Question about Montenegrin and Serbian legal systems
Thread poster: Grace Shalhoub
Grace Shalhoub
Grace Shalhoub  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:50
French to English
+ ...
Oct 20, 2014

Dear translators,
To what extent can we say that the legal systems in the countries are equivalent?
In what matters (criminal, environmental) do they differ nowadays?

I am looking for a Montenegrin lawyer and have received applications only from Serbian lawyers. The work needs to be carried out in English, therefore the language is not the problem here. I need someone to draft a text on environmnetal and criminal legislation and its source in Montenegro.

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Dear translators,
To what extent can we say that the legal systems in the countries are equivalent?
In what matters (criminal, environmental) do they differ nowadays?

I am looking for a Montenegrin lawyer and have received applications only from Serbian lawyers. The work needs to be carried out in English, therefore the language is not the problem here. I need someone to draft a text on environmnetal and criminal legislation and its source in Montenegro.

Kindly share you insight as I have very limited information on the legal system in these two countries, and Google has not helped much in English...



[Modifié le 2014-10-20 15:17 GMT]

[Modifié le 2014-10-20 15:19 GMT]

Cedomir Pusica
Cedomir Pusica  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:50
Member (2009)
English to Serbian
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Same family Oct 21, 2014

The legal systems of Serbia and Montenegro share mostly the same origin and are based on the French law. There should be little if any differences. The case of Croatia is a bit different and is rather a hybrid law, influenced by the Germanic law.

You can take a look on Wikipedia here:
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The legal systems of Serbia and Montenegro share mostly the same origin and are based on the French law. There should be little if any differences. The case of Croatia is a bit different and is rather a hybrid law, influenced by the Germanic law.

You can take a look on Wikipedia here:

Hope this helps.

lidija68  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:50
Italian to Serbian
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Environmental law Oct 21, 2014

Environmental matters may be completely different – Crna Gora ekološka država

United Kingdom
Local time: 03:50
Serbian to English
+ ...
the underlying logic Oct 29, 2014

of your question, in plain-speak, is bordering on nonsense.

As far as one can deduce from your question, you are looking for someone to translate a legal text, not a lawyer to represent you in Montenegro (if that is the case, you are definitely in the wrong forum).

The wast majority of lawyers in Serbia is perfectly capable of understanding legal categories and terms used in Montenegro, (aside the fact that a sizable proportion of them originates from there).
... See more
of your question, in plain-speak, is bordering on nonsense.

As far as one can deduce from your question, you are looking for someone to translate a legal text, not a lawyer to represent you in Montenegro (if that is the case, you are definitely in the wrong forum).

The wast majority of lawyers in Serbia is perfectly capable of understanding legal categories and terms used in Montenegro, (aside the fact that a sizable proportion of them originates from there).

You should be more worried about how good is their grasp of French or English or whichever language you need the text to be translated into.

I very much doubt that any recent law passed in Montenegro can only be grasped by a local lawyer; last time I checked they are not indulging in reinventing a new system with untranslatable term like "samoupravljanje" SIZ OUR OOUR SOUR ...

Grace Shalhoub
Grace Shalhoub  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:50
French to English
+ ...
Many thanks Nov 3, 2014

Daryo wrote:

of your question, in plain-speak, is bordering on nonsense.

As far as one can deduce from your question, you are looking for someone to translate a legal text, not a lawyer to represent you in Montenegro (if that is the case, you are definitely in the wrong forum).

The wast majority of lawyers in Serbia is perfectly capable of understanding legal categories and terms used in Montenegro, (aside the fact that a sizable proportion of them originates from there).

You should be more worried about how good is their grasp of French or English or whichever language you need the text to be translated into.

I very much doubt that any recent law passed in Montenegro can only be grasped by a local lawyer; last time I checked they are not indulging in reinventing a new system with untranslatable term like "samoupravljanje" SIZ OUR OOUR SOUR ...

Thank you, Daryo, for the lovely comment.

You did not understand my request, unlike the other 2 lovely linguists who were kind enough to answer me and provide me with the necessary information I needed at this point.

Best of luck trying to be useful in this forum.


United Kingdom
Local time: 03:50
Serbian to English
+ ...
Next time someone thinks that only a lawyer from Strasbourg Nov 5, 2014

is capable of translating legal matters pertaining to Alsace-Lorraine, and complains that only lawyers from Paris are showing any interest in taking the work, I will refer them to you for advice.

Grace Shalhoub
Grace Shalhoub  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:50
French to English
+ ...
I was not looking for a legal TRANSLATOR Nov 7, 2014

Daryo, You need to work on your reading comprehension (and also on your manners!)

I initially wrote:
"The work needs to be carried out in English, therefore the language is not the problem here. I need someone to draft a text on environmnetal and criminal legislation and its source in Montenegro."

I needed a lawyer able to DRAFT a paragraph for me on sources of Montengrin law.

You will be surpised how many people contacting me in private and gave me
... See more
Daryo, You need to work on your reading comprehension (and also on your manners!)

I initially wrote:
"The work needs to be carried out in English, therefore the language is not the problem here. I need someone to draft a text on environmnetal and criminal legislation and its source in Montenegro."

I needed a lawyer able to DRAFT a paragraph for me on sources of Montengrin law.

You will be surpised how many people contacting me in private and gave me relevant information and were of great help. We ended up hiring a SERBIAN lawyer who was approved by the EUROPEAN UNION, and they were VERY HAPPY about his contribution.

Why are you insisting on being an unpleasant person with your off-topic answers?

[Modifié le 2014-11-07 12:47 GMT]

United Kingdom
Local time: 03:50
Serbian to English
+ ...
I'm glad you solved your problem Jan 12, 2015

"I am looking for a Montenegrin lawyer and have received applications only from Serbian lawyers."
you posted that, it wasn't me dreaming or imagining things.

...(and also on your manners!) fair enough, I never had any problem with people expressing their frank opinion.

Having said all that, I'm glad to hear you solved your problem.

Best wishes!


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Question about Montenegrin and Serbian legal systems

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