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    • Macedonian
      • Medical: Health Care
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            • Информирана согласност
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            • Информирана согласност на испитаникот е писмена изјава на испитаникот, датирана и потпишана, за учествување во одредено клиничко испитување на лек, дадена од лице кое е способно да даде согласност или ако лицето не е способно да даде согласност, дадена од неговиот старател во согласност со закон, а која е дадена доброволно после целосно информирање за природата, значењето, последиците и ризикот по здравјето. Министерство за здрав - by Josif Mircheski
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            • Кога спроведуваат истражување, или се занимаваат со психолошка процена, терапија или советување, било да е тоа лице­в­лице или преку други форми на комуникација, психолозите обезбедуваат информирана согласност од поединците вклучени во наведените активности. - Етички кодекс на псих� by Josif Mircheski
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    • Greek
      • Medical: Health Care
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            • συναίνεση (συγκατάθεση) κατόπιν ενημέρωσης
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            • Η συναίνεση κατόπιν ενημέρωσης είναι η συγκατάθεση του ασθενούς για μια συγκεκριμένη θεραπεία που πρόκειται να ακολουθηθεί με στόχο την καταπολέμηση της ασθένειάς του, κατόπιν πολύ καλής ενημέρωσης εκ μέρους του ιατρού που παρακολουθεί την πορεία της ασθένειας, σχετικά με την πραγματική κατάστασή του, καθώς και τις πιθανές συνέπειες αυτής της θεραπείας. Own research - by Albana Dhimitri
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    • English
      • Medical: Health Care
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            • informed consent
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            • The process of obtaining a patient's permission for a procedure after the patient and doctor have discussed the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure and the patient understands them. US Food and Drug Administration
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            • As long as the patient is mentally and physically able to make his or her own decisions, medical care cannot begin unless the patient gives informed consent. - American Cancer Society
            • Prior to surgery, your child's physician will give you a careful explanation of what procedure will be performed and the risks involved. You will be asked to sign an informed consent form which states in detail that you understand the risks and benefits of your child's surgery. - Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York
            • To give informed consent to all procedures and treatment to be rendered, and to have questions answered; and to refuse and/or to discontinue procedures and treatment and to be informed of the consequences of such a decision. - Washington Adventist Hospital
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    • Romanian
      • Medical: Health Care
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            • consimţământ informat
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            • Consimtamantul informat presupune informarea in termeni netehnici, privind: diagnosticul, necesitatea procedurii, beneficiul, riscurile ei, alternative la procedura recomandata (netratare/sau alte tratamente superioare pe care acel medic/spital/tara nu le poate realiza). Own research - by Cristina Bolohan
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            • Consimtamantul informat a fost statuat legal in SUA incepand cu 1905, Curtea Suprema de Justitie Minesota (Mohr v. Williams). Structural, un consimtamant informat presupune: elemente de ordin informational (prezentarea si intelegerea informatiilor) si elemente proprii: voluntariatul si competenta psihica (capacitate de exercitiu). - by Cristina Bolohan
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    • Danish
      • Medical: Health Care
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            • informeret samtykke
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            • Informeret samtykke betyder, at en voksen og ikke inhabil forsøgsperson er informeret tilstrækkeligt - normalt både mundtligt og skriftligt - til at kunne tage stilling til, om vedkommende fx vil deltage i et biomedicinsk forsøg eller modtage en behandling. Own research - by Lingua Danica
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            • Fra "Lov om patienters retsstilling", § 6 stk. 3: "Ved informeret samtykke forstås i denne lov et samtykke, der er givet på grundlag af fyldestgørende information fra sundhedspersonens side, jf. § 7" - Lov nr. 482 af 1. juli 1998 by Lingua Danica
            • "Informeret samtykke til deltagelse i eet biomedicinsk forskningsprojekt". Fra Den Centrale Videnskabsetiske Kommités standarderklæring vedr. informeret samtykke. From The Danish National Committee on Biomedical Research Ethics, exact link for the text:øgning/20080602173022/CurrentVersion/Samtykkeerklæringer%20S1%20-%20S12,%20maj%202008.doc - Den Centrale Videnskabsetiske Kommité by Lingua Danica
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