What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

Mélanie Mós posting from ProZ.com shared:



I Do That

Mélanie Mós posting from ProZ.com shared:

I just finished translating an user manual of an innovative medical device - 10000 words.


I Do That

Mélanie Mós posting from ProZ.com shared:

I've been working on a lot of projects related with SEO and I'm loving it! I just finished translating an AD for a big brand.


I Do That

Mélanie Mós posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished translating a technical text. It took longer than I expected but I loved every minute of it.


I Do That

I finished an ENG to POR project, Sand Dam, 3946 words for Translators without Borders I used TWB memory. Hard and rewarding!


I Do That

  • English to Portuguese
  • 3946 words