Freelance translators » Spanish to German » Other » Cooking / Culinary » Page 2

Below is a list of Spanish to German freelance translators specializing in translations in the Other: Cooking / Culinary field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

130 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Thomas Pauly
Thomas Pauly
Native in German Native in German
marketing, public relations, media, advertising, tourism, leisure, consumer goods, healthcare, medical, financial, ...
Ana-Maria Schmidt
Ana-Maria Schmidt
Native in German Native in German
english, IT, computer, german, spanish, software, gaming, psychology, marketing
Kerstin Petersmann
Kerstin Petersmann
Native in German Native in German
german, deutsch, alemán, spanish, español, spanisch, englisch, inglés, english, turismo, ...
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
medical, instruments, handbuch, manual, data sheet, tecnical, agrar, machinery, translator, translations, ...
Ines R.
Ines R.
Native in German (Variants: Germany, Bavarian, Swiss, Swabian, Austrian) Native in German
we can edit all your catalogues, your interpreter in Spain and Germany, automotive, law, software, german, spanish, english, translation, übersetzer, ...
Etienne Thems
Etienne Thems
Native in French (Variants: Standard-France, Luxembourgish, Canadian, Swiss, Belgian) Native in French, Lingala Native in Lingala, English (Variants: UK, South African, French, Canadian, US) Native in English, Swahili Native in Swahili
Nathan Vymyslicky
Nathan Vymyslicky
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German, Spanish (Variant: Argentine) Native in Spanish
Localization, translation, translator, traductor, traductores, portuguese, portugiesisch, portugues, spanish, spanisch, ...
Ines Radionovas-Lagoutte, PhD
Ines Radionovas-Lagoutte, PhD
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
Medizin, Naturwissenschaften, Chemie, Biologie, Pharmazie, Literatur, Tourismus, Marketing, medicine, science, ...
Andrea Wiethoff
Andrea Wiethoff
Native in German Native in German
software, crusher, screens, website, ashalt plants, concrete plants, computer, Belletristik, Gedichte, Poems, ...
Matthias Dahlhoff (PhD)
Matthias Dahlhoff (PhD)
Native in German Native in German
german, english, spanish, french, dutch, music, culture, botany, agriculture, nutrition, ...
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
Translator Spanish German, Translator English German, Traductor alemán, Traductor español alemán, Traductor ingles alemán, Übersetzung Englisch - Deutsch, Übersetzung Spanisch – Deutsch, legal translation, commercial, advertising, ...
Natalie Majati-Ulrich
Natalie Majati-Ulrich
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German, Greek Native in Greek
erika rubinstein
erika rubinstein
Native in Russian Native in Russian, German Native in German
technical translator, interpreting (sim., cons.), PR, journalism, research, conferences, projects, festivals, culture, ...
Abdallah Mefire
Abdallah Mefire
Native in English Native in English, French Native in French, German Native in German, Dutch Native in Dutch
english, french, translation, traduction, anglais, français
Adriana von Cappeln
Adriana von Cappeln
Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish
alimentos, Lebensmittel, food, industry, automoción, Automobilindustrie, técnico, technik, technical, chemie, ...
Yolanda Bertolucci
Yolanda Bertolucci
Native in German Native in German, Spanish Native in Spanish
Eva Horetzeder
Eva Horetzeder
Native in German Native in German
German translations, Switzerland, English, French, Spanish, food industry, automotive industry, tourism, marketing, advertising, ...
Katrin Eichler
Katrin Eichler
Native in German Native in German
proofreading, revisión, Korrekturlesen, transcription, transcripción, Transkription, textiles, Textilien, fashion, Mode, ...
Natalja Dudek
Natalja Dudek
Native in German Native in German
Spanisch, Druck-und Verlagswesen, Reiseführer, Kochbücher, Gastronomie, Reiseveranstalter, Literatur, Wirtschaft, Politik, allgemeinsprachliche Übersetzungen, ...
Susanne Bonn
Susanne Bonn
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
gardening, cooking, nature, do-it-yourself, travel, children's books, history, music, science fiction, fantasy, ...

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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