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Search results: (45 matches)
MemoQ support Create a view with documents in a specific order Trick to put docs in specific order in a view Great workaround, Stepan, thanks for the
idea! It may be a feature request for future
releases, though, to order them without this
trick... Thanks again and have a great
AZTranslations Apr 9, 2021
MemoQ support Create a view with documents in a specific order Hi y'all! I'm using memoQ translator pro 9.6,
and I would like to create a view containing the
documents in a specific order that has nothing to
do with the available filters, i.e. NOT<
AZTranslations Apr 8, 2021
MemoQ support Auto translation rule for dates EN-DE Figured it out! Ok, I figured it out! Here's the solution for
converting US dates (month day, year) into German
dates (day. month
year): (#Monat#)s+(d{1,2}),s+(d{4}) $2. $1
$3 #Monat# is a l
AZTranslations Oct 5, 2017
MemoQ support Auto translation rule for dates EN-DE Hi all I have checked the provided auto
translation rule in memoQ 8.2 for German numbers,
but it apparently doesn't catch dates. I have
tried to create a new rule that converts the
AZTranslations Oct 5, 2017 training Free Webinar - WordFinder - The Words You Want. Any Where, Any Time! No confirmation e-mail Hi! I registered but received no confirmation
e-mail - how can I participate now???
AZTranslations Feb 6, 2013 training Free Webinar - Deliver your translation jobs earlier using memoQ's LiveDocs technology Part of memoQ Hi Melisa. As far as I know, they are only
available as part of the memoQ tool, so you need
to have that. there is a free 45-day trial version
available on the website, though,
AZTranslations Feb 16, 2011
Trados support Studio 2009: term recognition doesn't work right Thank you so much for all your help and efforts, Jerzy!!! I think it is absolutely awesome that you try so
hard to help others with Trados! Well, we'll
have to see how I can get this one solved. I tried
system restore, but that didn't work eit
AZTranslations Dec 17, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009: term recognition doesn't work right Status update Ok, somehow I managed to get term recognition
working again, but with the same problem as
originally in SP2, namely that only some terms are
auto-completed, others show a red line but have
AZTranslations Dec 17, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009: term recognition doesn't work right Tools not working I am now running SP3, and the SideBSide tools are
not working! When I run Repair 2009, the last two
points don't work and I get this error
message: Problem executing command:
AZTranslations Dec 16, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009: term recognition doesn't work right Error message In the meantime, because SP3 is not working
properly, I have uninstalled SP3 and reinstalled
SP2, which then wouldn't open at all (couldn't
load Editor view), so now I reinstalled SP3, but
AZTranslations Dec 15, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009: term recognition doesn't work right FInally could download it I could finally download the patch, but it ran
with errors and the problem persists, plus now I
also can't add terms?!
AZTranslations Dec 14, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009: term recognition doesn't work right OK, next problem Ok, now I uninstalled SP3 again, fixed the Java
problem, re-installed SP3 and the updates 1, 8 and
9. Then I came across Article # 3420 (Repair
after updates 8 and 9), but the zip file is
AZTranslations Dec 14, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009: term recognition doesn't work right @Walter It says I have the current version... AZTranslations Dec 14, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009: term recognition doesn't work right Java version 1.6.0_22 AZTranslations Dec 14, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009: term recognition doesn't work right Now term recognition doesn't work at all?! Wonderful. I installed SP3, and now term
recognition doesn't work at all. I can search for
the terms manually and insert them, but that's not
really a solution! :(
AZTranslations Dec 14, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009: term recognition doesn't work right Now updating to SP3 Somehow I had missed that update, so that's what
I'm doing now. Hopefully that will resolve the
issue.... Thanks for the help, especially
Jerzy! :)
AZTranslations Dec 13, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009: term recognition doesn't work right Hello all. For the last couple of days I've had
the following problem with Studio 2009: The term
recognition works only selectively, i.e. if I
don't check the "Show recognized terms with
AZTranslations Dec 13, 2010
Trados support Trados Studio 2009 Error - Error in response: got seg, expected segment data... Same problem here But my file isn't really large at all.... Any
help, anyone?
AZTranslations Apr 27, 2010
Trados support SDL 2009: protocol error Workaround Hi, in the meantime, I tried all sorts of
Java-related fixes (changing the size of the
virtual machine, checking the version, not doing
updates etc.), and I uninstalled and reinstalled
AZTranslations Apr 13, 2010
Trados support term recognition in 2009 two termbases and capital letter Did you open the Workbench in between? Hi, did you for some reason open the Workbench and
then tried working with Studio again? I had that
problem, and this is a known bug. You need to
download a little program from the talism
AZTranslations Apr 6, 2010
Trados support SDL 2009: protocol error Hello all! When I open a file in Studio, I get
the following error: There was a protocol error
in the communication. You do not have the
authorization required to carry out this
AZTranslations Apr 6, 2010 hosting Hosting Down (staff: 'Fixed.') It's working again!! At least for me!! Thank you!! AZTranslations Mar 9, 2010
Trados support Target text could not be saved. Prefix 'w14' is not defined. .doc instead of .docx Ok, I just found a solution, but it still
shouldn't happen, should it? I saved the
original documents as .doc and used those as
source - violá, no more problem with preview or
AZTranslations Feb 5, 2010
Trados support Target text could not be saved. Prefix 'w14' is not defined. I just tried to save the big document I just
translated in the original format (docx) and
that's the error message I get! When I try to
open it in the live preview window, I get the same<
AZTranslations Feb 5, 2010
Trados support SDL Studio SP1 - programs don't work anymore Yes, that did the trick! Thank you so much, Gareth, that did it! And also
thank you for your quick response!
AZTranslations Oct 16, 2009
Trados support SDL Studio SP1 - programs don't work anymore Hello. I just downloaded the SP1 yesterday and
installed it for both Studio and MultiTerm. Today
i wanted to use it, but The termbases were no
longer recognized (error message: The termba
AZTranslations Oct 16, 2009 hosting SSL Support? Same question/request Hello , I also would like to add a page for
secure file transfer to my website. Is ssl
possible or working with https? Where and how can
a get a certificate/key?
AZTranslations Oct 16, 2009
Trados support SDL Trados Studio 2009 Auto Suggest Limit? Thank you Andrej and Paul @ Andrej: Thanks for understanding my question and
posing it better! :) Especially since I wasn't on
the PC these last 2 days... @Paul: Thanks for
clarifying the process and alleviating
AZTranslations Sep 27, 2009
Trados support SDL Trados Studio 2009 Auto Suggest Limit? No, not a problem per se I was just wondering why the number of processed
phrases was limited and if there was a way to
process a TM without such a limit to get the most
out of a very large TM, for example. I ju
AZTranslations Sep 23, 2009
Trados support SDL Trados Studio 2009 Auto Suggest Limit? Hello all, I have finally gotten around to
creating an auto suggest glossary, and yes, >i
have more than enough translation units in the
relevant TM to create one, however: Once I start<
AZTranslations Sep 23, 2009
Trados support Studio 2009: TM search not working Possible solution Hello all. I think I now know the reason why
this happens. HH touched on this, although the
field problem does not apply for me. However, the
project Tm is at the core of it all, as far
AZTranslations Sep 15, 2009
Trados support Studio 2009: TM search not working No, no solution found yet Hi Russell, unfortunately, the recommendation
with the hotfix did not solve the problem. :(
I'm still waiting for someone to help me with
this. Until then it's concordance search, copy
AZTranslations Aug 23, 2009
Trados support Studio 2009: TM search not working Settings are correct Hello Claudia, as I wrote initially, I have all
the settings correctly configured, automation on,
all the checkmarks in the right places... I
tried removing and adding the TM again,
AZTranslations Jul 26, 2009
Trados support Studio 2009: TM search not working Hello all, I have a very irritating
problem: Existing matches in the TM are not found
automatically in the results, but when I search
for them via concordance, they are there,
AZTranslations Jul 25, 2009
Voiceover Voice-over questions No idea Hi Vera, it was a request from a company that
regularly does voice-overs. Unfortunately, nothing
became of it, so I don't know exactly what type of
document/file it would have been.
AZTranslations Jul 16, 2009
Trados support MultiTerm 2009 error when trying to open termbank Thank you I found them! I was looking for the wrong file
extension and in the wrong place... sigh. I've
always been better at using things than at
configuring/installing them. Again, thank you
AZTranslations Jun 24, 2009
Trados support MultiTerm 2009 error when trying to open termbank Hello all, I just upgraded to the new SDL
Trados Studio 2009 including MultiTerm 2009. As
instructed, I uninstalled MultiTerm 2007 before
installing the new MultiTerm. Now I cannot find
AZTranslations Jun 24, 2009
Voiceover Voice-over questions Thank you, Tom and Megane! Both your comments were very helpful! All the
best to you! Anke :)
AZTranslations Jun 16, 2009
Voiceover Voice-over questions Dear colleagues, I have a request for doing a
voice-over (no translation required) for 10,000
words to be delivered in wav- format. I have never
done anything like this before but would
AZTranslations Jun 15, 2009
KudoZ Can the KudoZ term search function be improved? (staff: 'OK, improvements made') Well... I'm not opposed to change, and especially if it
includes improvements, but there is one thing
that's bugging me big time: Why does the source
language change to any, apparently at random
AZTranslations May 6, 2009
Trados support Cannot load a Word document into SDL Trados Synergy NOR open it directly in TagEditor Sorry! For some reason I didn't see the other answers
besides Natalie's until now?! Thank you ALL for
your suggestions! @Stanislav: You're right, the
projects do take a lot of space?! But I li
AZTranslations Dec 3, 2008
Trados support Cannot load a Word document into SDL Trados Synergy NOR open it directly in TagEditor Yeah - solution found!!! Ok, I figured out how to get around this
problem: I opened the document in Word, saved
it as xml-file, created an ini-file for it, and
that did the trick! I can now open it both
AZTranslations Nov 29, 2008
Trados support Cannot load a Word document into SDL Trados Synergy NOR open it directly in TagEditor unfortunately the trick doesn't work Thanks, Natalie, but I tried it and it doesn't
work. Both the TagEditor and Synergy simply shut
down when I try to load the openoffice-word doc.
AZTranslations Nov 29, 2008
Trados support Cannot load a Word document into SDL Trados Synergy NOR open it directly in TagEditor Hello all, I have asked this question in a
different thread, but the problem is different,
after all, so I'm starting a new topic. First,
my PC works with Windows XP and Office 2003.
AZTranslations Nov 29, 2008
Trados support I cannot load doc files SAME PROBLEM Hello all, I have the same problem, that I
cannot open a Word document via Synergy (I have
the newest version, Suite 2007, and Word 2003) AND
it also DOESN'T work to open it directly in
AZTranslations Nov 28, 2008

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