Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Oficio texto libre

English translation:

free-text official letter, free-text formal written request

Added to glossary by Sarah Jamieson
Sep 30, 2024 21:40
5 mos ago
29 viewers *
Spanish term

Oficio texto libre

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Criminal investigation document regarding a death abroad
PRELIMIARY INVESTIGATION IN SUMMARY (CRIMINAL) PROCEEDINGS regarding the death of a person abroad, in Spain.

Modelo: (number) then OFICIO TEXTO LIBRE

Proposed translations

11 hrs

free-text official letter, free-text formal written request

official letter. Que se libre oficio a = that an official letter be sent to

Referencia: West, T. III. (2012). Spanish-English Dictionary of Law and Business 2e


official letter or communiqué: formal written request

Referencia: Alcaraz Varó, E. & Hugues, Brian. (2007). English to Spanish and Spanish to English Dictionary of Legal Terms 10e
Peer comment(s):

agree Sebastian Witte
1 day 23 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "So many thanks for your help!"
1 hr

Free text document

oficio seems to mean document, so it could mean there is a relevant document with more details.

"model" likely refers to a template or format for the document that needs to be filled out.

see the attached examples of "oficio" being used to mean document.
Example sentence:

Elabora el oficio (texto libre) en donde se especifica a la persona responsable de firma de los certificados electrónicos por campus, descarga el oficio de ejemplo Nota. El oficio debe entregarse en físico en las oficinas de la DGAIR

Inicio del proceso. 1.1--Solicita servicio mediante oficio texto libre). Por Solicitante.

Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : Free-text, with a hyphen, or free-format.
1 hr
gracias Phil
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14 hrs

open-format judicial instruction to a non-judicial body

oficio is an official communication, rather than a gen. doc.
Example sentence:

Open formats are file formats that have the following characteristics12345: They have an openly-published specification that anyone can use. They are not proprietary or owned by a specific company.

Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : One of your refs supports Jonathan's answer so why not give him an agree? How do you know the instruction is directed to a non-judicial body? Kindly explain.
2 hrs
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