The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
editais de proclama banns of marriage
EERA o que se continha em ditos assentamentos, This is what was stated in the said birth certificates
em face do despacho exarado no requerimento da interessada in view of the ruling rendered in the petition of the interested party
em regime de exercício tutelado practice medicine under the supervision of an internship tutor
Em. Cert. Certificate Fee
EMA (Energia, meio ambiente e arquitetura) AEE (Architecture, Energy & Environment
Emancipada / Emancipação emancipated / emancipation
emol/conf fee/checked
Encarregado do Setor de Apoio Support Sector Officer
ENGENHARIA/IERENEST/IEHDT Engineering/ IERENEST (Refinery of the Northeast) / Hydrotreatment (Hydrodesulfurization) Projects
ensino de 2º grau secondary school
Ensino Médio Supletivo à Distância Distance G.E.D (General Education/Equivalency Diploma)
ensino recorrente recurrent education
Entidade Mantenedora ( Colegio xzxzxzxz) Administered by (name of organization)
entrelinhei interlined
EPB Workshop on (OR Study of ) Brazilian Problems (OR Issues)
Esc. des. Appointed/Designated clerk
Escrev. Clerk
Escrituras lavradas nos Serviços Notariais dos Ofícios Impares Deeds transcribed at the odd-numbered zones' notary public offices
Escrivania de Paz Notary Public
Esta certidão envolve elementos de abervação à margem do termo This (birth) certificate contains certified changes/modifications/observations/notations (in the mar
estabelecido/previsto... nestas, nestes, nesta, neste, no presente documento set forth herein
Entered by: Mario Freitas
Estagio Supervisionado Supervised Internship
estando apto a prosseguir estudos em grau superior "being entitled to continue on higher education" - I agree!
está quite com as anuidades has paid all annual dues
Estágio (supervised) practice (OR training / traineeship)
Estágio de Instrução instructional internship
Este certificado só tem validade legal This certificate is legally valid only if
Estrutura da Matéria Structure of Matter
estudo de impacto de vizinhança (eiv) Neighbo(u)rhood impact study
ex-vi pursuant to
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
Exame de estado state exam/examination
Excelência nas Habilidades Interpessoais da Secretária Excellence in Interpersonal Secretatrial Skills
Exige-se MÉDIA IGUAL OU SUPERIOR A 6.0 An average grade of 6.0 or better is required.
Exmo Senhor Chefe da Reparticão de identificação Head of the identification bureau
Entered by: Mario Freitas
Exognósia Animal Conformation
Entered by: Tania Pires
Expressão Oral Verbal Communication Skills
External Degree Diploma a Distância, Diploma não presencial
Entered by: Carla Selyer
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