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Search results: (30 matches)
Italian INVESTIMENTI UTILI PER PARTIRE Investimenti pubblicitari Buongiorno Cecilia, tenendo conto che sono
scaricabili dalle tasse direi anche di
approfittare per materiale pubblicitario e
consulenza marketing a lungo termine. In bocca al
Elena Mordenti May 2, 2022
Money matters Another scammer Scammer is possible Hi Inez, I read your post and comments as well.
Watch out because it might be a scammer actually!
I had a bad experience last year with a supposed
to be an American oil rig engineering who
Elena Mordenti Aug 26, 2019
Trados support Creating a second adaptive MT engine in Studio 2019 for a different language pair Edit the existing MT Hi Manuela, Just coming up on my mind you could
amend the existing pair instead of creating a new
one. It could go in conflict using a target
language already created. I'm not sure actual
Elena Mordenti Aug 16, 2019
Machine Translation (MT) DeepL now translates complete MS Word files DeepL very useful! Thank you for sharing Hans, I found it when
translating from German into Italian on Pons
website. The meaning of texts translated sounds
Elena Mordenti Jul 18, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you keep record of all the projects you've worked on? Yes I keep all files or a part of them relating to a
project. Sometimes it's useful remind me the 9
years of work.
Elena Mordenti Dec 11, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Which is the best way to learn a new language? Self-teaching My self-teaching is related to German language.
When I was a child my father taught me numbers in
German because during the last World War his
family took care of an injured german soldier
Elena Mordenti Oct 13, 2016
Italian Quando inviate la notula ai clienti esteri? Buongiorno Anna In effetti no, perché per pagarmi avevano bisogno
di un documento contabile. In ogni caso mi hanno
mandato il pagamento entro due/tre giorni
dall'invio. Mi sono un po' fidata ma conoscen
Elena Mordenti Jul 25, 2016
Italian Quando inviate la notula ai clienti esteri? forum passato Ciao arrivo un po' in ritardo ;-) Ti segnalo la
mia risposta ad un forum passato che forse ti
potrebbe essere
Elena Mordenti Jul 25, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: How much work do you receive through your own professional website? More or less 5% I've started a blog actually, maybe a website next
Elena Mordenti Jul 6, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Rush jobs - love 'em or hate 'em? Hate I hate rush jobs but someone told me I do my best
under pressure.
Elena Mordenti May 21, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you think about working at home? It's OK at home Years ago I worked at the office and sometimes
when I remember that time I miss the personal
interactions, colleagues with their support and
opinions. On the other hand I agree with Juli
Elena Mordenti May 12, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: In your experience, which is the least busy day of the week, excluding the weekend? Friday Same comment as Christine Elena Mordenti May 10, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Which social network is making a professional impact for you? Proz Thanks to Directory and Kudoz! Elena Mordenti May 8, 2016
Italian Consigli per chi è all'inizio Wwa del profilo Ciao Giovanna, Intanto benvenuta. Ti capisco
perché sono 4 anni che cerco lavoro e non è
facile a qualsiasi età. Dato che sei una persona
disponibile a dare una mano senza mai chied
Elena Mordenti Apr 17, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use Linguee? Yes often Sometimes in De-It combination it lacks
translations but in this case I use the De-En text
and then I translate into Italian.
Elena Mordenti Feb 29, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: I am... Translator In some cases an interpreter but rarely, in a
meeting or in a fair.
Elena Mordenti Feb 25, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever entered in any translation contest? Yes I took part to Proz translation contest on 2014 in
language pairs de-it fr-it.
Elena Mordenti Feb 24, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: User-friendly and Competitive on the market: which CAT Tool is the best choice? Other I use Omega T but I'd like Trados too. Elena Mordenti Feb 23, 2016
Italian Come crearsi un buon giro di clienti a inizio carriera? Kudoz/blog/forum Mi associo ai consigli che ti hanno dato i
colleghi e confermo che anch'io sono stata trovata
dall'agenzia per via della mia specializzazione
sui trasporti. Mi hanno offerto un lavoro di<
Elena Mordenti Dec 9, 2015
Italian Corsi di traduzione online per diplomati Corso online di traduzione tedesco-italiano Ciao :) non preoccuparti c'è sempre qualcuno che
legge Mi permetto di consigliarti il corso di
Lingua Berlin che ho appena completato. Io ho
seguito quello base ma ci sono anche altri p
Elena Mordenti Nov 28, 2015
Italian Co-working in Provincia di Bologna Bella iniziativa Per me è lontano, però non si sa mai. Elena Mordenti Nov 28, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Was translation your first career? Ocean Freight Forwarder My job was very interesting but I was too much
under pressure so I quitted. I began translating
because I was passionate about foreign languages
(german, english and french).
Elena Mordenti Nov 26, 2015
Italian Agenzie che richiedono un articolo per il loro blog meglio un tuo blog su Wordpress Concordo con Tom, anche perché la procedura
prevede che tu mandi l'autorizzazione per la
pubblicazione con l'esclusiva per il loro sito e
con l'impegno a non pubblicarla da nessun'altra
Elena Mordenti Nov 25, 2015
Italian notula senza P.IVA all'estero Ricevuta semplice Ciao Julie, mi è capitato nel 2013 di fare una
ricevuta in Spagna e così ho chiesto e il
consulente mi ha detto di fare semplicemente una
ricevuta. Ti indico la
bozza: -------
Elena Mordenti Jun 14, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever written a translation-related article? Yes but only in
and this is my
blog @Allison m
Elena Mordenti May 19, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a blog? Yes @writeit I'll keep up Pieter as you suggested.
Thank you
Elena Mordenti May 12, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a blog? Yes I began last year after an online course for
translators but stopped two week later. I didn't
know what to write actually, but I made an effort
just to start with it. Since months I haven'
Elena Mordenti May 11, 2014
Italian Parlez-vous français? simpatico ... e un po rétro grazie Elena Mordenti Feb 20, 2014
Off topic Happy new year to all translators/interpreters Happy New Year 2011 Where there's a will there's a way :) Elena Mordenti Dec 30, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How old were you when you bought/were given your first bilingual paper dictionary? 8 years I asked for a German-Italian dictionary for my
birthday. My mum was a bit surprised, but she
understood that I really wanted it. At the
beginning passion is stronger than ever :)
Elena Mordenti Oct 23, 2010

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