Bosnia and Herzegovina" and "Federation" or their abbreviations and derivatives only with the approval of the federal ministry responsible for administrative and judicial matters, while the names of the canton, town or municipality or their abbreviations and derivatives may appear only with the approval of the cantonal ministry responsible for administrative and judicial matters, the mayor of the town or the head of the municipality where the Company has its seat.
Article 5
The Company’s Seat
The Company’s seat shall be at:
Sarajevo, 7 Xyz st..
The Company may change its firm name and seat in accordance with the Act and the Company's Articles of Association.
Article 6
The Company's Business Correspondence
All business letters and orders must display:
1. the complete firm name and address of the seat of the Company;
2. the complete firm name and address of the seat of the Company's branch;
3. the name and address of the court of registration and the registered number of the Company;
4. the account number with the name and address of the bank at which the account is held; or all account numbers in if there is more than one;
5. the Company’s tax number.
Article 7
The Company's Seal
The Company shall have its own seal with the firm name and the address of the Company’s seat embossed on it.
Should the Company use more than one seal, each of them shall have its own number and the Board of the Company shall adopt regulations regarding the use of each of the seals.
The Company may have its own logo and the firm name may contain graphic or stylised elements which shall be determined by a special resolution of the Company's members adopted in accordance with the Articles of Association.
Article 8
The Company’s Activities
The Company’s activities are:
22.24 22.240 Preparatory activities connected to printing
50.103 Intermediary services in motor vehicle trade
50.303 Intermediary services in motor vehicle parts and equipment trade
50.403 Intermediary services in motorcycle and motorcycle parts and equipment
64.12 64.120 Courier services other than postal services
64.20 64.200 Telecommunications
65.21 65.210 Financial leasing
65.23 65.230 Other financial intermediary services not mentioned elsewhere
70.11 70.110 Construction of new buildings for sale
70.12 70.120 Sale and purchase of real estate on own account
70.20 70.200 Renting real estate on own account
70.31 70.310 Real estate agency
70.32 70.320 Real estate management through intermediaries
71.10 71.100 Car hire
71.21 71.210 Hire of other land vehicles
71.22 71.220 Watercraft hire
71.23 71.230 Aircraft hire
71.31 71.310 Hire of agricultural machinery and equipment
71.32 71.320 Hire of construction machinery and equipment
71.33 71.330 Hire of office machinery and equipment, including computers
71.34 71 340 Hire of other machinery and equipment not mentioned elsewhere
72.10 72.100 Consulting services in connection with information technology equipment (hardware)
72.21 72.210 Software production
72.22 72.220 Other consulting services and software production
72.30 72.300 Data processing
72.40 72.400 Database creation and management Other similar information technology activities
74.12 74.120 Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing business; tax advisory business
74.13 74.130 Market research and opinion polling
74.14 74.140 Business and management consulting
74.401 Organising trade fairs
74.402 Other advertising and marketing activities
74.85 74.850 Secretarial and translation services
74.86 74.860 Call centre services
74.87 74.870 Other business activities not mentioned elsewhere
80.42 80.420 Adult education and other education services not mentioned elsewhere
92.32 92.320 Providing venues for cultural events
93.05 93.050 Other services not mentioned elsewhere
Agency and intermediary activities in the goods and services trade.
Representation of foreign persons within the scope of the registered activities.
Foreign trade business within the scope of the registered activities.
Services within the scope of the registered activities.
Foreign trade in goods other than food products within the scope of the registered activities.
International passenger and goods transportation and other services in connection with international transportation (international shipping, storage, agency transport services, etc.)
The Company may also carry on other activities of the kind that are usually carried on in connection with the activities registered at the court register to the extent and in the manner necessary for the Company’s business, as long as those activities do not constitute the Company’s ordinary course of business.
Article 9
Establishing Branches
The company shall operate as a single unit, but may establish branches away from its seat pursuant to a resolution of the Company's founders.
Branches are business units that are not legal persons, but may carry on business within the scope of the Company’s registered activities and may acquire rights and incur obligations in the name and on the account of the Company. Branches shall be registered in the register of same registration court as the Company.
The branch name must contain the full firm name of the Company, indicate that it is a branch and contain the branch address.
The Company shall be liable to the extent of its entire assets for the obligations incurred by the branch vis-à-vis third parties.
Article 10
Branch manager
The Company’s director, or, if a director is not appointed as branch manager, the branch managers, shall organise the working process and manage the operations of the branch based on the decisions of the Company’s director.
The resolution appointing a branch manager shall also specify the extent of the manager’s authority.
The branch manager shall be responsible for the legality of the operations of that business unit.
The employees employed by the branch shall have the rights and duties specified in the employment agreement between the employees and the Company’s Director in accordance with the law.
Article 11
The Company's Initial Capital
The initial capital of the Company shall be KM 10,000.00 in cash.