What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Crypto never stops. 4500 MTPE done and more to come tomorrow!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just completed 10k from a clinical trial on an anti-cancer drug. These are the kinds of tasks that make you feel your work really does make a difference in this world. Keep them coming!


1 userI Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Crypto, trading. Adds, guides, academy articles for a popular exchange platform. Crypto never sleeps!


1 userI Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Cryptocurrency, English to Spanish, 4000 words per day for a top exchange. Anyone else is working on crypto these days?


I Do That

1 user

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

43k clinical trial on a drug to treat Haemophilia


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Rounding off 25k on a drug against microcytic carcinomas.


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Summary of clinical safety for a drug to fight solid tumors. 30k Getting closer to complete it and there's more to come!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

28k on anticancer medication for solid tumors. One day, this kind of research will save thousands of lives!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

EN to ES protocols for a music camp. 3500 words. So happy to see how music regrows beyond COVID!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

2k on recovery after cystectomy


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Rounding up a 12k project on asfotase alpha. Pharmaceutical content is really challenging and should be treated really carefully.


1 user

I Do That

1 user

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

3k on STEM content EN to ES, I love Science!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

17k, Code of Conduct, clear rules are always important to maintain a healthy workplace.


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

1k on Science activities for Elementary school children. Science is fun!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

13k on Rituximab EN to ES. One day, one of this drugs will make a huge difference for a lot of people around the world and I'm proudly part of that!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

14k on a monoclonal antibody to fight cancer. I can't stop learning!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Non-clinical overview of non-small cell lung cancer medication, 25k. Science progresses non stop!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Science materials for 2nd grade students. 2k this time. I'll be trying out some experiments at home this weekend!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

1500 words on workplace security


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

8000 words on fertility drugs. I love learning while I work!


1 userI Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Qualification protocol. 6000 words. I hadn't noticed how much I missed translating pharma!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

6k on Medicare and the Marketplace, it's always good to learn about the US' health system.


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

1000 words on farm workers' health and safety. Vocabulary is everything!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Lean methodology, lots of acronyms... I always enjoy a good challenge!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Another round of math materials for home-learning. 15k this time :)


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Science materials for online learning. 35k. Feels like I'm going to high-school all over again!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

5000 words on Acuablation for lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).


I Do That

1 user

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Biology materials for home-school setting. 9000 words.


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Website update for a huge healthcare company. :)


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished an exciting project on math content for high-school students. So challenging!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

4000 words from an elementary education textbook.


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

3k on elementary school texts. It's always great to be able to translate for the next generation!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

15000 words protocol for patients with diabetic retinopathy


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

6k on nutrition and environment. Go green is the way to go!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just began a 16k project on teaching materials for kinderdarten. Just adorable!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

This weekend, I'm translating HR policies, for a change.


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Another part of my big project on website update for a health-care company for the next few days :)


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Rounding up a big project on Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria. English to Spanish, 40000 words.


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

I'm working on drug studies for Complement-Mediated Thrombotic Microangiopathy. There's so much to learn about this!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

40,000-word project on cancer medication studies. Science evolves and I'm part of it!


1 userI Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Large project on Fertility materials. It's great to learn while translating!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

At the moment I'm working on alternative medicine materials, English to Spanish, 3000 words, for a global brand.


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Huge project on website update for an important health-care company :)


1 userI Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Huge project on website update for an important health-care company :)


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Half-way through a project on cyber-security. It's great to learn so much all the time!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished some releases about a clinical trial on rheumatoid arthritis. Happy to see how science helps improve the quality of life for so many people!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

Rounding up a short MTPE project for a local translation agency. MT is not our enemy!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

This week I'm finishing a large project about alternative medicine. I'm so happy to be able to help more people feel better!


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

At the moment I'm working on alternative medicine materials again, English to Spanish, 29000 words, for a global brand.


I Do That

María C Turri posting from ProZ.com shared:

At the moment I'm working on alternative medicine materials again, English to Spanish, 29000 words, for a global brand.


I Do That