Working languages:
English to Italian
French to Italian

Giuseppe Bellone
Anything worth doing is worth doing well

Paesana, Piemonte, Italy
Local time: 17:14 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Italian 
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19 positive reviews
3 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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What Giuseppe Bellone is working on
Mar 9, 2018 (posted via  I'm translating a story for children, EN to IT... I really enjoy doing this! I think it will be sold globally. How exciting! ...more, + 1 other entry »
Total word count: 0

Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
PhilosophyTourism & Travel
BotanyCooking / Culinary
Food & DrinkHuman Resources

English to Italian - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word
French to Italian - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 2456, Questions answered: 2184, Questions asked: 580
Payment methods accepted Wire transfer, PayPal
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 3
Translation education Degree in English Language and Literature - Turin University; Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English - London; Certificate of Proficiency in English - University of Michigan, English Language Institute
Experience Years of experience: 34. Registered at Apr 2009. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English (University of Cambridge, verified)
English (University of Michigan, verified)
English (Turin University, verified)
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MemSource Editor, Trados Studio
CV/Resume English (PDF)
Events and training
Conferences attended
Powwows attended
Professional practices Giuseppe Bellone endorses's Professional Guidelines.



- 2017 Site selling BEER, all the texts (about 60,000 words) referring to the drink.
- 2015 Subtitling of several Opera texts for a VB Lab, French agency (references available)
- 2015 Cosmetics and perfumes, clothes and Fashion for DIXIT, French Agency
- 2015 Translation of Website pages (about 7600 source words) for The Department – Rumania
(Reference on my profile: )

- 2013-2014 E-commerce, Clothes and Fashion, Artists’ Bios, Cosmetics and body care products for DIXIT Agency – France
(Reference on my profile: )

- 2012 Proofreading of a screenplay.
- Site pages of "Les journées européennes du doublage - NICE, 2011".
- Text on educational subject for ALTISSIA International


- 2015-2016 Translation and proofreading on a weekly basis for YAZYK Agency – London
(Reference on my profile: )

- 2015-2017 Proofreading jobs for Vocabridge Agency – London

- 2015 Translation of texts for Russian artist Vladimir Volegov

- more than 688,000 words on jewels, watches, carpets, travel and tourism, clothes and fashion, e-commerce and online catalogues, children’s sites, mobile phone apps and games. - (Reference available)

- 2014 Traffic Optimiser Wan Media Ltd – London: Over 12,000 source words about London places and tourist attractions.

- TermWiki: more than 156,000 source words in different fields.

- Texts for CLEVOO Agency – Germany - (Reference on my profile)

- Italian version of Website text for

- About 80,000 words on cosmetics and body care products for Australian firm. References upon request.

- Parts of a handbook The Human Body for Tinybop:

- Enigma Translations – Poland - (Reference on my profile)

- Restaurant menu for London Agency - EASYTRANSLATE LTD.

- Texts for Romanian Agency Swiss Solutions

- Chapters of a manual (educational subject) for (Reference letter available)

Over 80,000 about cosmetics and body care for Australian firm.

References upon request.

List of other works (in English and bilingual):
(Please note that the following are NOT translation works but I'm either their author or co-author)

Elenco di altri miei lavori (in inglese o bilingui):
(Si noti che questi NON sono lavori di traduzione ma ne sono l’autore o il coautore).

PLAY WITH YOUR ENGLISH (1994) – La Spiga Lang. (author) (A special edition of this book was published also by Rizzoli-Corriere della Sera the same year)
A POCKET GUIDE TO GOOD ENGLISH (1994) – La Spiga Lang. (author)
FUN WITH CROSSWORDS (1996) – La Spiga Lang. (author)
FALSE FRIENDS, ODD PAIRS (1997) – La Spiga Lang. (author)
ENGLISH DICTIONARY (1999) – La Spiga Lang. (Bilingual dictionary, as a supplement to the English course Keystone) (author)
PLAY WITH ENGLISH GRAMMAR (2000) (4 booklets) – La Spiga Lang. (author)
DICTIONARY of CURRENT ENGLISH (2000) – Modern Lang. (co-author)
ENGLISH DICTIONARY (2001) – Modern Lang. (co-author)
PLAY WITH WORDS - GRAMMAR and BRITISH LIFE (2001) (4 booklets) – La Spiga Lang. (author)
FUN with the INTERNET (2001) – La Spiga Lang. (author)
PLAY and LEARN - The Signs of the ZODIAC (12 booklets) (2002) – La Spiga Lang. (author)
PLAY WITH ENGLISH WORDS - (4 booklets) (2002) – La Spiga Lang. (author)
FOCUS ON REFERENCE GRAMMAR intermediate, upper interm. (2002) – Modern Lang. (co-author)
FOCUS ON REFERENCE GRAMMAR pre-interm., intermediate (2002) – Modern Lang. (some units and general language revision)
DICTIONARY OF TOURISM (2002) – Modern Lang. (general revision only)
FOCUS ON REFERENCE GRAMMAR beginner, elementary (2003) – Modern Lang. (co-author, in particular: units on pronunciation and word division, all exercises and puzzles of the book)
AGRICULTURE Dictionary (2004) – Modern Lang. (all word division and phonetic transcription, general revision)
BUSINESS Dictionary (2004) – Modern Lang. (all word division and phonetic transcription, general revision)
PARLARE INGLESE Conversation in English (2005) – Modern Lang. (distributed by the Italian Touring Club) (author)
ENGLISH DICTIONARY pocket edition (2006) – Modern Lang. (co-author)
MODERN ENGLISH DICTIONARY (2006) – Modern Lang. (co-author)
PLAY WITH ENGLISH - (2007) – Modern Publishing House (author)
PARLIAMO INGLESE - (2013) – Modern Languages (author)

I have contributed texts, games, word division and phonetic transcription to other books published in the past few years by the same publishers.
Three of my books with crosswords published by La Spiga Languages were also distributed as a supplement to Speak Up issues (De Agostini-Rizzoli Periodici) in 2004.
In 2006 some of my English crosswords and puzzles appeared in several magazines published by De Agostini Periodici.
The same year a bilingual dictionary of which I am co-author was distributed by the weekly magazine “Famiglia Cristiana” (San Paolo Periodici).
From February 2005 to December 2009 I created the games page for Speak Up, English monthly published by My Way Media (formerly by De Agostini).
In March 2010 I finished working on a new English-Italian/Italian-English dictionary for Modern Publishing.

I agreed with the publishers, and upon their request, to use the pseudonym Joseph Bell, instead of my real name, for some of my works and contributions.

Besides, I have translated several powers of attorney, letters, brochures, magazine articles, exhibition catalogues and art reviews, medical and history texts, lists of ingredients, menus, agreements, the quality manual and the articles of incorporation for local and foreign clients.

See CV for further information.
Vedere CV per ulteriori informazioni.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 3462
PRO-level pts: 2456

Top languages (PRO)
English to Italian1699
French to Italian484
Italian to English261
Italian to French8
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Poetry & Literature249
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion232
Tourism & Travel117
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters115
Food & Drink103
Cooking / Culinary86
Mechanics / Mech Engineering82
Pts in 57 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: KEYWORDS: English, Italian, French, languages, dictionaries, vocabulary, crosswords, word games, riddles, children's books. See more.KEYWORDS: English, Italian, French, languages, dictionaries, vocabulary, crosswords, word games, riddles, children's books, stories, proverbs, literature, poems, religion, songs, music, grammar, teaching, history, geography, cooking, baking, gardening, plants, flowers, recipes, food, ingredients, meals, art, architecture, painting, environment, animals, diabetes, medicine, cure, illness, body, biology, agriculture, science, weather, travels, people, tourism, holidays, hobbies, celebrations, traditions, folklore, society. PAROLE CHIAVE: Inglese, italiano, francese, lingue, dizionari, vocabolario, cruciverba, giochi di parole, indovinelli, libri per bambini, storie, proverbi, letteratura, poesie, religione, canzoni, musica, grammatica, insegnamento, storia, geografia, gastronomia, cucina, giardinaggio, piante, fiori, ricette, cibo, alimenti, ingredienti, pasti, arte, architettura, pittura, ambiente, animali, diabete, medicina, cura, malattia, corpo, biologia, agricoltura, scienza, tempo, tempo libero, viaggi, persone, turismo, vacanze, celebrazioni, folclore, tradizioni, festività, civiltà, società.. See less.

Profile last updated
May 6, 2024

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