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    • Hindi
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            • ऑक्यूपेंसी दर
          • Definition(s)
            • होटलों में आगंतुकों के ठहराव को दर्शाने वाला प्रतिशत Own research - by Amar Nath
          • Example sentence(s)
            • मुंबई : प्रमुख शहरों में प्रीमियम सेगमेंट होटलों की ऑक्यूपेंसी में सितंबर में बीते साल के मुकाबले 2 फीसदी की गिरावट दर्ज की गई है। क्रिसिल रिसर्च के आंकड़ों के मुताबिक, सितंबर में कमरों का औसत किराया (एआरआर) भी 21 फीसदी बढ़ा है। होटलों ने खर्च का भार ग्राहकों पर डाल दिया है। - Economic Times by Amar Nath
            • होटल एंड रेस्टोरेंट एसोसिएशन ऑफ नार्थ इंडिया (एचआरएएनआई) की प्रबंधक समिति के सदस्य आर. एन. कुकरेजा कहते हैं कि ऑक्यूपेंसी दर कम हो जाने से इन रेस्टोरेंट और होटलों में खाने की बिक्री कम हो गई है। व्यंजनों की बढ़ी कीमतें उपभोक्ता की जेब पर भारी पड़ने लगी है। - Business Standard by Amar Nath
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    • Persian (Farsi)
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            • درصد اشغال
          • Definition(s)
            • درصد اشغال عبارت است از تعداد اتاقها یا تختهای اشغال شده در یک هتل یا بیمارستان توسط میهمانان یا بیماران نسبت به تعداد کل اتاقها یا تختهای موجود Own research - by Salman Rostami
          • Example sentence(s)
            • درصد اشغال هتل ها در استا ن ما به دو عامل مهم و ساختاري بستگي دارد. - میراث آریا by Salman Rostami
            • عوامل مؤثر بر افزايش درصد اشغال هتلهاي تحت پوشش بنياد مستضعفان و جانبازان - ایران داک by Salman Rostami
            • براي مدل بندي درصد اشغال تخت بيمارستاني از مدل هاي پوآسني، دو جمله اي منفي و آميخته پوآسني، و براي در نظر گرفتن نقش هر بخش بيمارستاني به عنوان يک مولفه تصادفي از مدل هاي سلسله مراتبي آميخته پوآسني، دو جمله اي منفي و نرمال دو مولفه اي استفاده شد - پایگاه اطلاعات علمی sid by Salman Rostami
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    • English
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            • occupancy rate
          • Definition(s)
            • Refers to the number of rooms or beds occupied by guests on any given date, usually presented as a percentage. Because accommodation is perishable (i.e. if rooms are unsold on the 1st December, there won’t be another chance to sell them), high occupancy rates are essential to profitability Tourism Knowledge
          • Example sentence(s)
            • New York City's hotel occupancy rate is climbing, and jobs are being added to the city's service and retail sectors, according to new data, even as concerns about the local economy are reaching a fever pitch. - New York The Sun
            • Lucia Dwi Cahyani or Ani, assistant marketing communications manager of the Hard Rock Hotel in Kuta, said her hotel's occupancy rate was well above 90 percent until Monday, higher than the average occupancy rate of 75 percent on normal days. - The Jakarta Post
            • Occupancy rates of star-rated hotels have also increased. On August 12, occupancy rates of five-star hotels reached 80.3 percent, a rise of 0.3 percentage points compared with August 8. Two-star hotels and below saw their occupancy rates increase 30-40 percent, with an increase of 2-4 percentage points over that of August 8. - The Official Website of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
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    • Romanian
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            • grad de ocupare
          • Definition(s)
            • gradul de ocupare, este considerat o rata fundamentala si se calculeaza ca (numar camere ocupate/numar camere disponibile) x 100, si are o exprimare la nivel de zi, luna, an. - by Lucica Abil (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Tarifele pe camera si veniturile hotelierilor s-au mentinut la un nivel ridicat in prima jumatate a anului in curs, desi gradul de ocupare si cererea au inregistrat o scadere pe anumite piete, potrivit unui studiu al unei companii de cercetare, citat de publicatia Forbes. - by Lucica Abil (X)
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    • Portuguese
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            • taxa de ocupação
          • Definition(s)
            • Taxa de ocupação corresponde ao número de quartos/camas de hotel reservados durante um determinado período, permitindo avaliar a evolução das reservas de um hotel em particular, ou de determinada cidade ou região, quando analisada comparativamente. Own research - by marina tavares
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Os mais recentes indicadores apurados pelo Gabinete de Estudos e Estatísticas (GEE) da AHP (Associação da Hotelaria de Portugal), referem que no mês de Setembro verificou-se na generalidade dos destinos turísticos portugueses um aumento da taxa de ocupação em todas as categorias de alojamento, excepto nas unidades de 3 estrelas (-0,40%), face ao mesmo período de 2006." - opção turismo (tourism newsletter) by marina tavares
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