Freelance translators » Spanish to German » Other » Cooking / Culinary » Page 4

Below is a list of Spanish to German freelance translators specializing in translations in the Other: Cooking / Culinary field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

149 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Nadja Gläser
Nadja Gläser
Native in German Native in German
Christina Kolb
Christina Kolb
Native in German Native in German
german translation, english translation, french translation, spanish translation, deutsche Übersetzungen, englische Übersetzungen, französische Übersetzungen, Dolmetscher, Dolmetscher deutsch, Konferenzdolmetscher, ...
Eva Horetzeder
Eva Horetzeder
Native in German Native in German
German translations, Switzerland, English, French, Spanish, food industry, automotive industry, tourism, marketing, advertising, ...
Wolfgang Hunklinger
Wolfgang Hunklinger
Native in German Native in German
German, computer science, languages, education, IT, Internet, E-Commerce, Travl and Tourism, Fashion, General, ...
Sabine Holz
Sabine Holz
Native in German Native in German
traducciones, traducción, intérprete, interpretación, negocios, alemán, catalán, valenciano, castellano, español, ...
Regina Grossmann
Regina Grossmann
Native in German (Variant: Austrian) Native in German
deutsch, Tourismus, Gastronomie, Kosmetik, Papierindustrie
Silke Streit
Silke Streit
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch, Niederländisch, Dolmetscher, Dolmetscherin, Übersetzer, Übersetzerin, Übersetzer Photovoltaik, Übersetzerin Photovoltaik, ...
Thomas Pauly
Thomas Pauly
Native in German Native in German
marketing, public relations, media, advertising, tourism, leisure, consumer goods, healthcare, medical, financial, ...
Helga Zimmermann
Helga Zimmermann
Native in German Native in German
English to German, French to German, Spanish to German, Travel, Tourism, Reisen, Tourismus, Viajes, Turismo, Hotels, ...
Irene Anton
Irene Anton
Native in German Native in German
Kunst, Installation, Museum, arte, art, Malerei, Design, Skulptur, Lebensart, Inszenierung, ...
Alexis & Teresa Bulnes de Romanov
Alexis & Teresa Bulnes de Romanov
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Spanish Native in Spanish
перевод испанский, немецкий, каталонский, нидерландский, английский, русский, польский, португальский, переклад іспанська, німецька, ...
Andrea Wiethoff
Andrea Wiethoff
Native in German Native in German
software, crusher, screens, website, ashalt plants, concrete plants, computer, Belletristik, Gedichte, Poems, ...
Andrea Kowalenko
Andrea Kowalenko
Native in German Native in German
Deutsch, Spanisch, Alemán, Español, Catalán, Catalá, Katalanisch, German, Spanish, Catalan, ...
Native in German Native in German
German, technical, manuals, high quality, experienced, CAT tools, certified
Katrin Eichler
Katrin Eichler
Native in German Native in German
proofreading, revisión, Korrekturlesen, transcription, transcripción, Transkription, textiles, Textilien, fashion, Mode, ...
Kerstin Petersmann
Kerstin Petersmann
Native in German Native in German
german, deutsch, alemán, spanish, español, spanisch, englisch, inglés, english, turismo, ...
Yvonne Manuela Meissner
Yvonne Manuela Meissner
Native in German (Variants: Swiss, Swabian, Luxembourgish, Austrian, Bavarian, Germany, South Tyrol (Italy)) Native in German, Dutch (Variants: Netherlands, Aruba, Flemish) Native in Dutch
German native, Dutch native, Italian, English, Spanish (Argentina), contracts, law, public notary, law, real estate, ...
Christina Pauly
Christina Pauly
Native in German Native in German
AGB, Bank, Börse, Datenschutzerklärungen, Finanzen, Fonds, Garantiebedingungen, Geschäftsberichte, Geschäftskorrespondenz, Handbücher, ...
Judith den Otter
Judith den Otter
Native in German Native in German
Börse, Wirtschaft, Clearing, Settlement
Maria Ortwein
Maria Ortwein
Native in German Native in German
polish, law, contract, contracts, german, spanish, medicine, literature, mexico, poland, ...

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