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    • Serbian
      • Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
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            • tvrda voda
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            • Vodu opisujemo kao tvrda ako sadrži puno rastvorenih soli, posebno kalcijuma i magnezijuma. Tvrda voda utiče na naše zdravlje, a i štetna jer uzrokuje stvaranje naslaga kamenca na cevima i sistemima za grenje, i u odnosu na meku vodu smanjuje efekat pranja sapuna i sredstava za pranje. CWG Balkan d.o.o. - by V&M Stanković
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Tvrdom vodom naziva se voda u kojoj su prisutni kalcijumovi i bikarbonatni joni. Ova voda stvara kamenac, koji ometa rad mnogih kućnih uređaja. - Svet hemije by V&M Stanković
            • Pijaća, tvrda voda, sa visokom elektroprovodljivošću izazvanom dominantnim prisustvom kalcijumsko–magnezijumskih jona, utiče na zeta-potencijal u suprotnom smeru, smanjuje negativnu vrednost zeta-potencijala šelita. - doiSerbia by V&M Stanković
            • TVRDA voda je ona koja izbija na povrsinu iz podzemnih izvora. Sadrzi kalcijum – karbonat i moze biti blago slankasta. MEKA voda je povrsinska, iz nabujalih potoka i kisnica. Ima manje minerala i bezukusna je. - Nutricia by V&M Stanković
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    • Thai
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            • น้ำกระด้าง
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            • น้ำกระด้าง หมายถึง น้ำที่ประกอบด้วยเกลือแร่ (เช่น ประจุแมกนีเซียม ประจุแคลเซียม) ซึ่งทำให้สบู่เป็นฟองน้อย The Free Dictionary - by auragun
          • Example sentence(s)
            • ตัวอย่างน้ำกระด้าง เช่น น้ำคลอง น้ำบ่อ น้ำประปา น้ำบาดาล น้ำทะเล - Institute for the Promotion of Teaching by auragun
            • น้ำกระด้างจะมีแมกนีเซียมอยู่ประมาณ 35% ของธาตุประจุบวก - Department of Industrial Works by auragun
            • ปลาบางชนิดชอบอยู่น้ำอ่อน ปลาบางชนิดชอบอยู่น้ำกระด้าง ปลาบางชนิดอยู่ได้ทั้งสองน้ำ - Thailand Fish and Nature Explorer by auragun
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    • English
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            • hard water
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            • Hard water is water contaminated with compounds of calcium and magnesium. Dissolved iron, manganese, and strontium compounds can also contribute to the "total hardness" of the water, which is usually expressed as ppm CaCO3. Water with a hardness over 80 ppm CaCO3 is often treated with water softeners, since hard water produces scale in hot water pipes and boilers and lowers the effectiveness of detergents.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Some laundry detergents do not produce as many suds in hard water, these are likely to be soap-based products and do not work as well in hard-water as detergent based products. -
            • Hard water also contributes to inefficient and costly operation of water-using appliances. Heated hard water forms a scale of calcium and magnesium minerals that can contribute to the inefficient operation or failure of water-using appliances. - Wilkes University
            • Clothes washed in hard water often look dingy and feel harsh and scratchy. - sciLinks
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    • Portuguese
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            • Água dura
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            • Água rica em minerais de cálcio e magnésio, principalmente carbonatos. Own research - by Marcelo Lino
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            • Dureza da água é a propriedade relacionada com a concentração de íons de determinados minerais dissolvidos nesta substância. A dureza da água é predominantemente causada pela presença de sais de Cálcio e Magnésio, de modo que os principais íons levados em consideração na medição são os de Cálcio (Ca+) e (Mg+) - Wikipedia by Marcelo Lino
            • O tratamento da água dura para a retirada de Ca2+ e Mg2+ é conhecido por abrandamento ou amolecimento e consiste em fazer a água atravessar uma resina que captura os íons Ca2+ e Mg2+, substituindo-os por íons não prejudiciais ao homem, tais como o Na+ e o H+. - UENF by Marcelo Lino
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    • Polish
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            • woda twarda
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            • Woda twarda – woda zawierająca znaczne stężenie soli różnych metali, a zwłaszcza wapnia i magnezu, np. chlorków, siarczanów (VI), wodorowęglanów wapnia i magnezu. Podczas gotowania wody twardej powstaje tzw. kamień kotłowy, tj. nierozpuszczalny osad węglanu wapnia lub magnezu. Taka woda może powodować różne usterki na urządzeniach elektrycznych np. pralce, czajniku elektrycznym. wikipedia - by Igoraczi
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    • German
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            • hartes Wasser
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            • Hartes Wasser hat eine hohe Konzentration an Ca2+ and Mg2+ Ionen. Bei der Reaktion der Erdalkali-Ionen mit Seife entstehen Niederschläge, die sich auf Textilfasern ablagern und deren Entfärbung verursachen können. Universität Regensburg FB Chemie - by Marion Schweizer
          • Example sentence(s)
            • In hartem Wasser ist die Wirksamkeit der Seife stark eingeschränkt. Hartes Wasser bedeutet einen höheren Seifenverbrauch. Die bis zur vollständigen Ausfällung der Härtebildner zugesetzte Seife geht für den Waschprozess verloren. Darüberhinaus wird ein Teil der Seife auch noch benötigt, um die entstandene Kalkseife in der Waschlauge zu dispergieren. - Universität Regensburg FB Chemie by Marion Schweizer
            • Was ist hartes Wasser? Was macht das Trinkwasser hart? Trinkwasser enthält je nach Herkunft (Oberflächen-, Grund- oder Quellwasser) unterschiedliche Mengen der beiden Mineralstoffe Calcium und Magnesium. Die Härte von Wasser wird durch die Menge gelöster Calcium- und Magnesiumverbindungen ("Kalk") charakterisiert. Je höher der Gehalt, desto härter das Wasser. Das neue Wasch- und Reinigungsmittelgesetz (am 1. Mai 2007 in Kraft getreten) unterscheidet nur noch drei statt bisher vier Härtebereiche. Die Menge der im Wasser gelösten Calcium-Ionen (nicht jedoch der Magnesiumgehalt) entscheidet darüber, in welchen Härtebereich das Wasser einzuordnen ist. - Verband d. Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft by Marion Schweizer
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    • Greek
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            • σκληρό νερό
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            • Σκληρό νερό είναι το νερό που περιέχει διαλυμένα άλατα μεταλλικών ιόντων Own research - by MChris
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Όταν το νερό περιέχει μεγάλη ποσότητα διαλυμένων αλάτων, λέγεται σκληρό νερό. Το σκληρό νερό είναι ακατάλληλο για την πλύση με σαπούνι. - wikipedia by MChris
            • Όταν το νερό αναφέρεται ως "σκληρό" αυτό σημαίνει απλά, ότι περιέχει περισσότερα μεταλλικά στοιχεία από το συνηθισμένο νερό. - Food-info by MChris
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