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    • Spanish
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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            • flujo de caja
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          • Definition(s)
            • El flujo de caja es la acumulación neta de activos líquidos en un periodo determinado y, por lo tanto, constituye un indicador importante de la liquidez de una empresa. Wikipedia. - by Yaotl Altan
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Para calcular el valor del intangible Good-Will debe hacerse una proyección de los flujos de caja sin tener en cuenta las cargas financieras y la amortización de la deuda durante un plazo justo; dicha proyección se puede definir con base en criterios como avances tecnológicos, grado de deterioro de los activos productivos, la posibilidad de aparición de productos sustitutos, etc. - Monografí by Yaotl Altan
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    • Serbian
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            • Tok gotovine
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            • Токови готовине су приливи и одливи готовине и eвивалената готовине. Međ. standardi fin. izveštavanja - by Skobra
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Информације о токовима готовине ентитета корисне су у пружању основе корисницима финансијских извештаја за процењивање способности ентитета да генерише готовину и еквиваленте готовине, и потребе ентитета да користи те токове готовине. За економске одлуке које корисници доносе потребна је процена способности ентитета да генерише готовину и еквиваленте готовине, као и временски период и извесност њиховог генерисања. - Međ- standardi. fin. izveštavanja by Skobra
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    • Catalan
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            • flux de caixa
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            • Quantitat de diner que es preveu que un projecte proporcionarà periòdicament en el futur. Magnitud comptable utilitzada per a estimar els recursos generats per una empresa durant un període, constituïts per la suma dels beneficis, les amortitzacions i les provisions, materialitzats o no en saldos líquids. Termcat - by annallis
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Les previsions de vendes i flux de caixa, i la conseqüent rendibilitat, són els ciments sobre els quals els possibles inversors valoren la futura viabilitat de l'empresa. - CIDEM by annallis
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    • Korean
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            • 현금흐름
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            • 현금흐름(cash-flow)의 사전적 정의는 '기업활동을 통해 나타나는 현금의 유입과 유출'이라고 되어 있습니다. 개인 재무설계(Personal Financial Planning)에서의 현금흐름이란 '개개인이 근로/사업/연금 등의 소득을 어떠한 항목으로 지출하는지의 흐름'을 뜻합니다. Daum (Jisik - Knowledge) - by Joon Oh
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 먼저 순현금흐름(Net Cash Flow;NCF) 개념을 알아야 합니다. 순현금흐름은 일정 기간에 발생한 모든 현금유입(cash inflow)에서 모든 현금유출(cash outflow)을 뺀 값입니다. 식으로 써보면, NCFt = CIt - COt 투자안 가치평가를 위한 현금흐름에서 사용하는 현금유입과 현금유출은 증분의 현금흐름(incremental cash flow)이라는 것을 주의하세요. 해당 투자결정에 의해 부가적으로 창출되거나 소요되는 현금흐름을 추정하는 것입니다. - EMH by Joon Oh
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    • English
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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            • cash flow
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            • The actual movement of cash within a business; the analysis of how much cash is needed and when that money is required by a busi­ness within a period of time.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Cash flow is essentially the movement of money into and out of your business; it's the cycle of cash inflows and cash outflows that determine your business' solvency. - small business
            • Preparing a monthly cash flow forecast provides you with the opportunity to show dollar figures, representing revenues and expenses, in the month the business expects to collect and spend the cash. - Canada business
            • The difference between the cash in- and out-flows within a given period indicates the net cash flow. When this net cash flow is added to or subtracted from opening bank balances, any likely short-term bank funding requirements can be ascertained. -
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    • Chinese
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            • 现金流,现金流量
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            • 现金流量是现代理财学中的一个重要概念,是指企业在一定会计期间按照现金收付实现制,通过一定经济活动(包括经营活动、投资活动、筹资活动和非经常性项目)而产生的现金流入、现金流出及其总量情况的总称。即:企业一定时期的现金和现金等价物的流入和流出的数量。 Own research - by Alvin Liu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 至于上半年经营活动产生现金流出现巨额负值,西南证券行业分析师兰可认为入不敷出是云南铜业现金流同比下降的重要原因,上半年公司高价买入进口铜原料,但是多种原因导致产品销售不如意。 - 和讯网 by Alvin Liu
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  • Compare this term in: Croatian, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, German, Dutch, Greek, Persian (Farsi), Finnish, French, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese

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