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French, Polish, and Slovenian legal translation with a native eye and an uncompromising focus on quality
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French to English: Amendment to lease financing agreement (excerpt) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - French Les présents termes et conditions sont indicatifs et ne constituent en aucun cas un engagement des Prêteurs et Crédits-Bailleurs.
Ils ne limitent pas le droit des Prêteurs et Crédits-Bailleurs à amender lesdits termes et conditions pendant le processus à venir de négociation et de finalisation de la documentation.
Ils devront demeurer confidentiels et ne devront être transmis à aucun tiers sauf accord préalable des parties ou obligation réglementaire.
La mise à disposition du financement est notamment subordonnée :
(i) à l'obtention de l'accord des comités de crédit des Prêteurs et Crédits-Bailleurs couvrant la totalité du financement et validant la demande d’amendement au contrat de crédits du 28 septembre 2015 et ses avenants (le « Contrat de Crédits »),
(ii) à la conclusion des nouveaux documents de financement (contrat Crédit-Bail 2019 modifié et sureté y afférente, avenant n°5 au Contrat de Crédits) et
(iii) à la réalisation des conditions suspensives qui y seront stipulées.
Les mots et expressions utilisés dans le présent document commençant par une majuscule auront, aux fins des présentes, la même interprétation que celle donnée à l’article 1 du Contrat de Crédits – Définitions.
Partie II : Avenant n°5 au Contrat de Crédits du 28 septembre 2015
Il est fait référence au contrat de crédits en date du 28 septembre 2015 tel que modifié par Avenant n°1 en date du 12 janvier 2016, par Avenant n°2 en date du 20 juillet 2016, par Avenant n°3 en date du 26 juillet 2017, par Avenant n°4 en date du 26 juillet 2018, conclu entre (i) SOCIÉTÉ 1 (Emprunteur A) et SOCIÉTÉ 2 (Emprunteur B) en qualité d’Emprunteurs, (ii) l'Agent, les Arrangeurs Mandatés, le Coordinateur et les Prêteurs (ci-après le « Contrat de Crédits »).
Afin de financer en crédit-bail les investissements tel qu’énoncé dans la partie I, le Contrat de Crédits sera amendé par avenant n°5, étant précisé que ne sont mentionnées ci-après que les principales modifications de fonds nécessaires, d’autres ajustements plus mineurs ou techniques devant le cas échéant être également effectués en conséquence.
Translation - English These terms and conditions are indicative and do not in any way constitute a commitment on the part of the Lenders or the Financial Lessors.
They do not limit the right of the Lenders and the Financial Lessors to amend said terms and conditions during the upcoming process of negotiating and finalising the documentation.
They must remain confidential and may not be transmitted to any third party without the prior agreement of the parties or absent a regulatory obligation.
The provision of financing is in particular subject to:
(i) the agreement of the credit committees of the Lenders or the Financial Lessors covering all financing and validating the request for an amendment to the credit agreement of September 28, 2015 and the amendments thereto (the 'Credit Agreement'),
(ii) the conclusion of the new financing documents (the amended 2019 Lease Agreement and the related security, Amendment 5 to the Credit Agreement) and
(iii) the fulfilment of the precedent conditions which are stipulated therein.
The words and expressions used in this document which are capitalised shall, for the purposes herein, have the same interpretation as that provided in Article 1 of the Credit Agreement - Definitions.
Part II: Amendment 5 to the Credit Agreement of September 28, 2015
Reference is made to the credit agreement dated September 28, 2015, as amended by Amendment 1 of January 12, 2016, Amendment 2 of July 20, 2016, Amendment 3 of July 26, 2017, and Amendment 4 of July 26, 2018, concluded between (i) COMPANY 1 (Borrower A) and COMPANY 2 (Borrower B) as the Borrowers, (ii) the Agent, the Mandated Arrangers, the Coordinator, and the Lenders (hereinafter the 'Credit Agreement').
In order to finance the leasing of investments as set out in Part I, the Credit Agreement shall be amended by Amendment 5, it being specified that only the principal changes in the required funds are mentioned below, while other more minor or technical adjustments shall also be made as necessary.
Polish to English: Preliminary real estate sale agreement (excerpt) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Polish Deweloper oświadcza ponadto, że:
1) opisane Przedsięwzięcie Deweloperskie Deweloper realizować będzie w sposób zgodny z przepisami prawa i zasadami sztuki budowlanej oraz zgodnie z dokumentacją projektową zatwierdzoną Pozwoleniem na Budowę,
2) prawo własności gruntu oraz części Budynku 2A i urządzenia związane z Budynkiem 2A, które nie służą wyłącznie do użytku właścicieli lokali, stanowić będą „Nieruchomość Wspólną”, w rozumieniu art. 3 ust. 1 Ustawy o własności lokali, Nieruchomość Wspólna będzie obejmować między innymi: ściany nośne, fundamenty, dach, klatki schodowe, windy, [●]
3) do wyodrębnienia lokali, w tym Lokalu Garażowego, z Nieruchomości Wspólnej będzie dochodzić sukcesywnie zgodnie z art. 4 ust. 2 Ustawy o własności lokali, a właściciele lokali już wyodrębnionych nie będą stronami umów o wyodrębnienie dalszych lokali,
4) jest przedsiębiorcą i profesjonalnym deweloperem, w którego zakresie prowadzonej działalności gospodarczej jest: kupno i sprzedaż nieruchomości na własny rachunek (68.10.Z PKD), realizacja projektów budowlanych związanych ze wznoszeniem budynków (41.10.Z PKD), roboty budowlane związane ze wznoszeniem budynków mieszkalnych i niemieszkalnych (41.20.Z PKD) oraz pośrednictwo w obrocie nieruchomościami (68. 31.Z PKD),
5) nie jest państwową osobą prawną ani spółką z większościowym udziałem Skarbu Państwa,
6) nie znajduje się w likwidacji ani nie toczy się wobec niego postępowanie upadłościowe ani restrukturyzacyjne i nie zachodzą żadne okoliczności uzasadniające złożenie wniosku o ogłoszenie upadłości Dewelopera lub wszczęcie w stosunku do niego postępowania restrukturyzacyjnego,
7) nie posiada zaległości podatkowych, ani zaległości w zapłacie innych należności oraz opłat, do których stosuje się przepisy ustawy z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 roku – Ordynacja Podatkowa (tekst jednolity: Dz. U. z 2020 roku, poz. 1325 z późn. zm.), które mogą powodować powstanie zobowiązań po stronie Nabywcy,
Translation - English The Developer further declares that:
1) the Developer shall implement the described Development Project in accordance with the provisions of law, construction principles, and the design documentation, as approved in the Construction Permit,
2) ownership of the land and the parts of Building 2A and the facilities related to Building 2A which are not for the exclusive use of the owners of premises shall constitute “Common Property” within the meaning of art. 3 para. 1 of the Premises Ownership Act; the Common Property shall include, inter alia, load-bearing walls, foundations, the roof, staircases, lifts, [●]
3) the separation of premises, including the Garage, from the Common Property shall be successively conducted in accordance with art. 4 para. 2 of the Premises Ownership Act, and the owners of premises already separated shall not be parties to agreements for the separation of further premises,
4) it is an entrepreneur and a professional developer, whose scope of business activities includes: the purchase and sale of real property for its own account (68.10, Z, Polish Classification of Activity), implementation of construction projects related to the construction of buildings (41.10, Z, Polish Classification of Activity), construction works related to the erection of residential and non-residential buildings (41.20, Z, Polish Classification of Activity) and real estate brokerage (68.31.Z, Polish Classification of Activity),
5) is not a state legal person or a company in which the State Treasury holds a majority share,
6) is neither in liquidation nor subject to bankruptcy or restructuring proceedings, and there are no circumstances justifying the filing of a motion for bankruptcy of the Developer or the initiation of restructuring proceedings against the same,
7) does not have tax arrears or arrears in the payment of other receivables and fees to which the provisions of the Act of August 29, 1997 - the Tax Ordinance (consolidated text OJ of 2020, item 1325, as amended) apply, and which may result in liabilities on the part of the Purchaser,
Slovenian to English: IT service provision contract (excerpt) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Slovenian Pomembno negativno odkritje
Naročnik lahko prekine Pogodbo s takojšnjim učinkom na podlagi priporočene pisne odpovedi s povratnico Izvajalcu v primeru pomembnega negativnega odkritja, s tem, da mu mora obvestilo o prekinitvi dostaviti v devetdesetih (90) dneh po tem, ko pride do pomembnega negativnega odkritja.
Za namen Pogodbe »pomembno negativno odkritje« pomeni vsakršno izvajanje Storitev na strani Izvajalca, ki predstavlja hudo kršitev zakonskih zahtev, kot veljajo za poslovanje Naročnika, zaradi katerih je lahko zoper Naročnika uveden sodni, upravni, regulatorni, inšpekcijski ali drugi nadzor in/ali postopek oziroma kadar je zoper Izvajalca izrečena pomembna kazenska, inšpekcijska, upravna ali civilna sodba oziroma odločba kot posledica kaznivega dejanja, prekrška ali nepravilnosti, povezanih s pridobivanjem javnih naročil, kršenja veljavnih zakonov in predpisov, dajanja ponudb, naročanja, uničenja dokumentacije, davčne utaje ipd.
Izvajalec zaradi tovrstne prekinitve Pogodbe ni upravičen do nikakršne odškodnine.
Zahteva regulatorja – sprememba zakonodaje
Pogodbeni stranki se strinjata, da Naročnik lahko odpove to Pogodbo, če:
takšno odpoved zahteva Evropska Centralna Banka ali drug regulatorni organ, pod čigar pristojnostjo in nadzorom je Naročnik in/ali njegova Skupina, pri čemer odpoved stopi v veljavo skladno z določilom regulatorne odločbe, ki zahteva tovrstno odpoved,
odpoved postane nujna zaradi uveljavitve nove ali spremenjene zakonodaje, ki se uporablja za Naročnika in/ali njegovo skupino, in je le-ta v nasprotju s pogoji iz te Pogodbe, pri čemer odpoved začne učinkovati s takojšnjim učinkom.
Pri tem je ob odpovedi Naročnik dolžan Izvajalcu pokriti naslednje stroške:
v primeru storitev, naročenih na način s »Fiksnimi stroški«: vso do takrat , opravljeno delo, storitve, uporabljene licence ipd. v skladu z naročilom in ponudbo;
Naročnik Izvajalcu v tem primeru dodatno prizna tudi povrnitev odstopnine oz. stroškov odpovedi, o višini odstopnine se dogovorita glede na znesek posamezne naročilnice/Projektnega načrta.
Translation - English Material adverse discovery
The Contract may be terminated by the Client with immediate effect by sending a written notice by registered letter with return receipt requested to the Contractor in the event of a Material Adverse Discovery, provided that such notice of termination is be delivered to the Contractor within ninety (90) days after such Material Adverse Discovery.
For the purpose of this Contract, ‘Material Adverse Discovery’ shall mean any performance of the Services by the Contractor which constitutes a serious breach of any legal requirement as applicable to the Client’s business, which may result in the Client being subject to judicial, administrative, regulatory, inspection, or other supervision and/or proceedings, or where the Contractor is subject to a significant criminal sanction, inspection, administrative or civil judgment or a decision as a result of a criminal offence, misdemeanour, or irregularity related to the solicitation of public contracts, violation of the applicable laws and regulations, bidding, procurement, destruction of documentation, tax evasion, etc.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation for such termination of the Contract.
Regulatory request - change in legislation
The Parties agree that the Client may terminate this Contract if:
such termination is required by the European Central Bank or another regulatory authority to whose jurisdiction and supervision the Client and/or its Group is subject, in which case such termination shall take effect in accordance with the terms of the regulatory decision requiring such termination,
such termination becomes necessary due to the enactment of new or amended legislation applicable to the Client and/or its Group which is contrary to the terms of this Contract, in which case such termination shall take effect immediately.
In the event of termination, the Client shall be liable to the Contractor for the following costs:
in the case of services ordered on a ‘Fixed Cost’ basis: all work, services, licences used, etc., until that point in time, in accordance with the order and the offer;
in this case, the Client shall additionally reimburse the Contractor for the cancellation fee or cancellation costs, the amount of which shall be agreed between the two Parties in relation to the amount of each Purchase Order or Project Plan.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Washington, Seattle
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Jul 2017. Became a member: Nov 2017.
Specialised in law, business, finance, and human resources
8+ years of experience
Extensive experience with CAT, OCR, MT, and DTP
Raised in Upstate New York, I discovered my love of languages in secondary school, where I studied French and Latin. I went on to study at the American University in Washington, DC, and University College London before graduating with a BA in Eastern European Languages from the University of Washington in 2014.
I then moved to Poland, completed CELTA training, and worked for two years as a Business English teacher. Though I moved on from teaching, it was an invaluable experience from which I learned a great deal about language, culture, and communication.
Since 2016, I have provided translation and language services to a demanding global clientele, with a focus on legal, financial, administrative, and human resources documents, as well as academic materials in certain fields.
In that time, I have translated well over 4,000,000 words and proofread, revised, and edited several thousand pages more.
Educated on both sides of the Atlantic, I am comfortable with both US and UK English. Furthermore, I am one of the few Polish and Slovenian to English translators who are native English speakers.
For more on my professional experience, please see my CV. A list of selected academic works which I have translated is also presented below.
I focus on providing translations that are fluent, natural, and localised, without sacrificing accuracy.
I complete a thorough QA process for each translation and provide full formatting and layout services.
If I can’t provide an excellent product, I don’t accept the job.
I work efficiently, offering realistic deadlines and sticking to them.
Łotysz, Sławomir. Factories as Aid. Penicillin behind the Iron Curtain, 1945-1954 (awaiting publication)
Zabielska, Paulina et al. Primary health care for seniors in Poland and Sweden - A comparison of legal, organizational, and socio-economic solutions. 2018. (unpublished)
Szymczak, Karolina. Lihko, children, and other creatures. Mythology in children’s literature – creating a canon. 2019 (unpublished)
Szymczak, Karolina. Slavic fairy tales and identity. Education through the fairy tales of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić. 2019 (unpublished)
Zdrodowska, Magdalena. The afterlives of ear trumpets in the era of electricity and electronics. (unpublished)
In progress
Łotysz, Sławomir. Untitled monograph on the Pripet Marshes drainage project in interwar Poland, including historical, political, socio-economic, religious, and technological aspects. To be published in Polish and English.
Chartered Institute of Linguists (Member, Polish to English) Associate Member, American Translators Association ProZ Certified PRO (Polish to English, French to English)
History, economics, geography, political science, railways, public transport, urban planning.