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Oct 15, 2024 (posted Just completed remote interpreting of an investigator meeting for a cardiovascular clinical trial. Two days packed with challenging presentations. ...more, + 3 other entries »
Source text - English This is a clinical trial (a type of research study). Clinical trials include only patients who choose to take part. Please take your time to make your decision. You may take this consent form home to discuss it with your family or friends. You may ask your doctor to explain anything that you do not understand.
Translation - Czech Studie, účast v níž vám nabízíme, je studií klinickou (tj. určitým typem výzkumu). Účast v ní je zcela dobrovolná. Své rozhodnutí důkladně zvažte. Tento formulář si můžete vzít domů a poradit se s přáteli či rodinou. Můžete také požádat lékaře, aby vám vysvětlil vše, co vám není jasné.
English to Czech: Software
Source text - English Reliability: Built on the enhanced Windows 2000 engine, it provides unprecedented dependability with system file protection, system restore, device driver roll-back, and compatibility with many leading applications, devices, and services.
Translation - Czech Spolehlivost: Systém využívá vylepšené jádro Windows 2000 a zaručuje tak bezkonkurenční spolehlivost včetně ochrany systémových souborů, obnovy systémů, možnosti vrátit nastavení ovladačů a kompatibility s řadou rozšířených aplikací, zařízení a služeb.
English to Czech: Pharma, Cardiology
Source text - English X represents a rational choice in several subgroups of hypertensive patient in whom excessive sympathetic activity is likely. This especially includes those with features of the insuŹlin resistance syndrome and the young 'borderline' hypertensive patient (Schachter 1997).
Subgroup analyses of various clinical trials have shown that X is both effective and well tolerated across a wide spectrum of patients, as described below. This favourable profile should simplify prescribing of antihypertensive therapy in routine clinical practice.
Translation - Czech X je vhodnou volbou hned u několika skupin hypertenzních pacientů, u nichž se dá předpokládat vysoká sympatická aktivita. To platí zvláště pro osoby s příznaky syndromu inzulínové rezistence a mladé „hraniční“ hypertoniky (Schachter 1997).
Analýzy specifických podskupin v rámci různých klinických studií prokázaly, že X účinkuje u širokého spektra pacientů a takovým spektrem je i dobře snášen (viz níže). Takto příznivé parametry by měly zjednodušit zavádění léku jako antihypertenziva v rutinní klinické praxi.
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- PhD in Biochemistry, 7 years in a lab, both parents MDs
- Localizer and on-site SW tester for MS and IBM for 6 years
- Excellent writing skills (7 years as a literary translator) - my texts are clear and easy to understand
- Latest CAT tools
- Team of experienced translators to help with large projects
- Samples and references upon request
My career started by graduating from the Czech School of Agriculture, Prague. Then I was a research biochemist, I sold timeshare contracts, worked in the Czech TV - to end up as a translator. From that time, I believe your nature will get you - sooner or later - to do the profession you have been designed for. It definitely did me. I enjoy *creating* translations, not just replacing one word by another. And when I finally, after a 10min combing of the Web, find the right Czech term for a peculiar English word used by farmers at Orkney Islands or surgeons at Mayo Clinic, I feel like a gold digger who has just found a golden nugget.
(Please see my CV for specific names and details.)
Medicine and Pharmacology
- Medical trial manuals/documentation: X-ray/CT lab instructions, IVRS guides, sampling instructions, informed consents…
- Drug inserts (SPC/PIL): compliance with European Medicines Agency (EMA) templates and EDQM and MedDRA termbases
- Medical device IFUs/manuals: cardiovascular, MRI, laparoscopy, CPAP, biochemical analyzers, ophtalmology...
- IVD product inserts: IVD kits, biochemistry, immuchemistry, PCR...
- For more details, see my 'Medical' CV at
- Material safety data sheet (MSDS) projects with REACH compliance
Localization, Software/Hardware/IT
- Software Localization: from antivirus software to Office applications, UI for cell phones, biochemistry analyzers, MRI scanners...
- HW Devices User Manuals: printers, network devices, cell phones, digital cameras, PC accessories, MP3 players…
- Website localization Other
- EU documentation: EU public awareness campaigns, program documentation...
Large project management with leveraging my team of experienced translators.
Software QA and onsite linguistic testing.
Interpreting, both consecutive and simultaneous: Conferences, seminars and training sessions. Clinical Trial Investigator Meetings, CRA meetings, FDA inspections, regulatory audits and more.
Second opinion in translation quality disputes and disaster recoveries after client quality complaints.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Czech
Specialty fields
Medical: Instruments
Other fields
Keywords: english to czech translations, medical translations to czech, clinical study translation to czech, clinical trial translation to czech, IVRS translation to czech, SPC translation to czech, pharmacology translation to czech, PIL translation to czech, chemistry translations to czech, chemical translations to czech. See more.english to czech translations, medical translations to czech, clinical study translation to czech, clinical trial translation to czech, IVRS translation to czech, SPC translation to czech, pharmacology translation to czech, PIL translation to czech, chemistry translations to czech, chemical translations to czech, technical translations to czech, czech keywords, czech meta tags, czech title tag, translations, interpreting, simultaneous interpreting, Medicine, software translation to Czech, software localization to Czech, UI localization to Czech, Czech Telecommunications translators, Czech Life Sciences translator, Czech Pharmacology translators, Czech IFU translations, user guide translations to Czech, czech Agriculture translator, Biochemistry translations to czech, Biotechnology translations to czech, MSDS, e-commerce translations to Czech, czech translator with Trados, czech translators with Deja Vu X, czech translators with SDLX, czech translators with SDL Studio 2011, czech translators with memoq, czech translators with wordfast, czech quality translations, conference interpreting, czech medical interpreter, czech medical interpreting, czech conference interpreter, czech simultaneous intepreter, czech interpreter, czech interpreting. See less.
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