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    • Macedonian
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            • двостих
          • Definition(s)
            • Двостихот е структура составена од два последователни стиха кои образуваат една заокружена смисловна целина. Двата стиха може да бидат дел од поголема строфа, или пак сами по себе да формираат една строфа. Own research - by English knight
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Ниту во природата не постојат два исти листа, па и во Круна на секој лист песните ги менуваат облиците, од двостих, речиси гномски или графитерски карактер, до прозни записи, до упатници, реченици, писма. - Блесок by English knight
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    • Chinese
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            • 对句。对联。联句
          • Definition(s)
            • "Couplet" is episode 14 of season 3 in the television show Angel. See List of Angel episodes for a complete list. (Angel episode) In poetry, a pair of lines with rhyming end words pair of rhymed lines, often used as a way of rounding off a sonnet; hence the term ‘closing couplet’. a pair of lines rhyming consecutively. Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme. two successive rhyming lines. Couplets end the pattern of a Shakespearean sonnet. a pair of rhymed lines containing a complete thought two-line stanza triplet: three-line stanza quatrain: four-line stanza quintet: five-line stanza sestet: six-line stanza septet: seven-line stanza octave: eight-line stanza The two roadways of a divided highway, named differently, approximately parallel with traffic flow in opposite directions and separated by ... A pair of lines of verse of the same length that usually rhymes. a rhymed pair of lines, which are usually of the same length. If these are iambic pentameters it is termed a heroic couplet. This form was made popular by Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and became the dominant poetic form in the latter part of the seventeenth century. ... a pair of rhyming lines written in the same meter a two line stanza, or the same rhyme pattern in two conjoined lines. A pair of layers, usually in an alternating series. Couplets presumably represent alternating conditions of precipitation, as may occur where climate is highly seasonal (ie, alternating from a very wet to a very dry season or very warm to very warm season). Two lines of poetry that have the same meter, and rhyme scheme. Example: I'm being driven up the WALL I need to make a phone CALL. D a pair of rhyming lines with identical meter. a pair of rhyming verse lines A pair of lines that rhyme with each other. two successive lines of poetry a stanza of two rhyming lines; especially, such lines of the same length, as "The learn'd is happy nature to explore, / The fool is happy that he knows no more" (Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man). Two lines of poetry with the same rhyme and meter, often expressing a complete and self-contained thought. The following couplet is from Alexander Pope's "Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady": 'Tis Use alone that sanctifies Expense, And Splendour borrows all her rays from Sense. paired lines of verse, often rhyming. Google Definition - by IC --
          • Example sentence(s)
            • This antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting. 这幅对联是父亲的亲笔。 heroic couplet 英雄偶句诗体(互相押韵的两行诗) "Trite as the language is, this couplet has deep significance,"thought Yucun. " "雨村看了,因想到:""这两句话,文虽浅近,其意则深" - jukuu by IC --
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    • Italian
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            • Distico
          • Definition(s)
            • Distico dal gr. DISTICHON comp. della partic, DIS - due volte - e STICHOS - fila, schiera - e, parlando di libri, poesie - linea, verso- (v. Vestigio). Sorta di metro della poesia greca e latina, che si compone di una coppia di versi detta Esametro e Pentametro. DIZIONARIO ETIMOLOGICO ONLINE - by Alessandra Renna
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Nel sonetto, William Shakespeare adottò una variante; la forma usata dal compositore non equivale alla forma italiana, ma consiste di tre quartine di endecasillabi rimati alternatamente e di un distico finale. I suoi sonetti sono considerati di una certa importanza ,perchè costituiscono un tentativo di abbandonare la tecnica drammatica per quella narrativa, gli studiosi infatti li hanno considerati le rivelazioni di esperienze personali e di commozioni. Il sonetto inglese presenta, rispetto a quello italiano, una variazione anche semantica che comporta la scomparsa della distinzione in due unità (quartine/terzine) a vantaggio di una composizione divisa in quattro parti; per cui il distico finale assume il senso di una sentenza conclusiva. - Il sonetto by Alessandra Renna
            • Distico Strofa di due versi. Nella metrica classica, la forma più diffusa di distico (greco dístichos, "a doppia fila") è il distico elegiaco, formato da un esametro e un pentametro, e caratteristico della poesia elegiaca. Ecco lo schema metrico: -uu, -uu, -uu, -uu, -uu, -u -uu,-uu, -//-uu,-uu, u Grecia il distico elegiaco, che fu impiegato in componimenti di vario genere, dai canti funebri alle canzoni d'amore. Tra la metà del VII secolo e l'inizio del VI, l'elegia si sviluppò prima con Callino di Efeso e Tirteo di Sparta. Mimnermo (Seconda metà del VII secolo a. C.), poeta greco. - La poesia elegiaca e la lirica corale e by Alessandra Renna
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    • Greek
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            • δίστιχο
          • Definition(s)
            • Δίστιχο ονομάζεται ένας συνδυασμός δυο στίχων, με ομοιοκαταληξία ή χωρίς, που συνηθίζεται σε παλαιότερες μορφές ποίησης, όπως η δημοτική ποίηση, η κρητική ποίηση και οι αμανέδες. PEGAS - by Maria Pentsa
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Στην ποίηση του Στέφανου Σαχλίκη συναντάμε την πρώτη χρήση της ομοιοκαταληξίας στην νεοελληνική λογοτεχνία: κάποια ποιήματά του αποτελούνται από ενότητες τεσσάρων ή και περισσότερων ομοιοκατάληκτων στίχων, ενώ σε άλλα εμφανίζονται ενότητες ομοιοκατάληκτων διστίχων. Στον 14ο και τον 15ο αι. τα ομοιοκατάληκτα συνυπήρχαν με τα ανομοιοκατάληκτα έργα, ενώ από τον 16ο αιώνα κυριάρχησε η ομοιοκαταληξία με βασική οργανωτική μονάδα το ομοιοκατάληκτο δίστιχο. - Wikipedia by Maria Pentsa
            • Στην αρχή του αμανέ οι λέξεις αφού χωρίζονται σε φθόγγους και συλλαβές με παρατεταμένη κλιμάκωση και ποικιλία εκφώνησης, έτσι που μόλις ένα δίστιχο να χρειάζεται πέντε λεπτά της ώρας για να αποδοθεί, στη συνέχεια αρχίζει η επανάληψη πάλι του ίδιου διστίχου σε ταχύτερο ρυθμό με συνοδεία και άλλων αμανετζήδων όπου και οι λέξεις πλέον γίνονται κατανοητές. - Wikipedia by Maria Pentsa
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    • Bulgarian
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            • двустишие
          • Definition(s)
            • Двустишие - строфа, състояща се от два стиха, които може да са римувани. Списък с определения за двустишие може да се намери на Own research - by 4leavedClover
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Същото стихотворение завършва с друго прочуто двустишие: Нашият живот е само превод на един познат оригинал. - by 4leavedClover
            • Най-силно изразено обаче е обобщението в прословутото двустишие, станало символ на българската метаморфоза по време на подготовката на Априлското въстание: И в няколко деня, тайно и полека, народът порасте на няколко века! - Словото by 4leavedClover
            • Двустишието е познато още в древногръцката поезия, където се употребява елегическият дистих, състоящ се от хекзаметър и пентаметър. - Учебни материали по с� by 4leavedClover
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