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    • English
      • Medical (general)
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            • Mongolian spot
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          • Definition(s)
            • A type of birthmark that can appear anywhere on a child’s body, most frequently on the lower back or buttocks. These dark pigmented areas usually fade by age five, and are seen most often in African-American, Hispanic, Oriental, and Native American babies. Missouri Department of Social Services
          • Example sentence(s)
            • There is no treatment or any therapy needed on detection of Mongolian spots among kids as it is of no detrimental consequence and would subside by itself. - All Mothers: Pregnancy & Parenting by
            • If Mongolian spots remain at puberty, they are likely to be permanent. Fewer than five percent of children with Mongolian spots still have any by the time they reach adulthood. - Greene Ink, Inc. by
            • Generalized Mongolian spots involving large areas covering the entire posterior or anterior trunk and the extremities have been reported. - Medscape by
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    • Italian
      • Medical (general)
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            • macchia mongolica
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            • Macchia bluastra della cute comunemente osservabile, alla nascita, nella regione sacrale dei bambini, con maggiore frequenza nei neonati di razza africana o asiatica. Causata da un aumento dei melanociti mesodermici, scompare normalmente entro i 3-4 anni di età. zanichelli medicina - by Bruno Depascale
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Se siete nati con una strana macchia sul fondoschiena probabilmente discendete da Gengis Khan. Si chiama “macchia mongolica” non a caso, visto che il 99% dei mongoli ce l’ha e se ne vanta parecchio. - by Bruno Depascale
            • La macchia mongolica, detta in giapponese mou kohan (meng guban in cinese e mongolian spot in inglese), di diametro variabile e colore tra il blu e il grigio, posizionata all'altezza dell'osso sacro e nella parte alta delle natiche (raramente su spalle, schiena e gambe), piatta e pigmentosa, dai bordi nebulosi e dalla forma irregolare, non è nient'altro che una concentrazione di melanociti nel derma, intrappolati durante la loro migrazione verso l'epidermide. - dizionario medico by Bruno Depascale
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    • Serbian
      • Medical (general)
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            • mongolske mrlje
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            • Mongolske mrlje su tamnoplava prebojenost kože, različite veličine, najčešće u predelu trtične kosti. Česta je pojava kod crne i orijentalnih rasa, a u našoj sredini kod romske dece, mada se viđa i kod 10 odsto beba bele rase. Iščezava spontano do četvrte godine života. YuMama - by Milan Djukić
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Mongolska mrlja (fleka) nije ništa drugo već zbijene ćelije melanina, odnosno ćelije kože koje sadrže melanin, uobičajeni pigment kože. Kada je ovaj urođeni mladež bliži površini kože izgleda braonkast i što je dublje u koži to više poprima modru boju. U svakom slučaju, ona se ne tretira kao hematom niti kao bilo koje medicinsko stanje. Mongolske mrlje nisu predispozicija za rak kože i ne prouzrokuju stanja koja zahtevaju posebnu medicinsku negu. - Roditelj Portal by Milan Djukić
            • „Mongolske mrlje“ (tamne mrlje u predelu leđa i gluteusa) i kapilarni hemangiomi (u predelu čela) vremenom spontano nestaju. - Stetoskop by Milan Djukić
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    • Dutch
      • Medical (general)
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            • mongolenvlek
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            • pigmentvlek, een grijsblauwe verkleuring, bij pasgeborenen ter hoogte van het heiligbeen, de billen (of soms armen en benen); komt vooral voor bij kinderen van gekleurde ouders; verdwijnt in de regel binnen het jaar. Coëlho, Zakwoordenboek der geneeskunde - by Antoinette Verburg
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Een mongolenvlek is een blauwzwarte, grijsgrauwe of soms donkerbruine goedaardige pigmentvlek met golvende grenzen en een onregelmatige vorm. Het is een onschuldige verkleuring die vaak voorkomt bij Aziatische en negroïde kinderen. Bij blanke kinderen komt het weinig voor. De vlek zit meestal op de stuit en de rug. Hij komt meestal voor bij kinderen met een donkere huidskleur. De vlek ziet er dan extra donker, soms zelfs zwart-blauw uit. Hij kan over het hele lichaam voorkomen. De grootste vlek zit meestal boven de billen. De vlekken verdwijnen vanzelf na 3 tot 5 jaar of vervagen toch aanzienlijk tegen de puberteit. Een mongolenvlek wordt na de geboorte soms onterecht aangezien voor een geboortetrauma, soms worden de vlekken ook aangezien voor sporen van kindermishandeling. - Wikipedia by Antoinette Verburg
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    • Turkish
      • Medical (general)
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            • "mongol lekesi" (as a medical term) or "moğol lekesi"
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            • bebekdoktoru (A Madical website) - by Murat Baş
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Yeni doğanda belki de en sık görülen koyu renkli leke Mongol (moğol) lekeleridir. - Bebek by Murat Baş
            • Moğol Lekeleri (Mongol Lekeleri) Yeni doğanda mavi ile açık gri arasında çürüğü andıran kenarları belirgin moğol lekeleri bebeğin poposunda veya sırtında bazen de bacaklarda ve omuzlarda görülürler. - by Murat Baş
            • - Padiatri Portalı by Murat Baş
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