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    • Persian (Farsi)
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            • بیت
          • Definition(s)
            • کوچک‌ترین واحد کامل در شعر (کلاسیک) فارسی یک بیت‌ است که دو مِصرَع یا مصراع را شامل می‌شود. نمونه: به نام خداوند جان و خرد کزین برتر اندیشه برنگذرد ‎ (فردوسی) ویکیپدیا - by Farzad Akmali
          • Example sentence(s)
            • در این بخش بیش از 340000 بیت شعر از 35 شاعر نامی ايران برای استفاده همه دوستان فرهنگ ایران موجود است. با کلیک بر روی نام شاعر و انتخاب اثر شاعر، به شعرهای وی دسترسی پیدا کنید. همچنین میتوانید بر روی اشعار یک شاعر خاص یا همه شعرا جستجو کنید. م - اشعار فرهنگی by Farzad Akmali
            • چند بیت شعر به هوش بودم از اول که دل به کس نسپارم, شمایل تو بدیدم نه صبر ماند و نه هوشم مگر تو روی بپوشی و فتنه بازنشانی که من قرار ندارم که دیده از تو بپوشم - یک بیت شعر by Farzad Akmali
            • دو بیت شعر حافظ و چند نکته سحرگه ره روي در سر زميني همي گفت اين معما با قريني كه اي صوفي شراب آنگه شود صاف که در کوزه بماند اربعینی - گفتار سبز by Farzad Akmali
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    • Macedonian
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            • двостих
          • Definition(s)
            • Двостихот е структура составена од два последователни стиха кои образуваат една заокружена смисловна целина. Двата стиха може да бидат дел од поголема строфа, или пак сами по себе да формираат една строфа. Own research - by English knight
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Ниту во природата не постојат два исти листа, па и во Круна на секој лист песните ги менуваат облиците, од двостих, речиси гномски или графитерски карактер, до прозни записи, до упатници, реченици, писма. - Блесок by English knight
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    • English
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            • couplet
          • Definition(s)
            • A couplet is a stanza (or even a poem) consisting of two lines. These need not rhyme, nor be the same length, but can be. If there is no enjambment at the end of the second line, it can be called a closed couplet (the opposite being an open couplet), especially if this is a recurring pattern. The Poetry Archive
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Rhyming couplets are one of the simplest rhyme schemes in poetry. - Wikipedia
            • Elaine Feinstein's 'Urban Lyric' has an individual aspect of the scene in each couplet, each of which is linked, however, to the adjacent aspects. - The Poetry Archive
            • Elementary students rhyme, write couplets, make and paint clay pumpkins, and write pumpkin poems during a reading lesson about The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin. -
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    • Romanian
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            • distih
          • Definition(s)
            • Dicţionar explicativ DISTÍH ~uri n. Grup de două versuri, de obicei cu structură metrică diferită, care exprimă împreună un gând şi alcătuieşte o strofă. /<fr. distique, lat. distichon Sursa: DEX Own research - by Andrei Albu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Distihul este un grup de două versuri cu structură metrică de obicei deosebită şi care împreună alcătuiesc o strofă cu sens de sine stătător. - Wikipedia by Andrei Albu
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    • Chinese
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            • 对句。对联。联句
          • Definition(s)
            • "Couplet" is episode 14 of season 3 in the television show Angel. See List of Angel episodes for a complete list. (Angel episode) In poetry, a pair of lines with rhyming end words pair of rhymed lines, often used as a way of rounding off a sonnet; hence the term ‘closing couplet’. a pair of lines rhyming consecutively. Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme. two successive rhyming lines. Couplets end the pattern of a Shakespearean sonnet. a pair of rhymed lines containing a complete thought two-line stanza triplet: three-line stanza quatrain: four-line stanza quintet: five-line stanza sestet: six-line stanza septet: seven-line stanza octave: eight-line stanza The two roadways of a divided highway, named differently, approximately parallel with traffic flow in opposite directions and separated by ... A pair of lines of verse of the same length that usually rhymes. a rhymed pair of lines, which are usually of the same length. If these are iambic pentameters it is termed a heroic couplet. This form was made popular by Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and became the dominant poetic form in the latter part of the seventeenth century. ... a pair of rhyming lines written in the same meter a two line stanza, or the same rhyme pattern in two conjoined lines. A pair of layers, usually in an alternating series. Couplets presumably represent alternating conditions of precipitation, as may occur where climate is highly seasonal (ie, alternating from a very wet to a very dry season or very warm to very warm season). Two lines of poetry that have the same meter, and rhyme scheme. Example: I'm being driven up the WALL I need to make a phone CALL. D a pair of rhyming lines with identical meter. a pair of rhyming verse lines A pair of lines that rhyme with each other. two successive lines of poetry a stanza of two rhyming lines; especially, such lines of the same length, as "The learn'd is happy nature to explore, / The fool is happy that he knows no more" (Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man). Two lines of poetry with the same rhyme and meter, often expressing a complete and self-contained thought. The following couplet is from Alexander Pope's "Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady": 'Tis Use alone that sanctifies Expense, And Splendour borrows all her rays from Sense. paired lines of verse, often rhyming. Google Definition - by IC --
          • Example sentence(s)
            • This antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting. 这幅对联是父亲的亲笔。 heroic couplet 英雄偶句诗体(互相押韵的两行诗) "Trite as the language is, this couplet has deep significance,"thought Yucun. " "雨村看了,因想到:""这两句话,文虽浅近,其意则深" - jukuu by IC --
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    • Swedish
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            • Rimmat verspar
          • Definition(s)
            • Rimmat verspar - engelska "couplet" - är en tvåradig strof med utbredd användning i fransk och framför allt engelsk lyrik där diktformen etablerades på 1300-talet av Chaucer i Canterbury Tales. Drygt 200 år senare använde sig Shakespeare av det rimmade versparet för att avrunda sina sonetter såväl som att nå effekt i skådespelen. Den mest använda formen av det rimmade versparet är den femfotade jambiska versen. Det rimmade versparet har inte använts i större utsträckning i svensk diktning där i stället andra former av rytm och meter föredragits. Own research - by Anna Herbst
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Ty inga älskande ha lidit så Som Julia och hennes Romeo. Akt V Scen 3 William Shakespeare: Romeo och Julia - Full text of "Shakespeares dramatiska ar by Anna Herbst
            • Ska jag vid sommardagen likna dig du ljuvligare är - mer tempererad majs skira knoppar slits av bister vind och sommarns hyra, den är slutreglerad För hett ibland kan himlens öga skina och ofta skymd är hennes gyllne hy allt som är vackert ska en gång förtvina av ödet brytas, allt är dömt att fly. men din sommars skönhet vissnar ej förlorar inte glansen som du bär och dödens skryt ska aldrig träffa dig eviga rader i min dikt du är Så länge män kan andas, ögon se ska detta leva kvar och liv dig ge. Shakespeare: Sonett 18 Översättning: Eva Ström - Evas dröm by Anna Herbst
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    • Dutch
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            • (tweeregelige) strofe of distichon
          • Definition(s)
            • "Strofe - Een bepaald aantal als groep bij elkaar geplaatste regels van een gedicht, te vergelijken met het couplet in een lied en met de alinea in een prozatekst: distichon: twee versregels" Meander - "Klassiekers" - by Sabine Piens
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Gilliams wees reeds op de verwantschap, die Sous les ponts de Paris vertoont met het, eveneens in tweeregelige strofen geschreven, Christusgedicht van de in deze tijd door Van Ostaijen zo bewonderde Blaise Cendrars: Les Pâques à New York" - Dig. Bibliotheek voor de Ned. Letteren by Sabine Piens
            • "(...) De verklaring voor deze metaforische 'kettingreactie' biedt zich aan in de drie tweeregelige strofen in het midden van het gedicht. (...)" - by Sabine Piens
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